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The Boss of the Mafiso is an Omega

Episode 1

The leader of the Yakuza had only one son named Kenichi Yamaguchi, who was an alpha. Kenichi had four children, three boys and one girl, but all four were omegas, so they couldn't inherit the title of leader. However, a few months after the birth of his fourth child, they found out that Kanichi's wife was pregnant again. But when the omega was four months old, he and her husband had an accident and died, leaving the family without an heir. The big boss decided that his son's firstborn would inherit his position when he died. Twenty-five years later, the big boss died, and Akemi, at 31 years old, became the first omega to become the leader of the Yakuza. That's when the real odyssey began since the other clans did not want him to be the leader since he was a delicate omega and thought that he would not be strong enough to lead the Yakuza on the path to success.

But they were wrong, because since his parents died, Akemi knew that he should replace strength with intelligence and agility to guide his clan. The Yakuza are known for being barbaric and enforcing their rules no matter what, and he wanted to continue with tradition. Still, he also wanted to ensure his clan remained intact and could expand. His goal was to make his clan the strongest of all since that way they could not do anything to remove him from power.

After Akemi succeeded to the title of Head of the Yakuza, he began to devise different plans to make any clan against him or wanting to overthrow him pay the consequences. He wished that those clans that wanted to finish him off and take his clan were defeated by him, so they would realize that an omega can be more intelligent than an alpha and, if provoked, can be more bloodthirsty than any other alpha mafia boss.

A week after taking the leadership, his first obstacle appeared. One of the Yakuza clans began to make a plan to take total control of the Yamaguchi clan, but they did not count on Akemi having infiltrated each clan, so he quickly found out what they were planning, got ahead of the movements that their enemies would make, and acted first. Together with all his members, he told them the following:

"Today, you will help me get rid of the garbage. One of the smaller clans wants to kill me and take my clan, but we will not let them. You have been in this family since its inception, and I will ensure that our clan is not destroyed by anything or anyone."

After saying that, Akemi gave weapons to all his men, and they went to meet the other clan. When they reached the Hamada house, they surrounded it and began to enter, killing one by one the members of the clan that were in the house. When they reached the hidden room, Akemi gave the order to tie up the leader of the Hamada, and once that was done, Akumi began to beat him and say:

"Hamada, do you think I'm stupid enough to let you finish me and my clan? I may be an omega, but no alpha is capable of handling me, let alone finishing me off, so once and for all, react. At this moment, I hold the reins of this matter, and having said that, you, Hamada, are going to die by my hand today. You will be the example so that no one will ever again think that they can kill me or steal what is rightfully mine."

At that moment, Akumi took out his gun, and when he was about to pull the trigger, Hamada shouted, saying:

"STOP! Akumi, I'll tell you who helped me and devise this stupid plan, but please don't kill me, I beg you."

Akumi, with a smile on his face, said:

"Then let's make a deal. If you talk and that information is useful to me, I will let you live, I promise."

"Well, one of the strongest clans told me that there was an option that would help me rise through the ranks among the Yakuza, and that was to take control of one of the clans, and he suggested that I finish off your clan since you recently took the position of boss, and you are also an omega. By nature, omegas are very fragile beings and easy to defeat, so it would be the perfect option, and I agreed since it seemed to me that taking control of one of the oldest clans would make me more well-known, strong, and feared. It also seemed easy to defeat an omega, I've said everything, so keep your promise."

"Of course, I will keep my promise, but before I go, I have one last question: which clan was it that gave you the idea to kill me and take what is mine?"

"It was the head of the Nakamura clan."

After Hamada finished answering Akumi, he left, but before that, he told his subordinates:

"Did you bring the documents?"

"Yes sir, we have them in the briefcase."

Akumi said, "Break Hamada's legs and cut off three fingers (the two index fingers and the thumb of his right hand). When you're done with that job, leave the papers on Hamada's desk, then call the police." After saying that, he left, and his subordinates began to break his legs. Hamada began to scream and curse.

"Damn you, Akumi! You promised me you wouldn't kill me."

