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Potter! Marry Me.


In a old room four people were sitting on their respective chairs
unknown 1
unknown 1
Care to explain this ? * scary aura*
Crabbe I really love him
unknown 1
unknown 1
Love ? you say love huh * glaring at unknown 4 *
* tightly holding hand of unknown 2 while siting beside him *
unknown 3
unknown 3
Honey please calm down * worriedly looking at unknown 2*
Lucius Malfoy
Lucius Malfoy
NARCISSA ❄️ don't you know what your so called son has done 😡 * angrily *
Narcissa Malfoy
Narcissa Malfoy
*flinched *
DAD * cold tone ❄️* don't raise your voice at my mom
what's her fault if I love Harry huh *❄️*
I love him dearly and I'm not gonna marry anyone else than him * said in a gentle tone while looking at unknown 4 *
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
darco * Said in low voice then give him a rest assured smile ☺ *
Darco Malfoy
Darco Malfoy
* gently smile back ☺️*
Darco again turned his face toward lucius with cold look
Darco Malfoy
Darco Malfoy
TAKE THE NOTE TO IT DAD * in extremely cold voice ❄️❄️*
Harry POV
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
how come I ended up in this situation
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
I have never thought that the person I hate will be even friends ever in this life * said with a small chuckled *
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
and now look at this not only his my friend but my a best friend as well my future husband *blushing while thinking about darco*
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Hey beautiful readers this is your cute author
well this is my first time writing a story I'm totally unexperienced so forgive this little author for any mistake in future as english isn't my first language
Flash Warning ⚠ this is my own version of Harry Potter so don't judged and all the pictures are not mine I have taken from sources and i really appreciate respective artist of these pictures
hope you guys support this story well..I can't promise about updating but i will try to do
To be continued


After the argument with Lucius Darco immediately leave from Malfoy mansion with Harry
Soon they reach their little sweet home
(think its nighttime)
Darco Malfoy
Darco Malfoy
* walking fast in anger towards their room *
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
* walking behind darco *
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
* hold Darco hand and pull him in a kiss *
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Darco Malfoy
Darco Malfoy
* shocked at first but kiss him back while putting his hands Harry waist *
after 5 min
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
*break the kiss*
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
*lift Darco chin with his index finger *
Darco Malfoy
Darco Malfoy
*looking in the eyes of Harry with puppy eyes face 🥺*
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
*slightly chuckled seeing Him like this *
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Have you calm down now * said calmly*
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
My anger bird * said in low voice*
even though Harry said it in a low voice but it was enough audible for Darco to hear
after hearing the word " anger bird" Darco tighten his grip on Harry waist and pull him more toward himself
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
* hands on Darco's chest slightly blushed *
Darco Malfoy
Darco Malfoy
How am I supposed to be calm down when "my calm beauty" kiss me like this * whisper near his ear in husky voice *
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
* face become red as tomato*
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
*hit Darco's chest by with his tiny hands*
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
sh..shut up you idiot * said while still hitting him*
Darco Malfoy
Darco Malfoy
* not affected *
Darco Malfoy
Darco Malfoy
okay okay my dear wife * said with a chuckle*
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Who's your wife huh..I told you it's husband not wife understands * angrily pout*
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
( think him as Harry and please ignore the tears )
Darco Malfoy
Darco Malfoy
okay my husband I'm sorry * said in teasing way*
Darco Malfoy
Darco Malfoy
* shower his face with kisses *
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
okay okay i forgive you now stop * said while gigging *
Darco Malfoy
Darco Malfoy
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
* wrap his hands around Darco neck*
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Are you still thinking about your dad ? * asked while looking into Darco eyes *
Darco Malfoy
Darco Malfoy
* Nod*
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
it's okay you did your best
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
they're your parents it's normal if they react this way as it's also their first time facing something like this
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Let's give them sometime don't worry they will accept us soon * said calmly with a genuine smile*
Darco Malfoy
Darco Malfoy
But what if they don't ? what if they decided to abandon me ? what if they try to harm us- * said in one go worriedly *
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
shushh*put index finger on his lips *
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Nothing like this will happen don't think negatively * said calmly *
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
