NovelToon NovelToon


Narrator POV

Why? Why are the fates so against me? I wanted a main character but all I get is a boring side character with no sad background. Everything about her is plain boring from the facial features to the crush.

  I hate my life now and wish I did well in Narrating School...Oh, people are reading this right now, aren't they? Seeing the narrator complaining about her job. I guess I should start doing my job and stop whining about it.

Hello readers, sorry for my whining fest but you will see this more and more often while reading. I'm the narrator of this book to the "side character" called Jean Autumn Hathaway. With a name like that, I thought that I will be dealing with a cool character but I was wrong.

Jean Hathaway (I prefer to call her that) is your average 17-year-old girl obsessed with crochet and anime (For some reason, I'm also obsessed with crochet and anime. Don't know why.) She lives in a town called Mystic Falls  located in Oklahoma (Not the one in the show Originals)

She goes to the expensively fancy Berkeley Hills High, well known for its seriousness, good grades, and weird positioning of the badge on the uniform. It's the top best Day and Boarding school in Oklahoma state; located at Mystic Falls 5 miles from Jean's home.

But there is one thing I don't like about Jean: her terrible sleeping habits. This girl sleeps like a mama bear hibernating through the winter. Even with the school's tough rules on early coming, she still sleeps a lot. People warned her that those habits will one day catch up to her but she didn't take it seriously and today is the day that karma finally beat her on the butt.

But before we swap to the Side character's POV, there are a few things you should know;

I won't narrate the whole story, the side character will. I'll only narrate when;

a) When the story gets interesting (It never will)

b) When the side character loses consciousness (I wonder how)

c) Bad guy's POV (Why would anyone hate her?)

But you will hear from me through the "Narrator Speaking" points mainly to violate her and her choices. Now that it has been cleared, let's jump into the Side character's POV. Happy reading!

Jean's POV

I wake u-

  Oh hell nah! You can't just start a novel with a pitiful phrase like "I wake up...". That phrase is so common that even first-time 5-year-old young readers know it by heart. Using this phrase is a recipe for a boring novel. As much as I dislike being Side Character's narrator, I don't want this novel to be an instant flop. So I'll change whatever Side Character was going to say for the sake of the readers. Give me a sec...

The birds' loud chirps from my bedroom window awoke me from my slumber. Normally I would be complaining but I just had the best sleep in months. Getting out of bed, I checked the time on my watch only to find out that it is 7:40 a.m.

"Bull shit!" I said. The time I had to get to school was less than 20 minutes. After 8:00 am, the gates of my school would close and I won't be allowed to enter. Man, I asked myself why did hear my alarm clock?

Narrator speaking

Because you threw it out the window yesterday, dumbass!

Knowing that I only had 20 minutes left, I rushed to the bathroom, bathed in four minutes, got out then tried to dress in my uniform in one minute which isn't easy 'cause it has a lot of pieces that include; a white shirt having the badge, A navy blue skirt with the badge on the side (I wonder why the other badge was put there), a black string bow tie, A dark grey jacket and a pair of white socks. I also put on my purple headband on my curly brown hair.

I picked up my bag and dashed to the dinner table to eat breakfast, which was cereal. I sighed, wishing it was something better.

Anyway, after eating cereal, I went straight to my car, ignited the engine, and drove straight to school with only 10 minutes left. Knowing that my school was a 15-minute drive. I drove as fast as Flash and almost got pulled over by the police, but I luckily managed to get to school on time before the gates closed.

Narrator speaking

Apart from almost being arrested by the police, she splashed muddy water on a particular lady who said a lot of curse words that weren't heard by side character who already drove away. Man, she is hopeless.

I think that today the gate warden was a little lenient with those who were late coming, possibly because he wasn't paid enough but I have no clue.

Once I entered the school premises, I parked my car in the nearest student parking spot. Thank God there was an extra parking spot available 'cause usually, it's always full due to the overwhelming number of cars owned by students.

I then walked straight to my classroom through the cafeteria and canteen, then...

Narrator speaking

Girl, no one wants to know what route you took to get to your classroom. So I've decided to skip forward to when you reach the classroom. For the readers, just remember that it's a prestigious school so imagine it as fancy as possible with every facility


There's a high chance that the side character will try to explain about the school and why has so many students. I'm not gonna let her do that because it will bore you, So it's better if I explain because It Is my job as the narrator to do so, not hers.

Berkeley Hills High has one of the biggest student populations in the country with 5000 students and an intake of 1000 applicants per year, despite the tough interviews and entrance exams.

It has 6 classes with 8 streams each (Red, Blue, Purple, Central, East, North, South, and West) Side character is in the chaotic West.

The Grade 9 West class (Jean's class) is rather weird, consisting of mainly blacks and coloureds known to be generally noise and troublemakers which, according to me, is very true. This class is also the most disrespectful towards certain teachers and I believe this might cost them in the future.

For the imagination of the classroom setting, it should be like this one below;

... ...

After saying all that, we can continue the story.

Once I stored my books in the locker, I then entered my very noisy classroom. Fellow students were all over the place with some throwing paper airplanes, chatting with friends, reading books, and even writing weird stuff on the blackboard. I can't say that I did get used to the class at first when I moved here from Red 3 months back. But once you get to know them, they are very lovable. The reason I moved from my old class was because I wanted to learn what West had to offer which was home economics, much better than Red's elective, linguistics.

