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The Beginning

On a sun-drenched day in the heart of Texas, Arina, the Nymph with a keen eye for Angelic fairies, embarked on her quest. These ethereal beings possessed remarkable angelic powers, and her search had led her to the enigmatic Evrim – the Angelic fairy of the soul.

In the shadowed realm, the malevolent Wizards of the Dark Circle were determined to locate the next Angelic fairy, their intent shrouded in darkness. Among them, Ursala, a commanding witch from the dreaded Coven of Doom, ruled over the wizards with an iron grip.

"You have disappointed me, Draven. The fairy eludes you," Ursala rebuked Draven.

"I apologize, your Highness," Draven replied, his voice tinged with remorse.

Ursala's laughter echoed hysterically. "There won't be a next time. I entrust you to Phoenix."

Phoenix, a formidable wizard cloaked in dark fire, pledged his loyalty. "I shall not falter, your mistress."

Meanwhile, in the bustling city of Midnight Hollow, nestled deep within Texas, lived Ner – a 17-year-old boy who attended Crescent High School. Standing at 5 feet 9 inches, with raven-black hair, Ner was a peculiar blend of handsome and quirky. He harbored an intense passion for scribbling and drawing in his notepad, keeping his distance from the bustling social circles of high school. Ner's quiet life unfolded in the civil area of Midnight Hollow, where his family had made their home.

Inside his house, Ner muttered to himself, "Life is a monotonous cycle – the same day, the same time, and nothing ever changes. It's not me who's at fault; it's the world. Especially that wretched boy named Wadi. I can't stand him!"

Unbeknownst to Ner, his elder sister Marina overheard his rant. "Stop mumbling to yourself and get to school," she chided.

"Alright, alright, I'm going," Ner grumbled in response.

Meanwhile, Arina continued her search for the next Angelic fairy, venturing into Midnight Hollow. She could sense the energy of her target but remained uncertain of the fairy's exact location. In an unexpected encounter, she collided with Amarys, a 16-year-old girl with dark red hair, casual attire, and a cool demeanor. Little did Arina know that Amarys was not just any teenager; she was Ner's cousin and a fellow student at Crescent High School.

"Apologies for that," Amarys said.

Arina, focused on her quest, replied, "No need to worry," and continued on her way without a second glance.

Meanwhile, back in the Dark World, Ursala seethed with anger at her failure to find the Angelic fairy. "Any updates, Phoenix?" she demanded.

Phoenix, immersed in a mystical incantation, responded, "No news, your Highness. But I sense a fiery connection emanating from a place called Midnight Hollow."

"Then, it is settled. Proceed to Midnight Hollow and seek out the next Angelic fairy. She must harness the power of fire," commanded Ursala.

"As you wish, your Highness," Phoenix acquiesced before departing for Midnight Hollow.

As the day unfolded, both Amarys and Ner found themselves at Crescent High School. Amarys diligently attended her classes, while Ner, preferring solitude, sat outside the school building. It was then that Yazar, a 17-year-old boy known for his attractive appearance, sportiness, and extroverted nature, approached Ner.

Yazar quipped, "Look who's here, my favorite target for teasing – Ner."

Ner retorted, "Don't you ever get tired of this? Doing the same thing every day?"

Yazar grinned mischievously. "Let me think... No!"

Meanwhile, Phoenix, guided by his powerful connection, arrived at Crescent High School. He concocted a sinister plan and cast a spell, beseeching the forces of the Coven of Doom for assistance.

"Oh, Great Coven of Doom, lend me your strength. Summon your mightiest and fiercest soldiers," he implored.

With an army of dark creatures at his command, Phoenix launched an attack on Crescent High School, taking the students and staff hostage, as his primary objective was to secure the Angelic fairy alive.

News reporters rushed to broadcast the dire situation, announcing that Crescent High School was under attack by unidentified creatures.

Amid the chaos, Amarys and Ner found themselves confronted by the otherworldly soldiers. Panic surged through them as they realized that these beings were far from human.

"They don't look like anything from our world!" Ner exclaimed.

Amarys concurred, "No, they don't. And if you hadn't been lingering out here, I would have been in class or safely at home."

Meanwhile, Arina watched the news coverage and glimpsed the otherworldly assailants. "Those aren't humans; they are dark soldiers from the Dark World. That means the next Angelic fairy must be within the school!"

Arina attempted to enter the school but found her Nymph magic ineffective against the mysterious forces. Determined, she reached out to Evrim, a powerful 18-year-old orphan with long brown hair who possessed the unique ability to communicate with and control creatures.

"Evrim! Where are you?" Arina urgently inquired.

"I am inside Crescent High School. I sensed a powerful presence here," Evrim replied.

