Elias, one of my bodyguards, spoke with urgency, "We must leave before they locate us," compelling me to depart.
"But we cannot simply abandon everything," I replied.
"We can and we will. We made a commitment to protect you, and we will fulfill that promise, even if it means overcoming your resistance," Jayce asserted as he pulled me away.
"But we cannot just leave. Everyone here has shown us kindness. We cannot forsake them in their time of need," I insisted.
"Locate her, and when you do, bring her to me. I will ensure her end," she vowed.
This was the voice of someone determined to take my life, a presence that tormented me both in reality and in my nightmares.
"We must leave immediately," Elias urged, and this time, I refrained from speaking further.
We found ourselves in a concealed passageway, characterized by an unending series of stairs, enveloped in darkness and an unsettling atmosphere. Both companions wielded a torch, providing us with a semblance of direction and visibility. We moved swiftly, and upon exiting the tunnel, we encountered three horses waiting for us outside.
We mounted the horses in haste and rode off rapidly, despite our uncertainty about our destination. There was no refuge to be found. The one place I believed I could find safety was also infiltrated by her presence.
This relentless pursuit has persisted for two years, with her intent on ending my life while I flee for my survival.
Life was not always this way. My mother used to recount tales of a world that was harmonious and serene, but now it is marred by conflict. No one can rest peacefully, fearing the threat of death in their slumber. Individuals like her prey upon the vulnerable, and silence prevails in the face of their tyranny. She shows no mercy, disregarding age or circumstance in her quest for destruction.
Her ultimate goal is to dominate the world and eliminate anyone who opposes her. I do not consider myself an obstacle; in truth, I am indifferent to her actions, merely voicing my grievances in solitude.
I am uncertain as to why she is so determined to eliminate me, but then a thought crossed my mind.
I cannot comprehend why she perceives me as a threat capable of harming her; it seems to be a matter of kill or be killed. Yet, who would dare to attempt her assassination?
I am powerless to inflict any harm upon her. She possesses far greater strength than I do, and I am so intimidated by her that I would not even consider approaching her, as she would not hesitate to take my life. I can only hope that someone courageous enough will intervene and relieve me of the burden of fleeing for my life.
"Where do we go from here?" I inquired as we paused to rest.
We found ourselves in a cave where we would spend the night. I understood that we had nowhere to turn and no allies, for the moment we sought assistance, we would likely face betrayal, which would not bode well for any of us.
"I am unsure," Elias replied. "We can run indefinitely as long as we protect you, for if anything were to happen to you, there would be no hope for survival, and we cannot allow that to occur. We need you."
"I have already told you that I do not believe in that notion. Why was I powerless when she took the lives of my parents? Why am I unable to act whenever she appears?" I questioned, my voice filled with anger. "I wish you would cease to foster false hopes, for I am insignificant compared to her. She would eliminate me without a moment's hesitation."
"You must have faith," Jayce implored. "You are our only hope to bring an end to this suffering. Everyone is counting on you to resolve this."
"That is precisely what I wish to avoid. I cannot bear the weight of it. She is going to kill me; I was unable to confront her today, so what makes you think I will be able to do so tomorrow?!"
"We have faith in you and the moon goddess. She will safeguard us through you," Elias reassured.
"Let us simply call it a night," I said, weary of the argument. This was not the first time we had this discussion, and it certainly would not be the last.
I held the most extraordinary gift of all, yet I chose not to utilize it. I refuse to conform to the expectations of others and subsequently bear the consequences that I did not willingly choose to face.
I possess a life, albeit one that eludes me. My parents have always shielded me from the outside world.
I was prohibited from venturing outside or participating in any events, gatherings, or similar activities.
The only exception was once a year, during the celebration of the moon goddess, which involved a large crowd and numerous guards to ensure my safety.
I resented this arrangement, as it left me without friends and confined to homeschooling. I harbored animosity towards my parents for imposing such restrictions, as I felt trapped and deprived of a normal childhood.
Unlike other children, I missed out on playing with peers, experiencing betrayal by close friends, or enjoying sleepovers.
While I received everything I desired, certain experiences remained unattainable. I longed to witness life beyond the confines of my room.
