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Land Of Monsters

A new world

I take a deep breath, feeling the weight of my uniform and full body armor as I sit waiting for my final mission to begin. This is why I joined the army, the New Earth operation. The last attempt to find a new world for mankind to live on.

After proving myself during training, I was selected to join one of 25 planetary exploration teams in hopes of finding a new home with enough resources to support our civilisation. Today marks the start of that operation and the first human expeditions through the dimensions gate.

As I sit pondering the excitement of exploring a new world and the terrifying reality of being stuck in another universe for the rest of my life. Operation team 3 is called, and im filled with dread and a thrilling excitement. As I impatiently wait with the other 110 members of the New Earth operation, I finally hear the sound of the intercom again before a loud, distorted voice cries out


Excitement courses through me as I grab my large military grade survival bag and approach the main door of the crowded waiting room. I slipped into the organized single file line of five and began marching towards the lab along with the other trained soldiers.

As we enter, we are instructed to line up along the wall opposite the large warp gate. Once in position one by one, our supplies, weapons, comms, and vital regulators are inspected and approved. As the last in our row's inspection is complete, the general in attendance finally addresses us.

"Team four, you have been assigned to explore and report on planet Typhon, one of the locations believed to be capable of sustaining life. Your mission is to study the planet and its resources and report your findings back here through your comms, and if Typhon is determined to be safe, you will create a bass camp for the planet's development."

Once he finishes his final briefing, the head doctor moves to give final instructions and guide us through the portal.

"As I call your name, step up to the gate, seal your helmet, and prepare to enter the portal on my command. You will be entering 3 minutes apart, so once you land, move to secure the area before the next arrival."

Having finished reminding us one last time, he began to call our names. I watched as my team entered the portal one by one and began to mentally prepare myself for my turn.

"Thea Darkos"

Hearing my name, I quickly stepped up the grid before the portal. I sealed my mask and turned the nozzle to the air tank, allowing it to fill my lungs. Before tightening my grip on my gun. I prepared to charge towards the metallic liquid suspended in the air as I carefully listened for permission to enter.


As I heard the Doctors voice ring out, I charged into the liquid. I traveled through the portal, feeling as if I was moving in slow motion, and yet it felt like I was being dragged at lightning speeds through the universe. However, as I exited the portal, I had no time to react to my pain or take in my surroundings before I was flung back as an enormous tail hit me in the side briefly knocking me of my feet.

Forced to adapt to rapidly adapt and react to the situation, I quickly move to avoid our attaker and find cover. Taking in my surroundings, I dart toward one of the large trees that appear to be somewhat hollow to my left. Diving in and rapidly swerving back around to take aim and open fire on my opponent, I finally take in my surroundings and situation.

I watched in astonishment as I realized we are fighting a 10-foot tall cat-like creature. It was a dusty gray color that blurb with the forest as it quickly moved from place to place, successfully avoiding our attacks. Just as our fifth and final member arrived It pounced on him. As it landed with a deafening thud, I watched in horror as it dragged the bloody corps of our youngest member away darting into the forest before I couldeven react.

I began to move toward its escape path until I lay eyes on another teammate crumpled on the ground in a bloody heap. Seeing this, I ran to him checking for a heartbeat or breathing or any signs of life before looking to see the state of my other team members.

My heart crashed in my chest as I processed what I've seen, what i lived through. I feel my senses bluer as I go into shock only to be pulled out by the sound of the general over comms.

"REPORT!! Darkos REPORT!!"

The words are barely audible at first, but all too clear for the message to make it across.

"There all dead, I'm the only one left."

there was silence on the other line for a moment before he finally spoke again.

" Officer Thea Darkos, we thank you for your service and release you from duty. your mission is over. Typhon is an uninhabitable planet. We wish you luck and commemorate your service." The comms are disconnected, and I'm left completely alone.

As he finished speaking, my panic and shock turned to fear and adrenaline. It's over. I won't make it.

No , no , no, snap out of it, I can do this, but first, I need to get out of this forest, I won't survive if I stay. Determination to live forces me forward into the large and imposing forest.

As I move, I drive myself forward with reminders of the stakes and the need to survive. I move quickly through the forest, listening closely for anything and everything.

As I continue, the foliage becomes thicker and darker. As my nerves send me into a panic, I continue to remind myself,

I will survive.

