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A Love So Beautiful (Jikook)

1. Nice to meet you

*Super tuna plays*

"Anggggg! It's morning already? I wanted to sleep a bit more."

The boy says moving in his blanket while switching off his alarm.

...Jimin's pov...

I open my eyes to see that same boring room and waking up in a same boring life. Ugh! Why can't my life be a little interesting? Like can't i meet a billionaire who will love me and treat me like the luckiest man the world.

Or why can't I get involved in some drama? I want an interesting life like the one in the movies. But anyways today is my first day in my new office.

Yes... I have joined Jeon Industries as an assistant designer. I have heard the CEO is really handsome but he doesn't talk to people. He is really cold and rude. But he also has a brother who is nice and sweet. He works there as CDO.

I have heard a lot about them but I will be working as a normal employee. So i won't have anything to do with them.

Ok Park Jimin let's get ready for this hectic day ahead. Fighting!

...End of jimin's pov...

Jimin gets off his bed and rushes to shower. After getting ready he rushes downstairs as he was already late for his first day at his job.

"Jimin don't tell me you didn't eat anything."

"It doesn't matter Jin hyung. I am already getting late. I'll eat later."

"But you should take care of yourself honey. Look at you looking so pale and Skinner than before."

"Oh come on hyung people want this skinny body."

"Jimin, but maintaining a healthy wait should be your priority. Especially after what happened a year ago."

"Ugh..... I don't wanna talk about that. Maybe it was bound to happen. Maybe she wasn't fated to be in this world with me."

"Jimin just please take care of yourself, please."

"Yes my dearest hyung." Jimin said while hugging Jin.

Jin and Jimin were neighbours but Jin loved jimin more like a little brother. He was really caring and protective of him especially after that incident which happened with jimin a year ago. When he got into an accident and his car fell off the bridge and he lost his child while he was 3 months pregnant.

His jerk boyfriend dumped him while he was still in hospital recovering from the accident and the trauma of loosing his child. He was going to therapy and was finnally able to join work after taking a long break from everything.

Whenever he remembered that incident his eyes turned glassy and tears appear but he still makes his heart understand that maybe it was fate, maybe his daughter wasn't supposed to be with him, atleast not in this life.

Jimin sat in a bus while shrugging his thoughts away as he wanted to be positive and happy on first day of his new start.

He reached the specified address mentioned in the portfolio he got with details and he saw a really big and magnificent building in front of him. The building screamed and rich.

"Hey! I am Park Jimin. It's my first day today as an assistant designer. Can you please tell me where i have to go?" Jimin asked a lady sitting at reception wearing a grey one piece dress with her red hair parted from the middle.

"Hey! Yeah sure. Let me show you around jimin. Bye the way, my name is Kim Jisoo and you can call me jisoo."

"Okay Jisoo."

Jisoo showed jimin around the company and his working area which was a little bland to jimin's liking. He liked bright and shiny things and his desk was grey and pale with nothing but bulky, dirty file all over it.

" The person who worked her before you left it like this. You can redecorate it as per your wish."

"Redecorate....well it's not even decorated at the first place." Jimin Mumbled to himself.

"Yeah sure! I'll redecorate it. Thanks for showing me around. I'll meet you again jisoo."

Jisoo smiled while placing her hand on Jimin's arm. "Yeah sure jimin."

Suddenly everyone in the office started bowing to a tall figure who entered the area with a cup of coffee in his hands while wearing a black dress shirt and a long black coat over it with pale brown pants underneath.

He for sure looked handsome. Jimin just stood there untill that man stopped in front of him and eyes him then asked, "Jisoo bring me all the new documents i need to sign."

"Yes sir. I'll be right back with it."

"And who is this handsome gentleman?"

Jimin's pov

"And who is this handsome gentleman?"

G... gentleman?? Who? I looked around but that handsome was looking at me more like staring intensely at me like he'll eat me anytime.

"Oh this is jimin. He is a new employee here as an assistant designer." Jisoo replied with he classic soft smile.