"Excellent. The next Angelic fairy is also within the school. Locate her as soon as possible," Arina instructed.

Evrim pondered, "How can I find an unknown girl I've never met, who is also an Angelic fairy?" However, as she scanned the chaos inside the school, she spotted Amarys, under attack by the dark soldiers. Without hesitation, she rushed to her aid.

"Are you alright?" Evrim asked.

Amarys, grateful for the assistance, responded, "Thank you for helping me! Who are you?"

"I am Evrim, and you must be?" Evrim inquired.

"I'm Amarys," came the reply.

"Alright, Amarys, let's work together to help the others," Evrim suggested.

Meanwhile, Ner managed to evade the dark soldiers and sought refuge on the school floor.

On the other side of the conflict, Phoenix sensed a powerful presence and identified Amarys and Evrim as the Angelic fairies he sought.

"Fairies! What a delightful surprise. You, my dear, must be the Soul fairy, and you are the Flame fairy!" Phoenix declared.

Amarys and Evrim exchanged bewildered glances. "You're what?" Amarys stammered.

Phoenix clarified, "Angelic Fairies, beings with angelic heritage."

Amarys, still trying to grasp the situation, murmured, "Well, that explains a lot about my day."

Growing bored, Phoenix decided it was time to take their powers. He attacked, but Evrim countered his onslaught.

"Not on my watch, Phoenix!" Evrim proclaimed. "You may be powerful, but you lack experience with dark fire."

In the ensuing battle, Evrim sustained an injury, her hand seared by the dark flames. She grimaced and said, "Save yourself, Amarys."

Amarys, feeling overwhelmed, cried out,

"What should I do?"

Suddenly, she began to experience a flashback – a vision of a woman with dark red hair, around 25 years old, who spoke to her.

"Amarys, believe in yourself. Help your friend," the vision urged.

Empowered by this memory, Amarys summoned her inner strength and countered Phoenix's attack with a surge of enchanted fire.

"Soul Crusher!" Evrim added, striking at Phoenix.

Injured and defeated, Phoenix retreated with a parting threat. "I'll be back, Fairies, and I will have your powers!"

While Ner had witnessed the supernatural battle, he kept his observations to himself and retreated home.

With the threat temporarily subdued, Evrim congratulated Amarys. "Well done, Amarys. If it weren't for you, I might have been toast."

Amarys smiled and replied, "That's what friends are for."

After a while, Evrim led Amarys to Arina, and the pieces of this mystical puzzle began to fall into place.

"Arina, this is Amarys," Evrim introduced. "Amarys, meet Arina, a Nymph."

Amarys was understandably perplexed. "Who are you?"

"I am Ariadne, but you can call me Arina. I am a Nymph from the Ethereal Society," Arina explained.

"The Ethereal Society? What's that?" Amarys asked, still trying to make sense of the extraordinary events unfolding around her.

Arina continued, "The Ethereal Society is a group of fairies, benevolent witches, Nymphs, and slayers united in the mission to protect our world from the forces of evil. These malevolent forces are dominated by the Celestial Circle, once ruled by Angels and Major Fairies."

Amarys and Evrim exchanged astonished glances. "That's a lot to take in," they both agreed.

Arina concluded, "Before anything else, we must find the other five Angelic fairies."

Meanwhile, back at Ner's home, he desperately tried to convince his disbelieving parents that monsters were real. "Why won't you believe me?" he pleaded.

Ner's parents, torn between concern and skepticism, sought medical help. When the doctor administered a sedative, Ner's pleas fell on deaf ears. He fell into a medicated slumber, leaving his parents with lingering doubts but hopeful hearts.

The doctor reassured them, "Your son will be fine."

To Be Continued

The Decoy

On a radiant day in Midnight Hollow, the sun bathed the town in its golden glow, and the weather was nothing short of splendid.

After her school day concluded, Amarys, driven by a thirst for knowledge about her origins and newfound powers, made her way to Evrim's residence.

Meanwhile, Arina had the trio engaged in rigorous exercises at a secluded playground. "Come on, Ama, just two more laps," Arina encouraged.

With a hint of panic, Amarys replied, "Two more?!"

Unperturbed, Arina insisted, "You must complete them." Evrim nodded in agreement, adding, "Yes, you can do it, Ama."

In a slightly sarcastic tone, Amarys quipped, "You know, I'm still trying to process all of this. So, what kind of demons are we facing?"

Arina, pausing for a moment, admitted, "To be honest, I don't know yet. But for now, we must exercise caution."

Both Evrim and Amarys concurred.

Meanwhile, in a local hospital:

"Let me go! You incompetent doctors! I'm not hallucinating!" Ner's anguished cries echoed through the hospital.

(Sometime later)

"Ama," Evrim inquired, "who was that boy we encountered yesterday?"

