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No Exit

Episode 1

I'm Beatriz, nineteen years old, living in Portugal. My mother left when I was just two—or so my father claims. He's a business executive and the owner of a security firm. Our relationship has always been strained; business took precedence over his daughter, and he's been overly restrictive, even with my education, insisting I study at home.

I finished my studies at seventeen and haven't pursued university. I only have certificates in IT and accounting. My days are spent at our country mansion where I moved two years ago for my safety—at least that's what my father, the overprotective man he is, insists. Life here is dull, so I often pass time by pestering the staff, especially Fatima, my carer, who's the only one who takes me seriously.

(door sound)

I swiftly hide my phone.

Fatima: Aren't you asleep yet, Beatriz?

Beatriz: Can't seem to fall asleep.

Fatima: You need to, because your father's coming tomorrow to talk to you. If you're exhausted, guess whose fault it will be.

Beatriz: Okay, okay, I get it.

Fatima: I'm just looking out for you.

Beatriz: I'm not a child anymore, you know?

Fatima: Some things never change. You may be an adult, but you still have the mind of a child.

Beatriz: Hey, that's not funny!

Fatima: Get some rest, young lady; tomorrow's a big day.

Beatriz: Fine, goodnight.

Fatima: Goodnight.

(sound of door closing)

I haven't seen my father for four months; I'm anxious about what awaits me tomorrow. I'm clueless about what he wants to discuss but I know I need some rest.

The next day, I struggle to leave the comfort of my bed, eventually making my way to the bathroom, brushing my teeth, and indulging in a long, relaxing shower before dressing in a short, loose outfit.

I know my father will disapprove of my attire, but annoying him seems to be the only way to remind him that he has a daughter.

Some time passes before Fatima tells me that my father has arrived and is in his office, and suggests I eat before meeting him. That's the plan. I descend to the dining hall but decide to eat in the kitchen with Jade, our cook and housekeeper instead.

Jade: You scared me! (hand on chest, breathes deeply)

Beatriz: I'm not that ugly, Jade. (smiles teasingly)

Jade: Your jokes... (gives an appraising look)

Beatriz: Okay, okay, I'll stop.

Jade: Your father won't be pleased with that outfit, young lady.

Beatriz: I don’t care. (I grab an apple and leave to talk to my father)

Episode 2

I was on the brink of reaching my father's office when a sudden uneasy feeling gripped me—as though something was about to happen to me. I told myself it was nothing, but just then, out of nowhere, my father opened the door and called me in. I nodded affirmatively and hurried inside.

(sound of door closing)

Wagner, Beatriz's father: Hello Beatriz, how are you? (he asked, looking at me sternly)

Beatriz: I'm fine. What brings you to this godforsaken place? (I asked with a hint of irritation)

Wagner: Is that how you speak to your father? (he looked at me sternly)

Beatriz: Oh, now you remember you have a daughter, haha, that's funny. (I stared back but then quickly turned away)

Wagner: Stop the drama, Beatriz. I've never let you want for anything.

Beatriz: Just forgot about me. (I mumbled quietly)

Wagner: What was that you said? (he moved closer to me)

Beatriz: Nothing, it was nothing. (I lowered my head, ashamed)

Wagner: Good, I want you to sit down so we can talk. (he said, extending a chair to me)

Beatriz: About what???

Wagner: Your future. (he looked at me with a serious expression)

I was silent for 15 seconds, unable to grasp what was so important about my future that he had to discuss it now—he hadn't even commented on my outfit, which I must confess bothered me a bit. My nerves were so frayed that I hadn't even noticed my hands were clenched. I lowered my head before saying anything.

Beatriz: What about my future?

Wagner: You are going to marry the elder son of the Hastings, who has been managing the family business for a good while, and he will only inherit the company if he marries a lady, and that lady is going to be you. (he stated this with a smile that disgusted me)

I quickly stood up, slamming my hands on the table.

Beatriz: I'll never marry someone I don't even know. (Right after saying that, I ran out, heading straight for my room)

When I reached my room, I locked the door and threw myself onto the bed and began to cry. How could I possibly be forced into marriage, and what if he's old?! I can't even bear the thought of that. Does no one care if I'm unhappy? I should have suspected something like this from my father—that's why he always kept me isolated from the world, away from everyone and everything, even forbidding me from going to school despite knowing I've always been passionate about literature. Tears flowed relentlessly as I sobbed, drowning in my sorrows, when suddenly I heard a knock on the door.

Beatriz: Leave me alone. (I barely managed to get the words out)

Fatima: It's me, Beatriz. (I got up to let her in and then ran back to the bed)


Fatima: Your father told me everything that's happening. (she stroked my hair and offered me a glass of water)

Beatriz: What are you doing here, then? (I took the glass from her hand and drank it all, only to be hit by a severe headache that darkened my vision).

Fatima: I'm sorry... (these were the last words I heard before my vision went black and I fell into unconsciousness)

Episode 3

*Danillo Hastings*

Danillo: Dad, why do I have to marry? (I run a hand through my hair and place the other on my hip, pacing back and forth)

Valdemar, Danillo's father: Because you're the one who will take over your father's company.

Danillo: Exactly, I'm the one, so I don't see why you're forcing me to marry. (I stop pacing and look at my father, who is seated)

Valdemar: I want you to marry so that you can be a true man. (he looks at me seriously)

Danillo: But I am already, Dad. (I stand there wondering what the point of this marriage is)

Valdemar: Not while you continue to date various women. I won't hand over my company to you. So, accept marriage, and in return, I'll transfer the company into your name. (he stands and places both hands on the table)

Danillo: Fine, I accept your conditions. (I have no other choice but to truly marry someone I don't even know)

Afterwards, my father moves towards the door, giving me a key to the new house I'll live in.

Valdemar: I've prepared everything for you and your fiancee. (he gives me a broad smile)

Valdemar: And we'll sign all the documents tomorrow. (after saying that, he places a hand on my shoulder and leaves).

I've been so tired lately; the days have been very hectic for me. Right now, all I want is to have a bit of fun. (I leave the company and head straight to the parking lot, and when I get there, I head towards my car.

I take the key and get in the car, sitting still with my hand on the steering wheel, until I decide to drive off)

(cell phone ringing) I pick up the phone and answer.

Danillo: Hello?

An unknown woman: Hey sweetie, do you have time for me today?

Danillo: Hi Sabrina, what do you want?

Sabrina: You know, I'm feeling lonely. You could come over to my apartment, what do you think? (seductive voice)

Danillo: I'm not in the mood for this. (I say, annoyed)

Sabrina: Please Dan, come see me, I promise I'll take your irritation away, and I only need one head, and that's the lower one. Bye, I'm waiting for you here, apartment 306. (she hangs up)

Danillo: Damn it.

Arriving at Sabrina's apartment, I speak to the manager who quickly calls Sabrina, giving me permission to go up. Once there, I open the door to find Sabrina on the bed. She quickly gets up and approaches me, pulling down my pants and starting to lick my penis and then takes it in her mouth, making movements that excite me. I get carried away and push her onto the bed, take off her panties and penetrate her, making her moan loudly, until I reach my limit and climax on her leg.

Sabrina: You're the best of them all. (breathy voice)

Danillo: I have to go to my new house. (I button up my pants and stand up)

Sabrina: What do you mean, Dan, you're not going to stay? A new house? Can I come with you???

Danillo: No. (I grab my suit and leave quickly before she can say anything else because I don't like to explain myself to people)

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