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FOX FURY | MHA X Modern/Isekai'd Fem!Reader |


past life

narrator pov

18 years old working part-time college student and otaku her parents are Workaholics she lives alone in an apartment doesn't have any friends likes to binge watch anime and fanfic's doesn't have much of a life . y/n was coming back her shift listening to music she saw a cute little white kitten with grey colour eyes coming up to asking for food she picked up the kitten to bring it home

( imagine grey colour eyes )

guess the anime's name

when y/n got home she took some meat for the kitten it look about five months old and was female . the next day was a Sunday so she got the kitten she name momoko toys and cat food after hours of playing it midnight she was reading some fanfic's about getting isakei'd to MHA

momoko was on her chest sleeping *sigh* "I wish I could get isakei'd to MHA " getting ready to sleep momoko's perk up when y/n said her wish ' then I will granted ' momoko thought

y/n was having a dream suddenly she is in a grass field momoko appears in her human form " hello y/n " y/n just blanking staring at momoko " uh Hi who are you " softly smiles at y/n " I came here to grant your wish you can call me momoko " 'momoko isn't that the name of my kitten ' y/n thought " yes I am the kitten you took in and as a way to thank you I will grant your wish "

y/n was shocked the kitten she took in was in human form she was very pretty and grant her wish this was too much to process but she may as well try to get her wish granted

" I wish to go to the MHA world " " very well your wish will be granted but they are a few rules rule one I have decided your quirk don't worry they are very little drawbacks second you will be a few years early before the story starts " ' well that's okay I will get to meet the characters and befriend shoto or touya that would be awesome ' y/n thought " okay I agree to the terms and can I ask what kind of quirk am I getting " "you will find out when you get there and one more thing you be five years old " and after she said that everything when black

chapter one


' Huh that was a weird dream and why is my bed like cement ' my surroundings was an alley around midday " what the hell did I get kidnapped Huh why is everything so big " my voice was squeaky high pitch

and I remember my dream and what momoko said to me " mmm I guess she wasn't lying but why am I in an alley dumpster well no point on dwelling it looks like am homeless might as find some food at night " walking around the area was so boring at least I now I know where I am


as I was walking everyone was looking at like I'm some kind of alien and I still haven't seen what I look like or my quirk I should look for a mirror or something so I can see my reflection

as I was walking by I found convenience store and through the window reflection and i am so cute and tiny I HAVE FOX EARS AND TAIL

" wow I look awesome and cool jacket Thanks momoko "

( appearance and clothes )

" so far she said it's a few years before the plot starts so my best option is to look to what time am in and find a place to stay " seems that if am a few years early then that means aizawa is still at school maybe I can find the Todoroki house and I am not going to be like those cliché fanfic's where they go to class 1A I get it they want to hangout with the characters but that means I'll have to start school again

' and there is no way am I going back to the hell called school I should test out my quirk and give it a name momoko said it doesn't have much drawbacks which is great ' looking for a forest to try out my quirk was pretty easy there was a lot of forestry area hopefully I can meet one of the characters as I was going around the area and I found sekoto peak

" hmm maybe I can look around the area if touya is still alive then I can meet baby tenko and befriend shoto and touya so he won't lose his mind about getting revenge on that piece of shit " and I tripped over a stupid rock and fell face first and got a big scratch it hurt like hell but it just started healing itself and there was done only left a little bit of blood so this is what it's like to be op

" well I guess I have a healing quirk well that's new at least I won't have to suffer " okay so my is like self heal maybe there's more to it as I was getting lost in my thoughts I heard a something in the bushes when I got closer I saw a boy with red and white hair mixed oh my god is that Touya as I got closer I broke some branches and he turned to my direction and I got a heart attack he was cute but I have to keep my inner fangirling

we just started having an intense staring contest it felt like years when it was probably just a few minutes so I had to break the tension

" uhh hi " god this is so awkward I just want the ground to open and eat me

" what are you doing here " wow rude " I was walking around the area and got lost " his red hair is fading that means he will get his blue fire soon

" do you know the way out of the mountain " time for the puppy eyes please buy it omg is he blushing maybe my quirk is cuteness overload

" sure follow me I can get you down the mountain " yes now is my chance to get to know him better and maybe get him to be friends with me even when he's a villain but that's a very slim chance " hi my name is l/n y/n but you can call me n/n " I said with my cutest smile I could muster up " todoroki Touya " he isn't that much of a talker well it's to be expected with how he is being raised by that piece of shit well I must find a way to get him to open up in a short amount of time right he looks like he's 12 or 13 I should start small talk " hey todoroki-kun how old are you I am 5 "

