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Fully Maxed Out Team In Another World

ch1 final boss

a team of four was fighting in front of an evil looking castle, there were all kinds of monsters going against the four, but they could not even land a scratch on the four, let alone defeat them, even with their numbers.

in the front was a three meter tall heavily armored hammer wielding berserker who was breaking the enemies with heavy attacks, he had a red name above his head "no shrimpathy", this name did not make any sense, but he still went with it.

to his right there was a black haired samurai with large black horns on his head who used a katana to swiftly slash his enemies into pieces, constantly using combos to stay ahead of his opponents, the samurai had a black name above his head "super blade", this name made much more sense.

behind them was a young high elf with long brown hair, the high elf was a lot shorter than the others, only around a one and a half meter tall, he looked very different from the previous two. even though he was wearing light armor, the high elf used a massive greatsword with insane ease, as if the massive sword did not weigh anything, the greatsword was three times as long as the high elf, he had a green name above his head "tricked", this name did not make much sense either.

finally, in the back there was a pink haired girl with a golden halo above her head, she had two large white feathered wings on her back, which she used to fly, she kept switching between casting attack and support spells, raining destruction from above, then strengthening the other three, and repeat, the girl had a pink name above her head "walking on air", it seemed that the team did not choose any actual names.

this was in a game, a mmorpg with insane freedom where you can choose what you want at any time, from hunting monsters to crafting weapons, even starting a pet shop was not out of the boundaries, but this game only had a small amount of players, because of its insane difficulty, if your character dies you needed to pay to revive them, or you could make a new character for free.

the only thing more annoying than the difficulty was the fact that almost every special item and event were paid content, "you can only have fun if you constantly pay" is what everyone said about the game, yet there was still a group of players actively playing the game, they were called the "elites" they always got the newest stuff available, and the strongest of the elites were called the "demigods".

even though the team had these names they were the strongest players in the game, "no shrimpathy" was the demigod of strength, "super blade" was the demigod of skill, "walking on air" was the demigod of healing, and "tricked" was the demigod of taming beasts.

while the rest of the teams titles were quite obvious, it does not look like tricked had any tamed beasts, but everyone who knows about him knows that his sword is a tamed beast, and that is not the only one, tricked had personally tamed every boss monster in the game, how did he do this? by paying for a bunch of premium items of course.

finally, after every monster in front of the castle was eliminated the gates opened to reveal the final boss, it looked like a beautiful girl, the only thing that was off about her were the horns on top of her head and the wings on her back, but the name "demon lord" above her head would quickly scare off any ordinary players, now, it was time to defeat the final boss, again.

ch2 end of the game

"so, how many times have we done this?" walking on air asked the rest.

"this is the sixth time we are doing this, it would be nice if the boss wants to join our side this time!" tricked responded with the thing he always said while being tired of trying to tame a boss.

though tricked said this everyone in the team knew he would not give up until the final boss joined the team, like every other boss in the game.

"now then, everyone, come out!" as tricked yelled this a large amount of portals appeared around him, from the portals came many powerful boss monsters, from a slime to a dragon, a boss of every monster type was there, but only one of each. "to make it easy" was what tricked always said when asked why.

"summon!" tricked said, making every boss start casting a skill, a summoning skill to be precise, a chant loud enough to be heard from the top of the castle was heard through the entire area in front of the castle, after the chanting and casting was done a massive army larger than the one defending the castle during the previous battle appeared.

in the front of the army was an insane amount of different golems and other defensive monsters, behind them were undead and other monsters with high attack power, and in the back there were support type monsters like dryads and spirits.

as soon as the entire army was ready a loud warhorn could be heard, tricked was holding a huge warhorn larger than himself, this warhorn was a premium item that buffed allies depending on the amount of friendly units in the area, and since there is an army of over a thousand on his side the buff effect was insane.

