NovelToon NovelToon

Together? Forever! // Jk

Ch. 1 // Resignation?

They gulped the alcohol together and slammed the shots glasses against the table in a sync. An aggressive hiss, feeling the slightly burning sensation in their throats that the alcohol caused and a sigh escaped their lips together. As if they are twins.

Well, not twins but best friends. Ensa and Taehyung, best friends since childhood. And so we can assume why they do things in sync.

“ It's so funny how we have almost same reactions ” Taehyung laughed.

Ensa chuckled softly “ isn't it why we are besties? ok wait selfie time "she said.

She took out her phone and Taehyung shuffled closer to her for a selfie.

Ensa chuckled at the picture" You are cute " she giggled.

Taehyung smirked cockily ” btw what were saying about resignation? " he suddenly remembered something she told him at work.

They have lived in the same neighborhood in childhood, went to same school, then same high school ,then same university and a job in the same company. They have been soul mates, haha!!

“ I am thinking to.... ummm.... resign from my job.” she stated.

“ Why? We're paid so well ” Taehyung wondered.

She nodded her head “ I know, it's really good for my living but.... I want to join a fashion designing course and you know... It costs alot ,I need a higher paying job. ” she told him.

“ hmm..... But you already work in at fashion brand Ensie . ” he reminded her

She narrowed her eyes in annoyance “ I'm literally in the finance department of that FaShIon Brrraannd! " she sneered sarcastically.

He laughed ” Yeah OK. But don't you think if you leave this job you won't even have the money for your living. “ he said.

Her lips curved downwards ” hmm I know. That's what the problem is. You know this, right? Fashion designing is something I wanted to do but I couldn't do it because of my dad. Now that I have got a little freedom, I want to do this. But I'm so broke “ she cried with her head down on the table.

Taehyung patted her back ” I understand baby. “ he consoled her.

” I need a job that pays just a little higher. I think I shall find a part time job. “ she muttered.

” Hey are you crazy? You're already doing overtime. Don't make yourself exhaust “ Taehyung scolded.

She lifted her head from the table and sighed ” I wish I could do some magic “she mumbled.

Suddenly a guy approached them ” excuse me “

Taehyung and Ensa looked at him ” yes? " Ensa asked.

“ Are you too ? ” the guy asked.

Taehyung and Ensa looked at each other “ No we aren't ” they said in unison.

The guy smiled “ Can I have your number then? " he asked Ensa forwarding his phone to her.

She looked at Taehyung and he shrugged. She smiled and took his phone from him. She dialed her number in it and returned it to him.

The guy smiled ” Thanks, I'm Hoseok btw “ he introduced himself.

She smiled back at him ” I'm Ensa and this is my best friend Taehyung“ she introduced themselves.

Taehyung waved a hello ” hii, “

Hoseok waved back ” nice to meet you. I gotta go now . I'll text you later. Seeya “ he bid a bye.

” You do have some magic Ensa “ Taehyung said, referring to what she said earlier.

” huh? " she felt confused.

Taehyung chuckled “ look around, literally every guy is looking at you and since we came here, this Hoseok guy was the third one who asked for your number. Do you think it's not magic? "

She rolled her eyes ” even all the girls are looking at you tae. We're at the same boat “

” But I didn't got any approaches “ Taehyung shrugged.

Ensa chuckled ” because, girls won't approach first and even if anyone could, they didn't because I'm sitting with you. “ she stated and picked the soju bottle.

Taehyung shrugged ” Btw you gave Hoseok your number. Are you really gonna date him? " he asked, taking the bottle from her to fill his glass.

“ I don't know. He sure was handsome and his voice was polite so I guess maybe? I'll just talk to him for now and see if I can proceed with him. ” she voiced her thoughts.

“ Are you done crushing over our Ceo , Mr Jeon ? " Taehyung teased her.

She slapped his forearm ” Don't you dare tease me like that “ she warned him.

”You like him a lot though “ he laughed.

She rolled her eyes ” whatever. He's so hot dude. How can I not crush over him? “ she cooed.

” I won't say anything about that, you have all the rights to like anyone “ he said and gulped down his soju.

