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Ronin - Blood Vengeance

Episode 1 - Meeting

“ As blood drop on white Chrysanthemum , it shine as red wing on the red full moon. ”

Fire , burning , burning , everywhere there is flame but collapsed of the wood , roof and wall , a shivering girl crying and kept crying .

" So there you are , Asaki ? " a man asked.

A young girl age of sixteen sitting on the grave praying for someone . Her eyes were motionless more like she was dead inside .

“ Uncle Ogwa , sorry that I was just , just— ”

Uncle Ogwa put his hand on her shoulder . He said in sad voice .

“ I know that you have still not recover but — you have long to live too , Asaki . ”

“ Revenge , Revenge all I need . “

Eyes that fill hatred cannot see anything but desire to shed their torse , pluck thier nail , take out their eyes and see them beg for their life .

” Don't be foolish . You will not do anything . You will come with me to Edo ( current Tokyo ) and get married with someone and start a new life . “

” Even if I get married , my hatred will not go away . “

“ Don't be stupid . This is not what Sakai and Yoshie want . You are the only member of Asakawa Family , Asaki . You are only one who can restore the great Shin-ryu sword style . That why , your parent gave their life to protect you , you mus —

“They kill my parent , behead my father , raped my mother , destroy our sword school , burn my house and take everything that is dear to me . That the more reason to give them death . ”

“ Indeed the skill Sakai was unbeatable but to defeat him, who are they ? .“

“ Kajin - ryu “

Silent as a grave , Ogawa felt as his soul taken by reaper .

“ Ka —— jin ryu , group of bandits and rogue samurais under the Kagoshima Kagutsuchi , a young prodigy in sword art destroying every sword school who opposed them to run their sword school .

I heard his gang are queit a diabolic and he never show any mercy to his enemy nor friend . He truly is a devil . “

“ But I have — to take revenge at least I cannot live knowing the killer of my parent are living their life in happiness. “

“ He is a devil , you cannot defeat him . “

“ But —

“ To kill a devil , you have to find a more deviliest than him . “

“ Huh —-

“ Have you heard of THE BLOOD - EATER ?


“ Nobody knows , Nobody see his face . All people who have seen him are already dead . But rumour has tell him as demon . He is ruthless , cold - blooded . It says that his sword drink the blood of his enemy that why he is called The Blood Eater .“

“ Where to find him ? “

“ He might be dead or alive who knows but there is rumour that somebody infiltrate into Suheikon House , the family who possessed powerful and great influence in Imperial Court , was slaughter in one night .

“ Even after the ten years of warring period , People cannot give up their lust for blood “ She said in miserable voice .

“ People who have been killed , all of them doesn't have their head . Killer took the head with him , This is similar too the Blood - eater we are talking about. If my intuition is right , Asaki. He is in the land of manslayers , Choyou “

“ I make sure to find him for , my revenge.

Unknown journey Unknown destination she decided to walk to find that devil who can become her sword .

She was determined to find , she went through many forest , many village , many river untill that day .

In the southern part village , there was small inn for travellers and merchants. She was amazed by seeing the different people in that place .

“ Welcome to our inn , Miss . I am the owner of this inn , Kanamori Mori and this is my wife , Miyuki . “

“ I am , Asa - No Minazuki . I would like to get a room for tonight . “ She said nervously .

“ Sure , Miss Minazuki . Right away Please order your food to my wife . Would you like to eat at your room , Miss ? “

“ Yes please do that . “

“ Okay . “ She bow and went inside .

She was tried , very tried .She was uneasy her confidence slowly fading away . That night , she ate meatball and raddish soup . And on the bed , she was remembering her past , suddenly her father face came up , her mother sudden scream , her past home appear . Her tears fall on her pillow . Then , Then —

Suddenly smoke start , she open the door . Everyone starts scream and shout .

People in cloak suddenly appeared out of blew .

“ Run , Run bandits , bandits “ Everyone scream In the moment whole inn was in chaos . Asaki went down and ran with other probably she thought of keeping her safe .

A young girl stumble while running in crowd . One of bandit came near her and said “ Where are you running , brat ? When bandit stole something it belong him , we steal this place then this place belong to us and even you belong us .Now why not do your stripping show . “ He guffawed .

