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The Order


In 2020, human losses numbered hundreds of thousands due to samples and low staffing of The Order.

But in the meantime they have built a program in which any man can become a member of his own. At the same time somewhere in Liverpool.

Mom: Crane, are you sure you want to do this? Please spread!

Crane: Mom, I've decided I want to be part of The Order.

Mother: And what are you going to do after that. Those people risk their lives and they can't have a family because of that. Crane you are only twenty-one years old, you should think about creating a family.

Crane: Mom! I don't need a family, you're the only one who matters and I don't want anyone else to take your place. Sorry mom I have to hurry I have to be at the airport in half an hour.

Worried mother: You will follow the path of your father, you are already taking the first step to go to London.

Crane: Don't compare me to him ok! I do this because I wish you well! I'll call you when I get there if they don't get us in training.

Mom: The measures are strict there call me once a month and it will be ok.

Crane: Thanks mom for understanding.

He kissed her hand and went to the airport where he was expected by some people with a special car for such trips.

After a long and tiring journey, he arrived at The Order's camp.

Instructor: Are you the newcomer?

Crane: Yes! I

nstructor: Perfect! Get in line with the rest!

To Crane's amazement, there were hundreds of people who enlisted.

Instructor: From today for two years you will be alone with me and you will call me Liutent Anderson. Of the 350 people, only about 100 will be in The Order. Good luck to everyone!

The First Trial

Lieutenant Anderson: Here's the schedule for the coming months. After two months you will take an entrance exam in The Order. You will form a team of a hundred people and the 50 who will not have the team will be expelled. Saturday and Sunday you have free, Monday alchemy, Tuesday hand-to-hand fights; Wednesday history of the association, Thursday armament, and Friday parkour. You will have your meal at 12:00 and 18:00. You are free now. The cottage where you will stay has a number that you have on the registration ticket.

Crane: Number 30 was supposed to come after cottage number 29, but he's not here.

Mia: Are you looking for cottage number 30.

Crane was amazed by Mia's beauty, a thin but very beautiful brunette.

Crane: Sorry .... cough. Yes, I'm looking for the number 30.

Mia: It's a forest there.

Crane: In the woods, but why?

Mia: I don't know, I think it has to do with the area you're coming from.

Crane: Okay, thanks!

Crane reached the front of the cottage and even to open the door someone else did a. Shick: Oh a new brother, welcome to the club. What's your name?

Crane: Thanks I think. My name is Crane! What's your name?

Shick: Shick, I forgot to introduce you to the rest of the humans. The two upstairs are Michael and Jackson.

Michael: Hi!

Jackson: Welcome! May I ask you something about how you got to this cottage?

Crane: What do you mean?

Michael: The first part of the test for The Order is to find the route to the cottage. We here repeated this stuff two years in a row.

Crane: For two years?

Shick: Yes, we've been here since we were 19 and we always failed the exam. But how did you get here?

Crane: A girl with brown hair told me.

Shick: So Witch hunter Mia helped you.

Crane: Who?

Jackson: A person who is repeating the exam for the first time, but he also managed to kill some witches.


Shick: Hey wait for me!

Crane: Hurry up I don't want to miss the first hour of alchemy.

Shick: We won't lose her, don't worry! Right now you only have 3 people in a team of 100.

Crane: Yes, I honestly don't know how I'm going to draw a team of 100 people around me.

Shick: You have two weeks, so don't worry, we'll finish it. They arrived a few minutes before their alchemy teacher arrived in class.

General Edward: As of today, I am your alchemy teacher! But first I want to announce that 15 students have already failed the first test.

General Edward was a tall man with a prosthesis instead of his left hand. He was a man around the age of 50 but very charismatic for his age.

He saw a hand raised in the hall.

Edward: Tell me what question you have and what your name is.

Mark: My name is Mark! And I would like to know what we will study in alchemy?

Sludge: You'd better shut the hell up than ask shit like that.

Edward: Well, alchemy is not a normal subject, so it's practically hard to explain what we're going to study, and besides, alchemy doesn't have a definition. And if you use more words like that, you'll be fired.

?: Alchemy is a unique science to be exact. Edward: To introduce to you our special guest for today Nikola Tesla!

Mia: It's impossible Tesla died many years ago!

Tesla: Wrong! That's what you know about me. To explain the alchemy used with the head can lead to immortality, but those who make the wrong composition will turn into monsters or die.

Jade: So you're saying that people who historically passed away are alive?

Tesla: The vast majority do. The last example would be Vlad Țepeș, everyone knows his legend, but no one found his body, and that's because .....

Sonya: Because he's alive!

Tesla: Bingo!

And then there was the sound of a bell, what time was it?

Shick: Crane, what do you say, it wouldn't be good to put Mia and Mark on our team.

Crane: We could negotiate with them. It would be perfect then we would already be 6 people.

Shick: You're negotiating with Mia and I'll negotiate with Mark. And at 13:00 we announce the results at the cottage.

Crane: Ok!

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