She made a pout ” to be honest.... I really want date him but he.... uh.... I think he doesn't even know that I exist. “ she seemed upset.

Taehyung filled her glass ” he knows that, you're his employee. Besides if he will see you in person someday, he'll fall head over heels for you. I bet it “ he grinned at her to cheer up.

She smiled and reached out to pull him close by wrapping her arm around his neck. She pecked his cheek softly.

” You know how to lift my mood. I love you so much “ she exclaimed.

Taehyung pulled himself away ” yaahh leave me you will make people think we are couple and I won't get any approaches at all “ he complained.

She laughed ” I won't let you date anyone so easy tae. I'll find the best for you “ she patted his shoulder.

He smiled and she drank her drink ” I don't think I can drink anymore or I will pass out here “ she said.

He yawned ” well then let's go because I'm too sleepy. I'm staying over. “

” Most welcome “ she chimed.


Ensa's bestie

Ch. 2 // Prove It

Ensa 's slumber was disturbed by the loud caller ringtone from the spare room. She got off the bed lazily and duck-walked to the spare room of her apartment, where Taehyung has slept. She yawned, covering her mouth with her left hand and pushed the door open with the right one.

“ Hey Tae Bear!! Get up ” she shook him .

Taehyung was lying on his stomach, unconsciously sleeping. Ensa groaned holding her head while her eyes were half closed.

“ Gosh! This hangover!! " she hissed.

She shook him aggressively ” get up brat!! “ she exclaimed.

Taehyung moaned ” yaah lemme sleep. Its Sunday “ he groaned.

” You're getting a phone call dumb head!! Aishhh! How can you sleep with this ringing right beside you “ she complained.

Now Taehyung earned his consciousness and reached out to pick the call. ” Hello! " he said faintly.

Ensa plopped on the bed, still feeling sleepy with a hangover. Suddenly Taehyung jolted up making her startled. He was talking on the call, with full attention which confused Ensa.

“ Yeah, sure sir. Sure.... I will take Ms Kim Ensa with me . ” Taehyung responded to the person on the other line.

Ensa gave him a confused look for mentioning her name “ what? " she asked as he hung the call.

Taehyung lazily slouched on the bed and sighed

” Manager nim called me, he wants me to fetch our Ceo from the airport. “ he told her.

” huh?? Who? Ceo ? As in Mr Jeon? " she asked in surprise.

Taehyung lazily nodded “ His flight will land at 11am ” he added.

“ Wait! Mr Jeon is returning from Canada? So suddenly? We weren't informed. And why ?” she bombarded him with questions.

“ yaah! Slow down, I'm having a hangover ” he exclaimed.

She narrowed her eyes “ As if I don't. Just tell me. ”

“ Isn't it obvious that this is the place were the headquarters are, so he'll come here? He was supposed to return after winters but he was done with his business in Canada soon so he's returning now. ” he explained.

“ hmm..... So you are going to pick him? " she asked with a thinking face.

” Not just me you too “ he stated.

” W-wa - what? " she almost shouted.

“ Yes! Go get ready and make some hangover soup first or I'll die.... Ughhh!! ” he exclaimed holding his head.

She jolted up and hugged him, falling back on the bed “ yayyy tae, I love you. Thanks.... I'll meet the CEO Yes!! " she yelled out of joy and kissed Taehyung's cheek.

” yaahh!! Leave me.... “ he shouted, annoyed wiping his cheek.

She got up and slapped his hand ” you're so anti romantic. “


Taehyung yawned covering his mouth with hand and his eyes were at his wrist watch ” hmm... He'll be coming. “ he stated and looked at Ensa who was admiring herself in the glass windows of the airport.

He narrowed his eyes at her, posing this and that

” What are you doing this? " he asked monotonously.

“ I wonder how I'm looking so fine. Woah! Just look at me. ” she admired herself.

She knows, she was beautiful and she knows how to style herself to look more of it. While Taehyung just felt annoyed. He looked in the direction where the passengers coming from.

Suddenly Ensa patted his shoulder “ Tae, you look for him till I go to washroom. ” she said to which Taehyung nodded.