He came near her face . And she spit on his face . Everyone start to laugh at him . He feel insulted and slapped the girl and said “ Now you pay for that insulted “. He start to tear her dress . Everybody was silent and they didn't do anything beside watching .

Everybody was watching but Asaki was watching something else . Asaki saw a man with a little girl having white hair with light white kimono having symbol of crescent moon in black on her back , enjoying his chicken leg in the mean of commotions . Man was wear straw hat with black cloak . Still she cannot see his face .

He start tearing cloth around her shoulder . She scream and shout . Suddenly chicken leg bone hit his left eye. He gave a loud cry “ yaaaah “.

“ Who did that ? Who ?“ Others bandit became alert .

“ Just shut up . Just let me eat in peace . “

Man in cloak .

“ Ishi , Don't do that or you have to fight him .“ Girl with white hair said .

“Don't worry , Yumi . They are weaklings . Have you ever heard gangs of dog win against one lion , right ? .“

“What did you just say ? Kill him Kill him guys “ .

“ Really they don't want me to eat my food .Yumi , Just go over there “

One of the bandit throw sword , he lift his table and block . Suddenly a sword pierce through the table , “ You think you can stop me ? Fools. “

He stab his right eye too . One after another , swing after swing he start to cut and cut . He was smiling and smiling more after every cut . Many run for their life , many have their right leg not left , many have their left hand not right . He end the fight in just second . He was covered in blood.

“ Ishi , Idiot That was new cloth . “

Inn keeper husband and wife kneel down said , “ Thank you , Thank you very much sir for saving my daughter “

“ Oh , That girl , Yeah Yeah don't worry just give free food “

“ Oh Yes-Yess Of course Sir .“

“ Hey , Who are you ? Asaki asked .

“ Oh , beautiful lady you interested in me ? “

“ Who are you ? “

“ No one Just Ronin , Masterless wanderer who like beautiful girls . “

" And pervert " said Yumi

“ Will you do one thing for me ? .“ asked Asaki

“ Oh , What ? “

“ I want you to kill someone “

“ In returned - “

“ In returned , have any thing what you want . “

“ Oh , Why don't you sleep with me “

Episode 2 - Please Kill Me

“ In this rain , crescent moon shine so pure that the tear in my eyes look like pearl of sea .“


“ Huh “

“ Don' t “Huh” me . You say I can have anything that I want , so Just sleep with me .“

“ You never missed chance to flirt with

girls , promiscuous pervert. “ said Yumi .

“ Of , course . I want some more alcohol . “ He head to the counter .

Asaki was stunned by his bold words . She had mix feeling about him whether he was kind man or he was hiding something in his innocent smile .

“ Hey “ she called a Yumi , little girl with the man .

She came near her and asked , “ What ? “

“ Can you tell me about him ? “

“ Who ? “

“ That man ,

“ Oh , You mean Ishi “

“ Ishi … He said he was wanderer , a ronin but he was so good at using sword … so why he is wandering ? With skill of his he can have respectable post at ministry or even start his own school , so why he became like this ? “

“ Who knows what he is ? But he is really kind you know “ She said it with smile and that was radiant and pure .

“ You two , seem close together . Are you his daughter ? “

“ What ! Where did that come from ? That man is disgusting pervert , womanizer alcohol and gambler , there nothing is good about him “ . Asaki was amazed by her worlds

“ So why are you with him ? “

“ That because he is an idiot .“

“Idiot … huh ? “

“ Yes …. But he is a nice idiot . “

“ Yumi “

“ Yep “

Asaki felt like there was a strange relationship between him and her . A very strange one .

“ Hey , “

“ mmmm “

“ Heeey “

“ mmmmmmmm “

“ Why is she following us ? “

“ Asaki - chan ,

“Chan …. Yes , but when did you two get this close ? Yumi - san “

“ Listen Ishi , didn ' t you promise her that you will accept her request ?

“ Yes , but there was condition , right ? “

“ Yes , Then that condition will be fulfill .“

“ Whaaaaa … “ Asaki blush all red .

“ Oh , She has already agreed on . “

“ Yes “

“ Yumi - san

“ Shhhh , Asaki - chan . Then seal the

oath of the blade .“

“ Oath of the blade …

“ Yes , I will explain it but first introduction .