" 12 " it looks like this is going to be tougher than I thought maybe something about heroes would do the trick " todoroki-kun what were you doing in the mountain " Touya just stayed silent well I tried after staying silent for a while " what do you think about endeavor l/n " seriously he is asking the opinion of a five-year-old well good thing I'm not a normal 5 year old either so I'll just answer it just honestly and also maybe you can make a bond by hating on endeavour " I think he is a piece of shit and he is very mean " I have to sound like convincing five year old so let's see his reaction since I was walking behind him I couldn't really see his face

Touya just froze and turn around he's face was priceless I couldn't hold them I left and I just started laughing on the floor " HAHAHA ! what HA why did you ma HA ke that face hahahah " I was laughing so hard my stomach hurt his face was hilarious it looks like he's saw a ghost after my laughing come down

" todoroki-kun why are you so surprised " we continued walking down we're almost there the sun was setting so that means I have to find a place to sleep probably the dumpsters or abandoned building " hey todoroki-kun can I come visit you again " " sure but why ? " " because your funny and cute " Touya blushed bright pink it was so cute I really want to pinch his cheeks they look so soft but I have self control not to " okay bye Todo-kun see you tomorrow " okay now what to do I have no place to sleep probably going to sleep in a tree but right now I'm going to steal some food

as I was walking around the city there were a lot stalls with food so I just quickly grab them I kept walking around and found a katana store and a traditional Japanese mask that I really liked so I'll wait until they close and I'm going to break in and steal them I think I am getting a habit of stealing oh well I learned a few things about my quirk I can control elementals like earth, water, wind, fire but different colors, and that and I was able to keep my ears and tail by accident

and have high stamina same with my jumping ability it was 3 am so most of the shops are closed but I have to be careful one move a hero might arrest me though my quirk is strong I still need some training so I'll use earth to break open the door and quickly in and out of there and the mission was a success I use water on the cameras so there's no evidence

the katana was normal and plain so I use my energy and red lily's came out of the handle I was thinking maybe I can use breathing forms from demon slayer so I can keep my quirk a secret



I ended up sleeping on a roof and it's still morning so I stole a few onigiri, medicine for his scratching and gloves in case I meet tenko or his villain name shigaraki tomura but I like he's real name cause it's short I was jumping from roof to roof my steps can't be heard perks of my quirk I've been looking around for him but still no luck good thing momoko didn't give me a family it will be tougher to go around I was running around with my new mask and katana on my side I giving up on finding when I saw a small boy with light blue hair a lot of my senses are sharper than before

( imagine it's kids size )

I could even see the blood on his hands I wish I could save him but it needs to happen the best I can do is give him some help before all for one takes him

he was going into an alley I quickly got down the roof near where he is when I got to the alley he hiding by the dumpster and being the idiot that I am accidentally kick a can tenko immediately jolted from were he was sitting looking around when his eyes landed on me he backed away so I did the only thing I can think of " hey it's okay I'm not going to hurt you I just want to help " I moved my mask to the side of my face so he can see my face

but he still looked scared " you don't have to be scared I just wanted to help I mean no harm " I slowly came up to him and gave him an onigiri ( rice ball ) I told him not use all his fingers when he took it. he ate like he hasn't eaten in days when he was done eating " thank you for the food " he said softly OMG why is he so cute I want to adopt him " it's okay here I got you some gloves so you won't have to worry about your quirk " he then starting crying I just wanted smother him with love I can't take it anymore


I was wondering around for days and anyone who look at me they'll they immediately run from me l found alley to take a break from walking I sat near a dumpster then I heard someone kick a can I immediately jolted from were I was

I saw a girl with a half fox covering her upper face and there was something on the side of her waist I wasn't sure what it was but she slowly came closer to me so I backed up I didn't want to hurt anyone else " hey it's okay I am not going to hurt you I just want to help " after she that she moved her mask the side she looked very pretty

I relaxed a little bit but I was still scared of hurting her " you don't have to be scared I just want to help I mean no harm " she slowly came up to me and gave me an onigiri (rice ball) she told me not to use my fingers when eating it

it was kind of weird but I did as told when I held the onigiri (rice ball) when it didn't disintegrate I ate it very quickly because I haven't eaten in days when I was done I thank her " it's okay here I got you some gloves so you don't have to worry about your quirk "

I just crying she was the first person to see a human being she didn't see with pity or disgust she's like an angel the I felt someone hug me it was so warm and cozy i leaned into the hug and kept crying after I was sobbing she was rubbing my back


