NovelToon NovelToon


1~First Appointment

Author's POV:

Jungkook arrived at the hospital and step out of his car and gave keys to the guard on the gate.

"Good morning Dr. Jeon" receptionist Lia beamed.

"Good morning Ms Lia, any appointments for me?" Jungkook inquired.

Lia told Jungkook his schedule and Jungkook went to his cabin.

He take off his jacket and hang it on coat hanger and wear his doctor's coat and set off to start his day.

After some time~

Jungkook's POV:

I was waiting for my patient in my cabin as his appointment was at 3 PM and it was already past 3. While waiting for him, I decided to check his details and medical history as this was going to be his first visit with me.

I turn on my computer and read the details of the patient.

His name is Kim Taehyung...

Wait what? Isn't he is a very popular celebrity. It's not like it's my first time treating any celebrity but I still get surprised everytime I meet new one of them.

I read all his other necessary details and medical history.

He is suffering from depression, insomnia and anxiety attacks.

It's not any exceptional case, celebrities are more likely to deal with depression cause they tend to bottle up their emotions and hardships and in a long way it causes them depression.

Two men in all black enter in my cabin without my permission and stand infront of my table.

"You should ask for permission before getting in" I said in a tone

to put some sense into them.

Then 2 more men enter, one was wearing cap and mask and the other one was taller than the first one.

"We are sorry, this is Mr.Kim Taehyung and he have an appointment with you and I'm his manager Lee Sejin." the taller one said while bowing.

I slightly bow in response,"That's fine, I'm Dr. Jeon Jungkook, please take a seat" i said politely.

"Please make yourself comfortable" I added while looking at Mr. Kim who was sitting in front of me while still wearing his mask and cap.

After listening to me he took off his mask and cap and as expected he was really handsome.

I asked some general questions to him like how he is doing, how his lifestyle is, his sleep cycle, food habits, etc.

At first he was hesitant to answer but eventually he responded to all those questions.

Now for psychotherapy session i need him to be alone with me.

"Mr. Lee if you don't mind, for psychotherapy session I need to be alone with Mr. Kim" I asserted.

They both looked at each other and Mr. Kim nodded.

Mr. Lee left the cabin with those 2 men who were standing whom I assumed to be bodyguards.

I started the session.

After sometime~

The session was pretty good and he is easy to deal with unlike many other celebrities i treated before.

"Mr Kim I've prescribed you the medicines and already send the list to the pharmacy which is on the ground floor of this building, you can collect your medicine from there and pharmacist there will tell you about the dosage and timing for medicine consumption.

Make sure to avoid alcohol, cigarette and drugs apart from prescribed drug ofcourse *haha*. Limit your caffeine and sleeping pills too. Do not overwork yourself and eat healthy food on time. Go for jog outside in nature instead of treadmill. Try breathing exercises which i told you earlier in our session. Do not pull all nighters. If you can't sleep at night read a book or listen to soft music, take warm bath and drink warm milk before going to bed and use ylang ylang essential oil in your diffuser, instead of taking sleeping pills.

That's all for now, do you have any questions Mr Kim" i finished and took a deep breath.

He just shook his head as no.

"Then see you at the next session Mr Kim, you'll get an email for your next appointment. Have a great day ahead" i informed him.

"You too" he replied shortly and got up from the seat and wore his mask and cap again and left.

Taehyung's POV:

I left Dr. Jeon cabin and saw Manager Sejin waiting patiently for me. I cleared my throat to grab his attention, he look at me and came running towards me.

"Taehyung shi how was the session, do you think this doctor is good, what he told you, did he prescribed medications, when will be the next appointment" he asked all these in one breathe.

"Manager-nim how i suppose to answer all these at once" I replied nonchalant.

"Yeah right, so how was the session, did he prescribed medications?" He asked calmly.

"The session was quite good and yes he prescribed medications, we can collect them from the pharmacy at the ground floor" I told.

"Did he said anything else like what to eat, what not to eat or something like that" he asked again.

"Yes, he told me to limit sleeping pills and cut alcohol and so many other things, which I don't remember really well" i replied.

"It's okay I'll email them to ask him to send me the list of precautions and do's and don'ts, you go wait for me in the car, I'll be back after getting your medicines" he said.

I nodded my head and went towards the driveway.

I was waiting for manager-nim to come so I can go home and have some rest, ughhh I'm so tired.

I rest my back and head on the seat comfortably and closed my eyes remembering the session with Dr. Jeon.

He indeed is a great psychiatrist as I heard. He was really patient and understanding with me. Well we can't expect any less from country's no.1 psychiatrist.

