NovelToon NovelToon

Nero ( Rise Of The Sea God )

Fishman Island

It was the day the world was coming to an end
For 40 days and nights the sky cover in a thigh dark blanket of stormy clouds that rain down giant bolts of lightening.
Bolts so powerful that it destroy everything in its wake, sending deadly surges of electrical energy across the entire land.
Every sound of thunder shakes the very air and the planes of the land of the world
Rain pour down non-stop the entire time. Causing the seas to overflow. Reaching the very lands to wash away homes, families, friends and loved ones.
Animals, farms and crops was not spare.
Earthquake shook the entire earth of the world with no end.
Making the world split open and swallowing up villages, towns, and even kingdoms.
Volcanoes all over erupted. Sending molding hot lava to burn away of what is left of the world.
The ashes fill the air with poisons and gases that kill everything that comes in contact with it.
People, animals and plants
It was like there was no hope left.
The world was doom, the gods were angry at us and wanted to punish the inhabitant.
But one day all of it just stop. Why
Could it mean that the gods have given us a second chance.
Did the gods forgave us and want us to continue living.
Are this is just the gateway to a brand-new world.
Those days of destruction. The time when the world itself nearly come to an end
It took a lot, but it also gives birth to a new future.
fisherman 1
fisherman 1
Alright everyone.... Pull * he shouted with the rest *
About 10 to 15 men standing on the shores of the island all working together to pull in a net from the ocean water.
With it came along hundreds of fishes caught from the seas.
fisherman 2
fisherman 2
Woah, look how many we have caught
fisherman 2
fisherman 2
If we keep it up we won't have to worry about winter.
fisherman 1
fisherman 1
It has been 10 years sInce the great disaster, i am just glad that fishman island is managing to pull through after everything that happen.
fisherman 2
fisherman 2
I wonder how the rest of the world is doing after all this time have pass.
local woman 1
local woman 1
Well if a small island like us is managing to get back on their feet, I am pretty sure the mainlands are doing better.
local woman 2
local woman 2
I have a friend who is a knight in the capital, he said that in the next two years the shipping port with will be up and running again.
local woman 2
local woman 2
So we can expect a lot of tourists and traders who want to stop by once we open up back the fishman island market
fisherman 2
fisherman 2
Can't wait to get back into many so extra money. * looking excited *
The others fishermen are joyful as well about the future of her home and families
fisherman 1
fisherman 1
Well it is still too early to be celebrating. For now let just focus on us for now.
fisherman 2
fisherman 2
Yes boss. * he yelled alongside the others *
Before the men could get back to work their heard a strange sound coming from nearby.
fisherman 2
fisherman 2
Everyone quiet
fisherman 2
fisherman 2
Did you all hear that
fisherman 1
fisherman 1
Yep I heard it too.
They all wonder what is that noise.
Listening a lot closer, it sounds like a baby crying.
But where is it coming from
There is no one standing on the shore with one, it sounds like it is coming from the net.
Did a baby wash up on their shores.
fisherman 1
fisherman 1
Quickly help me * yelling at the others *
Dragging the net to the shores, the men search aimlessly to find the source of the crying.
fisherman 1
fisherman 1
It is under here, the four of you. Help me lift this mackerel off.
Once they did the man spot the baby but quickly runs off in terror after seeing it
local woman 1
local woman 1
What is that
local woman 2
local woman 2
What is that
fisherman 2
fisherman 2
What is that
fisherman 2
fisherman 2
Boss what do we do
fisherman 1
fisherman 1
The chief, go and get the chief.
Someone from the crowd quickly ran to the find the chief of the island.
In the backyard of a house on top of a hill that overlook the entire north coast of the island.
A woman kneel down in front of a gravestone.
The husband of the woman stands behind her looking at her with pity
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
* looking with pity *
* Placing down some flowers while clapping her hands together. *
* she sobs slowly while looking at the grave writing.*
My dear child
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
* Walking up to place his hand on her shoulder *
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Monica you could get inside, you have been out her since the sun is out. It is already noon.
Just a little longer please
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
The sun is reaching its peak soon, if you don't get inside you will get heat strokes.
* gives no response to her husband concerns *
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
* Hearing a faint noise coming from behind, he turned around to see a young woman standing by *
* waving at hart from the distance *
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
* he went over to the woman *
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
what are you doing here
What do you mean, I came here just to see you
* wrapping her arms around the man neck, giving him a seducing stares *
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
I told you not to be like this when Monica is nearby
Does it matter at this point, it has been a year since you start seeing me.
