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The Monkey King's Throne


Heavenly realm there lived several gods which kept order on earth but the monkey kingwith almost unlimited power crashing through the heavens.

All the other gods were all in hibernation to gather more power but, Sun WU Kong(the monkey king)as irresponsible as he was ruined the ceremony, and they all shouted in annoyance” WU KONG!!!” and he was brought before the imperial king (a title that was always reappointed every 300 year, Pyros a legendary fire god had this title), pyros had decided to send him to the mountains of Castore where he could do no more damage. For 200 years he soliloquize, trained and became the disciplined god he had always been expected to be, so he stood a top mount castore and looked into the distance, and he saw several masked men who attacked him with all their strength, they managed to catch him off guard but with his newly refined skills, he utterly slaughtered them until at of the blue, Odafang(the spirit bull king)arrived and with the god killing technique “Maximum fang” WU Kong was stammered to the ground and as he fell his soul falling to Abyss (a state of non-existence for gods) he broke through his spiritual roots and unleashed his staff before his physical body had completely petrified(turn to stone)

CHAPTER 1(Rise of a new god)

Yoshida Tatebayashi a young high schooler who lived a small town in japan named tokyo ,he went to sugisawa high school a school owned by a massive private company ”Sugisawa industries”,CEO Ichinose Sugisawa.

Yoshida was a tall,soft structured and calm boy who was about 19 of age and was always bullied in school,Aizawa fujita as he was called was the most notorious boy in school,and he would do anything to make yoshida’s life worse.another day ,another beating from fujita but this time “ had enough”said fujita and in some sort of spiteful rage yoshida jump up into the air planting his foot in aizawa’s face followed by a bicycle kick sending fujita to the ground bleeding and as yoshida look at the vengeful eyes of fujita’s gang , he took to his heels and set straight for home. Why he never had this case reported he didn’t know but he had always hoped it would end one day.

That night yoshida had just come from an outing with his bestfriend Jinho , yoshida and jinho’s parents had moved from korea here to seek a better life so since then yoshida and jinho have been friends.yoshida and jinho weren’t neighbours so jinho had gone home first yoshida was walking down the lonely street to his house then suddenly out of no where “crashhh!!!” yoshida saw seven large men and recognized the insignia which fujita’s gang usually had and he knew it was them ,they had found him and they weren’t happyhe began to run as fast as he could and he managed to escape in a nearby forest , he toppled into several trees he fell and realized his troubles weren’t over ,he bagan to hear strange loud noises in the trees and then *BOOM!!!* three masked men landed “oh c’mon now I’ve definetely missed curfew”said yoshida then he began torun again laps after laps after lapsthe men were fast approaching and yoshida had never fealt this scared or exhausted in his lifeand he fell near a river and he began to hear a voice”come into the river I’m waiting” as he looked at his option either get killed by whatever those men were or jump into the river ,and with a deep breath he let himself fall into the river *splash and he swarm deeper and deeper as the vioce got louder and louder and as he reached the bottom with little air to spare he shifted the sand and saw a staff which looked like it was pure gold and was from a very long time ago suddenly the masked men jumped into the water and were coming straight at him ,then the staff began to vibrate and *zoom* as if being controlled it flashed through the water with yoshida holding onto it as they reached the surface strange glowing appear all over his body his eyes a shining yellow colour he felt stronger , faster and more combat efficient and he looked at his incoming assailants “let’s end this”shouted yoshida *boom*clang*sshhng* (energy bolts) after a little struggle battle was won as yoshida’s body had reverted back to normal he sat on the ground and looked at the staff ”what just happened” and the staff began to vibrate again and he had this strange urge to touch it and as he did he was transferred to a world were he saw two men one which resembles a monkey and the other one resembles a tall daiymo(Ancient japanese kings that reigned in the sen goku era)-looking figure and the two were going all out against each other”what tha”said yoshida , “don’t worry nothing can happen to you here this is just one of my memory” said a mysterious voice as yoshida looked back in shock the same monkey warrior in this memory was materializing in the form of an apparition(spirit) right in front of him “who are you” “call me sun wukong ,the monkey king , the old sage,the heaven athora”,”stop!!!” yoshida rudely interupted ”wukong is just fine” ,and wukong regailed him with the tale of how he lived and died then yoshida asked him “how did all this rivalry start “ wukong replied saying “so many years ago odafang was compassionate as any other god and so was his daugther megeria but she was a bit too much ,a raging and devastating war was going on within the earth and she wanted to stop it ,she could turn into a legendary polar bear –like creature with an armored body, two heads ,metal teeths and claws and it was called a shingeku beast .