I move to take my seat in the front row, next to the class captain and my crush, Philip Trajan. I honestly never expected myself to have a crush on someone until I met him. At first, I was totally against sitting beside him when Ms. Forger, the class teacher, put my seat next to his. Possibly because I didn't like interacting with boys that much. But that was when I got to know a little bit more about him, like how he also enjoys watching anime and is an extraordinary artist. I also got to meet one of his friends named Jael. He has a brotherhood with Jael and I kinda like how they're able to relate so well with each other. Jael even considers me to be his nanny (in this case his grandmother) probably because his deceased grandmother was also called Jean and I looked a bit like her and my obsession with crochet.

"Good morning, Phil" I greeted him, waiting for him to respond. "Good morning," he said, glancing at me before taking out his sketchbook to draw. I felt happy inside with his response and glanced at him and his handsome features. His tallness (about 6ft), black slick hair, black eyes, and dark brown skin all make me wish to date him.

Narrator speaking

Now, readers, this is the part I have been waiting for. It's time to violate her crush. I have a lot to say about this guy but I will chip it down to three big violations. I will start with violation number one;

-He has pale dark brown skin. I mean he's so dark that you can't see him at night, like he will blend in the night. The worst part is that the side character is somehow dark herself. I worry about the future children they'll have if married because I'm pretty sure that they will be so dark to the point of Not seeing their faces.

-He is super average looking. in most books, the protagonist has a crush or falls in love with some hot/cute character with cool eyes or hair. But in this case, however, he's as average as side character. Sure, he's kind of cute with his dimples and he's tall, but that's all he has. He doesn't get any cool-looking hair or eyes, just some plain-boring black hair, and black eyes.

-He's kind of a narcissist. He thinks highly of himself as I've never heard him one day, greeting Jean, and even when he responded to her, he never really says back her name and usually you're supposed to do that when you're greeting someone, according to me. Trust me, he's not the type to be dated.

Thank you for listening to my three violations of Side character's crush. I'll let you continue what she has to say.

Well, I was weirdly staring at my crush for 20 minutes, the biology teacher arrived. During that period, classmates were rushing to their seats and cleaning the blackboard of the weird things that were written. We particularly got to know of his arrival thanks to Alvan. He's our class lookout. His job is to tell us as the class which teachers are coming, which test we will do soon, and most importantly, when we will get our test results. But he isn't always accurate and some people hate it when he says that we'll do a test a few days from now. In the end, his info is very much valued by the class.

The teacher greeted us and started his lesson. It was a long boring 1 1/6 hours until he was done.

The next subject was the English language. During the lesson, Zoe had a squabble with Philip over using the word 'god'. "Philip, you cannot use the word God to mean yourself. it's very bad, unreligious, and disrespectful to God himself." Zoe stated, feeling very agitated. "Just because I said the word 'God', doesn't mean I'm God. I mean it to say that I am very good at art. I didn't mean to say that I am the reason that created art." Philip said, with a calm expression. The squabble went on for about 30 minutes. I had to intervene, siding with my crush. "As long as you're not actually meaning that you're God, it's OK to use the word generally speaking. For example, in the Bible, it was some people who were called Jesus and they were holy. In other words, Jesus is a normal name in Jewish culture. It's just that people don't want to go as far as naming it to their children because they respect it." I commented. The squabble got to be settled with Phil emerging as the winner.

The English lesson ended at 10:20 a.m. with the arrival of Break time. The 'achievers' ran out the minute the lesson ended. In my class, the achievers aren't those that excel or are good with studies. They are the trouble and noisemakers of the class. They include; Remmy, Ian, Staron, Erick, Brian, Joel, and Martin. The reason why they were called that was because they had achieved the ability to make noise and trouble. They're also the class pranksters notorious for pranking the teachers that they dislike.

As for me, I stayed in class to wait for my friend so that we could all go to the cafeteria.

"Girl, what's taking you so long? Are you coming or not cause if you're not coming I'm

not gonna wait for you." I said to Joy Ruth, Miriam, and Munirrah. "Come on girls, we only got 30 minutes and the walk from here to the cafeteria is like so gonna take time. You guys are taking so much time as if you're going to some wedding party. You ain't going nowhere 'cause you don't get no guys so hurry up." Aida added. "Didn't you guys know that girls take their time when they're going somewhere?" Miriam responded. Jowan sighed and said " Since you guys are all taking your time talking about how girls take their time, I'm just gonna leave you here. You go get your break and if you want something, tell me and I'll go buy it. At this point, I don't care anymore I'm out." Jowa walked out of the classroom once she said that and I decided with Aida to catch up and walk with her, leaving the others behind.

Aside from what was happening right now, I had a question that I kept asking myself. Weirdly, all the students in my class and the school have colour-tinted hair except for me and Philip. For example, Aida has Cyan-tinted hair, Jowan-yellow tinted hair, Mimi-white tinted hair, Muni-blue tinted hair, Joy Ruth-gold tinted hair and even Jael has tinted hair, which is red. I never really questioned why they have tinted hair probably because the school is totally fine with it and they told me that they were born with it. But what should I know, it's 2082 so it's as futuristic as it can get with cool hair, designs, and eye colour.