And even if something like this happen don't worry I'm here always there for protecting us * said with a genuine smile *
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
But for now go and take shower it's late I'm sleepy as well
Darco Malfoy
Darco Malfoy
You are sleepy . How about join me so that we can go to bed early ? * smirk 😏 *
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
do you think I will fall for your same trick again and again huh *🤨*
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
I know very well how early we will go to bed If I join you * said while slightly blushing *
Darco Malfoy
Darco Malfoy
I promise not to do that we will only just taking bath together this time *🥺*
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Your puppy eyes won't work this time. You said that yesterday as well but still did that till 2 am *😖*
Darco Malfoy
Darco Malfoy
hehe but I promise I will not do this time please na* 🥺*
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
No go and take the shower alone * said while pushing Darco towards the bathroom*
Darco Malfoy
Darco Malfoy
* about to go inside*
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Wait * go to closet and grab one towel out it*
Darco turned back with expecting eyes
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Here take the towel
Darco Malfoy
Darco Malfoy
*look at towel than towards Harry *
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
What's this look Were you thinking I will join you huh *🤨*
Darco Malfoy
Darco Malfoy
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Don't run your imagination too wild young man *😒*
Darco Malfoy
Darco Malfoy
badie * take the towel went inside while pouting angrily *
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
* chuckled *
Harry take off his coat and sat on bed waiting for Darco to finish showering
To be continued
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Chapter 1

Note ( ** ) this means doing something or thinking
After 15 min Darco come out and Harry went in to take the shower
Darco shirtless walk towards bed with a t-shirt in his hand
He looks towards a photo frame
( imagine he is Darco looking at a photo frame)
Darco Malfoy
Darco Malfoy
* thinking something while looking at photo lovingly*
Darco grab the photo frame in his hands and sit on the bed
after 15 min
Harry came after showering
Dry his hair with towel
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
* looks at Darco shirtless staring at a photo frame lovingly *
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
* put the towel on a chair and walk towards Darco*
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Whose photo are you looking at so lovingly that even forgot to wear the t-shirt huh* said with a chuckle *
*stand in front of Darco*
Darco lift his face and looks at Harry with a smile
Darco Malfoy
Darco Malfoy
I'm looking at a cutie * said smilingly *
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
A cutie ? * said confusingly*
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Darco Malfoy
Darco Malfoy
*smile more widely*
Harry take the photo frame from Darco while sitting on the bed
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
* blushed after seeing the photo*
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
it's me * said in a low voice*
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
( when Harry was in his first year of the school)
Darco Malfoy
Darco Malfoy
*heard him*
Darco Malfoy
Darco Malfoy
Of course for me you're the cutest * 😗*
Darco Malfoy
Darco Malfoy
* side hug Harry*
Darco Malfoy
Darco Malfoy
Remember our first meet you were looking so innocent *🤭*
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
And you were looking like a rude spoiled brat *😼*
Both chuckled
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Now enough with this. Let's sleep now * put the photo frame back in the table*
Darco Malfoy
Darco Malfoy
okay * break the hug*
Darco turned off the table lamp light beside the bed and lay down left side
Harry cover Darco with blanket and himself and sit beside him
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
*take out a notebook from right side table's drawer which was beside the bed*
Darco Malfoy
Darco Malfoy
* put his head on Harry's lap*
Darco Malfoy
Darco Malfoy
Are you not gonna sleep?
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
I will soon after refreshing some memories * said with a smile*
Darco Malfoy
Darco Malfoy
About us right ?
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Darco Malfoy
Darco Malfoy
as you wish my lord * snuggle his head on Harry stomach*
Harry with a smile on his face open the notebook while whisper the spell " Lumos" to light up the tip of his wand and started to read
note he is talking to himself inside now
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
*As i read my diary . All the memories again run into my mind like a movie *
Flashback 15 years ago
July 31st 1991
when Harry was 11 year old and was shopping with Hagrid for his first year equipment in Diagon Ally
Rubeus Hagrid
Rubeus Hagrid
Might as well get yer uniform. * said while noding Madam Malkin’s Robes for All Occasions *
little harry
little harry
* look towards the shop for few second and than turned to Hagrid *
Rubeus Hagrid
Rubeus Hagrid
Listen, Harry, would yeh mind if I slipped off fer a pick-me-up in the Leaky Cauldron? I hate them Gringotts carts.* still looks a bit sick *
So Harry entered Madam Malkin’s shop alone
little harry
little harry
* feeling nervous *
Madam Malkin was a squat, smiling witch dressed all in mauve.