She went to earth and was killed in the war and ever since odafang was bitter against humanity so pyros assigned me to stop odafang from ever harming humanity,that when he started having hatred toward me causing him to finally plot my demise “ , “so sad and emotional then what do you want from “ yoshida spoke vividly “my spiritual energy(staff)chose you as the best pick” “pick for what “yoshida spoke out of curiosity” to be next “monkey king!!!”

Odafang opens his eyes from meditation “damn it, I had almost achieved my plain of existence,oh well time to go claim my throne” he disappears in a flash of light,”welcome to the cian ceremony”screamed galu(organizer of the ceremony)and as pyro stepped down from his throne “it is a shame to see you step down “spoke galu”don’t worry about me I have been planning to check on wukong for sometime now” ”oh,I almost did not notice that rascal isn’t here,but atleast stay till the ceremony is over” “alright”and as the mandate flew off pyro’s hand it floated into a bow of water in the hands of galu “which ever dieties face appears in this water will be declared imperior king or queen” and in anticipation the gods watched while odafang in a corner already knowing he will be chosen .a face began to appear everyone ready for anything ,the water was thick and *whoosh!!!* the face of the old sage appeared in the water “what!!!”screamed odafang “but he’s dead” the bowl began to show another face it was odafang’s “yes much better”but the mandate was silver(imperior mandate-silver in colour in the case where a change could be made but if this change is not enacted in few years time the bearer recieves the full power of the mandate)and odafang instantly appeared on the throne and his power surged “to think this is just a fraction of what the mandate could do for me“ and with raging speed boosted by his flames pyros in his normal god regalia rushed at odafang and held his neck “how would you knpow he was dead,if so much have laid a finger on him“ and before pyros could utter another word odafang effortlessly blasted pyros away “if wukong wherever he maybe does not come and claim the mandate soon,it will grant it’s full power and turn gold(supreme mandate-golden in colour grants a god ultimate power and sovereignty over heaven and earth)” “pyros!!!”galu screamed as he ran to help pyros they had realized their situation and they all wondered why the mandate would make such a decision “wukong wherever you are the fate of the earth is in you hands”pyros spoke with all sincerity.

Odafang appears in a dark room “sir” says a red masked man in the corner “we have news ,wukong staff has somehow binded it’s spirit to a mortal soul and our force we sent to retrieve it has been destroyed by that same boy “ “if he is srong to that caliber then we, the black orchid must take him out “(and as odafang stretched his hand multiple purple flames illuminate a large room and a massive flag with the symbol of a black flower(orchid)is shown