Amarys replied, "Oh, that was my cousin, Ner."

Arina, a hint of concern in her voice, asked, "Do you think he might have seen you?"

Amarys pondered for a moment before responding, "I doubt it. If he had, there would be some news coverage for sure."

Amarys decided to call home to check on Ner's condition. She discovered that Ner had been admitted to the city hospital and was exhibiting unusual behavior, talking about supernatural phenomena.

"Guys, we may have a situation," Amarys relayed to her companions.

Arina inquired, "What kind of situation?"

"Ner might have witnessed our battle and is now in the psych ward, talking about supernatural occurrences," Amarys explained.

Evrim sarcastically remarked, "First demons, and now humans who blabber about us."

Amarys added, "But I have a lead. There's an unusual magical presence at St. Newton High School."

Reluctantly, Amarys suggested, "We can meet my cousin there. But first, we should visit the hospital."

Arina agreed, and Evrim sarcastically quipped, "Another cousin? How many cousins do you have?"

Amarys chuckled, "We're a big family. But let's focus on the task at hand. First, we need to visit the hospital."

At Midnight Hollow Central Hospital:

Arina, Evrim, and Amarys discreetly explored the premises, searching for the psych ward.

Evrim speculated, "I think that's the psych ward."

Amarys hesitated, "Yes, it must be, but they might not allow us to visit without a legal guardian or something."

Agreeing, Evrim nodded. Arina, always the strategist, observed, "It's time for an invisibility spell. Repeat after me."

"By the power of Light and Dark, may our bodies be invisible to living beings," Arina intoned, and Amarys and Evrim followed suit.

Suddenly, they vanished from view. Amarys marveled, "Wow! Can no one really see us now?"

Arina cautioned, "Yes, but remember to stay focused. If you get distracted, the spell might break."

Evrim concurred, "Let's go in quickly before anyone notices."

The trio entered the psych ward, where they found Ner, connected to an IV and heavily sedated. He appeared weak and pale.

Amarys gasped, "Oh my goodness! What have they done to him?"

Arina, less concerned with Ner's condition, reprimanded, "I told you to be quiet!"

Evrim added, "We're here to perform a spell, so focus."

Undaunted, Arina led the spell: "By the power of Mnemosyne, we command you to forget these supernatural memories."

Amarys and Evrim repeated the chant, and once the spell was complete, Arina declared, "All done. The doctors will eventually release him, thinking he hallucinated during the school attack."

The others agreed, and just as suddenly as they had appeared, Amarys lost her invisibility spell.

Panicking, she whispered, "Oh no! My spell!"

Arina and Evrim promptly exited, leaving the hospital without a trace.

Ner, partially conscious, wondered if he had glimpsed Amarys.

Amarys, feeling chastened, whispered to herself, "We need to be more careful. If we get caught, it could spell our doom."

Meanwhile, at St. Newton High School:

Amarys, Evrim, and Arina ventured to find Melody, Amarys's cousin. Melody was feeling unwell and suffering from severe headaches, often hearing voices in her head.

After Melody and her friend decided to leave school for the day, they exited the premises. However, as they departed, Evrim sensed the weakening of their bond with the potential Angelic fairy.

Suspicion fell on Melody's friend as the possible next Angelic fairy, but a visit to her home revealed that she was not the one they sought.

With their curiosity unquenched, Arina and Evrim suspected Melody herself. They arrived at her house, but her mother reported that Melody had not yet returned home. Unbeknownst to them, it was actually Apollo, one of the dark wizards, in disguise as Melody's mother.

The two insisted on entering, prompting Apollo to reveal his true form and summon his minions. Together, they attacked Evrim, Arina, and Amarys.

Apollo began torturing them, but when Melody experienced flashbacks of her past life as an Angelic fairy, she unleashed a powerful wind, creating chaos.

Fearing the sudden tumult, Apollo and his demons fled, leaving Melody physically drained. The others tended to her medical needs, and once Melody regained consciousness, Arina explained the nature of her newfound powers.

As Amarys and Evrim hugged Melody, a newfound bond was formed among these extraordinary individuals.

Chapter 3: Conflict or Confusion

On what appeared to be an unremarkable day, Arina, filled with curiosity, embarked on an exploratory journey, determined to uncover the town's hidden secrets. Meanwhile, Melody and Amarys prepared for another day at school, while Evrim, despite being a year older, had successfully secured admission to the same school as Amarys.

Walking side by side, Amarys greeted Evrim with enthusiasm. "Hey, Evrim, have you finished all your applications?"

Evrim nodded in affirmation. "Yes, I've completed them. How have your classes been, Amarys?"

Amarys pondered for a moment before responding, "Pretty well, considering all the world-saving stuff we've got going on."