I hug tenko his hands on his chest so he can't hurt me even back at my world I cried a lot about tomura's past he just needed someone as he kept crying it turned into sobs I rub his back I am not really sure how to comfort people so I'm just doing what my gut tells me

when he was letting his emotions out he was still in the hug I tap his shoulder he left his to look up at there where still tears going down his face I wipe with my thumb " hey can you wear the gloves then you can hug me if want " he got up from his position to sit " give me your hand so I can put them on " as I was done putting them on " my name is l/n y/n but you can call me n/n "

" shimura tenko and thank you for helping me how can I repay for your kindness " omg I think I going to die he is adorable " is it okay if I put some medicine your has a lot of scratches and you don't have to repay me " " okay " as I put the medicine tenko shivers " tenko-kun is it painful or uncomfortable ? " " no just cold " hmmm maybe before All for one takes tenko we can spend time together but I'll have to bring him back here so the plot an continue

I guess Touya will have to wait when I was finishing putting the medicine I open my arms but tenko was reluctant " it's okay tenko you don't have about hurting me " he still wouldn't move so I grab his hand and put on my arm with all five fingers tenko's eyes widen in fear he quickly took his hand back

tenko's eyes fill tears but nothing happens " see I told you tenko-kun you don't have to worry about hurting me " after comforting tenko he started getting sleepy " tenko I'm going to get some new clothes would you like to come with me or stay here while I get the things "

" c-can I come w -with you *sob* " " okay close your eyes please " I put my mask back on my face and picked tenko up bridal style he made squeak sound and he's face was red that would put kirishima's hair in shame " can- n put me d.. down " he is cute when he stutters he reminds me of izuku " no can do besides your tired just rest and I'll get us there okay " he just nodded his face still red " close your eyes don't open them until I say okay "

he closed his eyes and I starting jumping from roof to roof he held me so tight I can't breath for a little

boy he sure is strong I stop on the roof " hey tenko-kun can not hold me so tightly " " sorry n/n " " it's okay tenko-kun you don't have to hold me for dear life I won't drop you " after our little detour we arrived next to a building with clothing stores for kids

I put tenko down and he was feeling kind dizzy " tenko-kun I'm going down to get your clothes but first can I have some measurements so I can get proper size " tenko just nodded after getting his measurements I made my way down the stairs but he started following me " tenko-kun why are following me "

tenko's face was getting pink and his eyes glued to the floor " I f...fee..l safe w ... with y...ou " I swear if keeps this up I'm going to have a heart attack " tenko-kun you don't have to worry I'll only be there for a few minutes and it'll be boring also you need rest "

he nodded and I quickly Headed to the store and pickpocket some people I made sure to pick a place where little to no heroes are around I went in the store and got a two nice hoodies to keep him warm and pants, shoes

( the clothes y/n got the two colored hoodies, pants, red white shoes)

when I got back to tenko he was asleep so I let him we'll I played with my earth puppets after an hour he woke up " wake up sleeping head~ I got you some onigiri (rice ball) ~ " " thank you n/n " when he finished his onigiri (rice ball) I got the bag of clothes


chapter two



n/n has been so nice to me I need to find a way to repay her she was the only who reach out to me she's like my hero even though she looks around my age as I was thinking when will she come back I fell asleep

after my nap I woke up next to n/n playing with puppets that look like dirt " wake up sleeping head~ I got some onigiri~ " no ever cared about me before she like an angel " thank you n/n " as I was done eating n/n gave me a bag clothes " which one do you want to change into tenko-kun " I really like the the black one it had cat ears " I'll change into the black one " " okay you can change in the corner over there you can ask me if you need help okay "

the hoodie was comfy and warm the only problem was putting on shoes " uhh n/n can you help me with my shoes "


" sure tenko-kun " as was tying his shoes I saw him scratching his neck and eyes " uh tenko-kun why do you scratch your neck " I ask worry laced in my tone I already why he does that but I don't want to be suspicious I am not sure if all for one is watching so I have be careful " it just feels itchy " " did the medicine I gave not work " " no the itchy stop for a while but it came back " so it was only temporary that's a bummer

it's 4 pm I'll have to bring him back soon so all for one can take him I know a lot of people would want to save him but at some point all for one will get him I don't even have a home so the best option is let All for one to take him in

I'll bring him 7 pm sharp we still have time to hang out together and I still have a lot of money on me