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Shhh. * quickly covering the woman mouth *
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Keep it down before Monica hears you
* looking over to see Monica *
Is that idiot of a older sister of mine is still at it. For real, it has been 10 years since she lost her baby during the great disaster. She should just get over it already
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
You are right, but it is not that easy to get over with. A mother losing her child is a heavy pain on their heart.
* getting excited *
Well speaking for child. Guess what * taking that man hand and putting it on her stomach *
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Nova don't tell me that
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
* looking shock *
Yes I am pregnant, wIth our child. * whisper to his face *
Is that truth * she appears behind the two, both didn't notice her since they were busy talking *
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Monica why let me explain * feeling worry *
That is right sister, i am carrying your husband child. We have been seeing each other for a whole year now.
He was getting tired of taking care of you and your depression over the lost of you daughter.
It has been 10 years now Monica, it's time for you to grow up and move on.
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
I am sorry Monica, but she is right
random fisherman
random fisherman
Chief * he yelled *
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
What is it
random fisherman
random fisherman
There is something that you need to see. * panting hard from all the running *
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart and the others ran off to see what is wrong down on the shores. Leaving monica to stand by herself.
I see, so you have gone and left me too... My dear husband. what is the point of living now. * whispering to herself *
The others make their way down at the shore.
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
What seem to be the problem
fisherman 1
fisherman 1
Chief, come and take a look for yourself.
Aww, what is that, is look so gross * hiding behind hart *
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
is that a beast man
you mean does half human half animal running around on the mainland
fisherman 1
fisherman 1
It doesnt look like any beast man i have seen before
fisherman 2
fisherman 2
Even so, this thing is clearly not human but it does have human like feature which or not like ordinary beast man.
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Its skin is full blue, octopus like tentacle hair, fish like gills on both side of it neck.
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
It must be a danger beast
local woman 2
local woman 2
You mean those monstrous beast that attack and kill anyone it comes across with.
local woman 1
local woman 1
The ones that attack and destroy villages and small town you mean those hateful things.
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
This must be it baby, meaning that the mother could be nearby.
Everyone start to worry
fisherman 2
fisherman 2
Chief what do we do
fisherman 1
fisherman 1
We are not equip to fight a danger beast
local woman 2
local woman 2
Can't we send a request to a guild on the mainland
fisherman 1
fisherman 1
they wont make it in time
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Since this danger beast is of the sea, I don't think it mother will be able to come on land
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
The best we can do is to leave it be and let the mother pick it up without worries.
fisherman 1
fisherman 1
Everyone back away from the water
Everyone start heading away from the sandy shores except for one.
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Monica what are you doing
* making her way to the water where the baby is at *
* she looks at the baby and every second of its cries trigger a memory of the time she held her baby in her hand before the great disaster look it away *
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
monica * he shouted her name *
What is that idiot doing
Monica kneeling down in front of the baby creature reaches out her man.
Once her finger got closes enough to the baby one of it thin octopus hair grab and wrap around monica fingers.
The baby start to show signs of calming down.
Monica picks up the child and hold him gently in her motherly arms.
The baby opening his ocean blue eyes for the first time looking at monica. He started to giggle like any other normal baby.
Well you are a joyful one arent you * a faint smile pops on her face *
Monica turns around to carry the baby back to the shores.
But we was encounter by the residents.
fisherman 1
fisherman 1
What do you intent to do with that thing.
I dont think it is dangerous as it look, it is just a child.
fisherman 2
fisherman 2
It is a danger beast, they are all dangerous, adult, child or new born
I am sorry but I cant just leave it like that.
Wait, you are not planning on rising it like a human aren't you
Are you an idiot
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Monica no matter what, that thing cannot replace your dead daughter
your child, when was the last time you call her our child * giving his a distain glare.*
Monica then walks off with the baby
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Listen monica either you put back that thing we you got it or leave the town with it
Hearing her husband words, monica choose to walk out of town with it
That idiot, to think that I am related to a woman like her.
fisherman 1
fisherman 1
Chief what do we do
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Just leave her be, she maybe making a mistake right now but her judgement is always on point
Monica walking with the baby check and see that it is actually a boy.
You know, i'd once had a daughter i name nera. But since you are a boy, how about i call you nero.
How does that sound
The baby started to laugh
You liked that name don't you
Very well from this moment on, your name will be Nero
I promise to give you all the love in the world and protect you no matter what
The both mother and child smiling at each other the two make their way into the forest of the south coast of the island.