I should've come to him in the very first, why i wasted my 2 months with that Dr. Choi, he did nothing.

Manager-nim came and sit on drivers seat and started driving.

I plugged-in my headphones on my mobile and played my playlist.

After sometime ~

We reached home.

I sat on my couch and manager-nim entered.

"Taehyung shi this is your medicines, there is a list inside the bag for when and how to take,okay" He said while keeping the paper bag on the table.

I hummed and nodded my head.

"Then I'll leave it's getting late, You should take rest after having dinner cause you have early morning shoot" He said.

"Yeah, good night " I replied.

He walks towards the main door and disappeared outside.

I decided to take a good bath to wash off my tiredness so I headed towards my bedroom and then the bathroom.

I took a long warm bath. And went to my closet to find a pair of comfy clothes.

After wearing clothes, I had dinner and took medicines and went to bed.

Jungkook's POV:

I was wrapping up my work then I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in" I said while keeping some files in a drawer.

Dr. Song Hana, assistant doctor enters in my cabin.

(Just imagine her as Song Hana, no hate towards Lee Sung-kyun)

"Dr. Jeon are you done with the day" Dr. Song asked smilingly.

"Yes Dr. Song, how about you" I asked while going towards my coat hanger.

"I'm also done with my work. Actually my parents went on business trip so I was just going to have dinner alone. So I was wondering if you have no plans, will you accompany me?" Dr. Song asked hopefully.

"I'm afraid I can't accompany you for dinner Dr. Song. It was getting late so I ordered for takeout and already had my dinner after finishing up my appointments, I'm really very sorry" I said feeling guilty.

"It's okay Dr. Jeon, are you heading back home?" She asked.

"Yes I'm" I said while changing my coat.

"Drive safe, see you tomorrow Dr. Jeon" she said.

"You too and Good night Dr. Song" I replied and left my cabin and then walk towards the lift.

I drive back home and enter in my comfort place.

I took a bath, put on some comfy clothes and went to bed to have my beauty sleep.








To be continued...

~by Minnie🐦.....

Rinnie🌸& Minnie🐦

2~Be My Personal Doctor

Author's P. O. V...

After following the routine prescribed by Dr. Jeon for almost 2 weeks Taehyung was feeling alot more better so he stopped taking medicines thinking he's good to work now.

Taehyung's P. O. V...

"Oh well I'm sorry Imma lil busy today but let me be quick and tell you what happened since author is forcing me to" now well and good all thanks to Dr. Jeon, I'll go one day whenever I'll get time to show my gratitude to him, his therapies were on to the point and now I think I'm cured so I'm back to my shoots and all, and not surprisingly I'll be lil more busy for some days because of the pending shoots of last couple of weeks.



I was in my makeup room right when my manager came in and asked " Taehyung shi have you taken your medicines?? " " No but don't worry I think I'm pretty well now and i can do better" I replied. " But Taehyung shi--" He sounds worried but i didn't let him complete his sentence before that i stood up from my chair tapped on his shoulder and said " Enough, I said don't worry " And went to the set.



Today we're going to shoot a heart breaking cheating scene where I'll be the one cheated on by the female lead...

"Is everything all set!!!? " Asked the director in high volume making sure to get reply from everyone, " Okay so actors are on position ? " He asked again and we all replied by nodding and showing thumbs up "alright~! " He's excited " OKAY.....TAKE ONE, LIGHT, CAMERA AND ACTIONN!!! "




The female lead and i had a plan to have dinner date at a restaurant called 'Floral24K' but the moment I was about to come out of my office to reach the destination she called saying " Um.. Honey cannn we postpone our dinner date because I got some urgent work at my office and it'll probably take lots of time to finish... So I suggest you to go to your home I'll come tomorrow to make up to you okayyiii~~~??? " I agreed to it because I had nothing to suspect on.

I was driving in the direction of my home I saw my girlfriend's car (female lead's car) I felt weird and curious because she just said she'll be busy so I don't wanted to but still followed her car and waitt what!!! 'What she's doing here in Floral24k restaurant?!!?? " I thought She came out of her car ' this is indeed her!!! ' and an unknown can came out of the restaurant and they both hugged and KISSED right in front of my eyes! I felt a sudden push and I broke into tears and a hurricane of questions raised in my head while I was still hiding behind a huge tree and observing everything until they both went inside the restaurant.


"AND CUT! " director said and he seems to be satisfied!!