"Ok you, in my office. 5 minutes understand." He said in his deep manly voice pointing towards me and I nodded quickly while following him towards his office.

He went in and sat on his comfortable chair as he pointed towards another chair in front of him and I understood his action and quickly took a seat there.

"So Jimin," he said while looking at my portfolio. " You look like someone i used to know. Are you new this city?"

"No I am living here s-since i was a kid."

"Alright. Well it would be nice to work with you. I'm looking forward to it."

"Yeah sure me too sir."

"Oh just call me taehyung. I don't like my employees calling me sir."

"Ok si- taehyung."

Wow!! Just wow he is like a whole damn package like a full courses meal with dessert in a 5 star. His aura is so amazing. He is rich and polite too unlike many rich people. Hmm... I really like him.

Taehyung snapped his fingers as he realised that maybe i was staring at him for too long. He smiled and i shifted my gaze quickly while looking down.

"Ok jimin, meet you soon. Now go and jisoo will lead you to your work ahead."

"Ok taehyung."

I said while bowing and leaving quickly.

End of jimin's pov


"What is it brother?"

"I met him. He looks exactly like her."

"Are you talking about that blonde guy."

"Yes kook. He is exactly like her. You were not mistaken. What if it's some trick of hers?"

"I don't think so brother. Well not untill I confirm myself." Jungkook said while chuckling darkly.

"Jungkook he seems to be a nice and soft guy. Please be soft on him. Don't do anything severe. Please."

"Why brother are you already falling in her trap. Just like you did all those years ago. But don't worry I'll save you this time. I won't let her ruin our lives this time."

"Jungkook its not about her but him. He just seemed....different."

"Oh my sweet are getting a soft attitute day by day. Did you forget what we are? Hmm....did you forget that we are monsters. Monsters who hunt their prey."


The phone call was abrubtly cut off by Jungkook, The cold, ruthless and fierce leader of the underworld. One and only The JEON JUNGKOOK, someone whose name is enough for people to pee their pants and shit in it at the same time. He is so ruthless that there is quote saying never cross Jeon Jungkook or your life will be crossed.

Taehyung took out his laptop and started doing some background search on jimin, just to be sure that he isn't what they are thinking he is. He doesn't want that sweet looking innocent young boy to be entangled in Jeon Jungkook's life especially after knowing his brother.


"Mom! Mom please wake up....Please don't leave me mom. I need you." A eleven year old Jungkook was shouting sitting beside his mother who wasn't in condition to reply her little boy. She only raised her hand a little while her eyes still closed just to caress her son's face and then slowly her hand fell on the ground and she took her last breath. She was covered in blood on the floor of her small house.

The door flung open and a tall man barged inside wearing a classy three piece suit. He picked jungkook up in his arms and said, "Men don't cry little boy. Be a man."

"B-But my mom? Why is she not answering me?" The little boy asked the rich man while sobbing.

"Your mom is at a different place now. And my boy, now you'll take revenge from that person who send her to this place."


"Yes my little prince. My son hates these things and I need a new heir for my business as i will not be in proper condition to rule this world after ten years. You Jeon Jungkook, son of my best friend will be my heir. I will make you rule the entire world and also will take revenge of my brother like best friend and his wife."

The little boy did not seem to understand all these things properly, how can he? Revenge, little Jungkook did't even knew the proper meaning of revenge. He was just a shy little ball of happiness who filled everyone's lives with colours. But little did he know that now his own life was black and grey now. He was left alone. Two months ago his father was brutally murdered in their mansion. His mother and he somehow escaped saving their lives and were still greveing about loss of their dear one but fate is a *****. It had other plans. His mother was also killed exactly two months after his father's death.

That little boy was too young to understand that he will now never be able to see his parents.

End of flashback

Jeon jungkook was standing in the terrace of twenty-fifth floor at his personal suite. He was wearing a black jeans with his hair ruffled. A girl was lying ***** covered with a thin white silk bedsheet on his sofa.

Jungkook was staring at the night sky, shirtless feeling the air carresing every inch of his ***** body. This was the only time he felt like he was free. Free from his duties and tension of ruling an entire kingdom his foster dad left for him.