Narrator speaking

I'm back again, readers for reasons explaining why Jean Autumn Hathaway is a side character and not the main character which I believe to be her namesake, Aida Glen Autumn.

a) Main characters have cool hair colours like gold or magenta. Aida has cyan-tinted hair which, according to me is very cool, unlike side character's plain brown no-tint hair.

b) Main characters can control their emotions. In other words, they don't let their emotions get the best of them and know how to face stone-cold reality with ease. Aida has that quality built in her whereas Side character's emotions are uncontrollable.

c) Main have leadership skills. After studying Aida through side character, I realize that she has leadership potential due to noticing her dream of becoming the first female president of the USA but side character's dream is to be a crocheter and fashion designer, which I see as impossible in her case.

So in conclusion, I believe Ada to be the main character of this book. If I ever met the writer I'll probably ask her/him to let me narrate Aida's life instead of side character's life but then again the writer will be against the idea, so I guess I'm stuck with a character for the rest of her life. Let's continue with whatever Jean was saying.

After heading to the cafeteria and grabbing some snacks, we went back to class entering to the sound of people throwing fists at each other. "Keith, you piece of shit! I told you to ******* back off from Shakira because she's mine. Who told you that you had the right to touch her? You know she was my property to begin with and now why are you putting your grubby *** hands in her ***?" Adrian, our class councilor said, throwing a punch at Keith, his best friend who dodged the punch.

"Adrian, you can't blame me if your ***** likes me. I mean she keeps begging me to touch her nice tight ***. It's not my problem if your ***** is not interested in you." Replied Keith with a smirk on his face. "Don't you dare call Shakira a *****. She's the most beautiful thing on planet Earth." Adrian answered throwing a few more punches at Keith's torso.

I looked over to the girl they were fighting for and she was looking flustered after hearing what Adrian said. While Campbell was recording the entire fight like the twisted ***** she is.

The fight finally ended when Patrick came in and said, "My Homies, why are you fighting? I mean you are the only best friends I have and I wouldn't want you to defriend yourselves over some girl." He came in between the two friends and caught their fists. "Keith, go and apologize to Adrian. It wasn't exactly right of you to say that Shakira is a ***** to the guy. And Adrian no need for you to throw punches at your friend just because he touched your girl's ***. It was possibly an accident so forgive him, OK?" After that, the two friends made up, and everyone who is watching decided to go back to their seats and wait for the next lesson to start.

The next lesson was Geography, and the teacher came in with Joy Ruth helping her carry her things. Now I know where she was when we went to the cafeteria and didn't come. She's a really big fan of this teacher, possibly because she's the director of studies.

Jael decided to sit in the same row with me, Philip, and Zoe for this lesson. "So did you watch the latest episode of One Piece? It's funny how they are 3058 episodes and they are still going." Jael said during the lesson. Like Phil, Jael is a big fan of anime. "Man, it was so lit, but have you watched the latest episode of Attack on Titan? They're on the final season part 20 part five. I wonder whether it will end. Put that shit to rest already." Philip responded while snickering. " I hope it ends very soon, but the crazy fans we are, it possibly won't," I stated as I wrote the notes given by the teacher. Matthew interrupted the conversation saying, "Guys, can you please keep quiet? I want to listen to whatever the teacher is saying and I don't want you in trouble with Ms. Joyería." " And I hope you guys are coping the notes. I know you Jael and Philip do not copy the notes of the teachers." Hashim added, turning back to writing the notes. We then decided to keep quiet and write whatever the teacher said do the rest of the lesson.

The next lesson was Physical Education. The teacher arrived and said, "Good afternoon my dear students. Please get your tracksuits and head over to the gym." The class went over to get their tracksuits from their lockers. "Cinnamon roll, Ruth, you want to come with me to the gym?" I ask, hoping for a 'yes'. " Why of course we will. How can I say no to my nanny?" Ruth said while getting out her tracksuit from the locker. " Yes, I will" Cinnamon Roll responded in a cheerful tone. By the way, Cinnamon Roll isn't her real name. Her real name is Solomé Markos and is from Ethiopia. The reason why I nicknamed her Cinnamon Roll is that she's the sweetest girl in our class and is so kind, and friendly and everybody knows that cheerful side of her. She's never angry because she's always smiling and she kind of reminds me of some sweet anime character who was nicknamed "Pink Cheeks". Ruth is one of the rich girls and the class tomboy. For some reason, she's very much respected by the boys in the class because she plays football and is into ICT. Like Jael, she also calls me a nanny and sees me as her grandmother. She also has a 'mom' whose Edith and is cousins with Aaron and Jael. In other words, I have a weird 'family'.

" Say, do you guys mind if I tag along with you? Please don't say no 'cause I don't wanna be a ***** to you." Maria Campbell said, with a lipstick-covered smile. "You can come with us," Ruth replied in a sarcastic tone with a fake smile. Honestly, this ***** deserves how everyone is treating her. She may not notice it, but the whole class is against her. Even Cinnamon Roll is against her but we have to be nice because we don't want to cause her to commit suicide. Anyway, we all headed towards the gym.

On arriving at the gym, the teacher told us to warm up and get ready for the game of dodgeball. "OK, you guys are going to split into two teams, girls against boys. Whoever wins, will get extra points added to their final grade." The teacher stated, causing tension in the air. " Are you guys ready? You can now start." She added and blew the whistle. That's when the chaos started. The boys started aiming for the girls scared of the ball. And boy, were they targeting Leticia. She was running like a deer who lost her legs. It was so funny. At that point it was 'do or die' and everyone was fighting for themselves. The game ended in a draw with the teacher saying,  "Know what, I don't need to give you guys a match for points to your grade. Work it for yourselves." The class was so disappointed and agitated.