No time to Morn

I had been moving for half an hour to get as far from the smell of blood as I could before finally taking a moment to try and find a way out of the forest. Prior to this mission, we had sent bots to survey the area. I thought back to my study of this world and the several observations of this area, I go south, and I should find my way to an open area. With the drones, it's only an hour or so out, but I have no idea how long it could take me on foot.

I have to try, but just in case, if I don't see any signs an hour before dark, I'm taking shelter wherever I can. It might not be safeest plan, but it's at least promising. As I sort out my thoughts and align myself with the compass on the arm of my suite.

I quickly but quietly trudge through the thick forest, hoping to get out before dark and carefully listening for any predators. I felt like I was suffocating in the silence as those three and a half minutes ran through my head over and over again.

The anxiety had caused me to hyperventilate as I continued to push forward until breathing became difficult. The tank was out of air, pausing I moved to unseal the helmet and attempted to adjust to the denser air of Typhon.

Forcing myself to focus on breathing helped me calm down enough to think rationally first a moment. I needed to get out of the forest before dark. If I don't, I will have no chance against any approaching predictors. If I can hardly hear or see them now, I can only imagine how dangerous it will be in the dark. As I thought about my goals, thoughts of my team crept back into my mind.

I could have saved Nix if I had kept the felines' attention off the landing spot. If I wasn't so slow to adapt or if I had done more damage than maybe. They're all dead because of me. We never stood a chance. We couldn't even land a hit on that thing.I didn't even bury the dead because I was a coward. I failed the team, and now... now I...

I stopped myself from indulging in those thoughts. I can't afford to be in that state of mind right now. I can't afford to morn them right now. I need to keep moving.

I had been trudging through these thick trees that appeared to scrap the sky for hours, my body mind and spirit werI was on the tired beyond reason, but if I stop, I'll die. I pushed on for as long as I could and was now on the edge of collapse. The forest was rapidly growing dark, and I was hardly functioning. I was as far as I could get and unsure how much farther I had to trudge before making it out.

I needed to take cover for tonight. I'll have to finish my escape tomorrow. I began to hunt for a place to hide while there was still light to guide me. As I look, I noticed a large hole in one of the thick trees about 8 feet off the ground. It would give me coverage and keep me off the ground.

I get the lightweight reinforced climbing tethers and fire the wire into the trunk just above the hollow knot in the tree. I then carefully ascend to the gap where I set up camp. After inside, I detach the hook and cover the hole as best I can to further mask my presence in sent, sight, and sound.

Out off fear for being found out, I eat a bland ration that has hardly any sent. I can't risk making a sound or lighting this place up, or something could find me, so tonight, I have to go without a heat source. I take my sleeping bag and curl up in the crevice of the tree, sleeping lightly as I listen for danger.

I wake early just before the sun rises and begins to clean up and pack. After another bland meal, I consciously remove the tarp covering the hole in the tree to put it away.

As I remove the tarp, stop breathing for a moment as I stare down an almost 25-foot drop from my perch. The tree had grown nearly

17 feet in one night.

I panicked, but I didn't have the luxury of staying up here. Even if I did stay here longer, it would just make my situation worse as the tree continued to grow.

Finally, I shot the grapple into the back of the trees knot and shakily began my descent.

My grapple would only get me about 20 feet down, so as long as I didn't take too long, I could free climbing the last portion safely. The wire was fastened to my belt like harness, allowing me the chance to have a better grip on the tree as I climb.

I had been climbing for a while and finally came to the end of my rope. I'd have to detach the hook from my belt rather than dislodge it from the tree for now, or it could hurt me as it came down. I cut the wire carefully to keep my grip as I held to the large trunk.

The last leg of the climb was a challenge but was still possible. It was a pity I had to lose my grapple, but It was a small price to pay for survival. But it wasn't over yet. I still needed to get out of here.

Not alone

I checked my compass again before I started to move again. It was strange aside from the giant house cat I saw my first day I hadn't seen any animal life whatsoever. It was making me nervous. Animals tend to avoid high traffic areas and spots that smell like predators, and considering throughout our surveys of this planet, we hadn't found any higher intelligent life meaning I could very well be on a predators land.

Honestly, I'm not sure if I'd prefer thinking I was still on the felines turf or if I'd stumbled upon something else's land. Either way, I needed to stay focused and move quickly.

