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Ambulance rushes in with a pregnant lady being carried on a stretcher. By her side were pre-medics and her panicking husband calming her down.

DR. JACOB: Take this woman to the E.O.R center. She seems to be in critical condition.


DR. JACOB: I assume her condition's quite critical. Perhaps, this isn't the first notice of this hospital of a pregnant lady brought by ambulance and also being carried on a stretcher.

PROF. HEATHER: Well as said, it is critical. She was scanned and it seems her foetus is unstable in the womb. Also, her pain is due to pre-labour caused by her child's unstable movement in the womb. If proper care isn't taken, then she gives birth to a premature child or either it dies at birth or it's mother dies at delivery.

DR. JACOB: That sounds a lot like our recent patient's condition

PROF. HEATHER: It is sir, it is

DR. JACOB: So what can we do to help?

PROF. HEATHER: There's nothing we can actually do about it sir

DR. JACOB: What about surgery? I mean, it might be our only option

PROF. HEATHER: It's definitely our only option sir, but she might just end up like Sarah

DR. JACOB: That's her name?

PROF. HEATHER: Her name doesn't really matter now sir, what's on ground is actually not good

JOHN: (Sobs aloud) Please save my wife, please I beg you doc, please

DR. JACOB: Mr. John, please could you mind wiping your tears? This is a government approved public place and you're kinda embarrassing yourself

JOHN: (Wipes tears) Sorry, I just couldn't help it. But please, she's the only thing I've got in this world. Please don't lose her.

DR. JACOB: Don't worry sir, she's gonna be fine (faces Heather and releases a sigh as he gives her that look)

PROF. HEATHER: We're doing that surgery, aren't we now?

DR. JACOB: (Nods positively)



DR. JACOB: Congrats, Mr. John. You did embarrass yourself, but after all, you ended up being a father

JOHN: Thanks doc, (smiles with heavy joy) It was at least more pain I could've handled, I can't just imagine losing both of them (a tear drops)

DR. JACOB: You can actually access them both. They're in the EOR

JOHN: Thanks again for saving her life... I'll be off (rises from his seat and leaves)


DR. JACOB: Come in...

PROF. HEATHER: (Enters and sits)

DR. JACOB: Yes? May I help you, Heather?

PROF. HEATHER: Doctor, there's actually something you should know

DR. JACOB: Yes, go on

PROF. HEATHER: Our patient and her baby survived the surgery

DR. JACOB: Yeah, so what's wrong with that?

PROF. HEATHER: We both thought she was gonna end like Sarah, losing her baby and dying, but it was different, like something sustained the both of them

DR. JACOB: Heather, miracles happen

PROF. HEATHER: Not for me

DR. JACOB: That's cause you lack faith

PROF. HEATHER: Good you know... (sighs heavily and keeps on a worried look on her face)

Minutes later..

DR. JACOB: (Tries to focus on what he was doing, but just couldn't) You look like you're pacing inside of you. What's wrong?

PROF. HEATHER: Oh it's nothing, nothing actually.


JOHN: How're you feeling, honey?

ALEX: Hmm, just a little bit weak, but I'll be fine. Um, John can we get home fast? I'm not really feeling comfortable with this place and it's smell. It gives me the reeks

JOHN: What'd you mean? But, you're not fit for discharge yet

ALEX: I'm feeling alright already

JOHN: Maybe, I'll talk to the doctor for further information. So, how's our little angel ?

ALEX: Oh, a nurse took her for examining of any inherited disease from us actually

JOHN: But we're clean. Anyways, I'll leave you to rest now. Lemme go see the doctor


JACOB: We checked her files and discovered she's good to go. It's so sudden, but she appears to be mentally stable for a different environment. So, I'm filing her discharge for tonight. She can leave...

JOHN: Doc, you sure she's mentally fit for discharge?

DR. JACOB: Of course. Look sir, there's one thing you should know. A patient's file is always that patient's true identity for his health.



HEATHER: (Talks to herself) No, it can't be. She can't survive that surgery. No! no!! Sarah can't die. They were faced with the same problem and same surgeon. I must get to the bottom of this


VOICE: Why do you seek me?

HEATHER: (Confused and scared) What? who are you? what'd you want from me?

VOICE: Why are you so desperate for my identity?

HEATHER: (Confused) What?

VOICE: Die...

......LIGHTS FADES.........




ALEX: (Screams in shock from where she bathes the baby) Ah!

JOHN: (Rushes there, panicking) Why the scream?

ALEX: She's... (raises the baby to John's sight) she's a boy

JOHN: (In shock) Hmm? wh-wha-what makes you say that?

ALEX: Cause she has male contents

JOHN: I don't get you, she have what?