"charge!" as tricked yelled this the army rushed at the demon lord and a massive battle started, though only massive on one side, because of the large amount of troops the army had, plus the four players, the demon lord was just being pushed around, not able to retaliate.

finally, after a few minutes a red bar above the demon lords head was almost empty, seeing this tricked ordered the army to stand back and calmly walked to the demon lord by himself.

after tricked reached the demon lord he held his hand out to her, waiting for the demon lords reaction, but the demon lord just looked at him, and finally after some time which felt like an eternity the demon lord shook his hand before disappearing into the systems tamed beast space together with the other bosses.

[ding! player "tricked" is the first player to tame every monster in the game, congratulations!] a serverwide announcement was made.

seeing this the team started cheering, and they went to the town where the other players were waiting, this was something that tricked and the team had talked about with the other demigods, so when the system announcement appeared the demigods together with their guilds went to the starter town to celebrate this achievement.

the reason they chose the starter town was because everyone had access to the starter town, and to celebrate his victory tricked was going to give out premium items to everyone there.


it had been five weeks after the festival in the starter town, and no matter what anyone tried, tricked and his team were never seen online, many thought they were done with the game, but a few days ago every demigod player disappeared, even their real life friends and families had announced that they never saw them since then.

and to make matters worse for the players, the game shut down after the demigods dissapeared, many suspected that the developers of the game were involved with the dissappearances, but they swiftly realized no one knew who made the game.

ch3 another world?

"urgh, what happened?" tricked, no shrimpathy, super blade, and walking on air woke up in a forest.

after looking at each other they saw something weird.

"why are you cosplaying as your characters? and where even are we?" all four asked at the same time.

realizing something they all looked at their own bodies and saw that they actually were the characters they made in the game, from the body type to the clothes that covered their bodies, it was all the same as in the game.

"i never knew this game had virtual reality!" no shrimpathy said.

"i don't think this is virtual reality, after all, i still feel the wind." super blade reacted.

"yeah... i can actually move my wings, look!" walking on air said while flapping her wings, causing the surrounding air to turn into many sharp blades, and making those sharp blades fly everywhere.

"calm down! don't hit us with those!" no shrimpathy and super blade said at the same time.

even though they were surprised by the sudden barrage, they took no damage, but they were not surprised for too long, after all, the game had no friendly fire.

"sorry! hey tricked, are you alright?" walking on air looked at tricked, and saw that he was shaking.

tricked was trying to open the system, but the system was gone! there was no option to log out, and even the inventory was gone. but then tricked saw walking on air create a storm with her wings and got an idea.

"inventory!" with a single word from tricked a blue screen appeared in front of him, the blue screen had many different symbols on it, each symbol containing hundreds of items.

the "infinite inventory" was a premium upgrade from the game, it was an enhanced version of the original inventory, and just like the name implies, it can hold an infinite amount of items, though tricked was the only one of the team who had bought it.

"looks like the inventory is still here!" tricked happily said to the others.

"i think we have bigger concerns right now..." the other three said at the same time.

"okay, okay, fine. lead the way!" as tricked said these words a large compass appeared in front of him, but the compass broke apart and disappeared before it could point to a direction.

the skill called "lead the way" was a high level tracking skill, it could show the way to any place you have been to before, and the only reasons it could fail are if you have never been to the target, or, if the target does not exist.

"w-what? it failed?" walking on air saw what happened and was shocked.

the other two noticed also what happened and realized something, they could not go back! if the system can't log them out, and the strongest location marking skill does not work, then that means they are not even in the game anymore!

the four had read enough stories to know that this was another world, different from their own world and the game world.

"if this is another world, then why is it so quiet? in those stories the main characters always start with a fight against monster!" no shrimpathy said suspiciously.

"hey! don't jinx us!" super blade responded jokingly.

"i think that there are no creatures that want to get near us, since we are the strongest, remember?" tricked realized why they were left alone by even the insects in the forest, it was because they were simply too strong, so strong that any creature could feel the danger coming from the four.

this observation made the other three nod in agreement.

"now that we have a bit of information on the situation, how about we find a place with people?" walking on air asked.

"leave that to me! i have a good way of getting out of a forest!" tricked said confidently.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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