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Single dad, nightmare boss.
He is the gorgeous prodigy who took the real estate game by storm.
Arrogant. Surly. Eyes of steel.
He meets her on the worst day of her life and gets his fern kicked.
she was sure she's getting sued. Instead, she get a job offer. .
Turns out, managing his schedule—and temper—is actually his revenge.
In the office, his eyes follow her everywhere. Is he going to fire her or devour her?
Hate and want. Push and pull. All they do is tiptoe around what’s between them
Until one chance meeting with his adorable daughter changes everything Suddenly, she's seeing the softer side of him.
Can She keep she head on her shoulders when the office grump sets his sights on her?
And what will happen if news of their forbidden romance gets out?
sorry guys I've been busy ... I just graduated this month So I've been busy with my exams and assignments...
I somewhat lost My inspiration for stories but I'm gonna try this one again
please support me like you all always did for my other stories
I will continue my other stories too
Hope everyone's doing great ❤
Malcolm Dronannath (ml)
Malcolm Dronannath (ml)
Malcolm Dronannath (ml)
Malcolm Dronannath (ml)
MALCOLM DRONANNATH (ML) has a adorable daughter a prodigy real estate business love his daughter a lot arrogant and surly but has soft side for his daughter
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
DELIA HAYWARD (FL) gonna be ml employee soon Adore his daughter has a boyfriend arrogant kind and friendly love her family step mom sisters a lot
Camilia Dronannath (ml daughter)
Camilia Dronannath (ml daughter)
Camilia Dronannath (ml daughter)
Camilia Dronannath (ml daughter)
CAMILIA DRONANNATH (ML DAUGHTER) love his father gonna adore Delia soon lovely and adorable totally opposite of her father


She knew something’s off when She walk into her apartment.
Their apartment.
Her and Welles’
The air smells stale like none of the windows have been opened all weekend.
It’s creepy.
She just returned from her business trip .
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
*fall on her bed*
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
*hand automatically slides to Welles' side of the bed*
It was cold.
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
The sheets still smell like my favorite detergent.
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
Welles has a particular cologne that gets on everything.
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
Did he not sleep in our bed all weekend?
her screen lights up with a call from her step-mom.
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
📞Hey, Mom
Roxanne Hayward (fl step mother)
Roxanne Hayward (fl step mother)
📞Sweetheart, you’re up.
Roxanne Hayward (fl step mother)
Roxanne Hayward (fl step mother)
Roxanne Hayward (fl step mother)
Roxanne Hayward (fl step mother)
📞Could you do me a huge favor and go check on your sister?
Roxanne Hayward (fl step mother)
Roxanne Hayward (fl step mother)
📞She hasn’t been answering any of my calls this weekend.
Roxanne Hayward (fl step mother)
Roxanne Hayward (fl step mother)
📞I’m worried.
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
📞Is she okay?
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
📞Did she relapse?
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
📞What did the doctors say?
Roxanne Hayward (fl step mother)
Roxanne Hayward (fl step mother)
📞Oh, it’s nothing like that
Roxanne Hayward (fl step mother)
Roxanne Hayward (fl step mother)
📞Her last check up was good Laura and I were there
Roxanne Hayward (fl step mother)
Roxanne Hayward (fl step mother)
📞No sign of the cancer coming back As long as she keeps going in routinely
Roxanne Hayward (fl step mother)
Roxanne Hayward (fl step mother)
📞we’ll be fine.
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
📞That’s good
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
(Grace’s okay)
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
(Everything’s okay)
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
(Everything’s great)
Roxanne Hayward (fl step mother)
Roxanne Hayward (fl step mother)
📞I’m worried she won’t eat well now that she’s got her own place.
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
📞Grace’s not going to starve herself, Mom.
Roxanne Hayward (fl step mother)
Roxanne Hayward (fl step mother)
📞I’m still anxious.
Roxanne Hayward (fl step mother)
Roxanne Hayward (fl step mother)
📞 I hate that she moved four hours away.
Roxanne Hayward (fl step mother)
Roxanne Hayward (fl step mother)
📞The only thing that makes me sleep at night is that she’s living close to you.
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
📞Don’t worry I’ll keep an eye on her,Mom
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
📞How's Laura doing anyway?
Roxanne Hayward (fl step mother)
Roxanne Hayward (fl step mother)
📞She's good just don't want to go away from here
Roxanne Hayward (fl step mother)
Roxanne Hayward (fl step mother)
📞You’re such a good sister, Sweetheart.
Roxanne Hayward (fl step mother)
Roxanne Hayward (fl step mother)
📞In fact, people think you three are blood-related, you know.
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
she was thirteen Laura was 12 and grace was 10 when her dad married her step mom and they moved in together.
Roxanne Hayward (fl step mother)
Roxanne Hayward (fl step mother)
📞How are things with you and Welles?
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
📞We’re good. He’s super excited about a promotion at work.
Roxanne Hayward (fl step mother)
Roxanne Hayward (fl step mother)
📞When are you two getting married?
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
📞Oh, we’re not in a rush.
Roxanne Hayward (fl step mother)
Roxanne Hayward (fl step mother)
📞Sweetheart, what’s the hold-up? You and Welles have been together for what? Three years now
Roxanne Hayward (fl step mother)
Roxanne Hayward (fl step mother)
📞See? That’s more than enough time to put a ring on it.
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
📞When we’re both ready, it’ll happen
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
📞Alright, I know a brush-off when I hear one
Roxanne Hayward (fl step mother)
Roxanne Hayward (fl step mother)
Roxanne Hayward (fl step mother)
Roxanne Hayward (fl step mother)
📞Give Grace a kiss for me, sweetheart.
Roxanne Hayward (fl step mother)
Roxanne Hayward (fl step mother)
📞And tell her to answer the damn phone when I call.
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
📞I will, Mom
Roxanne Hayward (fl step mother)
Roxanne Hayward (fl step mother)
📞Bye sweetheart and come visit home soon
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
📞yeah Mom bye
She reached at Grace apartment
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
*knock on door*
but no response
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
Hey, Grace You home?
From inside She hear a faint groaning sound.
Panic overtakes her.
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
(Is Grace hurt?)
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
(Did she faint and hit her head against the tub?)
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
(Do I need to call an ambulance?)
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
(What if her cancer came back?)
She shove her hand into her purse and search for spare keys her mom slipped her when Grace moved to the city.
her fingers shake and the keys jangle noisily
She desperately crash through Grace’s front door
Then she head toward her bedroom. Then She smell it. That…
It’s Welles’ cologne.
Roxanne Hayward (fl step mother)
Roxanne Hayward (fl step mother)
Roxanne Hayward (fl step mother)
Roxanne Hayward (fl step mother)
ROXANNE HAYWARD (FL STEP MOM) kind and caring fl was 13 when she married her dad has a 2 biological daughter loves Fl her sister (grace) and her 2nd sis (Laura)