ALEX: Don't pretend like you didn't hear me. Oh why is this happening? (panics) I never wanted a boy, I wanted a girl

JOHN: Hold your horses, woman. We don't actually know if our child has been switched with another one's child

ALEX: That may be true. Then, we have to get to the hospital, and fast


JACOB: Sorry to burst your bubble, but you were the only woman to deliver at our hospital that night

ALEX: Then, why's my child a boy? According to you guys CT scan, the baby was gonna come out a girl. I had undeniable hope so why did it end up like this?

DR. JACOB: Look woman, having a male as a child is not so bad.

ALEX: I know, it's just that I had plans for a girl child. So why?

DR. JACOB: Well, according to Heather and our CT scan, it was supposed to be a female, but it turned out after delivery, it came out as a male. So I guess they're no mysteries behind it... Speaking of Heather, where is she? She's kinda late to work


DETECTIVE JONAS: Havan Heather, found dead at the precinct this morning. Pack her corpse

OFFICER BINGO: She was once a cop, a retired one and now she's a corpse. What possibly could've happened?


HEATHER: (Talks to herself) no, it can't be. She can't survive that surgery. No! no!! Sarah can't die. They were faced with the same problem and same surgeon. I must get to the bottom of this


VOICE: Why do you seek me?

HEATHER: (Confused and scared) What? who're you? Who're you?what'd you want from me? (frightened)

VOICE: Why are you so desperate for my identity? (voices changes suddenly to a more intimidating one)

HEATHER: What? I don't understand (more frightened)

VOICE: Then die...

HEATHER: (pleads) No please, don't kill me. Whatever you want, money? I'll give to you, anything but, death. Please, spare my life

VOICE: I don't need your filthy money. But, anything, you say. Then I'll have your memory

HEATHER: Take it, please just take it. (sobs) don't kill me, I beg you, please

VOICE: What a nice negotiation, (voice deepens) but you still have to die...

HEATHER: Please, no... But we had a deal, don't kill me please, don't kill me (sobs and suddenly starts choking till death)

VOICE: Alas... A threat has been eliminated


DETECTIVE WAYNE: Hey, I found something. Looks like she was a certified nurse

DETECTIVE JONAS: Are those her files?


DETECTIVE JONAS: Hand it over, it could be used as evidence against the criminal

OFFICER BINGO: So, she retired from CCPD just to become a nurse?

DETECTIVE JONAS: That's not really important, the only thing that matters now is that we finally got evidence against the criminal that murdered her

OFFICER BINGO: But we're not so sure about the evidence or even if it's a robber

DETECTIVE WAYNE: Yeah, the file I gave you contains her IT Certificate

DETECTIVE JONAS: Well it can still come handy as evidence

OFFICER BINGO: Evidence for what?! We don't even know if she died a natural death or through a sudden accident or something!

DETECTIVE JONAS: You dare not raise your voice at me! (rises from his seat)

OFFICER BINGO: Cause you are who, exactly?! (follows suit)

DETECTIVE JONAS: Are you starting up a fight?! Trust me, it's gonna be much more than you can handle...

DETECTIVE WAYNE: (cuts in) Detectives! That's enough. I'm sure we didn't come here to challenge ourselves to duels! Stop acting like big babies and let's achieve what we came here for! You know what? I'm out. You guys deal with it yourself (leaves)

DETECTIVE JONAS: Hey! Where're you going? (no reply)


...THE STREETS......

...JOHN: Okay, bye! (waves to Gideon)...

GIDEON: Yeah, see you tomorrow! (turns to enter his hut, when he heard a disturbing loud bang. Turns to check what happened, but didn't see anything unexpected, just a random parked tanker that wasn't there before) John?! John?!! (no reply, as he walks further to get a clearer view. Shocked by what he saw) John? Oh my God! (cries)



GIDEON: (Knocks on the door)

ALEX: Coming! (rushes to answer as she opens the door. To her greatest surprise, it was Gideon, her older brother) Gideon, wow! What a wonderful surprise!

GIDEON: (Enters without permission with a look of frustration and shock)

ALEX: (Notices) Weird... (shuts the door and turns to Gideon who already sat down) So what'd you want? Your face's looking so grouchy and grumpy. Spill it

GIDEON: (Keeps silence for a while and begins) Oh, how do I say this?

ALEX: (Curious now) Say what?

GIDEON: Alexa, please promise you won't do anything stupid

ALEX: (Out of curiosity) Of course, I won't, I won't, I promise. Just spill it

GIDEON: You asked for it. John's dead.

ALEX: (Chuckles)


LIFE'S AN ILLUSION: MAD - Make A Difference



XAVIER: (Walks to a cave where a baby slept and dropped a wrapped box like a gift) Here you have it, your present

THELMA: (Appears from nowhere) You were given a mission to complete, weren't you?