Director came to me while I was still standing with all the emotion and tears on my face and he said " Taehyung you never disappoint us! Your acting looks so real! " I was not in the state of saying anything because this scene reminded me my past relationship and heart break it was so similar and I would say that was the real reason of my depression and anxiety attacks! I smiled at him and was walking towards the changing room with heavy steps while all the past emotions flooded in my head with force which I wasn't able to handle and fell unconsciously on the ground, after sometimes I gained my consciousness back but still manager and other forced me to see the doctor.

"Taehyung shi I think we should stop here and go to doctor Jeon for a checkup! " Said manager Sejin "no im alright it might just be because of overwork today" I assured, but then director and producers requested so I couldn't deny!

Jungkook's P. O. V...

I was packing my stuffs because it's night and my time to go home but then suddenly my assistant doctor came running in my cabin "Dr. Jeon! Your patient Mr. Kim Taehyung is here.... They all bought him right from the shooting set because he fell unconscious! "

" Okay okay please show me the way Miss. " I said as I grabbed my coat from the back of my chair and stethoscope and rushed to see him.

I saw his condition and injected some essential medicinal fluids while asking "Mr. Kim, how did this happened, medicines didn't worked or what? " " No.. Umm.... " He laughed nervously and said " I was actually very fine after take your meds and following your prescribed routine... Then I thought I was cured and I stopped the meds." while ignoring eye contact like a little kid.

To be very honest I wanted to scold him here but....*sigh* "Dr. Jeon! Why don't you be my personal doctor you'll get your pay properly and I'll not repeat any mistake from next time" He explained showing his puppy eyes to me with excited voice. " Sorry Mr. Kim! But i deals with many patients i want to be available for them all the time as I'm available for you I see all my patients equally, if you want me anytime you have my contact number you can call me anytime or can visit me in the hospital in my working hours I'll do every possible things for you. " I rejected his proposal in a very decent way.

I came out of the room where everyone was was waiting "Dr. How's he? " Asked his manager, "don't worry Mr. Lee, He's alright and I've already explained everything! " I said as I was walking towards my cabin grabbing my stuffs and going down to my car.

I reached to my car and I heard a voice from behind " Dr. Jeon! " I turned and saw "Oh Mr. Lee, how may I help you? " " I was saying that... If you could be Mr. Kim's personal doctor? Because he's always busy with his shoots and often forgets the essential things to follow so could you please--" " Did he sent you here." I kinda rolled my eyes "no doctor it's my concern" He replied.

"Mr. Lee! I've already talked to him on this matter and i made my words pretty clear you can ask him. And I'm so sorry to turn y'all down, i may take my leave now" I said and I sat in my car and drove back to my house.

Taehyung's P. O. V....

I dropped my body on the couch " Am I not lucky enough to be taken care of!!? First my parents never cared of me then my girl-- forget it and then Dr. Jeon too!!!!" I was blaming my life and manager entered my house and he heard it he kept the new medicines and some list on the table and said " We can bring him for you Taehyung shi" " Don't waste your efforts~ I know he will refuse because I've already asked him to be my personal doctor and got rejected~~" I yawned! " He will come! " Mr. Lee said and left my house I was kinda stunned seeing his confidence " Man! You really something I appreciate your confidence" I was babbling on my own 'he gonna kidnap him or what' I thought and chuckled .

...~Next morning~...

Jungkook's P. O. V...

I reached hospital and as I entered all the staff members and other doctors started greeting me one after another until I reached my cabin.

I heard a knock on the door " Come in" I allowed... And it was none other than Assistant Doctor Song Hana " Good morning Miss. Song" I said said with a smile " Good morning Dr. Jeon" She replied " Are you free at lunch time? " She added, I laughed and said "Dr. Song it's morning and you're talking about lunch so early why? And as for breakfast I already had it" I replied because I've already predicted what she was about to say and she left after giving me some important files.

Then I heard another knock " Come in Dr. Song~" I said while writing something on a file.



Surprisingly it wasn't Dr. Song but Mr. Lee Kim Taehyung's manager, " Mr. Lee come have seat" I said " What happened, as far as I know we don't have any appointments for today " I added, " Dr. Today I came here to tell you about the complicated history of Mr. Kim thinking maybe it'll help you to cure him faster " He explained and I believe that we psychiatrist should know the main root cause of patient's illness " Okay Mr. Lee since I'm lil free today I'll listen. "

"Why don't we grab a cup of coffee while discussing" He said and i agreed we went downstairs suddenly 2 men in black covered my mouth and dragged me towards a big car.........

To Be Continued....

