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The Adventures Of My All-Rounder Wife

Victims least like victims

Wucheng, September.

Located in the small independent building at the end of the alley, a unique psychological treatment is being carried out.

Lu Mian just sat on the sofa casually, her index finger wrapped around her broken hair, and she looked at the opposite side with a slight smile.

She took a sip of water, and while putting down the cup, she picked up the pen on the table.

Ordinary ballpoint pens, as if they were alive, went around her slender and white fingers one by one, entwining them circle after circle.

"Let's start." She said lightly.

The young man on the opposite side laughed, how did he feel that his identity was reversed.

Obviously he is a psychologist, but he is dominated by patients.

Immediately, he looked down at the patient in his hand.

[Lu Mian, female, 19 years old, the last victim of the AorB kidnapping case, was rescued safely half a month ago. 】

He has already memorized this information by heart.


It's hard to imagine that the calm and nonchalant girl in front of me is the victim herself.

"Lu Mian, can we talk like friends? Your family members are very worried about you, and they hope to learn more about you through me."

Lu Mian was out of interest, and the motion of turning the pen with his right hand did not stop, but his left hand was so boring that he took out his phone to pass the time.

Doing other things with one mind and two things, I didn't forget to blink at the other side occasionally, and the small red mole looming in the cartilage of the left ear was cold, beautiful, and licking.

But in the depths of those calm and smiling eyes, there is no temperature, only the uninhibited and evil spirit of Mo Nai Laozi.

The psychiatrist Ye Jin frowned slightly.

This is definitely the second person he has encountered so inaccessible!

The first one, of course...

Pulled away.

Ye Jinwen was patient and continued to conquer unilaterally.

"Can you tell me what happened in the two years since you were kidnapped?"

"I forgot."

"Then do you remember the mysterious person who saved you? Do you know that person?"

"do not know."

"What do you think of your parents and sister?"

"pretty good."

"..." Ye Jinwen felt that he had encountered a bottleneck in his psychotherapy career.

The patient was not in a hurry, but he was a little irritable and could not sit still.

This is the fourth treatment!

These are the answers every time!

No matter how he unblocked her, she remained unwavering, and she couldn't even see any trace of lying on her expression.

But his instinct told him that even if Lu Mian is not a PTSD patient, there is definitely a problem!

He couldn't help but think of what Lu Mian's mother had told him: Lu Mian was a liar since he was a child, she couldn't believe what she said!

Could it be that she must use strong means to make her tell the truth...

Time passed quickly.

After Lu Mian finished the twentieth round of the game, she also stood up from the sofa.

The pretty eyebrows swept across the surveillance camera with a smile, and returned the ballpoint pen to Ye Jinwen.

As if completing a certain task, the treatment time is over, she should also go.

"Lu Mian!"

Ye Jinwen hurriedly overtook two steps and blurted out from her thin and cold back: "I have no ill intentions, I just want to help you!"

Lu Mian turned her head, and a "he" came out of her mouth, and she smiled unscrupulously.

"Doctor Ye, pretend to care about your patients, aren't you tired?"

"..." It's too choking to speak!

Ye Jinwen returned to the office next door with a sense of frustration.

The moment I opened the door, I saw the pleasing picture on the high-end sofa, and my mood immediately improved.

There was a man sitting on the sofa with one hand propped on his knees and leaned over to look at the monitor screen on the coffee table.

Because of the leaning motion, the neckline of the gray shirt opened slightly, revealing a piece of cold white skin.

Up there is the perfect side face that looks gentle but is actually so cold that no one dares to look directly at it.

And the ice eyes under those gold-framed glasses are staring at the monitoring screen patiently.

The place where the screen is locked is Lu Mian.


"Gentle Scum" Xiao Qimo

Ye Jinwen sighed and threw the folder on the coffee table.

"I see, I can't ask anything. If you want to find the mysterious person's whereabouts through Lu Mian, I'm afraid it won't be that easy."

He knew that the treatment process between him and Lu Mian had been seen by this man.


Like the sound from a good violin, the man smiled in a low voice, leaned back and put one hand on the back of the sofa.

Each movement is extremely elegant.

Every frame can be used as a screensaver perfectly.

Ye Jinwen secretly said "Sven scum", this elegant and calm face, I don't know how many men and women deceived, but never gave them a look.

This is the number one inaccessible big man, Xiao Qimo.

The sole heir of the imperial giant Xiao family.

Born to be noble, and behave slyly.

No one had seen him make a move, but no one dared to ignore him.

"Seven brother, don't worry, you can't ask for news from Lu Mian, we can find four other victims. They are all rescued by mysterious people, and they can always ask something."

