NovelToon NovelToon


chapter 1

Seoul, 11 pm
a guy was standing in a balcony looking at the moon he had a blank face he seems to be tired of everything, he just wanted to give up...
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
[closed eyes for a few seconds then opened after sighing]
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
I'm so crazy in love that I can't even give up even when I want to[chuckled sadly]
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
sometimes I can't understand if he really loves me or ...[sighed again]
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
[went inside the room and flopped on bed]
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
""I wish I never fell for you""
taehyung heard a knock on his room door he sighed knowing who it would be he went and opened the door
he won't lie when he just forgets everything seeing this bunny faced human's smile he just couldn't stop himself from smiling
a love sick for sure.
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
[hugged taehyung]
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
i missed you [frown suddenly]
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
i missed y_ahh[fell on ground as jk pushed him]
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
why is your scent different!
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
with whom you were?
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
why would I be with someone?[stood up and looked at jk]
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
your scent is different there is an alpha's scent on you![pinned tae to wall]
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
i-it was eunwoo jungkook I hugged him cause I was wishing him birthday
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
[started choking tae with one hand] no matter who it is you aren't allowed to get close to someone other then me!
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
[finding difficulty to breathe] j-jungkook
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
l-le..ave me!
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
[unable to breathe] I-i am so..rry!
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
[released him]
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
[fell on jk almost unconscious]
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
[held him] it's your fault baby [caressed his hair] it's your fault
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
even after I warned you ,you still get in touch of other people hm?
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
will you do it again?
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
n-no[still finding difficulty to breathe]
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
that's like a good boy[sat on bed and made taehyung sit on his lap]
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
[hugged taehyung]
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
[tears Falling from eyes]""it hurts how you behave so different from the kook I knew""
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
""you've changed""
𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒖𝒆
author [miha]
author [miha]
welcome to my new story 😊
author [miha]
author [miha]
well this is gonna be full of toxicity as you've already seen the name
author [miha]
author [miha]
so don't read if you're sensetive and gonna report...
author [miha]
author [miha]
hope you enjoy this story
author [miha]
author [miha]
author [miha]
author [miha]

chapter 2

next morning
taehyung have an shoot so he woke up early and got ready he did some make up on his neck to hide the mark his so called boyfriend gave after choking him.
jungkook also woke up and came downstairs.
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
are you going somewhere?[a bit sleepy]
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
yeah I have an shoot [smiled]
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
when will you ve back?
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
idk exactly as I have an meeting with mr luhan after shoot...
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
hm then call me when your work is done I'll pick you up[smiled]
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
[smiled back and peck jk's cheek] I prepared the breakfast have that I'll be back soon
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
hm [nodded and started to go upstairs]
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
[went outside and saw eunwoo waiting for him]
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
annyeong hyung[said after getting in car]
cha eunwoo[tae
cha eunwoo[tae's manager]
annyeong ,good morning [smiled]
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
good morning [smiled back]
cha eunwoo[tae
cha eunwoo[tae's manager]
let's go then first for your shoot then we'll go for the meeting with mr.luhan😊
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
eunwoo drove to their destination.
𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒖𝒆
author [miha]
author [miha]
hope you enjoyed☺️
author [miha]
author [miha]
like comment and subscribe
author [miha]
author [miha]

chapter 3

the photoshoot was done
mr taehyung you did an amazing work[smiled]
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
thanks mr wei[bowed]
well we're the one who should thank you for being so helpful for our company [smiled]
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
[smiled back]that isn't needed tho it's my work and I'm doing that...
cha eunwoo[tae
cha eunwoo[tae's manager]
then we'll be leaving mr wei?
ok bye guys take care
both taehyung and eunwoo bid bye to him and left from there
it was around 5 pm
it took them one hour to reach there and it was already 6 pm
they reached to mr luhan's company
Mr luhan
Mr luhan
hello mr taehyung and Mr eunwoo[bowed]
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
hi Mr luhan[bowed]
cha eunwoo[tae
cha eunwoo[tae's manager]
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
so let's start the meeting should we?
Mr luhan
Mr luhan
yeah sure[nodded]
Mr luhan's assistant: so our beauty products new collection will be out on 5 august and we'll like to have you as our model for the "peachy heart" collection.
the assistant put some of the products infront of tae and explaining about the product
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
well I would love to work with your company but I want to confirm these products are not harmful at all?
Mr luhan
Mr luhan
well mr kim these products are well tested and are trustworthy they won't have any bad reaction to the customer's skin[smiled]
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
hm ok I accept your offer [smiled back]
Mr luhan
Mr luhan
ok then here are the contract paper [gives it to tae]
Mr luhan
Mr luhan
your payment will be done right after the shoot
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
Mr luhan
Mr luhan
check the paper if you want any changes you can tell us..
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
ok[started reading the contract]
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
hm I don't think any changes are needed [signed the contract]
they stood up and bowed to eachother
Mr luhan
Mr luhan
by the way mr kim I would like to have dinner with you both as you accepted our offer?
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
[looked at eunwoo]?
cha eunwoo[tae
cha eunwoo[tae's manager]
[looking at tae]"idk what to say"
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
Mr luhan
Mr luhan
please mr kim?[looked at him hopefully]
Mr luhan
Mr luhan
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
they left to a well known restaurant nearby
they had dinner
it was around 10 pm
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
""oh no I really forgot to message jungkook I'll be late""
eunwoo noticed tae's stressed face he knew the reason tho he has been working with tae since start and they share a really good brother bond
tae was in car while eunwoo was driving
cha eunwoo[tae
cha eunwoo[tae's manager]
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
uh yes?
cha eunwoo[tae
cha eunwoo[tae's manager]
why don't you just leave him?
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
you know the reason hyung[chuckled sadly]
cha eunwoo[tae
cha eunwoo[tae's manager]
[smiled sadly looking at tae] you're such love sick taehyung
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
cha eunwoo[tae
cha eunwoo[tae's manager]
it's ok he'll be like before soon[trying to comfort taehyung]
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
""I really hope so hyung ""
cha eunwoo[tae
cha eunwoo[tae's manager]
here we are[stopped the car]
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
[got down from car] bye Hyung drive safely?
cha eunwoo[tae
cha eunwoo[tae's manager]
yeah bye take care [smiled and drove away]
taehyung entered in the mansion
𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒖𝒆

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