Once the lesson was over, the next bit was lunch, I was deciding either go for lunch or crochet in class but then went to one of my good friends, Cyrus to talk to. He's a nice guy, but he has eating issues that are of a pig. It's odd how his best friend is Alvan but I guess they're relatable since they're one of the smartest boys in our class.

We talked for the entire period about superheroes and why he eats like a pig. (I never got an answer to the second question) The next lesson was Home Economics. Today we were learning how to bake confectionery. "Class, you'll be put in groups of 4 and the task is to make a simple apple pie." Said the teacher. Today I decided to team up with Samuel, Ineza, and Joyce. "I hope I can do this because I'm not the best cook," Samuel said with some doubt. "Don't worry Samuel, at least the rest of us know how to cook. You will learn while we're baking." Ineza said in a hopeful tone. "We can do this!"Joyce answered while raising her fist in the air.

And yes, we did in the end. Our apple pie was super delicious and the teacher gave us a B+.

After home economics, the final activity was clubs. During that period till 4:30 pm, we all have to go to our respective clubs. My club is the Clothing and Textile Club where am the club president for the ninth graders. "President, it seems that the new members want to learn how to crochet but they are having issues with the first concept, could you help us teach them?" The Patron of the club asked. "I will gladly help, but I may need some help from members who've been here for a while because I can't teach all of them," I responded while grabbing my crochet hook kit to start. It took some time for the new members to understand but in the end, all the new members knew the basic steps of Crochet.

When it clocked at 4.35 PM, I disbanded the club for the day cause I wanted to come home early. I went straight to my car and see Ciara and Edith walking to the gate along the way. I assumed they were going home too. "Hey guys, do you want a lift home?" I said walking in their direction. "We do but we don't want to trouble you so we will walk home," Ciara answered and stopped walking. "Come on, Bestie. She's giving us a free lift. How can we say no?" Edith said, hoping to change Ciara's mind. "Fine, we'll go with you." I jumped for joy when Ciara said that. we then went together towards my car and entered it. I started the engine and drove out of the school premises. I then dropped Edith and Ciara off at their respective places. After all that, I drove back home.

Narrator speaking

I'm not going to let Side character tell you about her family and the drive back home. So I'll stop Chapter 1 at this point. To those who have read this far. You're free to drop this book if it's already boring. If you're going to continue this book, then I'll see you in Chapter 2. Goodbye, my beloved readers.

Writer's Note

Hello readers, thank you for reading Chapter 1 of MONSTERIZED. Sorry if the writing is crappy, as it is my first time writing a book but let me know in the comment section. I'll make sure to take in both praise and critics with respect.

It seems like Narrator has no idea what will happen in Chapter 2. I'm so gonna shock her with a surprising twist. That will get her to do her job properly. She gotta stop violating poor Jean because she is no different from her. And there's no way I'm going to grant her wish of becoming Aida's narrator. She'll just have to deal with Jean's life.

Chapter 2 will be out in 2 to 3 weeks from now until then, stay tuned.

P.S: This has 3890 words. Impressive, right?


Narrator POV

Hello, my dear readers, This is your favourite narrator speaking. I'm surprised that you all stayed for Chapter. I thought that by the time you finished Chapter 1, you would have immediately dropped this book, probably because of side character's boringness. But I guess that you're here for me, the coolest narrator ever.

A week ago, I had a chat with Ms. Writer about this book and its prospects. She said that if I narrate this chapter perfectly without violating side character, she will think of letting me narrate Aida's life and we both know that Aida is of main character quality as I stated in Chapter 1. I agreed to the proposal so today, you guys will be listening to my excellent narrating skills. I hope you enjoy and happy reading! I can already dream of the offer coming true!!!

Writer: This will be interesting. MWAH AHAHAHA!!!

Narrator's Narrating

"Jean, could you give me some of your sandwiches? They look appealing," Solome said, snapping Jean out of her thoughts. Jean was thinking about her future with Philip, what items to crochet, and which anime she would watch later today at home. But she had an ominous feeling that all hell would break loose soon though didn't want to worry her friends so kept it to herself.

She was hanging out with her friends in their classroom, having Break at Solome's and Ruth's front desk in the first column. She was eating homemade sandwiches. "Sure, you can take some. I don't mind," Jean replied, shoving the sandwich-filled lunch box toward Solome's direction. Solome picked up a sandwich piece and munched on it. "Thank you for the sandwich!" She said and proceeded to eat the sandwich given to her.

Across the desk they were sitting on, Ruth gaped at Jean with jealous eyes, implying that she also wanted some of the sandwiches but was too afraid to ask. Jean noticed Ruth's stare and decided to give her one too. " You can also take, my granddaughter," Ruth's eyes brighten with joy and excitement. She proceeded to grab 3 sandwiches from the lunch box and greedily munched on one.

Jean slightly laughed at Ruth who showed signs of greediness. She smiled while watching her two friends happily enjoy their sandwiches, hoping things wouldn't change for the worse.