Madam Malkin
Madam Malkin
Hogwarts, dear? * asked harry with a smile on his face *
little harry
little harry
* about of speak something *
Madam Malkin
Madam Malkin
Got the lot here another young man being fitted up just now, in fact.
In the back of the shop, a boy with a pale, pointed face was standing on a footstool while a second witch pinned up his long black robes.
Madam Malkin stood Harry on a stool next to him, slipped a long robe over his head, and began to pin it to the right length.
When Darco saw Harry, the first thought that came into his mind was " looks cute and innocent "( Harry)
So he decided to greet him
little darco
little darco
little darco
little darco
Hogwarts, too? * asked curiously*
little harry
little harry
Yes * said with a smile*
Darco paused for a few seconds to think something after hearing Harry's voice
little darco
little darco
* Not only he look cute but his voice also sound cute to my ears*
But soon this thought was vanished when he realized what he is doing is not appropriate for child from pure blooded family
So he decided to show off about his wealthy family
( Note - they didn't know each other names )
little darco
little darco
My father’s next door buying my books and Mother’s up the street looking at wands. * said in bored, drawling voice*
little darco
little darco
Then I’m going to drag them off to look at racing brooms. I don’t see why first years can’t have their own. I think I’ll bully Father into getting me one and I’ll smuggle it in somehow.
Seeing Darco this behavior Harry was strongly reminded of Dudley ( Harry' cousin)
Darco further went on talking
little darco
little darco
Have you got your own broom? * asked Harry*
little harry
little harry
No. * said plainly *
little darco
little darco
Play Quidditch at all ?
little harry
little harry
No. * said again, wondering what on earth Quidditch could be *
little darco
little darco
I do , Father says it’s a crime if I’m not picked to play for my House, and I must say, I agree. Know what House you’ll be in yet?
little harry
little harry
No. *feeling more stupid by the minute*
little darco
little darco
Well, no one really knows until they get there, do they, but I know I’ll be in Slytherin, all our family have been imagine being in Hufflepuff, I think I’d leave, wouldn’t you?
little harry
little harry
Mmm * Wishing he could say something a bit more interesting.*
little darco
little darco
I say, look at that man!*said suddenly, nodding toward the front window *
Hagrid was standing there
Rubeus Hagrid
Rubeus Hagrid
* grinning at Harry and pointing at two large ice creams to show he couldn’t come in*
little harry
little harry
“That’s Hagrid,” said Harry, pleased to know something the boy didn’t.* “He works at Hogwarts.”
little darco
little darco
Oh. I’ve heard of him. He’s a sort of servant, isn’t he?
little harry
little harry
He’s the gamekeeper. * said in correcting way*
Harry was liking the boy( Darco) less and less every second.
little darco
little darco
Yes, exactly. I heard he’s a sort of savage — lives in a hut on the school grounds and every now and then he gets drunk, tries to do magic, and ends up setting fire to his bed.* said in a mocking tone*
little darco
little darco
I think he’s brilliant. *said coldly*
little harry
little harry
Do you? *Said with a slight sneer*
little harry
little harry
Why is he with you? Where are your parents?
Harry was already upset how the boy( Darco) insult Hagrid and now upon it he asked about his parents was making harry more upset
little harry
little harry
“They’re dead,” said shortly*
Harry didn’t feel much like going into the matter with this boy.
little darco
little darco
Oh, sorry, *said, not sounding sorry at all.* But they were our kind, weren’t they?
little harry
little harry
* didn't understand what Darco meant by " our kind" *
little darco
little darco
They were a "witch and wizard" , if that’s what you mean.* said clarifying in response to his pervious question *
To be continued
hashh just realized writing 1150 words is a big deal man
my hands broke while typing 😑
just kidding 😙😂
Well the author is doing so hard work for you wouldn't you guys reward her with some Like , comments, subscribe & vote huhh 🥺
(bonus for my beautiful readers )
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