" tenko-kun let's go around the mall and buy stuff and we can look for some medicine so you're itchy will stop even if just for a while " my eyes full of sparkles as I try to hide my sadness and spend as much time possible with him

we had a lot of fun and he followed me like a lost puppy I almost lost track of time It was time to bring him back " tenko-kun I have something to tell you I was thinking about it for while " " what is it n/n " " where are you going to stay my parents don't have enough to take care of two " it stayed silent and I was looking at the ground like it was the most interesting thing

" hey tenko-kun why not we go back to the place where I found you i know it's not much but tomorrow we'll think about a place for you to stay at " it stayed silent then I spoke again " I'm sorry I couldn't help you " and with a bow the only thing I can do right is guilt Trip him

he waved his arms frantically " no you don't have to apologize you already help me so much " he kept on saying that it's fine so I quickly putting hand over his mouth because it started getting attention so we ran out of the mall

he agreed to stay at the alley so I got him some things so he can get comfortable it won't be long before all for one will come so I gave one last hug and walk in a random direction and just pickpocket people that look rich



yesterday I slept on a tree it was pretty comfy I think it's my animal side of my quirk I when back to make sure that my plan worked when I got there tenko was gone

since tenko has been taken next is Touya since he 'died' at 13 but I shouldn't but surprised if it happens sooner but everything will be like in the plot I made notes in case so I don't forget anything


a/n \= this means mission success ✓

this means mission failed F

This means I don't have to do anything ∆

this means important mission


Season 1

sludge incident

entrance exam

quirk assessment test

mock test midoriya vs bakugo

pick a president

reporter break in

USJ attack

season 2

Sport festival

code names


hero killer

final exams

season 3

summer camp

save bakugo & all mights retirement


ultimate moves

hero licence

meeting the big three

Season 4

class 1A interview

overhaul kills magne

midoriya meets Eri

lov & overhaul alliance

kirishima's internship

plan to save Eri

kirishima origin

overhaul battle

retake the hero licence exam

school festival

gentle criminal

endeavour & Hawks vs nomu

rescue training


- meet tenko ✓

- help Touya failed

- befriend and encourage midoriya to follow his dream

- don't get into UA

- arrest small-time villains in my free time ✓

- learn breathing forms

- watch class 1A from afar

- get kidnapped with bakugo

- save aizawa from the nomu

as I was making my way to Touya it was still early so he should be there when I got there I saw Touya training his fire was still red but there was a little bit of blue

" todoroki-kun sorry I couldn't come yesterday " he looked surprised but he quickly turned around and continue training " todoroki-kun can I train with you " he just nodded its going to take a while to get his trust so I just set trees on fire with normal flame but quickly used my water so I don't burn down the area

I thought maybe I could use breathing styles but I remember body was to small it wouldn't be able to take it so I just kept setting trees on fire



I wasn't able to save Touya but we became good friends in that amount of time we had he would always rant to me about his dad but I should have expected that dabi would still be born but at least he still has some sanity

after touya's death I looked after shoto I would came at night to comfort him at first he didn't trust me but he slowly warmed up to me

(new outfit and ignore ankle bracelets, knife, mask, she still wears the half mask)

(what she looks like now)

I became a sort of vigilante I normally work at night and I could use water and wind breathing since I already have enhanced abilities it was pretty easy to reach hashira level in one year it's been six years since I came here

that means all of class 1A are only four years old I feel like it's taking forever for the plot to start I've been staying at a forest sleeping on trees when I need to shower I just break into a hotel or rivers

and I've been training my quirk and swordsmen ship and I can shapeshift into a cat for three hours right now I'm in my cat form watching bakugo bully midoriya from the beginning of the anime when bakugo finished beating him up he left a bruised baby midoriya I wanted to scratch his eyes out

( cat form)

" hey are you okay " midoriya looked like he was going to pass out so I picked him up and put him on a bench and went to get some ointment he passed out for two hours I really wanted to kill that Pomeranian for hurting this little cinnamon roll

as I was thinking of how to kill that Pomeranian I noticed the cinnamon roll waking up


when kacchan beat me up I realized that no men are equal as I was about to pass out I saw a girl wearing a half kitsune mask then I passed out

as I was waking up I saw the same girl I looked around I was on a bench " hey are you okay I found you on the ground all beat up " when I got a better look she was wearing a kimono " here I got your some ointment for your bruises let me apply it for you " I just nodded she applied arms and my face

