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"Maya, Maya", you are needed in the principal's office. The Bell sounded and she snapped to reality 🫰.

Maya quickly grabbed her bags and hurried to the class. She felt the gravity of the message she just heard. She quickly walked to the door and swallowed her fear and walked inside.


The silence was prolonged, it was almost clear that Maya didn't get The message.

 We need her! It was repeatedly said on the phone. Bella walked quickly inside; she was a spy and was also Maya's best friend.

"Maya isn't worth this" Bella berated while keeping a stern face. she was angry but the decision had been made.

Bella swore to make life hell for Maya but she had no idea what was in store for her 🤔.





Maya stepped out of the principal's office still holding a letter ✉️ squeezed carefully but bumped Into Bella.

With glaring eyes Bella asked "where have you been"

Maya replied "I just came out of the principal's office, are you okay"

Bella rolled her eyes 👀 in disgust and asked if she received any ✉️ letter.

"No, I haven't"Maya sounded over the high voices of the students.

"Okay, I am leaving for my next class I'll see you later. Bella replied in an 😠 annoyed tone.

"she's always acting weird" Maya thought while opening her lockers. Maya looked around with fear of seeing 👁️ Bella.

Slowly she opened the letter! She couldn't believe her eyes when she Saw that she was to be recruited


Bella slammed the door of the class after Mr Ferdinand had given her and Diana detention.

Diana was the only one who knew that Bella was a spy. Apart from that she was also very popular and pretty.

"Bella I saw your text, what seems to be the problem this time" Diana genuinely asked.

"Maya is so stupid, My damned group is trying to get Maya to become a spy after she unknowingly saved one of our leaders' life from death 💀"

"So what seems to be the problem" Diana calmly asked.

Can't you see the problem! Bella replied

"if she ever enters the organization I am done for!"

"But if she does enter... you don't sweat it 😓, you said it yourself that she is too stupid"! Diana reasoned.

"Yeah but...I am not sure, ahhh the thought of her is making me disgusted 😠" Bella irritatedly said.

Diana sighed looking around and caught Maya with a guy named Lucas. In anger, she tapped Bella gently"don't look but look now... "

Bella looked and was honestly surprised at what she saw 😮. Gulping up her 🤬 anger she's patiently waiting for Lucas to leave and then confronted her.

On her highest voice she started screaming "what the freaking hell was going on a few seconds ago! I have Warned You never to go near him again!!

Maya sighed 😔 "I guess I should apologize huh....". you are just throwing a tantrum like a baby because you don't want to apologize or accept the fact that you want him to be your friend!"

Bella was about to shout back but seeing the crowd that was starting to form she cooled down"I will make you pay for this even with my last drop of blood 🩸.

...And that is how war started internally between Maya and Bella...

who do you think 💬 was right in this?

chapter 2

lucas walked down the hallway as it was his only pass to class but got stopped by Diana.

"What do you think of Bella ", Diana eagerly asked expecting a reply.

"She's wonderful, Lucas coldly replied."can you excuse me a little I am going to be late for class".

Diana smiled and allowed him to pass and while grinning She slowly revealed the earpiece that was connected to Bella.

"I told you that he hates Maya, who will respect that kind of 🤓 nerd." "thanks for your help but Lucas is just a classmate to me " Bella said.

"please! don't try that joke on me because I already know how you feel.... "Diana are you okay? One of her classmates asked genuinely. Diana replied "what kind of stupid question is that,huh? get lost losers!


Maya reached the building given to her in the picture. She folded it quickly and after looking round She entered the pass code. she was immediately confronted with a man named Dorado.

Dorado led her quietly into the basement revealing a bunch of equipment used as spies. Maya met with the director Mrs. Rose who led her into a room.

"I observed that you are a smart girl and I know you have seen me before because you unknowingly saved my life"

Mrs rose stated.

Maya smiled trying to hide her shyness but mustered up courage to ask what she was needed to do.

Mrs rose kindly said "you are given a mission and I Feel that Bella is a villain, or she has signed a contract with one,"

Maya eyes rose up in 😲 shock as she heard this Revelation. Calming down she asked"so I guess I am supposed to run a secret investigation around her huh?"

Mrs rose answered"yes, and I want you to know that she can never know of this or your life would be in danger" "I am giving you a watch that will enable you to;

Find the location of a person and delete memories within a given time.

I am trusting you dearly, I want to also say that we have a rival spy group called AGENTS BLACK 🖤, we are called AGENTS RED.

From now on you are a spy and your mission starts now! You will update us every week and I hope to see you soon




...*lunch bell rings*...


Lucas goes around with his friends champ and silver. "Lucas, Lucas!" silver called out angrily.

"Guy where do you want to sit, I have been waiting for your choice" champ complained angrily.

"Jeez chill out bro... I am looking for a girl I met to return her......

Ohhh" champ and silver echoed around Lucas smiling.

"And who is this girl that caught your attention? They asked 😏. "Stop it guys oh here she is" Lucas replied. The Three friends walked towards Maya who was also looking for a lunch table.

"hey, i came to give you your book!". Oh thanks so much. Maya eyes fell on Lucas watch and that was the beginning

of a strong friendship.

chapter 3

Lucas noticed Maya's attention was pointed towards his watch. He grew anxious and faked a smile while covering up his hands.

^^^"where did you get that watch",^^^

Maya asked suspiciously watching his reaction. Lucas smiled 🥲 and lied saying that he got the watch from his grandmother. "okay that's cool 😎 l guess? "will you like to have lunch at our table, Lucas friends asked and Maya happily said yes and carried her lunch tray to their table.



...The School Bell rang...

Lucas and his friends silver and champ said goodbye to Maya as they went to their different classes 👩‍🏫

 "Maya, Maya jeez where were you? DIana asked giving Maya a 😐 i don't care look .

"um, i was at Lucas lunch table we had a lot of discussion going on in our last class so we decided to continue it over lunch!" Maya replied

whatevs i don't really care! Diana said rolling her eyes 🙄.

"then why did you ask me you stupid brat 🤬" Maya replied in anger. "hey listen carefully don't talk to me like that you don't really want to cross the line "Diana said smirking😏

"Stop being a crybaby will ya... you are literally a teenager not a kindergarten" Diana said teasing her more. Maya clutched her hands trying to hold back the burst of anger she was feeling, but it was unfortunately too late!

Maya seized Diana's hair and pulling it she pinned her to the lockers. Diana started screaming and tried resisting but got a huge slap 👋 that sent her spinning down the hallway and landing on the floor in absolute pain.

Maya bent over her and teasing her said "never mess with me". Diana realized that she was making herself a laughing stock and doubling in pain she got up looking like an absolute mess






...At the organization...

"Maya what you did was completely ruthless, I know you are a spy now, but you cannot use your........

"Let me stop you there! I think you will be happy to see that I have a lead on who your rivals might be. "Wait you know..... who are they?

"Cool down, ma'am… The person in question is a suspect, and he is also my friend "Maya said in a hushed tone. "Let me pull up his picture ". Maya quickly typed a few keys on the laptop and brought up a picture

"Ah, ah you are right, he looks like a SPY. Ahhh your current mission is cancelled until further note. For now, you are to place a bug on his watch and that will lead us to find his secrets, do you understand!

"But... but I can't do that Lucas is a friend to me! Maya said trying to reason with the infuriated director.

"Stop! Stop! This is what you get for disobeying the laws, you fought with someone, and you can alert Bella to start getting suspicious of you

so straighten up your attitude cause you will do what I say!

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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