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My Little Love (Taekook)

Episode 1

At Jeon Mansion
Eomma Please leave me 😭
Me won't do thish agwin (Me won't do this again)
Mrs Jeon
Mrs Jeon
You b*tch
Mrs Jeon
Mrs Jeon
Mrs Jeon
Mrs Jeon
How dare you talk back to me 😡
Mrs Jeon
Mrs Jeon
Mrs Jeon
Mrs Jeon
*Grabs the unknown's hand and threw him in the room*
Mrs Jeon
Mrs Jeon
Today you won't get dinner 😡
Mrs Jeon
Mrs Jeon
You witch
Mrs Jeon
Mrs Jeon
Bang the door
Me no do anything hic..
Kookie ish a gud boy (Kookie is a good boy)
Talking to himself
Kookie (Little)
Kookie (Little)
Kookie (Little)
Kookie (Little)
Why eomma alwahs beet Kookie 😢 (why eomma always beats kookie)
Kookie (Little)
Kookie (Little)
Kookie don't like here 🥺
Kookie (Little)
Kookie (Little)
Kookie run away from here
Kookie (Little)
Kookie (Little)
Yeah 😀
Kookie (Little)
Kookie (Little)
Kookie will run
That night Kookie ran away from his house
Kookie (Little)
Kookie (Little)
Alone on the road 👉🏻
Kookie was walking alone and aimlessly
Suddenly he heard some noise from behind him
So he started walking fast
But suddenly someone put a cloth on is mouth
Kookie (Little)
Kookie (Little)
Time Skip
Kookie (Little)
Kookie (Little)
*Slowly opens his eyes*
Kookie (Little)
Kookie (Little)
Where ish Kookie 😟


Kookie (Little)
Kookie (Little)
Kookie (Little)
Kookie (Little)
Jeon Jungkook (Little) Age : 21 Little space name : Kookie Little space age: 10 Personality: Cute , bubbly , kind Like : everything Dislike: Nothing
Kim Taehyung (V) Mafia
Kim Taehyung (V) Mafia
Kim Taehyung (V) Mafia
Kim Taehyung (V) Mafia
Kim Taehyung (V) Age: 23 Nickname: Tae , Taetae , taebear Profession : Leader of Black Dragon (Mafia) Personality : Cold , Calm Likes : His hyung and his soulmate Dislike: Gold Diggers , Sluts
Min Yoongi
Min Yoongi
Min Yoongi
Min Yoongi
Min Yoongi Age: 25 Nickname: Yoon, Yoonie, kitty Profession : Best figher of Black Dragon Personality: cold with outsiders only Likes : His brothers and husbands Dislikes : Gold diggers , Sluts Husbands : Min Jimin and Min Hoseok
Min Jimin
Min Jimin
Min Jimin
Min Jimin
Min Jimin Age : 23 Nickname: Minnie Profession : Hacker of Black Dragon Personality: cold with outsiders only Likes : His brothers, husbands and his soulmate Dislikes : Gold diggers , Sluts Husbands : Min Yoongi and Min Hoseok
Min Hoseok
Min Hoseok
Min Hoseok
Min Hoseok
Min Hoseok Age : 24 Nickname: Jhope , Seokie , Hope Profession : Snipper of Black Dragon Personality: cold with outsiders only Likes : His brothers and husbands Dislikes : Gold diggers , Sluts Husbands : Min Jimin and Min Yoongi
Kim Seokjin
Kim Seokjin
Kim Seokjin
Kim Seokjin
Kim Seokjin Age : 25 Nickname: Jin , Jinnie Profession : Fighter of Black Dragon Personality: cold with outsiders only Likes : His brothers and husband Dislikes : Gold diggers, Sluts Husbands : Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon Age : 24 Nickname: Joon , Joonie Profession : Advicer of Black Dragon Personality: cold with outsiders only Likes : His brothers and husbands Dislikes : Gold diggers , Sluts Husbands : Kim Seokjin
Mr. Jeon Jungkook's Uncle Kept Jungkook in the house because he wants Jungkook's fathers property
Mrs Jeon
Mrs Jeon
Mrs. Jeon Jungkook's Aunty Hates Jungkook (same as mr. Jeon)

Episode 2

On Taehyung's side
Kim Taehyung (V) Mafia
Kim Taehyung (V) Mafia
When is the Bidding going to start
Min Yoongi
Min Yoongi
At 10 in the night
Kim Taehyung (V) Mafia
Kim Taehyung (V) Mafia
Time Skip
At the bidding place
Kim Taehyung (V) Mafia
Kim Taehyung (V) Mafia
Min Yoongi
Min Yoongi
The Bidding shall begin
The First thing is this precious necklace
Its called the Ocean Pearl necklace
The bidding starts from $100,00,000
Random Person 2
Random Person 2
Random person
Random person
call for $250,00,000
2nd Call for $250,00,000
3rd call for $250,00,000
The Next object is ....
It continues for a while
But till now nothing took an interest to Taehyung
This is the Last object for the Day
The unknown remove the cloth over the object
Revealing a boy chained on a chair
(Imagine they tied Kookie like this on the chair)
Kookie's Pov
Kookie (Little)
Kookie (Little)
Wh-where did they bring kookie 🥺
Kookie (Little)
Kookie (Little)
Why is kookie tied on a chair
Kookie (Little)
Kookie (Little)
Suddenly the cloth above his head was pulled
Kookie (Little)
Kookie (Little)
*Bright light hit his face*
Kookie (Little)
Kookie (Little)
End of Kookie's Pov
All the people in the bidding hall were drooling over kookie
Random person
Random person
Random Person 2
Random Person 2
This slave is the last object of the day
Its bidding starts from
Random Person 2
Random Person 2
Random person
Random person
I want that Slave he is so sexy 🤤
Random person
Random person
Random Person 2
Random Person 2
All turned towards the voice
Min Yoongi
Min Yoongi
Yahh!! V are you serious
Kim Taehyung (V) Mafia
Kim Taehyung (V) Mafia
Yeah *whispers*
Call for $1000,00,000
2nd Call for $1000,00,000
3rd Call for $1000,00,000
Kim Taehyung (V) Mafia
Kim Taehyung (V) Mafia
Kookie (Little)
Kookie (Little)
Comment 😁
Min Yoongi
Min Yoongi

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