"It's useless." The well-knotted fingers pushed down the glasses, his tone was faint: "This mysterious man, code-named thirteen, has erased all the information of the other four victims and changed them to a dead state. The new identity cannot be found. ."

"So awesome?! What about Lu Mian?"

"It should have been discovered by my people before the information was erased on the 13th."

"Didn't you come to Wucheng for nothing?"

"It's not too much." Xiao Qimo looked at the display screen and lifted his chin slightly: "There is still her."

Ye Jinwen understood. It seemed that Lu Mian was the only clue to the mysterious man No. 13.

But he has nothing to do here. I don't know if Xiao Qimo, a micro-expression expert who has been hired by criminal police from various countries, has any new discoveries.

"Seven brother, have you seen anything after watching the surveillance for so long?"

Xiao Qimo tilted his head slightly, his elegant and elegant face thought about it seriously, and he curled his lips.

"Looking good."

? ? ?

Ye Jinwen let out a loud "ah", and saw the opposite man leaning over again and continuing to watch the surveillance screen.

So... After watching for a long time, you can see this?

Even more weird is--

A 10,000-year-old heterosexual insulator and a mother-fetal solo for 22 years.

Ye Jin heard the cold, and quickly waved away the unimaginable picture in his mind.

"Actually, I can understand Lu Mian. How bad a person is, the heart hurts. She seems cynical and calm, but in fact she is very defensive. She was the last to be rescued, which means that Now, she was controlled by those frantic people for two years. What happened to her, none of us know..."

Thinking of this, Ye Jinwen's baby face of Zhang Junyi dyed a little disgust.

On July 26 two years ago, kidnappers kidnapped people across the country.

At the same time, they kidnapped two people who were closely related by blood, and their families raised money to redeem them. One was five million and two were ten million.

The family conditions of these victims are pretty good and they are able to afford or borrow the money.

There is no such thing as giving up directly. Some families quickly raised 10 million and the whole family was reunited.

What remains are the families that have raised five million but not enough ten million.

They can only face the choice of A or B.

Either go bankrupt and continue to pool money, or give up one cruelly, there is no other way.

This is the first time such an abnormal kidnapping case has occurred.

In the end, five victims were given up and taken away by the kidnappers, as if they had disappeared. No one could find their whereabouts. Even when some underground forces were dispatched, there was no result...

And this noble Emperor Mo Ye also began to walk on the edge of danger and darkness, looking for the truth behind it.

Taboo of the Lu Family

Of course, these kidnappings are only known to a few people.

The truth was sealed long ago. What the people learned was that five people were kidnapped and rescued one after another one year later. He couldn't treat the other four, only one Lu Mian remained.

Thinking of this, Ye Jinwen's eyes became firmer.

In any case, he wants to help Lu Mian get out of this shadow, he wants to save her!

"Seven brother, you said that when Lu Mian returned home, how should he face the parents who gave up on him and the younger sister who kidnapped him at the same time? But there is no way. If it could be saved back then, her parents would definitely be saved..."

When he said this, Xiao Qimo just got up, gracefully dusted the non-existent folds on his body, turned his head and left.

The posture of leaving after this disagreement is the same as Lu Mian just now!

Ye Jinwen's gaze followed Xiao Qimo to the door, but he heard the other party's low and slow chuckle.

"You don't need to worry about it."

"...Huh?" The psychiatrist Ye Jinwen felt that these words had several meanings.

Then, he heard Xiao Qimo's voice floating again.

"Remind you." The man was gentle and graceful, with an interesting smile, "Next time, don't watch her turn pens."

Transfer? !

At almost the same instant, a layer of cold sweat appeared on Ye Jinwen's back.

If at first he just thought Lu Mian was bored, then looking back now, the other party was totally consciously planning!

No wonder he felt a little irritable and dazed during the chat.

It turned out that before he planned to use sober hypnosis methods on Lu Mian, Lu Mian preempted him!

He is afraid that he is not the first psychologist to be controlled by patients!

The bold words and lofty ambitions just now immediately frustrated, how dare he face Lu Mian in the future!


Lu Mian left the psychological clinic and looked back at the sign again. The beautiful little face that turned all living beings upside down was smiling with an unknown meaning.

In the future, it should not come again.

Even if Dr. Ye couldn't detect it, the people behind the surveillance should have discovered it.

I just don't know who is behind the surveillance.

Like getting rid of a burden, she left briskly...

Lu's old house.

Lu Mian bypassed the majestic main building, and after walking a long distance, he found a side building.

On the way, a servant in the main building saw her and greeted her respectfully. They all ran far away in a gust of wind, hiding in the corner and whispering.

[Look, Miss Lu! Stay away from her, I always feel that she has a serious psychological problem...]