It would take about 3years for the mandate to become odafang’s. at noon when sun is at it’s peak,our hero still trying to get used to what he had heard last night besidesit isn’t easy sleeping with a spirit in your head (while brushing) “you sure talk a lot for an almighty god “ said yoshida “see yoshida I’ve been dormant in the staff for so long without talking so you to have pity me besides it feels nice I see why humans take joy in it “hey,let’s just get to breakfast and get this whole monkey thing over’s weekend ,we might as well not waste it “ and I know you wandering what happened with fujita’s gang after yoshida didn’t come home or answered his phone after past one morning ,his parent got worried and called the police but by the time he got homehe told them everything except for the part were he was being chased by masked men so fujita and his gang were put in juvenile detention and given a restraining order against yoshida should they get out and do anything ,so wukong told him to grab the staff and he designed a symbol on the ground and sprinkled a little water and said”dooka”and they were gone in a poof of white smoke “where are we “said yoshida ,wukong replied saying “welcome to mountain of castore”,as yoshida was on the of one the mountain “how do we get back” “just stamp your feet on the ground three times only in an event the staff is not there but while it is and always will be simply will it to and it will take you back”,”ok so let us begin ,that technique you used to fight the black orchid is called the peak of martail arts which is the first thing any good cultivator learns,the most ominous step to cultivation” “what’s cultivation” yoshida asked out of curiosity “it was an art where humans could mimic god-like abilities,but people seemed to no longer take interest in it as it was difficult and hard to master,but it’s for the better because cultivation would only bring chaos in age such as yours “,”are you ready it will not be easy”.

Days Later(in the night)

Yoshida came back tired that night,his mom came outside and told him ”young man where have you been“ yoshida creating a liar in his mind“em with a friend”and she believes then he went to his room.

The next day,he was at school not worrying about fujita until*swoop*someone grabs the staff(which he carries around),from his bag and to his surprise it was aizawa fujita “ look fujita I’m warning you,not just because of the restraining order”the he squeezes his fist “I got bail and I’m flying to thailand tommorow so I could beat you up now and nothing happens” *zoom*the staff is back in yoshida’s hand and he swing it into fujita’s face, fujita gets up in anger and tries to counter attack but yoshida sends him flying again and with devious look yoshida ironically says”had enough” then fujita gets up and runs away ”I’m so proud of you ,and you did it all without any spiritual energy” “err,thanks but did I really get that good it’s only been a few days” “that’s the joy of training let’s get going it’s about closing time” ,bell rings,by now yoshida has learn’t all there is to know about black orchid,established by odafang to ascertain power on earth to do his dirty work,they trained and cultivated day and night to serve their lord, only the inner gate disciple(the stronger ones) ever see odafang and are in charge of the cult while the outer gate disciple simply do what they are told in hopes of becoming an inner(reasonably strong),the inners are about twelve in numbers,seven were killed in mount castore only five remain.they are dressed in blacks with red demon masks while the outer gate embers are over 200 and were white with plain face masks.

On his way home yoshida was ambushed but this time it was inner who held a strange scroll with symbols all over it and he punched it sending a powerful “bantu”blast straight at him,yoshida instantly tried to counter but couldn’t dodge the explosion.he was injured with his speed he turned around but could bearly keep up with the inner disciple ,he was flung awayand watched the man run away with the staff,our hero was dumbfounded,tired and is injured.Whatever could he do


Yoshida got home,his mom sees his wounds and is concerned ”yoshida what is this all about is it fujita,I thought that was taken care of” from behind the scene ”yuki is yoshida home,*what!!!*,what happened if fujita so much as laid a finger on you so help me,what happened and where is your fancy stick don’t tell me he stole that too” yoshida thought to himself “he couldn’t tell them what really happened cause if he did his family will get involved besides would they even believe”so he replied saying “0h,I ran some drunkards and they were pretty mad when I bumped into one and didn’t apologize,it was dark I couldn’t see their faces so they ganged up on me “ “I have told you so many times afterschool at least come home first before we start worrying ,for now please stay off the streets, I will still inform the police about this incident.

Yoshida on his bed after dinner just thinking of everthing wukong had done for him,if not him he will still have been the defenseless boy ,now he training to savethe world.he stood up and went back to the river were it all started and he jumped in the river and said to himself “wukong if you are out there hold on I’m coming” and as tears began to develop in his eyes he hit the river bed and felt something,so he began to dig frantically there was a book relatively big but sizeable enough he grab it and swarm out ,he opened the book and recgonized the old sage’s writing and he scanned through the title which was apparently “A Monkey King Tale”,it told of wukong’s entire life and all his misadventures but it centre piece was all the techniques he had gathered through out his journeys and even the one’s he learn’t while exiled in moutain castore. He knew he what he had to do,then raced home and began to train with immedaite effect,he didn’t need to worry too much,the cult will probably try to destroy the staff and the monkey king’s soul would be lost in the abyss,but only the venom of rizu a snake god could destroy the staff, but rizu hated odafang as much as odafang hated wukong as a result it would be difficult to get it, thus yoshida stii had time.