Chapter 2

It’s Welles' cologne.
the groaning that comes from Grace’s room is loud And breathy And way too low to be a sign of pain.
It finally dawns on her What She heard outside—the sound that made her barge into her sister’s place uninvited—was not an ‘I’ve fallen and I can’t get up’ groan.
It was something else.
Something a lot more… private.
The bedroom door was closed
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
(My sister is an adult, so it shouldn’t surprise me that she’s getting certain… itches scratched😳)
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
(But I still remember her as the scrawny tween who wanted to be everywhere I was😊)
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
(It’s hard to reconcile what I knew of her to that of an adult who can…😶)
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
(I should go😳)
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
(Maybe I’ll call welles and find out where he is😊)
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
(See if we can meet up to get our own time in)
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
(A weekend apart was long enough to go without holding him😊)
You like that, baby?
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
All of her goes cold. Every. Single. Part.
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
(Why did that voice sound like my boyfriend of three years?)
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
(It can’t be Welles)
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
(Even though it’s the very same timbre)
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
(The very same husk that he uses when we’re loving on each other)
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
(It’s not him)
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
(Maybe it’s his brother?)
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
(Who am I kidding?)
She approach bedroom door
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
(even if it hurts,I have to see)
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
(Have to know)
She push the door with her hand.
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
(Oh, my go—😨)
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
* gasp*
She was Terrified by the sight of her sister on top of her boyfriend.
She can’t see what body parts are sticking into each other because a blanket is draped over their hips
But anyone can guess by the way they’re moving that they’re not exactly praying under there.
They didn't exactly notices Her
Grace Hayward (fl sister)
Grace Hayward (fl sister)
Yes Welles... 🥵
The next thing She did the bag is gone from her hand.
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
*throw her bag toward Grace*
The bag slams Grace in the middle of her back.
Grace Hayward (fl sister)
Grace Hayward (fl sister)
* curses and sprawled down on Welles’ chest*
Welles Helston (fl ex)
Welles Helston (fl ex)
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
(The angle must have been painful)
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
(I hope she broke it)
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
(I hope he can never have kids because of it)
Grace Hayward (fl sister)
Grace Hayward (fl sister)
The hell?
Grace Hayward (fl sister)
Grace Hayward (fl sister)
*turn her head back to look*
Their gazes collide Deafening silence fills the room as she stares at her
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
(It’s funny the way horror crawls over her expression)
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
(If it wasn’t my sister and my boyfriend—)
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
(If it wasn’t my life—)
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
(It would be almost satisfying to see that split second of oh damn I got caught slip into her eyes)
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
(But it is my boyfriend)
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
(And it is my sister)
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
(In bed. Together)
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
*start trembling*
Grace Hayward (fl sister)
Grace Hayward (fl sister)
Delia Sis *gasps*
Welles Helston (fl ex)
Welles Helston (fl ex)
That voice belongs to her boyfriend Ex-boyfriend as of now
Delia Hayward (fl)
Delia Hayward (fl)
(It hurts Damn)

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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