By Rinnie~

🌸Rinnie & Minnie🐦


Rinnie🌸 :- i would really appreciate if you guys drop your precious Vote and Comment in our stoy..... It will motivate and help us alot🥺💓💜💜💓

3~Dr.Jeon Kidnapped!?!?

Jungkook's POV:

2 heavily builded muscular men in all black pushed me inside the car and locked the door.

Mr. Lee came and sat beside me and those 2 men occupied driver's and passenger seat in the front.

"What the hell is going on" I shouted.

"I'm very sorry Dr. Jeon but please try to understand, Mr. Kim's mental health is deteriorating which is affecting his physical health as well and if anything happens to him our company is going to bear huge loss, which we can't let happen.

Please help us, we'll pay you double of what you're getting in this hospital" Mr. Lee said desperately.

"No Mr. Lee, I've already told Mr. Kim I can't do that. You please try to understand" I said trying to be calm.

"We'll pay you triple, no.. we'll pay you as much as you say, but please help us" Mr. Lee said.

"Mr. Lee it's not about money it's about time, you want me to attend Mr. Kim all the time but if I give that much time in the hospital then I can treat so many patients in that given time" I reasoned.

"Dr. Jeon, if you agree or not, you still have to come with me. Please wear your seatbelt" he said and gestured to the man, who was seated on the driver's seat to drive.

"Mr. Lee this is kidnapping, you can't do this" I said restlessly.

"Think whatever you want Dr. Jeon but I have to do this and I'm sorry for this" Mr. Lee said with straight face.

"Stop the car ...... Are you guys nuts" I said loosing my patience.

"This car ain't going to stop anywhere but at Mr. Kim's place" He said to the man who was driving.

"I'm going to call police, you guys are getting on my nerves" I said while trying to find my phone in my pocket.

'Oh shit'

'Did I left it on my table'

"Don't bother Dr. Jeon, they'll not help you. Our company will deal with them" Mr. Lee said.

'Deal with police, are you guys Mafia or what' I thought.

"Are you guys really work for an entertainment company or mafias or what" I shouted my thoughts out.

"We have to clear all kinds of mess created by our celebrities so we have connections" he shrugged.

"Mr. Lee I'll jump off the running car if you would not ask him to stop right now" I threatened him.

"Dr. Jeon, firstly I know you'll not do it and secondly stop struggling because doors are locked" he said calmly.

'Are they insane, I think Mr. Lee needs therapy more than Mr. Kim.... Arrgghhhh' My brain shouted but I kept my lips sealed as I know it's useless.

After some time~

Finally car came to a halt in driveway of a beautiful mansion.



Guard opened the door of the car. I stepped out and was stunned to see the scenic view infront of my eyes.

"Dr. Jeon" Mr. Lee interrupted while gesturing the way for me.

I took a deep breathe and nodded.

I started walking with him.

'Man, this mansion is heavily guarded' I thought while looking here n there to find a way to escape.

We entered the main door, Mr. Lee asked me to sit on the couch and disappeared inside.

'God, what am I even doing here, I want to gooo, I have appointments~~~' I whined internally.

"Dr. Jeon?" I heard a deep voice.

I turned my head in the direction of the voice and there come Mr. Kim standing on the staircase all confused.



"Mr. Kim" I said and bowed slightly.

He bowed back to me and was about to say something but Mr. Lee came from behind him and said something to him in his ear.

Mr. Kim came towards me and said while slightly smiling

"Thankyou so much for coming Dr. Jeon"

"Mr. Kim I didn't..."

"See Mr. Kim i told you that he'll come" Mr. Lee interrupted me.

'Are you serious, you kidnapped me bi*ch' I thought.

"Manager nim, show Dr. Jeon around and the guest room where he is going to stay"

"Dr. Jeon please freshen up and change first, you must tired and feel free to roam in house, make yourself comfortable" Mr. Kim said.

'At least Mr. Kim is considerate but wait, house... this isn't a house but a whole fu*king mansion' I thought.

Mr Lee showed me around and everything is exquisite here.

"Dr. Jeon, Mr. Kim doesn't know we took you here forcefully, so please don't tell him... We don't want him to be more stressed out, right" Mr. Lee said little concerned.

"Mr. Lee you know what you are doing is wrong then why you are doing this?" I asked.

"I have no another choice Dr. Jeon, it's company's orders. If not me, someone else would've done it. By hook or by crook company wants you to be his personal doctor" Mr Lee explained.

"I can't promise you that I'll never tell him the reason how i came here because he is my patient, I have to be honest with him but I'll try to tell him in a way which would not affect him much" I said.

'Maybe he'll help me to get out of this mess or maybe i can find a way to escape from here by my own self' i thought.