Hence our young protagonist would teleport to castore back and fort training for the next two month,until one day at mountain castore yoshida had just perfected one of his technique then he realized that even with all this training he didn’t even know where the black orchids were based,or even how to go about his plan. He really needed some help then a mysterious vioce could be held “who is there”said yoshida “a friend”replied the vioce “so you are the one wukong chose to succeed him hmmm!(impressed expression)I couldn’t have chose one better myself,do not let him down”,”you will need this”and a small pocket journal was tossed at yoshida,he caught it with speed,yoshida shouted”when can we meet” “soon!!!!!”as the mysterious vioce vanished,

And so it began on Friday the 19th may at dawn would be the battle that would prove yoshida’s worth as a cultivator,as he looked at what seemed like an abadoned power plant “well this is were the journal said they were based. according to this (looking at the book)outers are in charge of guard duty,wherever it is they are holding the staff is somewhere in this plant,I’d better get moving they probably have guards watching out for intruders, I’m gonna have to be extra careful”he leaped into the plant and was on the move

It took up to an hour but he finally saw it the temple of the black orchid,to build it in a secluded area to draw less attention,yoshida mustered his courage and went in he had to get past a bunch of guards and knock out a few,he was looking for some thing that resembled a throne room, “yes!!!” said yoshida quietly as he saw a very wide diminutive room with just a throne and “there it is”,the staff was in his sight within a cage that seemed to limit’s it’s movements “I have to think of a plan” then three inner gates walked in,one holding a container of a strange liquid “finally,what happened” said odafang looking at his disciple with one arm(shiu) “sir ,all the outer gates who came with us along with two of the inner gates ,zeen and yanti were killed along with my arm,but it was all in your service”and as shiu bowed odafang looked at him and said” it is a shame you will die along with the rest of your kind ,I could have kept you as a lowly servant” “sir anything would do if me and my family survive” odafang simply ignored him,taban and melech simply bowed in distress as they would die even as his most loyal subordinate “now” said odafang comes closer and closer and closer to the staff to apply the venom “shall we get started” *zoom!!!* “we shall!!” yoshida racing out of the room with the staff in hand “ahhhh!!! Human,this is why I will like to eradicate them,shoubjen aura!!! and a black beam of light eminates from odafang’s hand and collides with the inners granting them new found power. Odafang pionting at the inners“if you want to renew your right to life bring me that staff!!!” and with a *boom!!!* the inners were in strong pursuit,yoshida was already being chased by the outers before he could counter them and run,shiu out of nowhere grabbed the staff “No!!!,cmon”still trying to fight the inners,taban attacked him launching our hero several meters in the air,yoshida couldn’t react fast enough. “jenhku blaze!!! And a mass beam of red energy heading straight,yoshida reacted interlocking his fingers coating himself in a protective seichi(spiritual energy) but even that couldn’t withstand the strongest attack of an experienced cultivator such as taban,yoshida was bruised and batteredand could barely move “you survived that because of the tengen(protective seichi) that you manifested” taban beganto unsheathe his dagger to land the killing blow “you should have just let the monkey gahkkah(coughing blood)*thud!!!*went taban’s motionless dead body, “did he just die from what seemed to be a flame covered hand going through his chest, who was that” and a man of average height with peach skin dressed in red jump suit,his eyes seemed to glow scorching with fire, “your pyros aren’t you” “how did you know”pyros enquired “wukong told me stories and besides I recognize your vioce from that day in the mountains,thanks for that anyway(pionts at taban’s body)” “don’t sweat it kid”,malech with a colossal war hammer in his hand about to smash pyros,he dodges effortlesly destroying the ground beneath him,”get out of here,go get the staff”.