Max the mage

random seller
random seller
People, people step right up and out our wide variety of fishes and shellfish
random seller 2
random seller 2
Fresh from the ocean and all at a reasonable price.
random seller 3
random seller 3
sell out, sell out. Everything half prices
random seller 3
random seller 3
Buy it now before everything is gone
Nothing but these words echoes throughout the fish market of fishman island
Every vendor in every corner of the market are shouting these words non-stop for hours to an entire day.
Trying to pull in as many customers as they could
local man
local man
This year look like it is going to be another busy year as well
local woman 2
local woman 2
I agree, just look at all those ships sailing in from the mainland
local man
local man
It took us a long time but fishman island manage to get back to it prosperity after the great disaster 22 years ago.
local woman 2
local woman 2
I just hope things can stay like this
local man
local man
Are you talking about the issue that is pledging the island for the past few months
local man
local man
The chief and the others are looking into that right now
local woman 2
local woman 2
Right, but still let just hope that nothing bad happens.
On the western coast of the island, the chief and few other men investigate the water near the shores
The blood from many dead fishes that are floating on top of the water surface spreads across a vast distance.
Chief follower 1
Chief follower 1
It looks like it has got this side as well chief.
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
It seems that my prediction is spot on.
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
It attacks all the fishes in the eastern and southern side and now the western side as well.
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Making all the fishes that didn't die migrated to the northern side.
Chief follower 1
Chief follower 1
That would explain why the residents were able to check so many fishes.
Chief follower 2
Chief follower 2
But it is still bad because now whatever is attacking the fishes in the water is going to make it way over the northern side.
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Which will put all the visitors as well as our own people in danger.
Chief follower 1
Chief follower 1
Chief this is bad, it would be best to close down the market for now. Just until we can deal with this problem.
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
No, there is already too much visitor here. To suddenly close the market not to mention that all the citizen of fishman island needs the market to make money
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
They are not going to agree with it
Chief follower 2
Chief follower 2
So what do we do
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
We have to wait for the mage from the mainland to come and deal with it
Chief follower 1
Chief follower 1
But we send that request months ago, and we still haven't receive any news
Suddenly a loud roar echoes above the sky for the island.
Chief follower 1
Chief follower 1
What was that * looking worried *
Chief follower 2
Chief follower 2
Chief look at that, up in the sky
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
* looking up into the sky, his eyes widen after seeing some kind of flying creature circling around the sky of the island *
Chief follower 1
Chief follower 1
No way, from the sky it looks like a dragon
Chief follower 2
Chief follower 2
What?.. A dragon. Are you serious. What the hell is one of those doing out here.
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
No take a closer look. It has wing on it arms, not on its back. That must be a wyvern.
Chief follower 1
Chief follower 1
Don't mages and adventurers from guilds ride on those things.
Chief follower 2
Chief follower 2
That mean that they have finally heard our request and come to help.
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Look like they are going to land on the port, quickly let's go and meet them
The chief and the others hop on their horse and ride to the port of the island
All the people witnessing the creature descending from the sky stand back to make way for the wyvern landing.
Seeing the beast up close, some are terrified by it.
With it eyes glowing eyes starring right at them. It's white scaly body reflecting the light ray from the sun making the red glow of the creature eyes more noticeable.
Its teeth looks long and sharp when it opens it month to reveal them.
And long sharp claw that dips into the very ground it step on.
random fisherman
random fisherman
So this is a wyvern, it's my first time seeing one up close.
random seller 3
random seller 3
I can't believe people from the mainland ride on these things.
He is not a thing. He have a name.
Said the girl riding on the creature back
She hops off it back to stand in front of the creature. Playing with its heads like a cute little puppy.
The chief and the others have finally make it to the scene.
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Are you the mage that accepted our request
You must be the one who send the request to my guild
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Yes, my name is hart, and I am the chief of fishman island.
My name is Max, and it is nice to meet you
Chief follower 1
Chief follower 1
So where are the other members of your party.
I am the party
Chief follower 2
Chief follower 2
Wait you are joking, you are just a kid
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hey that is enough
Chief follower 1
Chief follower 1
But chief you can't really be serious to let a kid take on such a dangerous mission
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
The fact that she came alone knowing the situation that we are in must mean that she is a talented mage. We just have to have fate in her.
Well technically the truth is that.
Because of the great disaster 22 years ago. Danger breasts are more active and violent. They start attacking towns and even kingdoms more frequently now.
The royal capital is now issuing all mages, adventurers and even magic knights to form armies to help stop them.
Mages and adventurers are now only interesting in taking on higher and dangerous jobs with a higher pay of course.