[The eldest lady was afraid of her, so she specifically found a psychiatrist to treat her! 】

[It's really blind to her face... Good-looking is good-looking, but it's too evil. I still prefer the gentle, cute, versatile second lady! 】

[I think Miss Lu is very pitiful. If the old lady was willing to borrow more money, she would not be taken away! To put it bluntly, the Dafang family was afraid of heavy debts and was unwilling to save her. Look at their house, they are living in a side building until now. If it weren’t for our house owner, they wouldn’t even have a place to live...]

[Shh! These words are taboo in the Lu family, but they cannot be heard by Miss Lu! Go go, go...】

The northwest corner of the Lu family’s old house is on the side building.

When I got here, there were no servants.

Lu Mian passed by the living room without seeing anyone, and went straight back to the room.

When she heard the sound of her closing the door, Lu Mu Fu Man walked out of the kitchen lightly.

Her face was not pretty, she glanced upstairs, her eyebrows were twisted.

There was too much quiet in the small building, leaving her with a heavy sigh.

It wasn't until a young girl appeared in the living room that the atmosphere became slightly lively.

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Home » The Adventures of My All-Rounder Wife TAMAW » Chapter 3: Taboo of the Lu Family

The Adventures of My All-Rounder Wife Chapter 3: Taboo of the Lu Family

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Of course, these kidnappings are only known to a few people.

The truth was sealed long ago. What the people learned was that five people were kidnapped and rescued one after another one year later. He couldn't treat the other four, only one Lu Mian remained.

Thinking of this, Ye Jinwen's eyes became firmer.

In any case, he wants to help Lu Mian get out of this shadow, he wants to save her!

"Seven brother, you said that when Lu Mian returned home, how should he face the parents who gave up on him and the younger sister who kidnapped him at the same time? But there is no way. If it could be saved back then, her parents would definitely be saved..."

When he said this, Xiao Qimo just got up, gracefully dusted the non-existent folds on his body, turned his head and left.

The posture of leaving after this disagreement is the same as Lu Mian just now!

Ye Jinwen's gaze followed Xiao Qimo to the door, but he heard the other party's low and slow chuckle.

"You don't need to worry about it."

"...Huh?" The psychiatrist Ye Jinwen felt that these words had several meanings.

Then, he heard Xiao Qimo's voice floating again.

"Remind you." The man was gentle and graceful, with an interesting smile, "Next time, don't watch her turn pens."

Transfer? !

At almost the same instant, a layer of cold sweat appeared on Ye Jinwen's back.

If at first he just thought Lu Mian was bored, then looking back now, the other party was totally consciously planning!

No wonder he felt a little irritable and dazed during the chat.

It turned out that before he planned to use sober hypnosis methods on Lu Mian, Lu Mian preempted him!

He is afraid that he is not the first psychologist to be controlled by patients!

The bold words and lofty ambitions just now immediately frustrated, how dare he face Lu Mian in the future!


Lu Mian left the psychological clinic and looked back at the sign again. The beautiful little face that turned all living beings upside down was smiling with an unknown meaning.

In the future, it should not come again.

Even if Dr. Ye couldn't detect it, the people behind the surveillance should have discovered it.

I just don't know who is behind the surveillance.

Like getting rid of a burden, she left briskly...

Lu's old house.

Lu Mian bypassed the majestic main building, and after walking a long distance, he found a side building.

On the way, a servant in the main building saw her and greeted her respectfully. They all ran far away in a gust of wind, hiding in the corner and whispering.

[Look, Miss Lu! Stay away from her, I always feel that she has a serious psychological problem...]

[The eldest lady was afraid of her, so she specifically found a psychiatrist to treat her! 】

[It's really blind to her face... Good-looking is good-looking, but it's too evil. I still prefer the gentle, cute, versatile second lady! 】

[I think Miss Lu is very pitiful. If the old lady was willing to borrow more money, she would not be taken away! To put it bluntly, the Dafang family was afraid of heavy debts and was unwilling to save her. Look at their house, they are living in a side building until now. If it weren’t for our house owner, they wouldn’t even have a place to live...]

[Shh! These words are taboo in the Lu family, but they cannot be heard by Miss Lu! Go go, go...】

The northwest corner of the Lu family’s old house is on the side building.

When I got here, there were no servants.

Lu Mian passed by the living room without seeing anyone, and went straight back to the room.

When she heard the sound of her closing the door, Lu Mu Fu Man walked out of the kitchen lightly.

Her face was not pretty, she glanced upstairs, her eyebrows were twisted.

There was too much quiet in the small building, leaving her with a heavy sigh.

It wasn't until a young girl appeared in the living room that the atmosphere became slightly lively.

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