“ First me , I am Yumi , I prevent any type of girl get victim from my pervert friend , Ishi “ Asaki chortles a little .

“ Ahem , I am Asaki Asakawa from Aizu . “

“ Aizu , Huh ? “

“ Asaki , you came from Aizu . It pretty far.“

“ Yes , it is “

“ Ishi , your turn . “

He sigh . ' Ishikawa ….Ishikawa Jimonji “

Asaki thought is he alway so gloomy or he really hate her .

“ Now , now , don' t be so grumpy , Ishi . And lets form oath . First , Ishi take out his sword . Then , Ishi pour his blood on the sword . And , Asaki grab the handle of the sword and sheath for Ishi . Requester have to tell about work , then sword man have to carry out his / her work . Both have to close the sheath and sword at same time . “

Just like Yumi said Ishikawa take out his sword , cut his thumb a little , and pour blood in the sword . Asaki grab his the handle of the sword . And Ishikawa grab the sheath .

“ Asaki - chan “

“ mm , I want you to kill Shin - ryu leader Kagoshima Kagutsuchi and other member of it . I want you to vow me that you will became my blood avenger . “

Ishikawa head was down , his eyes were close then suddenly he asked a question .

“ Why ? Why you wanna kill him ?“

“ Why “These three letter word throw Asaki into her own whirl pool of question .

Why ? Why I want him to kill , the kill man that kill my family ? I came here to find Blood - Eater but Why ? Am I afraid ? No . Am I afraid to die ? Why ? Just Why ?

Suddenly the surrounding gone slient . Only the rustling of leaf and wind can be heard .

“ Ishi , Asaki - chan , we are here .“

River , Mist and Little cottage , there were. Cottage seem old and with mist it more look like haunted cottage . Due to that , it look more safe place to spend the night .

“ Welcome , this is our base . “

“ Home , it is our home “ Said Ishikawa .

Home huh . The wood look so old and the gloomy atmosphere make you feel like viomitting .

“ I will take care of dinner . Make sure both of you ready the firewood . And don't go far . “

“ Sure “

“ Ishi is a such worrywart . “

Ishikawa went off . And Asaki and Yumi looking for wood . Asaki suddenly saw

crescent black moon on Yumi's back .

“ Crescent Moon , but in black , why Yumi - san ? . “

“ Oh , Crescent moon represent my clan .“

“ Clan ? Does that mean you have family ? What about your mother and father ? “

Yumi turn round gave smile and said , “ They were killed .“

“ Killed ? “

“ Yep , By Ishi . “

“ By Ishi , You mean Ishikawa “

“ Yep “

“ So why are you with the killer that killed your family ? “

“ It pretty long story before I was called Yumi , My real name is Keiko Mitsuki . Mitsuki mean crescent moon so everyone in the family has that on their back . But only my crescent moon was black . Despite my Keiko ( lucky child ) , I was never once was . My mother died giving birth . Everyone start to tell me jinx and that I bring a great misfortune to the family . After the couple of month , my father remarry a woman . Woman had son from prevoius husband name , Kyotaru . He was several year older than me . Inspite being born on such prestigious family , I was never treat has daughter of this family I was just a servant but that day everything change -

“ One night , Kyotaru decide to take me to gambling house in Red District . Father agreed . I didn't feeling right . Inspite of my opposition , he force and take with him . He drink like a fish . He gamble again and again.Don't even hesitate use me as wager . I was afraid and frighten I start to weep and it was scary too .They

removed their cloth and trying assault me — but then he came —-

“ Just shut up —- what are you trying to do a seven year old girl , bastard ? “

“ Just shut up we won her in gamble . Go way. Sucker “

“ Hey girl , I can kill them all . Do you to be save or treat like a tool ?

Tool , In my whole life I was treat like a tool but I am not —- I am not —— tool —— I AM HUMAN .

“ Please — Please — save me . “

Everybody laugh . One man came forward and said , “ He will say , ha will

Suddenly sword slice his head off . After one , after one he start to kill and kill again- again and again .

“ Don' t kill me Please — I can give you money— so spare me spare me . “

He grab his head and enter a dragger into neck and slightly move it untill it off.

