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Doraemon Fanfic Story ( Nobita's Adventure With Sky)


22nd century,

a peaceful evening, everyone enjoying walk in the moonlight. some are returning home from work.

Among all this somewhere in an underground laboratory a scientist is researching on his new project for 15 years now.

In a closed cell like laboratory tightly guarded by a few hundred soldiers marching back and forth and two guarding the front door. Except for government, no one knows of their location or existence.

Inside this laboratory exists Dr Tadashi's life long hard work. in the middle of the room inside an incubator, there is sitting an egg, almost the size of a toddler. Many wires are connected to the egg as if feeding it all it needs. Inspecting it closely Dr Tadashi is smiling of joy.

" FINALLY!! All my hard work of 15 years is finally gonna pay off!! just a few more steps and it'll be done!! THE MOST RELIABLE PROTECTOR, YET THE MOST DANGEROUS WEAPON!! My child; just wait a little bit. With your power there will be no crimes anymore!"

He proceeds to type something in the large computer infront of him. Dr Tadashi with his long unshaved beard leans on the keyboard and starts typing. As he proceeds to input the programming in the computer, all the data is being transferred into the egg by the wires . After a few minutes Dr Tadashi Stop typing and Sighs a releaf, and looks at the egg with compassionate eyes like a father looking at his son. " *sigh * finally my child! you are ready. Now the only thing left is to infuse my information into you as your owner"

Suddenly gunshot is heard from outside the laboratory.

Shocked Dr Tadashi knows what's happening. He must do something now or else the humanity will be in grave danger! He turns back at the computer and starts to type time and location to send the egg to, before those terrorists enter the room. while outside all the soldiers are gradually getting killed one by one as the terrorists brought along their gunship loaded with heavily dangerous weapons and top to that the ship itself is a weapon. Dr Tadashi continues to search for a safe place for his egg to be, somewhere where it can grow and learn, meet with kind people and be an angel, a protector it's supposed to be. As the gunshots are getting closer and closer , Dr Tadashi can see that he'll never see his creation grow. But he can never bear the thought of it being used in destruction. The gunshots outside has stopped. Suddenly BOOM!! The terrorists has burst a bomb to open the door. Dr Tadashi is heavily injured and the Laboratory is destroyed. The incubator is almost broken and the egg is somehow hanging with the wires in the incubator.

" Oi doc!! give up!! We know what you are creating and we will have it one way or another. now hand it over quietly or you're gonna pay"

" N-never!!" Dr Tadashi struggles to move as he is injured in the head quite badly. inspite of that he proceeds to press the last button that can take the egg somewhere safe.

The terrorists fire another round of bullets that finishes Dr Tadashi. He is bleeding all over and lets go of his last breath. But before that he did manage to press the button. before the terrorists could get their hands on the egg, it vanishes.

" AGHH!!! What did the doctor do?! where is the egg gone?! Where did he sent it?! we can't even check the computer now because it's been destroyed!! How much do we have to wait before we get our hands on that thing!!"

As they rant about their frustration by destroying the laboratory more and more, the egg is floating through the time tunnel and proceeds to its fixed destination.

A hole opens up in the tunnel to lead the egg where it should be.

Gentle breez And the sound of leaves in the wind is heard along with birds chirping. The egg from the future quietly sits in the forest of a certain hill waiting for its dear future friend.


In the big house of Tsuneo Sama.

Tsuneo asked everyone to come to his house. He has bought a new pet, an expensive one on that.A Black palm cockatoo. He is showing off his newly trained bird as usual.

" Ahaha, look here guys; my dad had bought me a black palm cockatoo. He went to Australia last month for business and bought it from there. And it's not just that, it needs a strict diet and taken care of carefully. And that also cost money. Honestly birds are quite handful but brings such glory to the house. "

Shizuka excitedly said " Yes I know, my Pico is also such a handful but brings me such joy. and she sings when I play piano, I feel so connected to her "

Tsuneo continues " Yes Shizuka, I knew you will understand. Forget about Nobita and Gian, they can't understand the feeling "

Gian looks at Tsuneo with blood lust. " Hey I have my bird too"

Confused Tsuneo said " Ah.. ok.. so let's go see your bird too "

Gian got startled" Wait ! I'll bring it right here. then we'll compare our birds."

" ok then.."