"RRRIIIIIINNNNGGGG!!!" the bell went, signalling the start of the next lesson period. Jean got her lunch box and closed it. "See you guys at lunchtime!" She waved her hand bye to Ruth and Solome and moved to her seat on the front desk in the middle column where Philip was.

Jean reached and took her seat next to Philip, who was drawing a well-known anime character in a fighting stance. She darted over to the blackboard where the 8 'achievers' were hanging out. They were scribbling down a bunch of rather perplexing spew.

Deciding not to extrapolate what they were planning to do and why they were at the teacher's desk, Jean put all her focus on initiating a conversation with Philip. "So... Phil, what anime character are you drawing?" She asks, anticipating his reply. " Monkey D. Luffy from One Piece," Philip responded, glancing at her. Jean felt elated when he replied, as they could spend days not chatting or interacting despite being desk mates. "How far are you from the latest manga chapter? I'm at least 20 chapters away," She spoke as she stared into his dark brown eyes. Phil thought about it before replying to Jean. "I could say that I'm quite far from the latest chapter, and I'm not sure whether I can catch up soon." Jean rubbed her hand on Philip's shoulder. "You'll get there. I believe in you," She said, hoping to cheer him on. Philip slightly smiled and continued to draw.

The two desk mates were suddenly startled by Jael, who popped upfront from their desk. "Grandson, what are you doing here? You have no right to spook us like that," Jean said, in a rather agitated tone. "I'm very sorry Nanny, but I came here with a request that I know only you would accept," Jael paused, pouted his lips and repeatably blinked his eyes. Philip was confused by the face he was making and wanted him to stop as he was looking like a dog trying to kiss. "So... what's the request?" He asked, hoping it wasn't a stupid answer. Jael prepared his voice to ask, "Can I sit with you guys today? My seat seems a little boring and I like sitting with you guys as you're much more fun," Jean squeezed her eyes in suspicion. "How are we 'much more fun' than your desk?". Jael darted his eyes away from her and started whistling. He planned not to answer her question in any way possible. Phillip sighed, looking at his hopeless friend. "All right, you can sit here. Though I won't be there to save you when Zoe violates you," Jael was over the moon and sat next to Philip on the right.

Zoe arrived at her desk and sat beside Jean. She looked over to the right and saw Jael next to Philip. "Jael, what brings you to our desk?" She asked in a stern tone. He replied cheerfully, "I'm here for this period. Hope you don't mind." Zoe decided not to say anything else as she didn't have a problem with it. Alvan hurriedly walked into the classroom and tried to get the class's attention. "People, Ms. Celeste is coming. Get in your seats now!" He shouted as he ran to his seat. The achievers rushed to the seats, making loud snickers and giggles. The class wondered what their plan was and hoped it wasn't very imbecilic.

After 2 minutes of suffocating silence, Ms. Celeste walks in. She is the class's substitute teacher for History as the original teacher went on holiday. She is the type that rarely smiles and always has a stern attitude but is popular with the students in the school except for G.9W class for some unknown reason. Ms. Celeste is said to be one of the most gorgeous teachers in the school and has a big student-filled fan base.

"Good morning, Ms. Celeste," the class greets her humbly. "Good morning," She responds as she takes her seat on the teacher's desk. Without warning, a bucketful of muddy water landed on her head and the class gasped in shock. They turned their heads towards the achievers who were giggling at the back They all had the same thought in their heads; 'So it was them. I knew it.' The class focused their vision on the poor teacher who was seriously pranked. Ms. Celeste tried to get off the seat but couldn't move away. She felt some sticky feeling that couldn't be ignored. That was when she realized that she was sitting on bubblegum and glue. Her alluring emerald eyes bugled in terror and was very outraged by the childish stunt.

She scanned the classroom, looking for suspicious students stupid enough to pull this stunt but couldn't find the culprits. She expected the class to help her find the criminals, yet no one said anything or gave her a clue. Seeing the teacher's troubles, Aida rushed to Ms Celeste's aid along with Muniirah and Miriam. They managed to free her from the bubblegum and glue trap though it came at the price of muddy and sticky hands for the rescuers. " Muni! Miri! I need you to get a bucket of clean water and three towels now!" Aida orders Muniirah and Miriam. The two both nodded their heads and rushed to the nearest washrooms. They hurried back to the class carrying the items asked by Aida after 3 minutes. The three quickly proceed to rid her of the mud and bubblegum with the towels and water. They were done after 5 minutes of intense cleaning and the result wasn't what they planned. Her long brown wavy hair was a dripping mess and smelled like grass next to the sewers. Her office clothes were dishevelled and sticky. She was still feeling cold even though they had dried her.

Ms. Celeste smiled perfunctorily and decided to say something. "I may not know who the perpetrators are, but I will forgive them for the childish stunt." The class was rather surprised by Ms. Celeste's response, especially the Achievers who had hilarious baffled faces as they didn't expect her reaction. "Since that incident is over, we'll officially start today's lesson," Ms Celeste spoke out as she led Aida, Miriam and Munirah to their seats. "Have you ever wondered if supernaturals are real?" A question from Ms. Celeste enveloped throughout the classroom. Everyone had their thinking faces on, including the achievers. "It's OK to share your thoughts on that matter," while sitting down on the wooden chair nearby, Ms. Celeste stated. A rather chaotic discussion broke out with everyone on board.