I was afraid and scared but he just came put his hand on my head and said , “ Where is your home , girl ? You should go. “

He try to left and why I caught his sleeve .Then I tell him everything about me . And In second he take me to my home , kill everyone and set whole place in fire . Only think I can hear was screams calling for help .

When I saw him ,it was like he just took a blood bath . He came near and said , “ Mitsuki , hah todayis the new moon that mean there is no moon and today whole Mitsuki clan end . “ He touch my face with his bloody hand .

“ Today , You born again Mitsuki . Then I shall give you your name right , then yeah then — Yumi -

“ Yumi - Yeah Yumi - Yumi “

As there was no moon only thing that I can see shine was him fill with blood ,that when I start to smile .

“ Yumi “ He down his left leg and said

“ Yes “ said Yumi

“ When time come , Please kill me , Blood - Eater of Kyoto , Yumi “

Episode 3 - Shadow Puppet Master

“Hallowing sound of the Heaven despise me, the only place I can go is Hell . “

Somewhere in Chosu —-

“ What a beautiful painting Master Kitano! , “ a small man with multiple weapon in her back , broom like hair applause for the artist that was a behind him .

“ What dress ! What an eyes ! How can you create such painting , Kitano . God must have given such a beautiful ability that make people to fall in love with your work . I am very happy that you brought this for me . “

“ Lord Kabuki , It my honour that you like my piece. Lord Kabuki, your greatest shall take over the Chosu . No , not only Chosu but take over world . “

He was keeping throw gold coin at him .

“ And Even if you ask me , I Kitano Takeshi shall gave my life in honour of my Lord , No , to my only God . “

“ Ha ha ha , “ he laugh .

“ Kitano , you make me so happy . Thank for this masterpiece . And you have to come in toworrow celebration . “

“ Celebration , my lord ? “

“ Hah , I didn't tell you , tomorrow is the birthday of Lord Kagutsuchi Kagoshima . So that's way , we are holding big celebration . “

“ Lord - Lor - Lord Kagutschi Kagoshima , young prodigy who master every sword at young age , the leader of the Kajin - ryu , our Master .

“ Our Master , huh ? “

“ This opportunity can not be miss .I have to make best painting of my life time . Then , my lord - my lord . “

“ Best painting of life time , huh ? I can not allow youto do that Kitano . “

“ Pardon ,

“ Sure . Kagoshima is our leader but how can you disrespect your only God by call him the greatest . “

“ No - No - I have no intention —

“ How can you repay for your unforgivable act ? , Kitano , “

“ Plea- Please For- give , my God , Please show your kindness . “

“ Your are my percious devotee , Kitano . I

will forgive you . “

“ You are greatest my lord , You - You are great my —

“ That way , I will take your life . “

“ Huh , “ His face fell out . His eye became teary , his heart ready to explode now .

“ To repay for your mistake , I shall take your life . “

“ But - But

“ Kitano , You say that you will give me your life , right ? “

“ But - But

“ Disrespcting your god is crime , so I shall purify you by taking your life . “

“ Huh “

“ Don't worry about it . Because of me , you are alive , because of me , you will die , because of me you will be purify , because of me you will go to heaven if there is one . “

He point one finger ,break his nail and swallow in his mouth -

“ Thanks you for the food or nail , I should say . “ He laughed

Blood drop from that one nail on the floor , floor start to surround by black haze and soon -

He smile “ Now come , Emu “

Fast as wind , Kitano was disappear from his position . But Kabuki whole body was soak with blood . And that blood was of - Kitano that was in fang of the dog like beast with three horn , red eyes that pierce through his chest and torn everything .

“ Don't play with your food . See What have you done to me ? This was my favourite Kimono and it was quiet expensive too . “

“ Now , you are looking mess , aren't you Lord Kabuki ? “ said the man with slidely dark blue , sitting on the chair eating fried chicken on the table .

“ Oh my , my Vice - Captain of the Tsu Domain , Toshizu Arai Little Demon of Tsu is here . How can I help you , Toshi - chan ? . “

“ I am just here to kill time , you know .“

“ Don't just come at another person place to kill time , you know “ He was pissed .