"Hahahaha, I promised I'd let you live, not that you'd be unharmed and free. This is what you get for wanting something that's not yours, and now, in return, I'm going to take over your zone and your clan."

The next day, Akumi went to the old Hamada mansion and took possession of it, along with some former followers of the Hamada clan, and that was the beginning of his great reign among the Yakuza. A month after taking over the former Hamada zone, he began recruiting more subordinates, a total of 20 people. He marked each one of them with his distinctive tattoo, a dragon with a human head between its fangs. Well, when he completed a total of 60 people, he began to devise a plan to take revenge and take possession of the Nakamura clan.

Episode 2

Two months later, Akemi had gathered a total of 80 men who would help him carry out his plan for revenge. He trained them very strictly for a whole month, teaching them how to shoot and handle knives, torture methods, and a select few how to handle high-caliber weapons suitable for a sniper.

After the training period, Akemi gathered all his men and told them:

"You know that I made you part of my family regardless of whether you were alphas, betas, or omegas, and I treated everyone equally without distinction because I know how difficult it is to be judged by your gender. So, I hope you will repay me for all this in a few days. As you well know, I have been training you to go into battle with a man who underestimated me for being an omega and tried to kill me to take over my clan. But his wish was cut short because, unfortunately for him, I went ahead and got rid of his envoys. So, this is the time for my revenge, and if we succeed, we will be even stronger than we are now, and no one will dare try to destroy our clan or me. In a few days, we will be facing death, and we must be smarter than them. Each of you will be insured in case something happens to you, so I tell you now, whoever is afraid of dying, leave at once, I will not stop you. But if you leave, you cannot return, so think about it, I give you tonight to think about it, tomorrow morning I will wait in my office for those who are not willing to put their lives on the line."

The next day, Akemi stayed in his office waiting to see if anyone would come and say they wanted to leave, but no one showed up. He waited until 6:00 p.m., but no one appeared, so he summoned everyone and told them:

"Since no one showed up at my office today, I take it that you will all accompany me on this mission; therefore, the opportunities to back out end right now. So, I give you these days to train, and very soon, I will summon you all to tell you what you must do. So be prepared because this is going to be memorable."

Three days later, Akemi gathered them all and immediately ordered them to get their weapons. When everyone was ready, he began to distribute the tasks to each of them, and when he finished explaining everything they had to do and where they would be, he said:

"As you can see, I have just told you the plan we will carry out to attack the Nakamura clan, but I still haven't told you when it will take place, and I imagine many of you have already figured it out, but for those who still haven't understood, I will tell you that in 5 minutes, we will go to that place, and we will take the Nakamura clan. Anyone who rebels will die, so I hope you are prepared for this."

Five minutes later, they all left Osaka for Tokyo, where the area ruled by that clan was located. As soon as they arrived, they positioned themselves according to plan and broke through all the security rings, wiping out everything and everyone that crossed their path. Akumi said to his people:

"Everyone be alert, we are about to reach the most crucial part of this plan, so everyone take your positions and cover me."

Akumi walked through a hail of bullets that wounded several of the clan, but that did not stop him. He kept walking while finishing off a few enemies, the same ones who wanted to hurt him and take everything from him. When he finally reached the place where the boss was, he pointed his gun at him and shot him in the leg, immobilizing him. But the boss also fired a shot, and it hit Akumi in the torso, who didn't even feel it because of the adrenaline. Fortunately, the bullet went straight through him, but after the shot, Akumi got very angry and shot him in an arm and a leg, and then told his men to leave him kneeling on the grass. Following that, he ordered a search of all the rooms for family members or other subordinates and that no one be allowed to leave the house. Meanwhile, he began to question Nakamura.

"Why did you tell Hamada that? Why did you do this? You were the closest to my family and my grandfather?" And Nakamura said,

"Since I'm going to die, I'll tell you. I did it because when Hamada killed you or took the leadership of your clan from you, I would have the perfect excuse to kill him and keep the power of both clans. But now I see that I made a stupid move; I should have waited for you to break your grandfather's will and then take the power away from any of your brothers who might fulfill the clause in your grandfather's will. I know very well that your uncles and cousins are not interested in being part of the mafia, so it will be easy to take power from them. I was such a fool; I should have waited."