"I have only heard about them in the books I read, but they are in fiction, and I never had the chance to see one," said Jean to Philip and Jael. "Me too." Jael sighed, "Though sometimes, I wish to be a werewolf if given the chance." "And why would you want to be one?" Philip gave a questioning gaze. " Simple. Werewolves are cool looking," Jael answered smugly. "You know that being a werewolf is the equivalent of being a part-dog with more strength," Zoe joins the conversation. Jael looked down in dismay and pitted himself. "Why did you have to say that? I'm now all sad and depressed," Zoe gave the 'I don't care' look and continued, "In my opinion, wanting to be supernatural sounds worthless, as they're known to be monsters, and we humans always invent new ways of killing them." Behind Jean's desk, Cyrus overhears the conversation and decides to join, "But they do have some sweet magical abilities that are to die for." "Abilities with big responsibilities," Jowan spoke while reading a biology textbook on a desk opposite Jean's desk. "I don't care about being a Supernatural if losing my humanity is on the line," Joy Ruth, neighbouring Jowan, pivoted in their direction. "I agree with Zoe and Joy Ruth. On losing their humanity; gaining power can corrupt them to do outrageous acts and lose their sense of righteousness," Alvan, Cyrus' neighbour, added, tilting his head towards Jael. Jean decided to remain silent as the conversation continued. She took notice of Ineza, who was attempting a very complex math question. "Hey, Ineza, what is your opinion?" She calls out to him. Ineza turns to Jean's direction, "I don't believe in this type of stuff; it's just a conspiracy that humans created for fun and scare."

Miss Celeste had a rather menacing smile while the discussion proceeded, and nobody noticed. "That's enough discussion for now," Miss Celeste declared, rising from her seat. The class fell silent as she walked to the centre of the room, in front of the teacher's desk. Matthew raised his hand, and the others turned to him in anticipation. Ms. Celeste allowed him to speak. "I have a question," he said. "Why are we talking about supernaturals? I haven't seen it in any of the history or mythology books I've read." She smiled, "Although this topic is not mentioned in any known history or mythology books, it is still important for us to know about it since it falls under your coverage. Thank you for bringing up this interesting question, Matthew." Matthew nodded his head in familiarity and sat down.

"The supernatural is an inexplicable phenomenon that surpasses human understanding and scientific explanation," she said. "Even science can understand their existence? No way!" Hashim loudly whispered to Joy Ruth and Matthew, his neighbour. Miss Celeste gave a perfidious smirk, something Jean noticed and could not trust. "Hey, Grandson, do you have a slight suspicion of Ms. Celeste's smile? It feels a little off," Jean looked in Jael's direction. Jael glanced at Jean, then looked back at Ms. Celeste. "It doesn't seem like it. I'm sure it's something that she always had." Jean wanted to say something but kept it to herself.

"Their abilities can induce envy, jealousy, and terror among us humans. They are often described as the superior version of humans," Ms. Celeste spoke. Some of the class felt a little nervous about what she spoke out while the rest continued to listen. "Being the upgrade, their emotions are more amplified, and some are very twisted and dark. They could be anger, hatred, lust, greed, envy, gluttony, etc. One of the reasons why most religions depict them as 'grotesques' of the dark," Ms. Celeste stared at the class. "There are several types of supernatural beings believed to exist, but I will concentrate on the four main ones: witches, vampires, werewolves, and ghouls. Some of these species view humans as their primary food source, while others have a 'superiority complex' towards them," The class giggled at her remark. She went on, "Becoming a supernatural being can take many forms, each with its own set of requirements. Some may require being bitten, while others may require making a pact with an unknown entity. It's even possible to become cursed by a more powerful being, such as infamous old witches. Regardless of the method, the only way to truly know is to encounter one firsthand."

Meanwhile, Dinkesh was looking out the window from her seat in the third column when she noticed the sky was blackened with strange clouds. "Hey, Aida, has the sky always had these oddly swarthy clouds? She asked her neighbour, Aida with a confused face. "I'm not sure, as they look identical to me," Aida contorted her head towards the window but then focused on the teacher. Jean also glanced at the window and saw the blue sparks coming out of the dark clouds. "Umm...Phil, Do you think it's normal for thunderclouds to have blue spikes coming off?" Philip turned his head to the window and saw what Jean was talking about. He was dumbfounded and couldn't say a thing. "That should not be normal; we have to warn others about this. He finally spoke after 2 minutes of dead silence.

The two planned to alert the others, but Miss Celeste said something very sinister. "Yes, being a supernatural can be a vibrant and dreadful life, but the sure way to understand them is to be converted into one. Shall we try?" At that point, Jean lost all her trust in her. "Zoe! Jael! We're moving out. There's something bad coming!" She loudly whispered to her neighbours, who were startled by her. Before Jean could say anything else, Miss Celeste intricately moved her hands and shouted out the word unknown to the students.

"Marnfost!" She pointed at the students who she had caught their attention. Suddenly, blue lightning struck every one of the G.9W class, and they all screamed and cried in agony. Ms. Celeste grinned as she watched all this happen. Everyone was in extreme pain and started to lose their consciousness. The last thing Jean saw was glowing emerald eyes in front of her as she became unconscious.

To Be Continued...

