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Don't Look Back

Don't Look Back -1

Hi, I am Fate. Today I am here to share my story with you.

A normal day at school. I entered and two of my best friends came to me and asked why I didn't came to school for the entire week. I was about to say when the bell rang. I said I'll tell them at lunch time. Then our history ma'am came. Today it was raining heavily. It's the third period. I looked out of the window. In the back of our school there was a haunted like mansion. I saw a old lady in a full white Dress. Then suddenly the bell rang. It was lunch time. I and my two best friends got out of the class room. There was my another best friend. The four of us got to the canteen. After buying the food we got ourselves seats. Then they asked me why I didn't came to school and didn't contact them. I said," I was in the hospital. My cousin was admitted there. They didn't asked anything anymore. -After School-

I was going home with mom. Suddenly I asked mom does anyone lives in the building at the back of our school. My mom said no. That afternoon my mom said we'll move to the mansion at the back of our school. I asked mom why. My mom answered, " I have noticed that you always talk about the mansion so we decided to buy it. After that I was talking with my friends about it they said" then it's a good thing we can visit you after school." I said yeah... Then I invited them for sleep over.

-At Night-

They came to my house. Then I told them to wait in my room whilst I get some snacks and drinks. While I was Going down the stairs I feel like there was someone behind me. I was about to turn. Then I heard someone say "Don't move". I got scared. Sometime later I can feel there was no one behind. Then I got to my room.After having fun and snacks we got to sleep. While sleeping I felt like someone was choking me. My sleep broke. I was afraid to open my eyes. I could feel someone staring at me. Her hair was at my face. I started praying. Then when I fell asleep. I didn't know.

-At Morning-

After waking up. I saw my one friend sleeping and the other two were at bathroom. Beside my bed there was a table. When I looked at the table I saw two drops of blood. Then I looked at my fingers. I saw my fingers stained with blood. My friends was about to come out of the bathroom. I quickly took a piece of cloth and wipe the blood. My friend awake up from sleep and asked me what I was doing. I said nothing and got out of the bed.

To Be Continue...

Don't Look Back - 2

Then I quickly ran to the bathroom and locked the door. Then I quickly start to clean the blood. As I finish cleaning up the blood, I hear a faint knocking sound at the door. I freeze, wondering who could be trying to get in. I wait, holding my breath, but the knocking continues. Finally, I gather the courage to approach the door. I slowly unlock it and open it a crack, peering out into the darkness. But there's no one there. Just the sound of the wind rustling through the trees outside. I let out a sigh of relief, but I can't shake the feeling that someone or something was watching me. But I ignore the feelings. It was 7 o'clock. Time for us to go to the school. After getting ready we took the bus. But it felt like there was no one except us in the bus.The bus ride to school was eerily quiet. Me and my friend were getting a bad feeling. And even the bus driver seemed to be avoiding eye contact with me. I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. As I got off the bus and walked to my first class, I noticed that the hallways were empty. It was as if the entire school was deserted. I started to feel uneasy, wondering where everyone was. Suddenly, I heard a loud noise coming from the gym. Me and my friend decided to investigate. As I approached the gym, I saw that the doors were locked. But I could hear strange noises coming from inside. What could be going on in there? Just as I turned I couldn't see my friends. Then suddenly I heard one of my friends screaming in the hallway. I quickly ran toward there. There I saw someone in full white clothes. As I run towards where I heard my friend screaming, I see that the hallway is now empty. I call out to my friend, but there's no answer. I start to feel like I'm being watched again. Suddenly, I hear a voice whispering my name. I turn around, but there's no one there. I start to feel like I was losing my mind. But then I hear my friend screaming again, this time from the library. I run towards the library, my heart pounding in my chest. As I burst through the doors, I see my friend lying on the ground, surrounded by books that have been knocked off the shelves. My friend is shaking and crying, and I can't seem to get a straight answer out of them. What could have happened in the library? As I was thinking what could have happened. Suddenly someone from behind took me to the bathroom while choking me. I got really scared. At the mirror I saw someone like me in white which made me faint. As I wake up, I realize that I'm in a dark room. I try to move, but I'm tied to a chair. I hear footsteps coming towards me, and I start to panic. Suddenly, the lights turn on, and I see that I'm in a room full of mirrors. I look around, trying to find a way out, but all the doors are locked. I start to feel like I'm trapped in a nightmare. Suddenly, I see a figure in the mirrors. It's the same figure I saw in the library, but this time it's coming towards me. I try to scream, but my voice is stuck in my throat. What will happen to me? Then I was about to look back. Suddenly I heard that voice again saying Don't Look Back. Then suddenly the ghost came in front of me but actually it was behind me I could see it in the mirror. It was in all white clothes. Like what we make the dead body wear. It's eyes were full black. It's head and hands were broken. After watching it I again fainted.