He was indulged in thoughts of a particular person, somone blond with a petite figure, charismatic aura and beautiful eye smile with full plumpy lips. PARK JIMIN.

This name was ringing in his head. He wanted to know more about this blond beauty. He wanted to explore him.

Jungkook mumbled to himself, "Nice to meet you, Park jimin." While carresing a photo of Jimin on his phone.

2. Do I know him?

Mom! Mom.... please don't leave me like this. Please! I'll be a good boy from now on. I'll complete my homework on time and I'll also not irritate Ji Chae. I love you mommy. Please don't leave me. I'll even help you in household chores. I'll also eat less and give my share of food to Ji Chae.

A nine year old little boy was sobbing uncontrollably while tugging onto his mother who was with him at a adoption center. She was giving away her child because she had no sources to take care of him. Her husband had committed suicide as he was in depression from last year. They had no source of income and his mother also had to take care of his little sister Ji Chae.




Jimin wakes up panting like he saw a bad dream. He had these dreams of a little boy crying while holding onto his mother saying her to not leave him but the face of the boy or the mother weren't clear. They were blur. Jimin didn't understand why did he had these dreams so frequently and was he connected to that dream?

Ignoring all the weird thoughts in his mind, jimin gets up from his bed with a sigh. He quickly freshened up and got ready for his second day at work. He didn't wanted to be late and piss of his boss or you can say someone he had a little crush on, Taehyung.

After that incident Jimin's love life was drier than Sahara. He was not in the condition to afford a relationship. Afterall sometimes boys can be a lot of work.

He was sure that he won't take back his jerk boyfriend in any condition and he also wasn't ready to move on from the unacceptable loss of his little one.

But now the condition was different. Jimin had a different kind of hope in him. These days he was happier and joyous. Maybe he can start afresh. Life don't have to be stuck at a same point, sometimes if we make efforts we can move on and start new.

"Kim Taehyung....hmm he is hot. Oh Jimin, what are you thinking he is your boss! Control darling." Jimin was Talking to himself while looking at the mirror.

"Well I know he is my boss but what's wrong in having a crush? Right, it's not like I am having daydreams about being underneath him on my bed!" Jimin said while chuckling a little.

"Oh stop you horny freak. I know you haven't gotten laid since forever but still....don't be a hoe. Let's get it jimin! Second day at office."






Jimin reaches his office and goes inside.

"Hey Jimin!" A sweet voice greeted him while waving at him.

"Hey Jisoo! How are you?"

"Oh I am totally alright. By the way, go to conference room. Sir was calling you to meet him."


Jimin's POV

What! Taehyung is calling me to meet him. OMG!

I enter the conference room which is on the third floor of this huge building and it was all dark. I am not a huge fan of the dark especially after my accident and even before that I've always hated darkness. It makes me feel empty and alone and I hate that feeling.

I was drowned in my thoughts but suddenly I stumbled upon something. I thought I'd hit my head on the ground but a strong pair of arms engulfed me. It must be Taehyung, aww so sweet and hot of him to protec-....

Sunddenly the lights were back on and I saw a smug face smirking at me and it did not look like Taehyung.

"AAAAA....." I suddenly screamed and next thing I knew was I was on the ground. I groaned in pain, how can someone let someone fall on the ground after holding them like that.

I looked at that man and saw a pair of doe eyes looking down at me. The guy was handsome but no....not my type.

"What are you staring at? Get up quickly." The doe eyed man said with manly voice.

"Umm...excuse me Mr. whatever your name is, you made me fall in the first place and now you are being rude." Jimin scoffed.

"Whatever, now get up and I have to talk to you."

Jimin quickly got up and shrugged a little. he looked towards the handsome guy and they made eye contact. The handsome man was taking slow steps towards Jimin and Jimin started stepping backwards untill his back collided with the wall.

The handsome man hovered over him and leaned closer and closer. So close that their lips were just inches apart. If someone saw from behind they'd definitely think that the two young men are colliding their lips.

