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The Congo & Other Poems

Episode 1



Prelude Hymn to the Night A Psalm of Life The Reaper and the Flowers The Light of Stars Footsteps of Angels Flowers The Beleaguered City Midnight Mass for the Dying Year EARLIER POEMS.

An April Day Autumn Woods in Winter Hymn of the Moravian Nuns of Bethlehem Sunrise on the Hills The Spirit of Poetry Burial of the Minnisink L'Envoi BALLADS AND OTHER POEMS.

The Skeleton in Armor The Wreck of the Hesperus The Village Blacksmith Endymion It is not Always May The Rainy Day God's-Acre To the River Charles Blind Bartimeus The Goblet of Life Maidenhood Excelsior POEMS ON SLAVERY.

To William E.Channing The Slave's Dream The Good Part, that shall not be taken away The Slave in the Dismal Swamp The Slave singing at Midnight The Witnesses The Quadroon Girl The Warning THE SPANISH STUDENT.


Carillon The Belfry of Bruges A Gleam of Sunshine The Arsenal at Springfield Nuremberg The Norman Baron Rain In Summer To a Child The Occultation of Orion The Bridge To the Driving Cloud SONGSThe Day Is done Afternoon in February To an Old Danish Song-Book Walter von der Vogelweid Drinking Song The Old Clock on the Stairs The Arrow and the Song SONNETSMezzo Cammin The Evening Star Autumn Dante CurfewEVANGELINE: A TALE OF ACADIE.


Dedication BY THE SEASIDE.

The Building of the Ship Seaweed Chrysaor The Secret of the Sea Twilight Sir Humphrey Gilbert The Lighthouse The Fire of Drift-Wood BY THE FIRESIDE.

Resignation The Builders Sand of the Desert In an Hour-Glass The Open Window King Witlaf's Drinking-Horn Gaspar Becerra Pegasus in Pound Tegner's Drapa Sonnet on Mrs.Kemble's Reading from Shakespeare The Singers Suspiria Hymn for my Brother's OrdinationTHE SONG OF HIAWATHA.

Introduction I.The Peace-Pipe II.The Four Winds III.Hiawatha's Childhood IV.Hiawatha and Madjekeewis V.Hiawatha's Fasting VI.Hiawatha's Friends VII.Hiawatha's Sailing VIII.Hiawatha's Fishing IX.Hiawatha and the Pearl-Feather X.Hiawatha's Wooing XI.Hiawatha's Wedding-Feast XII.The Son of the Evening Star XIII.Blessing the Cornfields XIV.Picture-Writing XV.Hiawatha's Lamentation XVI.Pau-Puk-Keewis XVII.The Hunting of Pau-Puk-Keewis XVIII.The Death of Kwasind XIX.The Ghosts XX.The Famine XXI.The White Man's Foot XXII.Hiawatha's Departure


I.Miles Standish II.Love and Friendship III.The Lover's Errand IV.John Alden V.The Sailing of the May flower VI.Priscilla VII.The March of Miles Standish VIII.The Spinning-Wheel IX.The Wedding-DayBIRDS OF PASSAGE.


Birds of Passage Prometheus, or the Poet's Forethought Epimetheus, or the Poet's Afterthought The Ladder of St.Augustine The Phantom Ship The Warden of the Cinque Ports Haunted Houses In the Churchyard at Cambridge The Emperor's Bird's-Nest The Two Angels Daylight and Moonlight The Jewish Cemetery at Newport Oliver Basselin Victor Galbraith My Lost Youth The Ropewalk The Golden Mile-Stone Catawba Wine Santa Filomena The Discoverer of the North Cape Daybreak The Fiftieth Birthday of Agassiz Children Sandalphon FLIGHT THE SECOND.

The Children's Hour Enceladus The Cumberland Snow-Flakes A Day of Sunshine Something left Undone WearinessTALES OF A WAYSIDE INN.

Part First Prelude The Wayside Inn The Landlord's Tale Paul Revere's Ride Interlude The Student's Tale The Falcon of Ser Federigo Interlude The Spanish Jew's Tale The Legend of Rabbi Ben Levi Interlude The Sicilian's Tale King Robert of Sicily Interlude The Musician's Tale The Saga of King Olaf I.The Challenge of Thor II.King Olaf's Return III.Thorn of Rimol IV.Queen Sigrid the Haughty V.The Skerry of Shrieks VI.The Wraith of Odin VII.Iron-Beard VIII.Gudrun IX.Thangbrand the Priest X.Raud the Strong XI.Bishop Sigurd at Salten Fiord XII.King Olaf's Christmas XIII.The Building of the Long Serpent XIV.The Crew of the Long Serpent XV.A Little Bird in the Air XVI.Queen Thyri and the Angelica Stalks XVII.King Svend of the Forked Beard XVIII.King Olaf and Earl Sigvald XIX.King Olaf's War-Horns XX.Einar Tamberskelver XXI.King Olaf's Death-drink XXII.The Nun of Nidaros Interlude The Theologian's Tale.