To Be Continue...

Don't Look Back - 3

I found myself in a dark and mysterious valley. The sky was black, and there was no moon or stars to light the way. I started to feel like I was being watched. I heard strange noises and saw shadows moving in the distance. Suddenly, I stumbled upon a hidden entrance that led into the underworld. I realized that I had to journey through the underworld to escape the valley.

As I entered the underworld, I was immediately greeted by a blast of hot air. The floor was made of molten lava, and the walls were lined with jagged rocks. I had to be careful not to fall into the lava or get hit by falling rocks. As I moved deeper into the underworld, I encountered all sorts of strange creatures. Some were friendly, while others were hostile and attacked me on sight.

One of the most challenging parts of the journey was crossing a deep and treacherous river. The water was icy cold, and the current was so strong that it threatened to sweep me away. I had to use all my strength and wits to find a way to cross the river safely.

Despite all the challenges, I persevered and finally made it to the other side of the underworld. As I emerged from the darkness, I was greeted by the bright light of day. I felt a sense of relief and accomplishment, knowing that I had overcome my fears and made it through the underworld. As I journeyed through the underworld, the darkness seemed to consume me. I felt like I was suffocating, and the only light came from the glowing lava that surrounded me. The creatures that lurked in the shadows were not friendly, and I had to fight to survive. I was constantly on edge, never knowing what would happen next.

When I finally emerged from the underworld, I was relieved to see the light of day. But as I entered the forest, I realized that the darkness had followed me. The trees were twisted and gnarled, and the air was filled with the stench of decay. The villagers I met were not friendly, and they seemed to be hiding something.

As I rested in the village, I heard strange whispers in the night. I saw shadows moving in the darkness, and I felt like I was being watched. I knew that something was not right, and I had to find out what it was.

One night, I followed a group of villagers into the forest. They led me to a clearing where a dark figure stood waiting. It was the wizard they had spoken of, but he was not what I had expected. His eyes were cold and calculating, and his powers were dark and twisted.

The wizard offered to help me, but I knew that his help came with a price. I had to make a choice, to accept his offer and risk losing my soul, or to turn away and face the darkness alone. I chose to turn away, and as I did, I felt the darkness recede.

I continued my journey, but I feel like I'm going to get consume by darkness. I remembered all my memorys. I was missing my friends. I was thinking if they were rescued. I started blaming my self. Then I saw a devil. I remembered him. I had tears in my eyes after seeing him. Then I saw the ghost was about to attack him. I quickly ran infront of him. And got injured seriously. I was remembering past memorys. When I fainted.


I was walking down the streets. When I saw a boy with horns on his head. I knew that was a devil. When I saw a letter in his hands. I was reading the letter from very far away. Then I saw my name on it. I was trying to distract the devil boy. I successed. But unfortunately he saw me. He started using magic and pull me into his arms. I got scared. But I successfully got the letter. He didn't notice. Thankfully he started searching the letter and I took the opportunity to run as fast as I could. Then I woke up. After seeing him for after so long time. I couldn't look away from him. Suddenly he told me to not trust anyone. Then again I found myself in front of that wizard. He asked me if I wanted to leave. Suddenly I remembered his advice. So I rejected his offer. Then suddenly he turned into a tall devil. I understand that he was the devil lord from that time. I got scared. Then suddenly the devil boy again appeared and grab my wrist and using magic he teleported to somewhere.

To Be Continue...

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