“ And just my captain got excited to kill that girl from Asakawa . “

“ What that idiot is thinking ? That fiend want to kill that little girl . He must have out his mind . “

“ No . He think that captain really want to finish job properly . “

“ If You want ask me , I also want to kill that girl , taking out her nail , cutting her finger , cutting her nose , taking her eyes out but make sure she will survive . Huh , What a beautiful ! way to die , right Toshi-chan . “

“ I don't know. I am not sadist .And don't call me that Captain Kabuki . “

“ But even so , I feel sad for that girl . She have to die most painful death from Fiend . Or Fiend have to face the demon.“

“ Don't worry I have send someone to kill her . If she is lucky , she will have as much painless death as possible . “

Same Night ——-

at Ishikawa and Yumi House —-

“ Please kill Blood- Eater of Kyoto , Yumi “

Those word made Asaki , restless . She can not understand wheather to hate her enemy or why they were killed . She couldn't understand what is right ? What is wrong . To get revenge for her father , who raise her to be his successor . To the scream of her mother , she can't forget . Everything start to flood her mediocre ideal and knowledge of this world start to come into nothing . She cannot sleep . But only can hear breezy cold wind from the shuttering wind and tune —

Tune , it melody was mesmerizing and beautiful . From tune , it was shamisen . But Asaki never heard such magistical tune ever.

“ Ishi “ said Yumi

“ Yeah , I can see a danger . “

“ Can you handle this , Ishi ? “

He didn't answer it .

“ Just don't make too much noise . I am gonna sleep . Okay . “

“ Yeah “

“ And Ishi , Don't die . “

He nodded .

He open the door . There was nothing but mist . Through the wodden bridge , the girl full in white yukata who playing shamisen in beautiful manner . Her eyes were cover by some kind white cloth .She was playing untill she came infront the Ishikawa .

“ My name is Kiki . I am assassin .I have come here to kill Lady Asaki Asakawa . Please be a gentleman and show me where she is . “

“ Sorry , I am not a gentleman at all . “

He gave vertical sword slice around her eyes but she dodge it in midway .

“ Oh , How dissappointing , I sorry but I have to kill you . “

She break all the three string of shamisen. And take out the sword from the upper body of the shamisen .

“ Oh my , you sure are one scary lady . “

He swing his sword around her chin but I dodge it properly . And again he swing his sword but again she dodge it .

“ Oh how boring , I really I could have little fun but you are ——- weak .

And you know weak people , don't even deserve to die by the hand of the strong . So gonna use my Shikikiri .“

“ Shikikiri ? “

“ Yes Shikikiri , the spiritual technique that allow to use spiritual power in the form of the physical power . “

“ Spiritual power ? “

“ Yes , too explain it quickly let take an example . Spirit have no physical existence but they all do exist . So Shikkiri is an art that help human to connect with spirit in form of sword or animal or doll or even shamisen . “

“ . Indeed if there is power , there will be weaknesss too . In this technique, you have to lost one thing in your life to gain the power . That can be your knowledge , person , body part or even emotion you had . For me ,I gave my eyes to earn this power . After all , everything has a price to pay . “

“ So why are you trying kill this girl ? “

“ How can you be so idoit ? Obviously because her existence is thread to us . “

“ Thread ,huh ?“

“ Shin-ryu Technique that her family teach from generation , can stop our Shikkiri . I don't know detail on how steong she is nor I even care . But she is danger to us . To search Shin-ryu Technique , we destory so many sword school . So many destruction for one reason . So don't waste my time and let me kill you . “

“ Now enough talking , my Shikkiri , Kaizeki Kazen . “

“Kaizeki Kazen ? “

“ Kaizeki Kazen , is my shikkiri which allow me to use the corpse of the people that I have kill in battle .In short ,

there are from hell who a achieve the pain of the being dead . “

“ I warn you it is not 10 or 20 , no 50 or 100 . They are 500 in total . “ She smile

Through the sword of her , army of corpse appear from the ground .

“ Five Hundred , huh ? They are nothing more than your zombie . “ Ishikawa

“ Zombies , huh ? More than zombie I would like them to call my puppets. So , can you defeat me now , huh ? “

Fear can be seen in the Ishikawa eyes .

“ Now , it time for Puppet Show “

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