Gian leaves Tsuneo's house . Tsuneo is sure that Gian doesn't have a bird and is just boasting.

On the other hand Gian is busy catching a bird with a net.

Everyone is bored waiting for Gian , that Tsuneo says " I know Gian doesn't have a bird. besides his dog Muku won't let any bird stay in the house . " then suddenly he appears outside with his bird.

" MUAHAHAHAHA... didn't I say I would bring my bird, Here is he."

Gian shows a big black crow. Poor crow is tied with a string from it's leg to Gian's hand and is exhausted from fighting against Gian.

Everyone is shocked, then Tsuneo says " o- ok..but my bird is the most special. it can talk too. My dear say something "

" kwwaakk!! Hello guys how are you! "

" ahahaha , see! none of your birds can speak "

Angry Gian looks at the crow. The crow aggressively shakes it's head telling that it can't talk.

Tsuneo continues with his Show off.

" Kwwaakk! Tsuneo sama is handsome! Tsuneo sama is kind! "

" Ahaha it only speaks the truth I tell you " then Shows off himself.

" kwwaakk! And Nobita is lazy! Nobita is dumb! "

Tsuneo smirks, " what did I tell you it only speaks the truth "

poor Nobita is humiliated again, and is very angry. He goes back home crying, then rants to his mom how everyone has a bird and he wants one too.

" Nobita, you know pet's are such a handful! and needs attention and taken care of! and you don't even take care of yourself, how are you gonna take care of a bird! "

" But mom , I can do it! I'll take care of the bird myself! "

" no means no !"

then Nobita goes to Doraemon ranting about his day. " Doraemon! I want a bird too!! I wanna show off too!"

Disappointed Doraemon says " if you only want a bird just to show off then it's better that you don't get a bird. mom is right Nobita "

" I'll show you! if you refuse to help me fine! I'm gonna find a bird myself "

Nobita gets out of the house with bug catching equipments.

Doraemon says " Oh this Nobita! he doesn't even know how to catch a bird! and with that equipment!! " he sighs.


Nobita goes to the hill behind his school and is calmed down by the sound of wind in leaves and bird's chripping. He enjoys the peace for a moment and now is determined to catch a bird for himself.

even after an hour he hasn't managed to even find a bird, let alone catching it. And he has almost given up. He enters a bushy area hoping for something. He didn't find any bird, but he did find an egg. A big toddler sized egg!

He brought the egg back with him hoping he can take care of a baby bird from birth.

Doraemon is also shocked seeing an egg as big as this.

" Now Doraemon I can take care of the bird after it hatches "

" don't be silly Nobita. Bird eggs need to be incubated by birds. human body temperature can't incubate an egg. besides we don't even know what bird has this big egg? Maybe an ostrich?! but that's not this big!! "

while Dora is confused in himself the egg starts to crack.

Nobita and Doraemon notice the crack and starts to panick and run around for things that it might need " WHAT DO WE DO?! WHAT DO WE DO!! "


Nobita hurried down and came back with a bucket of warm water and towel.


oof! poor Nobita fell with water and wet towel on his head.

The egg cracked fully, and from it a little dog has come out. It looks at confused Nobita and barks " BOW BOW !!"

Confused Nobita asks Doraemon " Doraemon, are dogs born from eggs??!!"

poor Doraemon almost fell hearing Nobita " Nobita you know that can't be real "

" then what is this??"

Doraemon looks at the dog more closely " hmmm"

The little dog sneezes, then suddenly something happens and air comes out of its paw and it starts flying and bumps it's head on the ceiling.

" Oh!!! it's a robot! but I haven't heard of any robots like this before! born from an egg"

" Then Doraemon if you don't know where is he from, can I keep him till then??"

" but you wanted a bird though !"

" not anymore! besides, this little one will need some place to live until we find it's owner"

" Hmm ! I'll have to ask Dorami about it. maybe she might know something! but till then it can stay "

Little dog also happily wag's it's tail.

" yay! ok then."

Nobita thinks " but!! he'll need a name . what can we call you "

Nobita looks at the dog and thinks " I know!! how you flew the first!! you can fly high in the sky like today!! So I'll name you SKY !! like it?? Our new friend Sky!"

Sky looks at Nobita happily, wag's his tail and barks letting them know that he likes the name.

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