Jimin's breath hitched and his heart beat fastened. He didn't knew why was he feeling like that or what was this uneasy feeling inside him. He quickly glanced at the man's lips and then back to his eyes. The man was already looking at his lips. Jimin never knew he wanted to kiss those lips so badly but still he forced himself to resist the urge to engulf those lips with his own.

The doe eyed handsome man smirked playfully and then stepped away while checking out Jimin. He then licked his lips and cleared his throat to speak something but Jimin was too focused on his face to notice what he was saying.

"Hey can't you hear what I am saying. I don't like to repeat myself."

"Umm....I am sorry I was..."

"Busy on checking me out?" The man said and Jimin got flustered.

"No...I wasn't checking you out, and for your information you aren't even my type at the first place."

"What how can you say that. I am everyone's type. I am like the most handsome, youngest billionare and most successful young businessman in the entire country and you are saying that I an not your type......not your type?" The handome man asked furiously while his eyes were widened by the fact that the cute person infront of him just said that he isn't his type. Jeon Jungkook is everyone's type.

Suddenly the door flung open and Kim taehyung entered the room in a hurried manner,

"Sorry for being late. Jimin this is Jungkook your new boss you are being transferred from assistant designer to his personal assistant."

"WHAT?" Jimin's eyes widened when taehyung said that. "But I am a designer how can I work as someone's personal assistant? That's not even my speciality."

"Then work on it and be better or resign from the company. And if you resign then it means you are terminating the contract which means you'll have to pay a compensation of total ten millions." Jungkook said bitterly.

"WHAT..? TEN MILLIONS? I don't even have money to properly maintain a better lifestyle and you are asking me to pay you compensation?"

"Then work as my personal assistant."

Jimin's POV

What? he is my new boss and I told him that he isn't my type and what not. How can I be so embarrasing. Jiminie.....why is that whenever these kind of situations occur you are always entagled in them?

Now I'll have to work for him as no way in hell I will be able to pay that compensation amount. I'll have to agree to him. Why am I even in this situation at first place. Ugh.....I hate my life, I want to bury myself in ground.

But why does it look like I have seen him somewhere? He looks so familiar.

Do I know him?





3. He is rude

But why does it look like I have seen him somewhere? He looks so familiar.

Do I know him?

I was snapped back to reality from my thoughts by a deep voice ringing in my ears "Jimin, you ok?"

"Yes I am. Okay then, I'll work for you Mr.....?"

"Jeon....It's Mr. Jeon."

Jeon....nice name, but will it be ok working with him? Ugh! Why am I surrounded by these hot and handsome people in this office. I need some ******* air. I can't breathe anymore, it's so suffocating.

"Now if you guys excuse me, I'd like to shift my working I'll be your personal assistant so...."

"Yeah, ask jisoo about that she'll tell you."

"Oh! Ok. Thanks Mr. Kim and Mr. Jeon. I'll take my leave now.

End of Jimin's POV




"Jungkook what was that?" Taehyung asked furiously while side eyeing Jungkook.

"What was what?"

"That.....why were you ogling Jimin like that?"

"What, Am I not allowed to appreciate beauty when i see one? Huh..."

"Jungkook, stay away from him. Please"

"Why brother? Does he also makes your heart flutter like Kat did?"

"What? No....please just keep him out of these things. I've found his entire history and he is just an innocent boy. He knows nothing about anything."

"Well I have to be sure... Jeon Jungkook doesn't take chances."





Jimin was arranging his new desk which was right outside Jungkook's office. Jimin was a little annoyed by the fact that he won't get to meet and see Taehyung that often. A sudden tap on his shoulder awakened him from his trance and he turned around to see who it was.


Jimin saw a handsome man with a dimple smile with seamless glasses looking at him. He was wearing a black formal suit and was looking absolutely dashing and spectacular in it.

"Namjoon hyung...." Jimin gasped with surprise and shock as he wasn't expecting the older male to be here.

"Hey! Its been a long time since I last saw you. Look at you, looking all beautiful as ever."