When I first arrived, I was confused about how the forest could be this enormous, but seeing how quickly the trees grow, I was starting to think this must be a fairly young forest. And the trees aren't the only thing strange about this place, as I've been walking the foliage seams to almost move away from me as I walk. It's like it's avoided me, It's strange how it acts so alive.

I walked studying the life around me for another hour or so before the forest finally started to thin, I was almost out.

I had begun to move pick-up speed when I noticed it started to go quiet. The quiet chirping and humming from the smaller life around had suddenly died down into an ominous silence.

I was being hunted. I quickly surveyed the area for some coverage, careful not to make any sudden movement until I had a destination in mind. Finding a half uprooted tree making a unique small cave system through the roots, I darted toward my safe spot diving into the roots, hoping whatever was after me was too big to follow.

Once in, I swiveled around hunting for my hunter in a panic. Things only got worse the longer I looked, I started to lose my nerves as I couldn't find it, I couldn't find anything.

I didn't know what to do. If I left, and It was still there, I'd be in danger, but if I stayed, it was only a matter of time before something else found me. I couldn't think straight. Should I say or should I go, If I'm up against the cat, I think I'd prefer to have the coverage in a battle, but if I'm up against something larger I could be crushed under the roots.

I sit there looking for any movement, trapped in my own indecisive thoughts, until I notice the wildlife starting to speak again. I might not have been able to see the threat, but the other wildlife could. I waited another moment before finally creeping out of the roots and starting on my journey again, only far more skittish than the last time.

I was almost to the clearing. I was only about 25 minutes out, even at my slower quitter speed. The wildlife was still chattering, but I still needed to get out of the forest before whatever was in there could sneak up on me again.

I was now at the edge of the forest, moments away from the dark woods. I had finally calmed down. It would be easier for me to see what was coming for me, and even if that was a two-way advantage, I still preferred my chances out there then in here.

I had only taken one step out of the forest when the air stiffened and the terrifying silence returned. Before I could even react, I was pined to the ground, an enormous weight crushing down on my back. It had come from above, It had been waiting for me. I couldn't see what had taken me down, but that didn't matter. I wasn't going down without a fight. My movements were restricted, but I still had enough room to take my small pocket knife from my sleeve and blindly jabbing it behind me. I felt it scratch my opponent, startling them enough to let me adjust my position, grabbing for my larger Damascus hunting blade with my other hand and striking true as my knife sunk into their leg causing them to screamfrom the pain. I let go of my blade, leaving it in as I knocked them off my back and dashed for the clearing as they recovered from the shock.

I had started to run from the forest but felt fear well up inside me as I saw I was surrounded. There were 8 of them closing in all with spear like weapons, and what I could only assume where painted wooden masks. They were minimally dressed most only with pants and boots made from some kind of hide. Knowing it would be difficult to break through their barricade from the front, I glanced over my shoulder, hoping I still had a week spot past the guy who I had already stabbed. Having seen how they quickly patched that with 2 more armed men, I deliberated with the thought of attempting battle, but even with my gun, there were too many of them.

My last chance was an attempt at diplomacy. I let my head gun fall around my neck suspended by its strap as I raised my hands above my head before I started to speak.

" I know you can't understand me, but hopefully, you can at least understand that I'm sentient like you, so let's just try and settle this like intelligent creatures, OK?"

It was stupid, but I was hopeful it could at least stall them long enough for me to think of a better plan. The groups' demeanor seemed to change as I spoke, and a few words were shared. That was until the one I had stabbed barked out, What I could only assume was an order, and a few of the younger men began to approach.

As they came closer, I was finally able to notice their appearance. They were tall and well built, easily towering over my 5' 5" height. I wasn't considered thin per say I had a soldiers physique, but I was down right tiny next to them. there skin had cooler tones to them with a few, even having slight green or blue under tones visible in the light. They appeared rather similar to humans, and honestly, aside from coloration and size, there wasn't much I could see different about them.

My appreciation of their appearance was cut short. However, as the young men took my arm's, fastening them tightly together by a strange, smooth, rope like object. They then pushed me forward, yelling a short word at me as they did. Assuming they were telling me to move, I patiently obliged, moving forward as the men took a marching order around me with two in front two on either side of me and two people helping there injured friend behind me finally there were the two directly next to me.

I don't know where they were taking me, but at least they were taking me alive.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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