Yoshida ran off hestitantly,pyros facing the battle at hand ”let us see the power of odafang’s disciple” melech with the combine force of the outers attacked pyros.

Yoshida made his way through more rubble and wreckage but he could sense shiu and the staff, “oh there you finally,*trrgh*(painfully grabbing his shoulder)that your fiery friend sure does pack a punch,odafang has decided you’d be a threat none the less with or without the staff so my new objective is, KILL YOU!!!” and suddenly several outers coming out with broad swords dashing towards him, “I can do this,hidden moon earth tier time(blue translucent spheres encompassed seceral outers) lapse(the sphere forcelly imploded crushing them)” another tried stabbing him from behind but yoshida manages to counter with a blade he grabbed from one of the dead ones and slashed at his neck slicing into warrior after warrior, “I’ll finish you all(in the tone of a true warrior{shouting})hidden moon sky tier Amenary bikoiri” suddenly massivewaces of ice started to pulsate from his body freezing all the outers trying to attack him.

Yoshida with in anger is now holding two bladeswalking and searching almost completely worn out “shiu come out and fight ,you are nothing but a coward” *boom!!!* shiu blasted him so hard he began to bleed “thats the end of your capabilities ,the hidden moon is strong but you’ve completely drained your stamina and spiritual energy,your finished(menacingly)” “not so fast*cough*cough hidden moon heaven tier stuomen!!!” “huh!!” yoshida’s arms had been covered in gold armour his new blue aura had healed his injuries and renewed some of his strenght “you were saying” “although it is impressive you can use this level of the hidden moon but I will show you why I am the stronfgest disciple of the black orchids” the same black energy from the shoubjen initially used covered hi regenerating his arm “Now die now”,yoshida grabbed the staff at lightning fast speed*zoom!!!* “huh! Have your stinking staff you’ll be dead soon anyways” with a sword in is hand he attacked yoshida “rulling spirit hailberd”(summons a golden hailberd for a limited amount of time)

Shiu slashes at yoshida pulverising him with the hailberd.yoshida is sent flying “dammit”*arrgh(painful cry) “c’mon kid embrace the stoumen focus your strenght into the technique concentrate and crush this guy!!!” wukong heatedly speaking to yoshida.*deep breaths,the next set of attacks coming from shiu's first was almost completely blocked "let's get serious",and yoshida and shiu began exchanging blows basically on par with each other and with a massive battle cry yoshida slams shiu with his staff sending him into the air and then shot upwards sending him right back to the ground but before shiu could even hit the ground yoshida delivered a cartwheel fujin kick releasing an intensely powerful shockwave on impact shattering shiu's mask sending him metres away, yoshida landed to look at shiu's face but he could see a gentle man who threw away his life for the black orchid to protect his family,and yoshida walked more determined than everyone stop odafang,shiu began coughing violently and shouted "you are really bent on stopping odafang you should know it won't be easy, I'm counting on you so please don't let them die" and those were shiu last words *boom!! a loud noise could be heard from the distance "huh,pyros" yoshida rocketed off to find him "pyros,pyros,pyros,py_ _ _" yoshida looked in shock at a severely injured pyros,they seemed to be small black rocks that had stabbed him in almost every part of his body. "What the heck happened" pyros slowly loosing his breath explained he was ambushed by something, he said he felt paralyzed,wukong then manifested again "pyros you were the only father figure I ever had,I pray I have the strength to carry on your will", "I was willing to give up my godhood to help because I trust that the boy can win and I still do" placing his hand on yoshida's chest, a strange fire energy passes through him placing a fire emblem on his chest "use it well" and then pyros died. "Let's go home kid,things just got a whole more personal.

Scene change

We see odafang on top a sky scraper "do you understand" then a mysterious purple eyed figure replies from the shadows "consider it done" squeezing a stolen picture of yoshida's class picture.

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