He showed me the guest room where I'm staying till my escape.



I went inside the room and then to the bathroom to freshen up and change.

'He had some new pair of clothes in the closet'.

I freshened up and changed into one of them.



I went downstairs and saw Mr. Kim playing video game.

Author's POV:

Jungkook cleared his throat to grab Taehyung's attention.

Taehyung paused his game and looked at Jungkook and was astonished to see him casuals.

He gestured Jungkook to sit beside him on the couch.

"There's still some time for dinner, so do you want to join me for a game till then" He asked showing his joystick.

'It's not a right time to tell him that they forcefully took me here,  I'll tell him in more suitable timing' Jungkook thought.

"Sure" Jungkook said while grabbing another joystick which was laying on the table in front of them.

They were playing then the maid came and said to Taehyung

"Mr. Kim, dinner is ready".

"5 minutes" Taehyung said like a child while playing with his all focus on the tv screen"

'He indeed is good at playing video games' Jungkook thought while looking at him.

"Mr. Kim, we should have dinner now. It's not good for you to have dinner late" Jungkook said and paused the game.

"Let's just complete this one last game pleeaase" Taehyung showed Jungkook his puppy eyes.

'Fu*k he is cuteee... damn Jungkook what is wrong with you, what are you even thinking he is your patient for god's sake' Jungkook thought.

"We can continue after dinner Mr. Kim" Jungkook said.

"Okay" Taehyung said all smiling suddenly and started walking towards dining table.

Jungkook followed him. They sat infront of each other and started having dinner.

Taehyung noticed Jungkook was busy eating his food and smiled subconsciously.

'Fu*k how can someone be cute and hot at a same time, Kim Taehyung get a hold on yourself. What is wrong with you, he is your doctor' Taehyung thought.

Jungkook noticed Taehyung is a picky eater and also don't like spicy food.

"Dr. Jeon, is the food okay to your taste" Taehyung questioned.

'He is definitely having double split personality disorder, I mean some minutes ago he was whining like a baby to play video game and now sitting infront of me like a gentleman asking me about the food... Goshhh his duality' Jungkook thought.

"It's fine Mr. Kim" Jungkook replied while chewing.

Taehyung nodded his head while eating with his pouty mouth.



"I'm so happy you decided to come, usually i have my dinner alone but since you are here i can have a company" Taehyung said smiling.

Jungkook nodded his head and thought 'when he's this happy to have me here then how can I tell him that i wanted to get out of here as soon as possible because they took me without my permission'

'I'll just go with the flow untill i can't find a way to tell Mr Kim or way to escape' Jungkook told himself internally.

After finished with their dinner,

"Mr. Kim, you should take your medicines too" Jungkook advised.

"Okay" Taehyung replied and took his medicines like a obedient student.

"Do you want to watch movie" Taehyung asked while walking towards couch.

"Huh? Don't you want to finish that game which we paused earlier" Jungkook questioned following behind him.

'What the heck are you doing Jungkook, having dinner and playing videogames with your patient for god's sake find a way to escape' Jungkook scolded himself internally.

"No i want to watch a movie, do you wanna play more" Taehyung inquired.

"No, let's just watch a movie" Jungkook shrugged as sitting on the couch while observing his surrounding.

Taehyung sat beside Jungkook and played the movie and they started watching.

After sometime ~

They were so immersed in the movie that they lost track of time.

Unlike Taehyung, Jungkook was so habitual of sleeping on time, he was trying so hard to stay awake to finish this movie but his eyelids were giving up to the heaviness.

Jungkook fell asleep on Taehyung's shoulder, whose full attention was on the movie to notice that.

Taehyung have insomnia so it's normal for him to stay awake till late night but tonight seems to be different.

Sleep was taking over him. He turn his head to check on Jungkook and was dumbfounded to find him asleep on his shoulder.

He felt giddy to see him that close. He shut the tv off with remote. He didn't wanted to disturb jungkook's peaceful sleep so he fell asleep while keeping his cheek on Jungkook's head.



Next morning ~

Jungkook woke up first and was shocked to see their position in which they were sleeping.



In the middle of the night in search for comfort they ended up like this.

Jungkook was about to get up but noticed Taehyung's perfect facial features. He was mesmerized but soon came out of his thoughts and get up from the couch as silently as possible to avoid any awkwardness which could happen if Taehyung wakes.

He went to his room, took a blanket then came back and cover Taehyung with it and went back to his room.








To be continued......

~By Minnie🐦...


Rinnie🌸& Minnie🐦

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