Not giving a damn about smaller requests like these.
But you are in luck since I am one of the few mages that actually don't mind taking on smaller requests
Chief follower 1
Chief follower 1
So is that why you took so long to accepts our request
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
let just be glad that someone actually accepted our request.
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Please come with me to my house, I will fill you in on more information about the quest.
Very well * she followed behind the man while pulling Cole her wyvern with her *
Before leaving the chief ask his men to try and keep the visitors calm. Seeing a representative from a guild people are already thinking that something serious on going on
So the chief doesn't want to want anyone to get worry and cause problems.
Chief follower 2
Chief follower 2
Don't worry chief we got this.
Chief follower 1
Chief follower 1
Just leave everything to us
On the very top of the highest plane lays a house that is off bigger than any other house on the island.
This is definitely the chief house alright * whisper to herself after observing the house from top to bottom *
Oh if you don't mind, can I tie Cole to that nearby tree. Don't worry I promise he won't cause trouble
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Sure I don't mind
* turning to speak with to Cole *
Now Cole, be a good boy and wait here. I will be right back
Cole the wyvern
Cole the wyvern
* Licking Max face to her response *
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Please come inside
Thank you for having me
* Looks around the house to see beautiful waver clothes each with their own unique design *
They really caught Max attention
Welcome back dear * just entered the room coming from the kitchen *
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Max this is my wife nova
Hello, pleased to meet you Max
It is very nice to meet you too * suddenly bowed in her greeting *
She must be the mage send by the guild from the mainland to help us
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
But you look so young, can you really handle this all on your own
I am only sixteen, but trust me, I can get the job done
* Feeling someone pulling on her coat. Max turned around to see who was it *
It was a boy
This is my son Trevor
Well hello * with a gentle smile *
Wow you are gorgeous
Well thank you * smile warmly *
Hey, hey are you really a mage, can you use magic and stuff. * looking joyful *
Of course
Can you show me please
Trevor please don't bother our guest * giving him a stern look *
But mom * feels disappointed *
I really want to see some magic, I have only read about them in book
Very well then. Opportunity only come like this once in a while for youngster like yourself
Look closely
Max showing the palm of her hand to the boy chants a few single words.
[come forth the cold that lay in my soul ]
A small glowing blue light suddenly emerge from her hand forming a circle. It suddenly felt a bit chilly all of a sudden
Emerging from the glowing blue light from the circle. An ice crystal form in the palm of Max hand
Now amazing * watching in wonder *
This is just a glimpse of what I can really do.
So amazing, please show me more, do something bigger.
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Trevor, why don't you go and play with your sister. I have important things to discuss with our guest
I don't know where my stupid sister is, but if you really want to solve the island monster problem, you should just go and get rid of that blue freak who is on the island
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Trevor that is enough * shouted at his son *
Blue freak, is that the monster terrorizing the island
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
No it isn't, that is a completely different matter.
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
You don't have to worry about that
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Now then how about we get down to business.
Just tell me what to do, and I will take care of the rest.

The sea serpent

Hart explained the situation to Max
I get it, all I need to do is to get rid of this monster that is lurking around the shores of the island
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
A few of my men tried to get rid of it before but were no match for it.
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Most of them got injury and two fatality. A mage is our only hope now
Very well, I will get rid of it. Just leave it to me
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
This monster is no joke, if you are not careful
Maxine quickly cut off his words
Chief I may not look it, but I am a pretty strong mage. Not to brag or anything
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
But still what kind of adult.... No, what kind of man I would be if I let a child go after that monster all by herself
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
A few of my men and I will come along with you
Ok do as you please
Max and hart was about to leave the house when suddenly a young girl enter the house
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Are you going to take care of that monster father
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Yes we are, and this is Max. She is a mage from the mainland who came to help us
* Show a worried look on her face *
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Oh, Max this is my daughter Rena
Hello it is nice to meet you
Rena quickly ran back outside without greeting back Max
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Rena * he shouted *
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
I am really sorry about her
See, I told you she has been acting strange for a while now
Ow * screams in pain *
I told you not to talk to about your sister like that * Pinching the boy ear *
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
I will have to have a talk with her when I get back
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
We should get going soon
Yes, right
Gathering some men from the town they all ride their horses to the last place where the monster was sighted.
Max hop on her pet wyvern cole and fly above the men
Following their tails.
They make it to the shore line where more dead fish shatter all over the ocean shore.
Chief follower 2
Chief follower 2
It is really starting to stink here * covering his nose from the smell *
Max observe the surrounding and scenery.
