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F*** It Up, Zenkaku-kun

The man in the darkness crying *⁠・⁠゜゚⁠(⁠^⁠O⁠^⁠)⁠↝

I, Zenkaku Hotoke, a 21 year old drop-out, ran away from my abusive father about 20 days ago, i had been living with my friends for 5 days each. But now that i've stayed with my friends, their mothers hate me because i had tattoos on my arms, cuts on my legs, bruises on my face and i usually wear dark clothes, i had no where to go. My phone ran out of battery, i couldn't call for help, i couldn't look for hotels because i had no money, i needed shelter and food as fast as possible. Begging was of no use because who even pays attention to beggars in Japan nowadays, i decided to find a quick job, i roamed around the city in search of help, i kept my stuff in a dark alleyway no one dared to go near even, i didn't know why but who cares? At least my things wouldn't get stolen, i found a 'self serve' restaurant just some distance away, i went in and asked the manager if i could serve some food to the other customers, he said "go ahead" so i went in the kitchen and made Macaroni & cheese and grilled Haddock. "The food was amazing!" squealed the family i served, i got tipped 80¥ and i got paid 1,000¥, even though it was a self serve restaurant, i got money from it doing what all other restaurants do. My new boss's name was Yasha Chi, he offered me to help customers make better tasting food, i accepted the job request, i did the same all day and around at 9:15 pm, i heard a sob from the alley way i decided to stay in. I have to specify, i didn't thoroughly check the alleyway before plopping my stuff there, i thought someone gathered the courage to enter the 'haunted' alleyway, "hey! is somebody there?" i called, a strange man emerged from the darkness with tears in his eyes. "Don't you know, this is my spot, take your things and leave." the man demanded in a wobbly voice as he tossed my bag to me, "i didn't know this spot belonged to you, i just really need a place to stay because i-" "I do not care, just go somewhere else!" he replied in a higher pitch, i lowered my head, "my mom committed suicide 8 years ago because my dad abused her horribly, she escaped in her way, i escaped in my own way, he took his anger out on me every 20 minutes...he told me it's my fault my mother died, i've ran for 5 miles i think now, i really need to rest, if you want money then i- " i was about to finish my conversation but he just started crying again, "w-what's wrong?" i questioned. He plopped down on the grown as it started raining, "today i...saw an old friend of mine die today, even though i was in front of him, i couldn't save him..We were the bestest of friends, his last words to me were "wait for me in heaven?" but the catch here is, i'm a villain, there's no way i can go to heaven...." i stared at his eyes, they were full of pain and anger, the quirk i have is 'the 7 elements', i opened my bag and took out a pack of cigarettes. I sat next to him and offered him one, he accepted and i lit it by activating my fire element.

A new friendship or what?