Torquemada Interlude The Poet's Tale The Birds of Killingworth Finale PART SECOND.

Prelude The Sicilian's Tale The Bell of Atri Interlude The Spanish Jew's Tale Kambalu Interlude The Student's Tale The Cobbler of Hagenau Interlude The Musician's Tale The Ballad of Carmilhan Interlude The Poet's Tale Lady Wentworth Interlude The Theologian's Tale The Legend Beautiful Interlude The Student's Second Tale The Baron of St.Castine Finale PART THIRD.

Prelude The Spanish Jew's Tale Azrael Interlude The Poet's Tale Charlemagne Interlude The Student's Tale Emma and Eginhard Interlude The Theologian's Tale Elizabeth Interlude The Sicilian's Tale The Monk of Casa-Maggiore Interlude The Spanish Jew's Second Tale Scanderbeg Interlude The Musician's Tale The Mother's Ghost Interlude The Landlord's Tale The Rhyme of Sir Christopher FinaleFLOWER-DE-LUCE.

Flower-de-Luce Palingenesis The Bridge of Cloud Hawthorne Christmas Bells The Wind over the Chimney The Bells of Lynn Killed at the Ford Giotto's Tower To-morrow Divina Commedia NoelBIRDS OF PASSAGEFLIGHT THE THIRD.

Fata Morgana The Haunted Chamber The Meeting Vox Populi The Castle-Builder Changed The Challenge The Brook and the Wave AftermathTHE MASQUE OF PANDORA.

I.The Workshop of Hephaestus II.Olympus III.Tower of Prometheus on Mount Caucasus IV.The Air V.The House of Epimetheus VI.In the Garden VII.The House of Epimetheus VIII.In the GardenTHE HANGING OF THE CRANEMORITURI SALUTAMUS


Episode 2

Three Friends of Mine Chaucer Shakespeare Milton Keats The Galaxy The Sound of the Sea A Summer Day by the Sea The Tides A Shadow A Nameless Grave Sleep The Old Bridge at Florence Il Ponte Vecchio di Firenze Nature In the Churchyard at Tarrytown Eliot's Oak The Descent of the Muses Venice The Poets Parker Cleaveland The Harvest Moon To the River Rhone The Three Silences of Molinos The Two Rivers Boston St.John's, Cambridge Moods Woodstock Park The Four Princesses at Wilna Holidays Wapentake The Broken Oar The Cross of SnowBIRDS OF PASSAGEFLIGHT THE FOURTH.

Charles Sumner Travels by the Fireside Cadenabbia Monte Cassino Amalfi The Sermon of St.Francis Belisarius Songo RiverKERAMOSBIRDS OF PASSAGE.


The Herons of Elmwood A Dutch Picture Castles in Spain Vittoria Colonna The Revenge of Rain-in-the-Face To the River Yvette The Emperor's Glove A Ballad or the French Fleet The Leap of Roushan Beg Haroun Al Raschid.

King Trisanku A Wraith in the Mist The Three Kings Song: "Stay, Stay at Home, my Heart, and Rest."The White Czar DeliaULTIMA THULE.

Dedication Poems Bayard Taylor The Chamber over the Gate From my Arm-Chair Jugurtha The Iron Pen Robert Burns Helen of Tyre Elegiac Old St.David's at Radnor FOLK-SONGS.

The Sifting of Peter Maiden and Weathercock The Windmill The Tide Rises, the Tide Falls SONNETSMy Cathedral The Burial of the Poet Night L'ENVOI.

The Poet and his SongsIN THE HARBOR.

Becalmed The Poet's Calendar Autumn Within The Four Lakes of Madison Victor and Vanquished Moonlight The Children's Crusade Sundown Chimes Four by the Clock Auf Wiedersehen Elegiac Verse The City and the Sea Memories Hermes Trismegistus To the Avon President Garfield My Books Mad River Possibilities Decoration Day A Fragment Loss and Gain Inscription on the Shanklin Fountain The Bells of San BlasFRAGMENTS.

"Neglected record of a mind neglected"

"O Faithful, indefatigable tides"

"Soft through the silent air"

"So from the bosom of darkness"



The First Passover I.Vox Clamantis II.Mount Quarantania III.The Marriage in Cana IV.In the Cornfields V.Nazareth VI.The Sea of Galilee VII.The Demoniac of Gadara IX.The Tower of Magdala X.The House of Simon the Pharisee The Second Passover I.Before the Gates of Machaerus II.Herod's Banquet-Hall III.Under the Wall of Machaerus IV.Nicodemus at Night V.Blind Bartimeus VI.Jacob's Well VII.The Coasts of Caesarea Philippi VIII.The Young Ruler IX.At Bethany X.Born Blind XI.Simon Magus and Helen of Tyre The Third Passover I.The Entry into Jerusalem II.Solomon's Porch III.Lord, is it I?