Unbeknownst to them, beneath the seemingly tranquil exterior of Midnight Hollow, a storm of conflict and confusion brewed, poised to test their newfound powers and friendships.

As they continued their journey, Amarys couldn't help but complain, "Ugh, my back is killing me!"

Evrim chimed in, "Hey, isn't that your cousin, Ner?"

Amarys confirmed, "Yeah, that's him! Let's go say hi."

Approaching Ner, who sat alone in contemplation, Amarys waved cheerily, "Hey, Ner!"

Ner looked up and greeted them, "Hey, Amarys."

Amarys introduced her friend, "Let me introduce you to my friend, Evrim."

Ner extended his hand, "Hello, Evrim."

Evrim greeted him warmly, "Hello, Ner. How are you doing?"

Ner replied with a smile, "Pretty good, actually."

Meanwhile, another student, Yazar, approached and mockingly observed Ner, "Look who we have here! Lonely Ner, sitting all alone."

Amarys quickly intervened, her tone stern, "Hey, watch it!"

Evrim added firmly, "You can't talk to someone like that."

Yazar, somewhat defensively, retorted, "What are you guys gonna do? Miss two shoes!"

Evrim attempted a soul-haunting spell, but Amarys halted her midway, cautioning, "Wait, Amarys! We can't do that. You're still new to this spell."

Evrim nodded, and Ner chimed in, "Yeah, but what else can we do?"

Amarys reassured them, "Leave it to me. Heat!"

Suddenly, a wave of intense heat enveloped them, making everyone uncomfortable.

Yazar and his companions protested, "It's too hot! Yazar, let's get out of here. We'll catch up later, Ner!"

Meanwhile, Ner observed the entire scene but had no idea.

Amarys assured her friends, "We'll meet you later."

Evrim echoed, "Yeah, see you later."

As Ner sat alone, he contemplated the strange events around him and saw his diary. He starts to read it.

In the midst of these developments, Arina decided to undertake the training of Amarys, Melody, and Evrim to further refine their abilities. Arina ordered, "Come on, ten more laps!"

Amarys protested, "Easy for you to say!"

Melody suggested, "How about a break?"

Arina, however, seemed unyielding, "But just a short one."

Melody decided to address something that had been on her mind. "Arina, don't you find it odd that Amarys and I come from the same family line?"

Evrim added her thoughts, "Melody has a point."

Amarys chimed in, "Yeah, it does seem strange. Arina, I still don't know much about this prophecy."

Arina looked thoughtful, "Guess Ms. Know-It-All doesn't know everything."

Melody redirected the conversation, "What about when you came here, Arina? You mentioned something about the Ethereal Society."

Evrim was curious, "The Ethereal what now?"

Arina explained, "The Ethereal Society. It was a secret organization formed after the fall of 'The Celestial Circle.' It was hunted by Queen Immortalia, but we believe some members may still be alive."

Amarys probed further, "And what about the 'Ethereal Circle'?"

Arina revealed, "I was the last surviving member before 'The Coven of Doom' took over."

Amarys added,“But why did they sent you here?"

Arina explained, "Because someone had to find you guys, and the Wizards couldn't all come at once."

Ner continued documenting the revelations,By reading his Diary realizing that Amarys held a key to understanding these mystical beings.

Melody raised an important question, "But why? Why the Wizards after uss??"

Arina divulged, "Realm transportation consumes a significant amount of power. Only one wizard can come at a time, unless they obtain the powers of an Angelic Fairy."

Evrim voiced his concerns, "But isn't killing an Angelic Fairy extremely difficult?"

Arina corrected him, "No, Angelic Fairies are immortal at their full potential, but both controlling and killing them are challenging tasks. You guys are still are newbies so killing you guys won't be hard like killing an Immortal"

Amarys shrugged, “Geez"

Meanwhile, in the Dark World, Nimue expressed her determination, "Those Angelic beings have no idea what they'll face. We will beat them!"

An unknown entity concurred, "You bet, Nimue."

Nimue addressed her higher-up, "Right, Your Highness."

The unknown entity declared, "Let the wizards proceed with their deeds. Soon, Ursala will provide the guidance we need."

Ner, curious and intrigued by everything he had witnessed and learned, opened his diary. As he read through his past entries, he couldn't help but feel a growing sense of unease. The supernatural events he had witnessed and recorded were far more significant than he had initially believed.

The wizards of the Dark World, fueled by their sinister motives and rage, plotted in the shadows, their true intentions veiled in secrecy. Their actions would soon send shockwaves through the lives of Arina, Amarys, Melody, Evrim, and even Ner also for the new angelic Fairies to come, as they found themselves drawn deeper into a conflict that transcended the boundaries of the known world.

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