I yearned to live as others do, yet now that I am free, I find no joy in that freedom. I often wish to retreat back to my room, where I would willingly lock myself in and comply with my parents' directives to remain indoors. Hiding away from any and all living beings.
Regrettably, I am unable to revert to that state. At times, I wish this were merely a dream from which I could awaken, but I have come to understand that this is my reality.
A harsh and bitter reality—a nightmare whose end remains uncertain.
Continuously haunting me at every turn...
If I truly had the ability to bring an end to my struggles, I would have done so by now; however, I find myself powerless, and it is profoundly distressing.
It is troubling to have numerous individuals who look up to me and place their faith in me, This situation is particularly challenging because I often find it hard to believe in myself.
I fear that my doubts might lead to pain or disappointment for those who rely on me. I do not want to let anyone down or cause them to feel disheartened.
At the same time, I realize that I have a responsibility to pursue my goals and fulfill my true potential. Each day presents a new opportunity, yet it can also feel overwhelming.
I must recognize the importance of my journey.
Yet, I am nowhere near ready to embrace that possibility, as fear holds me back, clinging to me like a damn leech.
I fear I might disappointing those who rely on me. I am apprehensive about failing to fulfill the expectations placed upon me and the potential consequences of my absence, which could lead to suffering for others.
I refuse to take any action until I possess the courage and strength to confront her, confident in my victory. I cannot afford to risk failure, as it would mean suffering, and I wish to avoid that at all costs.
We are simply going to wander aimlessly?
It is possible that we could inadvertently walk into her trap, where she would dismantle us piece by piece until we are utterly diminished.
I expressed my frustration with the prolonged horse ride. We had chosen to ride rather than take a car due to the heightened risks, especially since we were still within the forested regions of our society.
Eventually, we arrived at an expansive clearing marked by a landmark indicating territorial boundaries.
This signaled that we were on the verge of entering a pack's territory, a situation that was far from ideal for us at this moment.
As rogues without a pack, we were viewed as threats by wolves belonging to packs, who would not hesitate to eliminate us upon sight.
While I understand their perspective given past incidents, it does not render the situation just.
We found ourselves without options; seeking refuge in an inn was out of the question, as our presence would likely be reported.
My hunger was becoming unbearable, and I could hardly recall the last time I had eaten.
I was contemplating potential destinations and how to satisfy my hunger when the sound of sirens pierced the air, followed by the whistling of arrows flying toward us.
We managed to evade the initial onslaught, but more projectiles soon followed.
Before long, we found ourselves encircled by over twenty men. It seemed rather unjust; we were outnumbered three to one, which hardly constituted a fair fight.
"What do we have here?" one of the men inquired.
He was the most striking individual I had ever encountered.
His dark eyes, somewhat intimidating, made my knees feel weak, while his facial structure was both refined and perfectly symmetrical, exuding masculinity.
He stood at least six feet tall, with tousled brown hair, and his eyes sparkled like fresh dew glistening in the sunlight on a leaf of emerald green.
Beyond his physical attributes, there was an additional allure that drew me toward him—his fragrance.
He emanated a scent reminiscent of fresh wood, combined with a hint of citrus and cinnamon; it was utterly captivating.
I appeared oblivious to the situation, but I suspect he commanded his men to attack us, labeling us as rogues.
Suddenly, arrows began to rain down upon us from all sides.
Utilizing my abilities, I redirected the arrows away from our path, causing confusion among his ranks and inciting anger in him.
"You are all complete fools!" he yelled in frustration, knocking an arrow and aiming it directly at me.
While I pondered the rationale behind his actions, I found myself captivated by his presence and the scent he exuded.
I was unaware when the arrow struck my right shoulder.
Elias and Jayce retaliated by launching arrows at our assailants, successfully hitting their targets, while I ensured that none of their arrows reached us by employing my powers.
I paused for a moment to observe the man; he possessed an air that commanded respect, and his formidable presence left no doubt that he was the alpha.
I found myself questioning his intentions and what fate awaited us.
In my negligence, I failed to notice that he had incapacitated Elias and Jayce; they lay on the ground, unconscious, likely due to the sedative properties of the arrows.
It was somewhat reassuring to realize that he did not wish for our demise.
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