XAVIER: (Startles) Ha! Thelma, you startled me

THELMA: Answer the question (rudely)

XAVIER: (Sighs) Yeah, I was

THELMA: Then, why is he here? (points at the sleeping baby)

XAVIER: We're still on this? Look, Thelma, you don't just get why I'm doing this and even if I try to explain, you won't still understand, so please just let me be (rudely)

THELMA: I see you've decided to fly on your own, Xavier. But you don't just know what's coming for you

XAVIER: Don't start Thelma, I'm warning you

THELMA: Who's the boss here? (smirks and leaves)


GIDEON: (Knocks on the door)

ALEX: Coming! (rushes to answer as she opens the door. To her greatest surprise, it was Gideon, her older brother) Gideon, wow! What a wonderful surprise!

GIDEON: (Enters without permission with a look of frustration and shock)

ALEX: (Notices) Weird... (shuts the door and turns to Gideon who already sat down) So what'd you want? Your face's looking so grouchy and grumpy. Spill it

GIDEON: (Keeps silence for a while and begins) Oh, how do I say this?

ALEX: (Curious now) Say what?

GIDEON: Where's Kel?

ALEX: You mean my baby? He's asleep

GIDEON: Oh, thank God! He shouldn't be here to hear this. (Sighs) Alexa, please promise you won't do anything crazy

ALEXA:(Out of curiosity) Of course, I won't, I won't, I promise. Just spill it

GIDEON: You asked for it. John's dead.

ALEX: (Chuckles)



ALEX: (Chuckles as it turns to laughter)

GIDEON: (Shocked) What? Why are you laughing? Alexa, I just said John is dead, so why are you laughing? This isn't a joke at all

ALEX: (Stops suddenly, but the vibes keeps coming in) Gideon, you haven't still lost your funny bones. Oh, I miss that

GIDEON: Alexa, I'm not bluffing! Oh, I see, you're crazy, aren't you? I said not to do anything crazy

ALEX: Gideon, I'm not crazy, I'm fine, okay? It's just that you said, John's dead. What makes you possibly say that?

GIDEON: Alex, I saw his head rip off his body! Is that enough points for me to convince you? Look sis, you just gotta face it. John, is toast

ALEX: But John just called not quite long before you arrived. He said he was gonna get something from the neighbourhood

GIDEON: And did he call back for feedback?

ALEX: No... John is not dead! My husband isn't dead!

GIDEON: I feel your pain, sis. But you just have to accept the fact that John's dead

ALEX: (Her phone starts ringing and it was no other than John) John's calling, could you excuse me please? I gotta take this (picks up)

Hey babe, you done yet?

JOHN: (From the phone) Yeah, already headed home. Should I get anything for you? But, fun fact, I'm already inside...

ALEX: (Turns to John who was just standing where no one's sight could reach)

GIDEON: (Confused) What? How? ho-how are you here? How're you still alive?

JOHN: What'd you mean? I was never dead

GIDEON: Lies! I saw your head rip off your body. You were covered with blood. Your own blood!

JOHN: I don't have such memory of that

GIDEON: (Sighs) Excuse me, I need some air (leaves)


DR. JACOB: (Checks his time and notices it was already closing period for them, except those that are on night shifts) Well, Heather didn't show up to work today. Maybe, I'll pay her a visit, but that'll be tomorrow. (Rounds up his work and prepares to leave, when a newspaper fell from his table)

DR. JACOB: (Picks it up and reads) Woman attacked by pre- labor and gave birth through surgery? Who published this? This happened in my hospital. I remember this patient's face. (Later, joins 2 and 2 of what Heather told him last night) But, come to think of it, Heather might be right for what she told me last night...

...LAST NIGHT......


DR. JACOB: Come in...

PROF. HEATHER: (Enters and sits)

DR. JACOB: Yes? May I help you, Heather?

PROF. HEATHER: Doctor, there's actually something you should know

DR. JACOB: Yes, go on

PROF. HEATHER: Our patient and her baby survived the surgery

DR. JACOB: Yeah, so what's wrong with that?

PROF. HEATHER: We both thought she was gonna end like Sarah, losing her baby and dying, but it was different, like something sustained the both of them

DR. JACOB: Heather, miracles happen

PROF. HEATHER: Not for me

DR. JACOB: That's cause you lack faith

PROF. HEATHER: Good you know... (sighs heavily and keeps on a worried look on her face)

Minutes later..

DR. JACOB: (Tries to focus on what he was doing, but just couldn't) You look like you're pacing inside of you. What's wrong?

PROF. HEATHER: Oh it's nothing, nothing actually... But there's something you might be really interested in, sir.

DR. JACOB: And what could that be?

PROF. HEATHER: It's about the woman that came in with the case of pre- labor.

DR. JACOB: Oh you mean the one who survived that surgery that you equally opposed that she wasn't supposed to?

PROF. HEATHER: I... (sighs heavily) fortunately.

DR. JACOB: Yeah what 'bout her? (folds arms)

PROF. HEATHER: She died, sir. She died during the surgery

DR. JACOB: (Confused look on his face)


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