Ensa smiled and headed for a washroom that she found after asking a few cleaning staffs. The area around there was kinda quite, there was not much people.

She got in the ladies' washroom and did her business. She returned after washing her hands and was about to leave but bumped into a man who was looking into his mobile.

“ Hey can't you see ” he yelled at her.

This was ridiculous. It was him to bumped into her as he was busy in his mobile. The man seemed to be somewhat older so she decided to apologize instead of being a *****.

“ I'm sorry sir. It was a mistake ” she apologized.

The man's frown was replaced with a smug look as he started stepping forward to her “ you have to make up for it, kitten ” he smirked.

“ Uh.... Excuse me? " she muttered stepping back.

 The man scanned her from top to bottom more like devouring her figure with his eyes. The hungriness of him, displayed in his eyes and Ensa felt annoyed of that.

”Just an apology won't work, babe “ the man mumbled.

She narrowed her eyes,reading the man's intention in his behavior " Listen Mister, I don't want to cause a fuss here. I don't think you are young enough to recover fracturs “ she warned him.

And that made this man chuckle " Aww are you going to break my bones? " he cooed sarcastically.

The man was close enough to call it uncomfortable until ” Hey love, what are you doing here? "

Both of them snapped to see, this guy in all black with a backpack. His face was covered with a black mask and he has a black bucket hat on.

“ Who are you? " the man across Ensa turned to him.

Ensa was set free and so she slid away for her safety ” I'm her boyfriend, may I know what are you doing with my girl? " the guy in black muttered monotonously tilting his head.

The man went silent and looked at Ensa. She felt disgusted and moved towards the guy in black feeling somewhat safe.

The guy pulled down his mask and looked at Ensa only to get her surprised reacton . He smiled at her “ let's go love, and don't go around all by yourself, you're too precious to lose ” he said.

She was surprised, her eyes were wide open

She knew him. He was her fvcing Ceo , Jeon Jungkook. Oh God! She was so struck.

Jungkook wrapped his arm around her waist and turned around while she kept staring at him in surprise. Before he could leave with her the man stopped them.

“ Wait!! How can I believe you are her boyfriend, prove me ” the man spatted.

Jungkook turned around and sighed “ do I really have to prove it? I love her, she loves me isn't that enough ” Jungkook replied being annoyed .

“ then she's not your girlfriend. Leave her ” the man exclaimed.

“ I think I have to prove it ” Jungkook stated.

He turned to her, who was yet in surprise. He smiled and held her face by her chin before pressing his lips on her's. Her eyes go wide to size of an apple and her breath was stuck now.

He pulled after just a small smooch and turned to the man “ now you believe it. ” he stated and held Ensa's hand dragging her away.

She was so struck. What just happened? Jeon Jungkook, the hot Ceo of JK fashion brand, her ultimate crush, just kissed her? It was just yesterday that she was wondering if he knows of her existence or not. And today she just got kissed by him. Her heart is going crazy.


Already their first kiss😘

Ch. 3 // Paper Weight

Ensa kept walking silently with Jungkook's hand around her waist. She didn't even notice when he let go of her as she was busy with the thousands of her own wild thoughts.

“ I apologize for the act there. I just couldn't see someone getting harassed. ” Jungkook said.

She snapped at him “ Uh... No... I should be thankful that you saved me. Thank you so much. ” she bowed.

Jungkook smiled and forwarded his hand “ My name is.. ”

“ Jeon Jungkook! " Ensa completed his words in a snap.

” huh? You already know me? " he asked.

She smiled “ I'm Ensa Kim, I work in the finance department of JK fashion brand. ” she introduced herself.

Jungkook had his eyebrows raised and he scanned her from top to bottom. Wait..... He-He just checked her out. Yeah! That's the chance for you girl. Be confident, you're looking wonderful.

“ It's really nice to know that we'll meet at office again. ” he stated with a smirk.

She looked away biting her lip “ I'm sorry for the bother there. I should have been careful. ” she muttered.

He chuckled “ if you are apologizing me for the bother, shall I thank that man then? "

She looked at him with a questioning look ” what do you mean? " she mumbled.