Narrator Speaking

Are you telling me this poor class got electrocuted by blue lightning?! The fuck?! They were not supposed to go like this. Don't tell me they have just died. Side Character cannot die on me, and most importantly, Main Character cannot die on me! Aida cannot die on me! This is unacceptable!  How can you pull off such a stupid plot twist like this?! I'm going to complain with Ms. Writer who hauled such a stupid stunt. You cannot do this to me without informing me! I won't accept this. If you don't mind readers, I might be stepping out for a bit. I don't know what will happen to this book or its future, but I'm going to go and deal with that stupid lousy Bitch. I'll be back...

Writer Speaking

Hello dear readers,

I hope you're doing well. I would love to hear your thoughts on Chapter 2. Did you enjoy the plot twist? I had been planning it for a while, and even though I mentioned it to the narrator, she didn't take it seriously. I understand that some of you might be upset with me for not letting her know beforehand, but I felt it was necessary to stay true to the character's development. The narrator had been neglecting her job and mistreating the character, and I couldn't let that happen.

I apologize for the delay in releasing Chapter 2. It took longer than expected, and I had to seek help from some friends. But I love my job, and I'm happy to keep writing for you all. Please let me know your thoughts in the comments.

Take care, and see you soon.

Narrator: I have found you, Bitch! You are going to Hell! Say goodnight!!

*Writer: That's my cue to flee. See ya! *Runs away from Narrator**


*Chases After Writer with bloodshot eyes*

P. S: Ms. Writer will drop a chapter very soon, so be patient.

Chapter 3

Writer's POV

Welcome, readers, to chapter three. Today, I am speaking instead of Narrator, as she is taking a break due to her anger towards me for what happened in Chapter Two. She may return to narrating later on. Since I am not skilled in narration, today's chapter will be from Jean's point of view and I hope you still enjoy this chapter. I will sort things out with our narrator, but please let me know if you would like a new one as a backup. I don't wish to replace her, but having a backup plan never hurts. Enjoy🥰!

Jean's POV

Hospital rooms are often associated with the constant beeping of machines and a sense of emptiness, almost like a graveyard. However, they are also known for the eerie silence that engulfs the space when one is alone. This silence is so profound that even the deceased would be astounded. It's not a place where most people would willingly choose to be, and yet, here I am, waking up to the chilling absence of sound.

As I glance around the room, all I can see is an overwhelming whiteness, punctuated by the bustling machines emitting loud beeps. And then there's the hospital gown I find myself wearing. Mine is adorned with white fabric sprinkled with vibrant blue stars, a fashion choice that baffles me. It feels like a definite fashion faux pas. But on a positive note, the bed I lay on is surprisingly comfortable, providing some solace amidst the unsettling surroundings.

I gaze out of the window and can only make out dark, murky clouds hanging heavily in the sky. The sound of rain permeates the air, almost as if it has been pouring for an eternity. How long have I been confined to this place? And how did I even end up here in the first place? Attempting to recollect my memories proves futile, as my mind betrays me, grasping only faint fragments of the past. I decided to postpone this mental task, opting to discuss it later with my friends. Somehow, I can't shake off the feeling that I'm not alone in this peculiar predicament. 

As I lay in my hospital bed, suddenly a white nurse walked into the room and acknowledged my presence. "Miss Hathaway, you're awake," she exclaimed. "I didn't expect you to wake up so soon, but it's a good thing." Her unexpected visit left me puzzled, prompting me to search for a name tag on her uniform. "So she is Ms. Sally," I thought, opting to address her by that name. "Ms. Sally, I'm wondering why I'm here. I don't recall how I ended up in this hospital." With a hint of sympathy in her voice, she replied, "Oh, you don't remember? It seems you have no recollection of what happened. You poor soul." Irritated by her sympathy, all I wanted was an explanation. I yearned to uncover the truth behind my presence in that hospital room.

Ms Sally moved in my direction and sat on the edge of my bed. She put her hand on top of mine and rubbed it. "I'll tell you. You see, it was around lunchtime when the janitor came to your classroom to clean it up, he was dumbfounded by the sight of everyone out in the cold and showing no sign of movement." She reluctantly said. "The janitor promptly checked your pulses to ensure that you were alive. While doing so, he realized that you were all electrocuted." I covered my mouth in shock when I heard the statement. Ms Sally continued, "The question was 'how?' because there was no sign or evidence of faulty sockets or windows being open. And to make matters worse, you were wearing any shoes so, it didn't make any sense how you were all electrocuted." She took a deep breath and continued, "Feeling confused, The janitor scurried to the school administration and told them about what happened. They two were shocked and rushed all of you to the nearest hospital which is the one that you're in right now, Berkeley Hills Hospital."

I couldn't believe it. So you're telling me that my class and I were electrocuted?! And you don't know what shocked us?! The fucking Hell?!! I'm worried about my family and hope they are okay. As if she was answering my thoughts, Ms. Sally spoke, "About your parents, well...They were very angry with the school. When they found out how they handled this, some parents decided to file a lawsuit against the school. And it tried its best to calm them down promising that they would find out who the fugitives were.

As part of their commitment to the students' well-being, the school has agreed to cover the medical expenses of all students, including yours."

I was relieved to hear that because my parents won't have to pay for medical bills. Then a question popped up in my mind and I decided to ask Ms Sally about it, "Am I the first person to wake up or others are awake, too?" The response she gave made me a little sad, "To be honest with you, you are the first one; all your friends are still out cold or in comas. You've been unconscious for two days." "Two Days?!" I exclaimed, as didn't expect myself to be in a coma. I wanted to go and check on my classmates as soon as possible. "When can I leave this room? I feel all better, and I want to see my friends," I said. Ms. Sally shook her head to mean no and said, "It's important to take it slow after waking up from a coma. I suggest staying in your room for two more days before checking on your friends to ensure a full recovery." I felt sad that I couldn't see my friends. I reluctantly decided to go with whatever Miss Sally professed and take it slow.