Akumi said, "What do you mean, bastard? Aren't you happy with almost killing me? Now you're making up these ridiculous stories. You know very well that my grandfather gave me the power."

Nakamura replied, "Yes, I know, but I was also present when your grandfather wrote his will, and it clearly stated that he would cede power to you temporarily since there would be a period of 7 years in which you would have to have a son who was an alpha. And if you couldn't do it, any of your brothers could access power as long as they had an alpha son. Didn't you know that little clause? Oh, poor little omega, you really thought you could have power so easily? You knew very well that your grandfather wanted the power to remain in the hands of an alpha, not a fragile omega like you."

Akumi was ready to say a few things to Nakamura when his subordinate told him, "We found several people hiding, including two of Nakamura's children, an alpha and an omega."

Akumi smiled and said, "See Nakamura, I have a way you can pay me back for everything you've done to me."

After that, he laughed and said, "Bring Nakamura's children here." After a few minutes, one of his men arrived with the two children, and Akumi said,

"Your payment for the crimes you have committed against me will be for your son, the alpha, to be my husband and give me that descendant that my grandfather's will requests. But if your dear son is not able to produce an alpha in 4 years, I will kill him. How does that sound, Nakamura?"

"The truth is, I think you're insane, you piece of idiot. You really think it's going to be that easy for me to give you my son? I'll never give you my son."

Akumi said, "How about we ask your son to see what he thinks?"

"Hey, you, the alpha, come here. I was talking to your father, and I offered him a great deal in exchange for his life and that of your whole family, but he doesn't want to accept it, so I wanted to ask you."

"You stupid bastard, what do you think you're doing? You'll regret doing this, I swear."

"Don't you want to know the great deal I offered your father? And besides, why are you treating me so badly if your father was the one who committed the crime? I'm just doing justice; I can't let a person like that go unpunished. So, I hope you stop treating me like trash, IF YOU DON'T WANT ME TO KILL YOU AND YOUR WHOLE FILTHY FAMILY, YOU STUPID BASTARD, DID YOU HEAR ME?"

"Just ask what you want, and let's get this stupidity over with."

"Are you capable of marrying me and giving me at least one son who is an alpha, for the life of your entire family? Do you accept the deal? Besides, you will only be married to me for 4 years, then we will get divorced, and you will have nothing to do with me, plus the children you give me will only be mine, and when we divorce you will be free, from them and from me, it's an excellent proposal, don't you think?"

Akihiro replied, "If you are capable of letting my family go free and keeping the clan, I will."

Akumi said, "You think I'm stupid? My proposal is only to leave your relatives alive and free, in addition to the fact that our relationship will only last 4 years, and then you will be completely free to do and go wherever you want. But if you think my offer is not very good, there is another option, and that is for everyone to die and for me to get another alpha to marry me. I don't think it would be difficult for me to get an alpha to give me a son. So, you decide, option 1 or 2, and I only give you 5 minutes to make the decision since my time is precious, and I can't waste it on this kind of stupidity; you should be grateful that I'm being so benevolent; wow, I never thought I'd be so nice to someone. So, I hope you're smart and choose option 1."

Episode 3

5 minutes later Akemi said:

"I have already given you enough time to think, now I need your answer."

Akihiro -I've thought about it and I don't want to accept either of the two options you gave me, so I've thought of a third option, and that is that you release my family and relocate them to a safe place, and I will comply with any term you want in the contract.

Akemi said: - That sounds good to me, I will send them to a safe house I have in a foreign country, and in exchange you will come with me now, in a few days we will get married and after that you will have to be able to get me pregnant, in a period of one month I must be pregnant, do you accept?

"Yes, I agree, I will do everything possible to comply with what you ask, but in return I hope you keep your promise to let me go after we have been married for 4 years, and I want absolutely nothing to do with those children you have, so it's a deal."