He smirked cockily “ I gotta chance to... ”

“Ensaaa!! "

They snapped to see Taehyung running to them. He stopped across them and was somewhat surprised to see the CEO .

” Welcome sir! " Taehyung bowed to him.

“ Where's Mr Nim? " Jungkook asked him.

” He has some urgent events to attend. Btw your luggage sir? “ Taehyung asked.

” I have this back pack only “ Jungkook replied.

” This way “ Taehyung started leading them to his car.

Ensa was wondering what Jungkook was going to say? Was he going to say 'I gotta chance to kiss you ' ? No this can't be. He did that only to save her right?

They got in Taehyung's car, Jungkook at the backseat while Ensa and Taehyung at the front ones. Taehyung was driving to the address that Mr Nim told him.


A fresh Monday morning. But the moment where Ensa got kissed by Jungkook was still lingering in her head . She couldn't think of anything else since that day.

” Morning Ensie!! " Taehyung said faintly as soon as he saw Ensa coming towards her cubicle at the office.

Ensa smiled “ good morning buddy! You seem so unusual, what's with that faint look ” she commented.

Taehyungs lips curved downwards “ I went on a date yesterday! " he told her.

” Really? But You had dinner with me “ she questioned.

Taehyung pulled her chair close to him ” It was late night date. We even had a haawwwtt night “ he whispered in her ear.

Ensa covered her open mouth in surprise ” Woah, when did my boy grew so much? " she patted his shoulder.

He laughed “ last night ”

“ Are you dating now? " she asked in curiosity.

Taehyung pouted and shook his head ” she said it was just a one night thing and she doesn't wants to see my face again . She said I can have many girls for my looks and body. “

Ensa could see that sadness in his tone ” hey! It's ok. Don't bother yourself. “ she patted his back and his lips formed a thin line .

She hugged him and patted his back ” you know what Tae, you're the best guy I ever met. I know it has bothered you that she said that for your body when your intentions were for something. Just forget her. You deserve someone who loves you for your inner self and not just your personality. “ she muttered.

” What bothers me more is that, I spent the night with her thinking that we'll be together but the opposite happened “ he mumbled.

She parted away and facepalmed him ” If she doesn't gives a fvck, why would you? Just forget it. You know you're the best and I still love you. “

Taehyung smiled and nodded ” I'm so grateful that I have you “ he muttered.

She chuckled ” we were born to be by each others side “

Suddenly they heard someone ” excuse me? "

They turned to see Jungkook's assistant manager, Ms Han. “ Can I ask you for a favor? "she asked.

Ensa smiled ” sure Ms Han “

Ms Han smiled ” Actually I have a little important discussion to do with Mr Jeon. And I have to submit some papers at the board by 10 and you see its past 9am already. Could you arrange these papers by date? “ she said putting a stack of papers across them.

Taehyung and Ensa looked at each other ” sure we'll do it, don't worry “ Taehyung said.

” Thank you so much. Put this on my desk at the upper floor, when you're done. I'll remember to make it up to you soon “ Ms Han said.

She left and they started arranging the papers by date. It was not a thick stack so it was easy and barley took 20 minutes to complete it.

” Yayyy! We did it! " Taehyung cheered.

“ Yeah! I thought it would take time. Ain't we the best team? " she rejoiced making a high five with him.

” I'll go put this on her desk. I also have to meet Mr Hwan there “ Ensa said.

Taehyung nodded and turned to his computer, starting his work. She left a pat on his shoulder before heading to the upper floor.

Ms Han's desk was outside of the Ceo office. Ensa put the stack of papers on her desk as there was no one. She picked the paper weight but it fell from her hand.

The paper weight rolled towards the CEO office doors and rested there. Ensa looked around but she didn't notice where it went. Suddenly, she tripped on the paper weight and accidentally barged in the CEO office.

She heard a females gasp and her eyes gone wide at sight of the Ceo Mr Jeon's hard budge in the mouth of Ms Han and both looking at her. Ms Han with a horrified and Jungkook with a cocky face.

Ensa immediately turned around ” I'm sorry “ and she flee from the sight.


As embarrassing as it sounds

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