He stared at me curiously, i didn't know why so i kept quiet, but the silence was far too deafening, "you have a fire quirk?" he finally asked with a thick voice. I noticed that he was breathing sharp and fast, "i have the 7 elements as my quirk, one of them is fire, why?" i answered, he shook his head and showed me his blue flame that came from his palm, i was happy that he was getting used to me. The rain didn't want to stop, i expected him to sleep but his eyes were wide awake, "by the way, i don't know your name, i'm Zenkaku Hotoke and 21 years old, you?" i inquired, "Dabi, 21" he replied. I saw that the patchworks on his face were actually burnt parts hung to his right parts by peircings, i didn't ask why or how because i thought it may hurt his feelings, "so, about you being a villain, is that why people in this city don't come here?" I suggested, "yeah, cause i come here frequently" "do you have a girlfriend?" "i'm gay" those words hit me. I shrugged in reply, he looked right into my eyes, he did this whenever i showed my body language as an acknowledgement, but everytime he did so, he was adorable every time. I was just about to say something but he stood up and threw away the cigerette, i also stood up and put my hand on his shoulder, "i should go now, my team must be looking for me, nice meeting you" he stated in a wheezy voice. I noticed that his shirt was a little red from the side, i ran to him and grabbed him before he went in the heavy rain, i lifted his shirt and saw a bad stab wound, "what are you doing?!" he shouted. "calm down and sit back down" "why should i!?" he belted at me again, i made him sit and opened my bag for the first aid supplies i gathered, i used the disinfectant to clean the wound, i gave him some water to drink. After i cleaned his wound, i put some medicine on the bandage and put it on his wound, "hey! lightly!" he yelled at me, i giggles and caressed his wound. I could see him blushing, i never did this to a boy before but it's fun making a guy blush and become flustered, i decided to try my hardest to make this boy fall in love with me, i put down his shirt and told him to stay away from too much movement. "hey, take off your shirt" "what?!" "you shouldn't wear that shirt if it's dirty or covered in blood" "what am i gonna wear then!?" he screamed while i was rummaging through my bag for an oversized shirt, i took one out and gave it to him, he took off his shirt and put mine on, the perfect timing to say something quite flirty! "damn, you look better in my clothes than i do, and were you always this hot?" i rejoiced as i smirked, his face turned red and he looked away, success! He turned his back toward me and sat back down, i laughed and joked about how easy he is to get flustered, he turned back to me and smirked, he stood up and walked towards me, he sat down on my lap as his face was still covered in blush. I put my hands on his butt and he burried his face on my chest.

Did you feel it...

He flinched as I slowly moved my hands upward caressing his wound, with my other hand, I put my hands on his jaw as he looked at me with tear filled eyes, I kissed his soft lips. It wasn't a too deep of a kiss, just a lovely peck on his lips, he blushed so hard that he let out a small breathy whimper, ", Dabi right? Why did you become a villain?" I asked. He sat on the ground and looked up, "when I was, I guess, about 4 years old, my dad came home only to see one thing in me. Disappointing efforts, no matter what I did, I was always pathetic, I was abused verbally and the the physical abuse started from when my youngest brother was born. I was I think 9 years old then, my youngest brother didn't develop his quirk and dad got mad so he took his anger out on him and mom, I saved him and took the beating myself instead of him, fast forward some years. My father burned me with his fire and thought I died but I didn't, I had no where to go so I joined the L.O.V to live for one thing and one thing only, revenge, I know it's wrong but my whole life has been ruined because I tried to do something good for my little brother" he replied in a wheezy voice, I felt sorry for the poor guy, I noticed that his eyes were slowly closing. "hey, is everything alright?" "hm? I feel..faint..." he said right before he fell on my shoulder, I got so worried about him, him suddenly fainting on my shoulder, it's not normal. I remembered about the wound so I checked it, the bandage was all bloody, I picked him up, took my bag and went out in the rain. I sheltered him in the rain so he doesn't get too wet, as I ran I reminded myself that he is a villain, he's probably famous and no one wants to help a 'monster', I turned down my speed and stopped. "how can I help him..." I inquired myself, "you can! you just need my help, now tell me who you are or I'll bust your head open! well, I'll do that either way but you get my point!" shrieked a high pitched voice, I got ready for a fight, I looked behind me and it was a blonde girl with 2 buns and red eyes. She looked like a child so I didn't expect much of a fight, I was really frustrated so I got to the point, "he's my friend, he got injured from a stab wound and he has fainted, I can't afford to pay the hospital bills, so-" "tsk tsk tsk, I asked who YOU are, not who HE is and what happened to HIM, he's Dabi! Why are you helping a monster, don't you know he's a villain?" she yelled at me, that was what ticked me off and caused a disaster. I ran to a place which was dry and sheltered, I took off my jacket and put it on his body, I ran back to the girl and grabbed her raincoat's collar, "listen, I don't know who you are and I don't wanna know either, do not, I'm repeating, do NOT call him a monster!" I screamed as I slapped her as tight as I could her. She started to cry for help.

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