IV.The Garden of Gethsemane V.The Palace of Caiaphas VI.Pontius Pilate VII.Barabbas in Prison VIII.Ecce Homo IX.Aceldama X.The Three Crosses XI.The Two Maries XII.The Sea of Galilee Epilogue.Symbolum Apostolorum First Interlude.The Abbot JoachimPART II.THE GOLDEN LEGEND.

Prologue: The Spire of Strasburg Cathedral I.The Castle of Vautsberg on the Rhine Courtyard of the Castle II.A Farm in the Odenwald A Room in the Farmhouse Elsie's Chamber The Chamber of Gottlieb and Ursula A Village Church A Room in the Farmhouse In the Garden III.A Street in Strasburg Square in Front of the Cathedral In the Cathedral The Nativity: A Miracle-Play Introitus I.Heaven II.Mary at the Well III.The Angels of the Seven Planets IV.The Wise Men of the East V.The Flight into Egypt VI.The Slaughter of the Innocents VII.Jesus at Play with his Schoolmates VIII.The Village School IX.Crowned with Flowers Epilogue IV.The Road to Hirschau The Convent of Hirschau in the Black Forest The Scriptorium The Cloisters The Chapel The Refectory The Neighboring Nunnery V.A Covered Bridge at Lucerne The Devil's Bridge The St.Gothard Pass At the Foot of the Alps The Inn at Genoa At Sea VI.The School of Salerno The Farm-house in the Odenwald The Castle of Vautsberg on the Rhine Epilogue.The Two Recording Angels Ascending Second Interlude.Martin LutherPART III.THE NEW ENGLAND TRAGEDIES.

John Endicott Giles Corey of the Salem Farms Finale.St.JohnJUDAS MACCABAEUSAct I.The Citadel of Antiochus at Jerusalem Act II.The Dungeons in the Citadel Act III.The Battle-field of Beth-Horon Act IV.The Outer Courts of the Temple at Jerusalem Act V.The Mountains of EcbatanaMICHAEL ANGELODedication PART FIRST

I.Prologue at Ischia Monologue : The Last Judgment II.San Silvestro III.Cardinal Ippolito IV.Borgo delle Vergine at Naples V.Vittoria Colonna PART SECOND.

I.Monologue II.Viterbo III.Michael Angelo and Benvenuto Cellini IV.Fra Sebastiano del Piombo V.Palazzo Belvedere VI.Palazzo Cesarini PART THIRD.

I.Monologue II.Vigna di Papa Giulio III.Bindo Altoviti IV.In the Coliseum V.Macello de' Corvi VI.Michael Angelo's Studio VII.The Oaks of Monte Luca VIII.The Dead ChristTRANSLATIONS.

Prelude From the Spanish Coplas de Manrique Sonnets.

I.The Good Shepherd II.To-morrow III.The Native Land IV.The Image of God V.The Brook Ancient Spanish Ballads.

I.Rio Verde, Rio Verde II.Don Nuno, Count of Lara III.The peasant leaves his plough afield Vida de San Millan San Miguel, the Convent Song: "She is a maid of artless grace"Santa Teresa's Book-Mark From the Cancioneros I.Eyes so tristful, eyes so tristful II.Some day, some day III.Come, O death, so silent flying IV.Glove of black in white hand bare From the Swedish and Danish.

Passages from Frithiof's Saga I.Frithiof's Homestead II.A Sledge-Ride on the Ice III.Frithiof's Temptation IV.Frithiof's Farewell The Children of the Lord's Supper King Christian The Elected Knight Childhood From the German.

The Happiest Land The Wave The Dead The Bird and the Ship Whither?


Episode 3

Song of the Bell The Castle by the Sea The Black Knight Song of the Silent Land The Luck of Edenhall The Two Locks of Hair The Hemlock Tree Annie of Tharaw The Statue over the Cathedral Door The Legend of the Crossbill The Sea hath its Pearls Poetic Aphorisms Silent Love Blessed are the Dead Wanderer's Night-Songs Remorse Forsaken Allah From the Anglo-Saxon.

The Grave Beowulf's Expedition to Heort The Soul's Complaint against the Body From the French Song: Hark! Hark!

Song: "And whither goest thou, gentle sigh"The Return of Spring Spring The Child Asleep Death of Archbishop Turpin The Blind Girl of Castel-Cuille A Christmas Carol Consolation To Cardinal Richelieu The Angel and the Child On the Terrace of the Aigalades To my Brooklet Barreges Will ever the dear days come back again?

At La Chaudeau A Quiet Life The Wine of Jurancon Friar Lubin Rondel My Secret From the Italian.