Weird it is not so common for a sea beast to leave so many unfinished prey laying around like this
It's behavior is strange. Better be careful
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
You think we can find it
Dont worry, just leave it to me
I have a special spell for situation like these
Max pulling out her magic staff that she was carrying on her back the entire time
She rise it into the air and started to enchants a sentence
[ Oh mana that flow inside my body, grant me the power I need to seek what I so long to find in my searching ] Arcane magic : search magic : Beast radar
Suddenly from the tip of the staff a blue light glows brightly and spreads all over the area
Even reaching into the deepest depths of the ocean which was her target from the beginning.
Closing her eyes it was like Max could feel everything that the light touches
Chief follower 1
Chief follower 1
Wow so this is magic. It my first time seeing it in person
Now where are you hiding
Max then notice something with her search magic moving in the water nearby
That must be it
It look like it is just minding it own business.
Immediately after those words the creature quickly starts swimming at top speed away from the area
It is on the move, heading to the south * she shouted *
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Quickly after it * ordering his men *
Hart and his men quickly give chase after the creature on their horses
Max takes the lead with Cole flying at top speed while Max continue to keep track of creature using her search magic
But the creature was moving too fast, at this rate it will get out of Max range of magic soon
Listen cole, I will be going on ahead. You keep following it from the sky
Cole the wyvern
Cole the wyvern
* Roar *
Max jumping off cole while it was still flying landed back on the ground.
Closing her eyes, she begins to focus her magic energy into both her legs.
Max legs begin to glow and once fully charge she moved so fast that she dash right passed hart and the others on horse who was already ahead of her.
With such blinding speed leaves nothing behind but dust and dirt in the eyes of the others
Hart ( fishman island chief )
Hart ( fishman island chief )
What the hell was that * looking confuse *
With her speed not only she was able to catch up to the creature but surpass it by a large gap
It should be coming through here. Prefect I can block it off from here
[ Oh mana that flow through my body, grant me the power I need to block off my enemy ] Elemental magic : ice magic : Ice wall
Tapping the surface of water with her staff a giant wall of ice appears. And freezes the water at a rapid speed
In a matter of seconds parts of the water turn into a block of ice that cut off the path of the creature even deep into the water.
The creature would have no other choice to to resurface.
And once it does Max will get the chance to kill it
The water at a certain spot begins to rise higher and higher until something burst from underneath.
There it is
Now seeing it up close
With its really long snake like body, blue scales and fin and two horns on it head.
There is no doubt about it. This is a sea serpent At least of the B rank
Max ready to unleash a spell that would kill the creature in one shot but seeing that the creature was acting weird, she figured something is wrong.
The creature kept on whaling its head around like crazy, like it was trying to shake off something.
That is when Max notice that something or rather someone was on top of the sea serpent head.
Who is that * asking herself *
Whoever it was, he was holding on to dare life
But in the end he got toss off the creature head and came flying right towards Max
Slamming into her, both max and the stranger was drive into the sandy shores by the force.
Ow, that really head * rubbing the back of her head *
The sea serpent spotting the two stares at them with killing intent
It was furious. It opens up Its mouth and blue light is seen being build up inside
He is about to attack
The sea serpent blast a ray of intense water stream at them
Max quickly puts her hand up and shouted
Elemental magic : ice magic : ice shield
A smaller version of the ice wall from before appear quickly in front of max blocking the creature attack
The attack make contact with the shield but it was quickly being melt away
Dammit, without the incantation the shield isn't strong enough
Right as the creature attack broke through the ice shield. Max quickly hug and roll out of the range of the attack with the stranger avoiding the attack
Then reaching into a small pouch she carries around, Max pulls out a small silver ball and throws it at the creature
When it hit the creature it breaks and then release an explosion for blinding light
The creature scream
Here is my chance to get to safety.
Max tried to move but she falls down on one knee.
Crap my leg, it must have got injury when that person landed on me
The creature then started to recover its sight
It is getting back it sight, I must quickly end this now.
[ Oh mana that flow through my body, Listen to my voice and grant me the power i need to pierce my foe that stand in front of me ] Elemental magic : Ice magic : snow flake Ice spears
Snow then begin to fall and each drop of snowflake that landed on the sea serpent burst and create a ice spear that pierces deep into the body of the creature
The creature then cried out in pain as it fall to the ground with multiply spears stabbing into it body
The creature is finally dead and now Max came face to face with the stranger who was unconscious.
Now getting a closer look at the boy. What exactly is he.

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