" thank " " it's no biggie my name is l/n y/n you can call me n/n if you like " " my name is midoriya izuku "



after that day I helped midoriya I would hangout with him and protect him from bakugo when I'm around I always encourage midoriya to follow his dream even if his quirkle and to ignore those idiots


a/n ( she stopped aging at twelve and cause I'm lazy)


today is the day that izuku will get his quirk from all might I was on one of the building's were the sludge villain will take bakugo hostage over the years I've gotten closer to him but he'll never admit it we're sort of equals izuku is always asking about my quirk but I decided to keep it a secret because izuku is terrible at lying I don't anyone knowing my quirk but I rarely use it I'm more to hand to hand combat or breathing forms so no one knows my quirk

I checked the time it was around the time izuku will get saved by all might as i was busy thinking I heard explosion coming from around the corner as expected bakugo is on a full rampage I looked around the crowd of people and saw izuku and small might

midoriya ran to bakugo and threw his bag long story short it happened exactly the same in the anime but in real life it's much better



as I was quietly following izuku in my cat form so I can watch the part where all might tells him about one for all I got a popcorn bag as all might appeared he turned small again it was very funny seeing it in real life as small might said izuku can be a hero and about his quirk

I walked up to izuku in my human form he was still crying on the ground I rub his back but he jolted from my touch but quickly relax when he realized it was me I took a napkin for his crying baby face " here izuku " izuku has never seen my face before and I would like to keep it that way " hello all might " his face was shocked it was priceless hahaha " how do know " " It was pretty obvious there's not much different " both of them were shocked " can you keep my secret "

I wasn't going to tell anyone anyway " don't worry your secret is safe I haven't introduce myself my name is l/n y/n I'm izuku's friend " after a little of introduction we had small talk all might told izuku to meet him at the beach

" izuku I think you should focus your time with all might and his training for the next ten months well I do my own training so we can both get into UA okay " he nodded with eyes full of determination but I felt bad about lying I don't want to go back to school normal school was already a pain imagine go to a hero school no thank you

and so started izuku's montage I just went to the forest I've been staying at I got a wooden katana doing swings running laps since I already reached hashira level I didn't break a sweat so I practise my forms on trees




I was going to the Beach to see where izuku has been training some times I go there to cheer for him and because I really want to see the scene where all might tells him to eat his hair

it was still dark the forest I've been living in and the beach are very far apart good thing I've learned total breathing concentration : consent it took about 20 minutes the sun was shining at the horizon after a few minutes all might came izuku who let out a war cry before falling all might quickly caught him

all might when on about how proud he is of izuku's new build and the part where all might gives izuku his power " now, it's time for the award ceremony, midoriya izuku " yes the best part " yes, sir " " this is something I was once told : " " something that you receive because you're lucky " " and something that you are given because you're recognized " " are different in essence " OMG here it comes " take that to heart. "

" this is the power you earned of your efforts EAT THIS. " " pfft HAHAHA * wheeze * hahahaha am dying HAHAHA " " huh " " come on izuku eat * wheeze * it "

when he finally ate it " hey izuku I before you go I want to say is I'm not going to the entrance exam " his shock was understandable but I can't say I'm lazy and hate school and I don't want to be the center of attention

" I know you're surprised but I feel like being a hero isn't for me " well that was lie I'm practically a hero in the shadows but I don't want that rat/bear principal to suspect me " it's okay I understand " he looked very disappointed " hey don't be so down we can always hangout after school okay izuku and going to UA is a step closer to be a hero " when we said our goodbyes I turned into my cat form

following him UA into was pretty easy as I went in he tripped but was saved by uraraka I quickly went in to look at my surroundings and the anime didn't do it any justice it looks bigger then in the anime as I was wondering around I saw a shadow towering me ' well looks like I'm busted ' as I looked up at the person everything stopped

the person behind me was none other than aizawa OMG my inner fangirling is taking over but good thing I'm still a cat so it just came as a meowing I snapped out of my trance I quickly ran away from him I don't know if he can erase my quirk but am not taking any chances

and i just kept looked around the campus soon my time was up I quickly ran into a forest and made sure no one was around when I turned back to normal izuku texted me saying " I'm sorry I let you down you've been by my side and encourage me but i failed you " this little cinnamon roll needs more self esteem " it's okay izuku you did your best and

I'll always be your friend and support you " I hope that helped

I made my way to a ramen shop it was pretty empty only three people there I ordered f/r (favorite ramen) today was boring at least I met my favorite hero besides Hawks in the past I tried looking for him but no luck maybe Hawks was always with the hero commission

after all those years past chose to stay in my twelve year old form whenever izuku questioned it I just say it's my quirk but I'll never tell what my quirk is

as I was finished eating my ramen I patrol the area I can hide my presents and my foot steps don't make a sound like tengen then I felt someone or something coming from behind me


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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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