After spending an extra 5 minutes giving me supper (it was 11 p.m.), Ms. Sally finally left my room. I spent 20 minutes eating all my food and an extra 20 minutes finding any interesting shows to watch on TV( too bad I couldn't find any). I was thinking of what I could do. Then, an idea struck my head. I decided that I should just leave the room and check on my friends already. I know I might get in trouble for this, but it's better than being here bored and keep on sleeping. I was trying to see if I could walk, so I left my bed and took a few steps. The good news is that I haven't lost my ability to move. I strolled to the nearest pair of fluffy bunny slippers, put them on and stealthily walked out of the room.

I put my head out of the room to see if that cost was clear. After realizing that no one would pass there, I swiftly got out of that room and wandered around the hospital floor. I looked around while I was walking through the hallway. I noticed that our rooms were oddly organized according to the letters that started our surnames. So right now, I was in front of Aaron Norman's room, but I didn't want Aaron's room. I wanted my crush's room so, I went to the near end to find his room. After all, he's the only person I'm interested in. The rest, I will go to their room later. I just want to see my crush. I hope he's ok.

I arrive at my crush's room 10 minutes before midnight. I perked my voice and made my hair a little more tidy because I was going to see him and hoped to impress him. Feeling I was ready, I lightly knocked on the door. "Is anyone there? Can I come in?" I uttered. After waiting for two minutes, No response came up, so I just let myself in. What's the worst that could happen?

*Writer laughing maniacally*

I heard a strange echo laugh in the corridor. I looked for the person who made the noise, but I didn't find them. Shrugging it off, I just entered the room.

The room was enveloped in darkness, with the feeble glow of the life support machine serving as the sole source of light. The drawn curtains shut out the outside world, creating an intimate atmosphere. As I glanced around, my eyes searching for a light switch, I realized that it hardly mattered. All I desired was to lay my eyes upon him. And there he was, lying on the bed, his countenance exuding innocence and charm. Adorned in a hospital gown, adorned with peculiar red dots, it struck me as odd, yet oddly reassuring. The thought of him being unclothed sent shivers down my spine. The sight would have been too much to bear.

Back to the point, where he was peacefully sleeping. I approached him cautiously, eager to check if the machines were functioning properly. To my surprise, there was no beeping sound. I was overcome with fear and anxiety, worried that he might have passed away. But no! I cannot bear the thought of losing him. Philip Trajan is everything I've ever desired in a man. Yet, I haven't had the opportunity to express my true feelings to him, even though I understand that it may lead to rejection. As the proverb says, "It's better to try than not try at all." But how do I find the courage to share my emotions with him?

Recounting a tense and emotional moment, I desperately attempted to revive someone who appeared to be lifeless. I checked for a pulse by touching his neck, but there was none. Determined to awaken him, I performed CPR, opting for an alternate method that didn't involve mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Despite my relentless efforts, there was no breakthrough. With each passing minute, I continued giving CPR, desperately hoping for a miracle. But after 10 agonizing minutes, there was still no sign of improvement. Tears streaming down my face, I felt a crushing sense of despair, fearing that all hope was lost, and he had passed on to the afterlife. Then, unexpectedly, I noticed a slight movement in his fingers. It was a glimmer of life that ignited a renewed sense of hope within me. Believing he was still alive, I summoned every ounce of courage I had lost just moments ago and persisted in my attempts to rouse him.

After enduring two minutes of intense shaking, I witnessed a startling transformation in him. To my dismay, as I eagerly turned my head to greet him with a warm smile, I was met with his crimson eyes. They bore the unmistakable hunger of a creature in need. It quickly became evident that he was no longer the same Philip I once knew. A sense of panic overcame me, and I instinctively attempted to shift away, desperate to distance myself from this newfound horror.

However, my efforts proved futile as he effortlessly pounced on me, pinning me down onto the bed. The sight of him in this grotesque state, with prominent fangs bared menacingly, left me in no doubt of his true nature - a vampire. Trepidation gripped my every fibre as I struggled to comprehend how he had ended up here, in my midst. The circumstances surrounding his presence and the events that led us to this point remained shrouded in mystery. All I knew for certain was that my fate hung precariously in the balance, as I faced the imminent prospect of becoming his next meal.

As I felt the cold touch of 'Philip', the vampire, on my bare and defenceless neck, an overwhelming sense of terror engulfed me. In those chilling moments, I realized the gravity of my predicament and resigned myself to the possibility that this might be the end of my journey. Helpless and filled with regret, I couldn't help but reflect on the series of ill-advised choices that had led me to this fateful encounter. It was a foolish mistake, and as I faced the inevitability of my fate, a profound sense of remorse washed over me. In my final moments, I found myself contemplating if forgiveness would be granted by a higher power for my lack of discernment. Farewell, cruel world. It is both ironic and poignant to acknowledge that among the realms of the supernatural, the one who captured my affection would ultimately be the instrument of my demise, draining the very essence of life from my veins.

To be Continued...

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