"What are you doing here hyung. You remember me now? After all these months...Where were you even? You dissapered suddenly after breaking up with Jin hyung over phone and now you are here acting all normaly?"

"I am really sorry Jimin, but I had my reasons. I didn't want to leave him but I had to leave him. If that makes any sense."

"Exaclty it doesn't. What are you even doing here?"

"I...I am financial advisor in this firm. I have a meeting with Jungkook."

"You mean Mr. Jeon?"

" know him?"

"Yup! I work for him. I am his personal assistant starting from today."

"What? But Jungkook never keeps a fresher as his personal assistant?"

They were interupted by none other than Jungkook, "Mr. Kim, I thought you had meeting with me? Please come inside."




"Mr. kim? huh...." Namjoon asked Jungkook as soon as they were in his office.

"Hyung, you know I have to be formal in office and in front of our employees."

"Yes Jungkook, I understand it. So shall we discuss about that investment in that new project?" Namjoon asked while taking a seat infront of Jungkook in his office.

"Yes hyung, but before that how do you know Jimin?"

"Umm...I....Why are you asking?"

"Hyung, no extra questions, did you forget?"

"Oh! Sorry, sometimes I forget that we all are also mafias and you are our boss. I am really sorry sir." Namjoon understood that this topic might be serious for jungkook, mafia JK not businessman JK.

"About Jimin, I used to date his neighbour...and then we broke up. While we were together us three were quite close and I have always cared for him like a brother. Jimin has no family so Jin treats him as his family and I also cared for him a lot....even now that boy makes me soft for him. He is just so pure and serene."

Jungkook was listening with his full attention trying to find one fact that'll connect Jimin to Kat. He has seen a glimpse of Kat in Jimin and he wants to ruin anyone who ever has a relation to Kat.

Maybe Jimin could be a man send by her to enter and destroy their lives or mabe Jimin could be Kat herself disguising into a man....

OH MY GOD! Kat and Jimin's facial features are so similar. Jimin seems as male version of her by looks. What if?

But Kat had a totally different aura, she had a seducing and horny kind of aura but Jimin....Jimin's aura is so heavenly. How can they be the same?




Jimin was trying to understand his new work as it was all so new for him. He had never done this type of work before so, he wanted to be perfect as he doesn't wished to be kicked out by the firm. He needs this job especially after so much inflation and till when will he depend on Jin for his expenses. He knows Jin is like family but still being a burden on someone hurts Jimin's self respect. He wants to pay Jin back for all thesr years he took care of him.

Jimin was indulged in his thoughts but a loud shrill voice broke it, "Jimin!"

Jimin rushed towards his boss's office and bowed immediately. "Y- yes Mr. jeon."

"Where is my scedule and everything? Don't you think being my personal assistant you should have had everything already placed on my table? It's about to be lunch time and you are not done yet? Do I give you salary for this? If I dont get my scedule in next 15 minutes trust me I am going to cut off 50 percent of your salary." Jungkook said darkly while looking Jimin straight in the eye.

Jimin visibly gulped and tears start to fill his eyes. He was a really sensitive person especially after that accident. He tried answering Jungkook that the scedule was right there kept in front off him beneath his red file but the words werent coming out as it felt like they were choking him. He still answered Jungkook.

"S...Sir, I've already made the scedule and placed it on your desk."

"Oh really, then where is it because I am not able to see...." Jungkook paused as Jimin came closer and picked up the red file revealing the scedule which Jungkook wanted.

Jungkook lips formed O shape unknowingly and he looked at the file then at scedule and then at Jimin.

Embarassed from his actions, he took the scedule and started checking it while clearing his throat. "What about my pre lunch coffee?"

"Mr. Jeon, I've already told Lia about it and she will be bringing it within five minutes.

"Oh...ok you can leave now and have your lunch."

"Umm ok sir." Jimin said before turning around and waking with a cute pout on his lips because Jungkook had scolded him without any reason.

Jimin thought to himself while sitting in his chair, "He is rude!"





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