The Celestial Pilot The Terrestrial Paradise Beatrice To Italy Seven Sonnets and a Canzone I.The Artist II.Fire.

III.Youth and Age IV.Old Age V.To Vittoria Colonna VI.To Vittoria Colonna VII.Dante VIII.Canzone The Nature of Love From the Portuguese.

Song: If thou art sleeping, maiden From Eastern sources.

The Fugitive The Siege of Kazan The Boy and the Brook To the Stork From the Latin.

Virgils First Eclogue Ovid in Exile VOICES OF THE NIGHT


Pleasant it was, when woods were green, And winds were soft and low, To lie amid some sylvan scene.

Where, the long drooping boughs between, Shadows dark and sunlight sheen Alternate come and go;Or where the denser grove receives No sunlight from above, But the dark foliage interweaves In one unbroken roof of leaves, Underneath whose sloping eaves The shadows hardly move.

Beneath some patriarchal tree I lay upon the ground;His hoary arms uplifted he, And all the broad leaves over me Clapped their little hands in glee, With one continuous sound;--A slumberous sound, a sound that brings The feelings of a dream, As of innumerable wings, As, when a bell no longer swings, Faint the hollow murmur rings O'er meadow, lake, and stream.

And dreams of that which cannot die, Bright visions, came to me, As lapped in thought I used to lie, And gaze into the summer sky, Where the sailing clouds went by, Like ships upon the sea;Dreams that the soul of youth engage Ere Fancy has been quelled;Old legends of the monkish page, Traditions of the saint and sage, Tales that have the rime of age, And chronicles of Eld.

And, loving still these quaint old themes, Even in the city's throng I feel the freshness of the streams, That, crossed by shades and sunny gleams, Water the green land of dreams, The holy land of song.

Therefore, at Pentecost, which brings The Spring, clothed like a bride, When nestling buds unfold their wings, And bishop's-caps have golden rings, Musing upon many things, I sought the woodlands wide.

The green trees whispered low and mild;

It was a sound of joy!

They were my playmates when a child, And rocked me in their arms so wild!

Still they looked at me and smiled, As if I were a boy;And ever whispered, mild and low, "Come, be a child once more!"And waved their long arms to and fro, And beckoned solemnly and slow;O, I could not choose but go Into the woodlands hoar,--Into the blithe and breathing air, Into the solemn wood, Solemn and silent everywhere Nature with folded hands seemed there Kneeling at her evening prayer!

Like one in prayer I stood.

Before me rose an avenue Of tall and sombrous pines;Abroad their fan-like branches grew, And, where the sunshine darted through, Spread a vapor soft and blue, In long and sloping lines.

And, falling on my weary brain, Like a fast-falling shower, The dreams of youth came back again, Low lispings of the summer rain, Dropping on the ripened grain, As once upon the flower.

Visions of childhood! Stay, O stay!

Ye were so sweet and wild!

And distant voices seemed to say, "It cannot be! They pass away!


Thou art no more a child!

"The land of Song within thee lies, Watered by living springs;The lids of Fancy's sleepless eyes Are gates unto that Paradise, Holy thoughts, like stars, arise, Its clouds are angels' wings.

"Learn, that henceforth thy song shall be, Not mountains capped with snow, Nor forests sounding like the sea, Nor rivers flowing ceaselessly, Where the woodlands bend to see The bending heavens below.

"There is a forest where the din Of iron branches sounds!

A mighty river roars between, And whosoever looks therein Sees the heavens all black with sin, Sees not its depths, nor bounds.

"Athwart the swinging branches cast, Soft rays of sunshine pour;Then comes the fearful wintry blast Our hopes, like withered leaves, fail fast;Pallid lips say, 'It is past!

We can return no more!,"Look, then, into thine heart, and write!

Yes, into Life's deep stream!

All forms of sorrow and delight, All solemn Voices of the Night, That can soothe thee, or affright,--Be these henceforth thy theme."


[Greek quotation]

I heard the trailing garments of the Night Sweep through her marble halls!

I saw her sable skirts all fringed with light From the celestial walls!

I felt her presence, by its spell of might, Stoop o'er me from above;The calm, majestic presence of the Night, As of the one I love.

I heard the sounds of sorrow and delight, The manifold, soft chimes, That fill the haunted chambers of the Night Like some old poet's rhymes.

From the cool cisterns of the midnight air My spirit drank repose;The fountain of perpetual peace flows there,--From those deep cisterns flows.

O holy Night! from thee I learn to bear What man has borne before!

Thou layest thy finger on the lips of Care, And they complain no more.

Peace! Peace! Orestes-like I breathe this prayer!

Descend with broad-winged flight, The welcome, the thrice-prayed for, the most fair, The best-beloved Night!



Tell me not, in mournful numbers, Life is but an empty dream!

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