"Sure, neither my children nor I will bother you, so don't worry. Hurry up, we must go now."

"Akemi, if I may call you that, I want to say goodbye to my father and my brothers before we go, can I?"

"Okay, but I'll only give you 6 minutes and after that we'll leave, and you should keep in mind that you won't see them for many years so I hope you don't be reluctant to come with me after talking to your family, because if you refuse, you and your family will die by my hand so go quickly and let's go home at once."

Akihiro went and said goodbye to his father, his mother and his brothers and after that he told him.

"Father trust me, it won't be long before we are together and free, and after that we will take revenge."

After "saying goodbye" he went with Akemi, after a few hours on the road they arrived at Akemi's house it was a beautiful Japanese-style mansion from the 1800s it was gigantic and very beautiful.

When they entered the place, Akemi was giving instructions to Akihiro, he was telling him:

"The rules of this house are as follows:"

You can't leave this house without my permission.

If you get something dirty, you clean it yourself.

You and I will sleep in separate rooms, we will only meet when I am in heat and when you are in heat, the rest of the days you can do whatever you want, obviously you will have to let me know if you are going to do something different from what is in the house.

In the house there is a sauna, a swimming pool, a hot spring, there are 2 libraries, one is for my personal use and the other will be yours, there is an empty room that I plan to equip with games of your preference.

You may not enter my room or my office without my permission.

If you want to cook, you must leave the kitchen clean.

There is a garden there, you can take care of the plants if you want or get some air.

And lastly, you will have all these freedoms during my first 3 heats, if the 4th arrives and I am not yet pregnant, I will take away all these privileges one by one.

I hope everything is clear, Akihiro.

"Yes, I understood everything perfectly."

Well, these 8 rules that I just mentioned will be reflected in the contract along with other rules, so for the moment I consider these terms to be fair both to you and to me.

"Yes, it seems fine to me, I have a question, is your heat period already established or do you not know when it will arrive?"

"My heat period is very punctual, it has always arrived on the dates it should and is your heat period predictable?."

"Yes, it is always on time and if it is late it is only 1 or 2 days."

"I remembered 2 more rules Akihiro, the first is that I am not the only Omega in my house, many of my subordinates are omegas so when they come you must use the alpha mask, since some Omegas do not use their heat inhibitors, although there is a very strict rule that both Alphas and Omegas must use Inhibitors or request a medical license, some want to harass alphas and others want to get a partner so they release their pheromones, and the problem is not only with the Omegas, since some Alphas do the same, but that does not affect you since you are an Alpha, you just have to be careful of the Omegas that do that. Second, and most importantly, if I find out that you are working with another Yakuza clan to overthrow or assassinate me, I will kill you first, but before I kill you I will torture you, well that's it."

"Akemi I understood everything and I will follow the rules to the letter, but I have two questions, the first, why didn't you get another Alpha, maybe one of your subordinates?"

And second, do you also take care of those Alphas who release their pheromones?

"First, I need a dominant Alpha, since I am a dominant omega and if I found an Alpha like that it would be easier to get pregnant, and bingo I found him while defeating one of my opponents, and second although I am a dominant omega I am still an omega so I have to protect myself from alpha pheromones."

"So you are a dominant species just like me, it is not surprising. Hahahaha"

"Don't laugh, but I am a dominant, and although I am an omega I have been able to increase my territory and overthrow those who wanted to rob and murder me, so I consider myself more capable than any alpha, changing the subject our contract will arrive soon, and our marriage will take place in a week, and my heat arrives a few days later so I hope you prepare yourself and do your best since I want at least 2 children in this period of time."

"It shows that you are in a hurry Akemi, calm down I will make you pregnant quickly and so I can get out of this once and for all."

"I hope so for your own good Akihiro."

"Who would have thought that a dominant alpha would be handled by an omega, oh if my ancestors saw me they would be disappointed."

"Don't forget that I am a dominant omega and also I am not just any omega, I am the head of this clan."

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