NovelToon NovelToon


Chapter 1~

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~Chapter 1~
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Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
Oli.... Olive....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
Get up....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
You will be late for school....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
GET UP.....
Olive {MC younger brother}
Olive {MC younger brother}
Nnnn>> I want to sleep more brother....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
*Come and lift him up* No.... It's already 7'o clock....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
Get up and get ready....
Olive {MC younger brother}
Olive {MC younger brother}
Mmm>> Why don't you just get up late brother..??
Olive {MC younger brother}
Olive {MC younger brother}
That's how I can sleep more....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
Mm I will do that tomorrow... so get up now....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
*Give crutch to him*
Olive {MC younger brother}
Olive {MC younger brother}
Haaa you always say that....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
Olive {MC younger brother}
Olive {MC younger brother}
*Get up holding crutch and went to the bathroom*
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
Ella {MC younger sister}
Ella {MC younger sister}
I am up.... Don't scream....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
Hehehe... Ok get ready....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
I will prepare the breakfast.....
Ella {MC younger sister}
Ella {MC younger sister}
*Come running* DON'T YOU DARE....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
*Pouts* Why..???
Ella {MC younger sister}
Ella {MC younger sister}
Don't you know why..??
Ella {MC younger sister}
Ella {MC younger sister}
Just don't do anything... I will do it....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
🥺 But....
Ella {MC younger sister}
Ella {MC younger sister}
Don't give that face to me.... Just go and get ready....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
*Pouts* You are so mean....
Three of them sitting down
Olive {MC younger brother}
Olive {MC younger brother}
Waaaa today we are having egg rice....
Olive {MC younger brother}
Olive {MC younger brother}
I love it....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
Hahaha.... *Ruffle his hair* Eat a lot....
Olive {MC younger brother}
Olive {MC younger brother}
*Pouts* Don't touch my hair.... You will ruin it....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
Hehe ok....
Ella and Olive start to eat
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
*Looking at rice bowl sitting stilll*
Ella {MC younger sister}
Ella {MC younger sister}
*Glance at Ario and sighs*
Ella {MC younger sister}
Ella {MC younger sister}
Brother... You can eat now....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
*Big smile* Thank you for the food....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
*Start to eat*
Ella {MC younger sister}
Ella {MC younger sister}
*Sighs sadly*
Olive {MC younger brother}
Olive {MC younger brother}
*Look at Ario pouting sadly*
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
Ella isn't it your test today...??
Ella {MC younger sister}
Ella {MC younger sister}
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
Do well ok..?
Ella {MC younger sister}
Ella {MC younger sister}
You don't have to worry... I am never going to fail....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
Hehe I know....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
My Sister is the best....😄👍
Ella {MC younger sister}
Ella {MC younger sister}
Olive {MC younger brother}
Olive {MC younger brother}
Oh brother did you see our neighbor..??
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
No... Owner told me one guy is staying there....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
But I never saw him....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
Olive {MC younger brother}
Olive {MC younger brother}
Nothing... When previous neighbor is there I can always go their house to play.....
Olive {MC younger brother}
Olive {MC younger brother}
Now I can't go anywhere....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
Ohh.... *Feel bad*
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
😃How about you play with me..??
Olive {MC younger brother}
Olive {MC younger brother}
But you always come home late....
Olive {MC younger brother}
Olive {MC younger brother}
Because of your part-time job....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
🥺 How about Ella play wi....
Ella {MC younger sister}
Ella {MC younger sister}
Don't even think about it....
Ella {MC younger sister}
Ella {MC younger sister}
I am High School student.... I have too much to study....
Ella {MC younger sister}
Ella {MC younger sister}
Don't you know that I study at library for late night....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
😥That's true....
Olive {MC younger brother}
Olive {MC younger brother}
🥺I will be all alone like always....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
H.. how about I talk to our neighbor..??
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
I will ask him if you can stay with him for a while at night....
Olive {MC younger brother}
Olive {MC younger brother}
😃 I love it... I will not give him a hard time and will be a good boy....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
*Chuckle* Ok... Let me talk to him....
Ella {MC younger sister}
Ella {MC younger sister}
Don't you dare....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
But Ella...
Ella {MC younger sister}
Ella {MC younger sister}
We don't even know who he is... and what he is...
Ella {MC younger sister}
Ella {MC younger sister}
How can we let Olive stay there when we are not around..?
Ella {MC younger sister}
Ella {MC younger sister}
What if he is someone weird or murderer..??
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
T.. that's too muc...
Ella {MC younger sister}
Ella {MC younger sister}
*Glare at him*
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
*Gulps and look Oli*
Olive {MC younger brother}
Olive {MC younger brother}
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
Olive {MC younger brother}
Olive {MC younger brother}
*Smiles and start to eat*
Ella {MC younger sister}
Ella {MC younger sister}
I already said... Don't you dare to go there...
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
Hehehe... Ok....
|| ÷ be continued....
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Chapter 2~

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~Chapter 2~
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Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
Bye Oli..... *Waving hand*
Olive {MC younger brother}
Olive {MC younger brother}
Bye.... Don't get into any trouble today.....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
*Pouts* I will not....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
Ella bye....
Ella {MC younger sister}
Ella {MC younger sister}
*Wave hand not looking back*
Ella {MC younger sister}
Ella {MC younger sister}
Don't get kicked out from your job AGAIN.....
Ella {MC younger sister}
Ella {MC younger sister}
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
😫 I will not ok....
After they left Ario cleaned kitchen and wash the dishes....
Rather than clean he broke half of them
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
Oh ho.... Ella going to get mad at me again....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
*Look at the clock* Oh... I will be late for work....
Ario come out locking the door
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
*Glance at next door* Hmm....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
What do I do..??
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
I don't know who stays here....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
What if he some weirdo like Ella said..??
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
Isn't it bad for Oli..?? So I will not ask him anything....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
And Ella will kill me if she knows....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
*Walk past from next door*
Olive {MC younger brother}
Olive {MC younger brother}
I will be all alone like always....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
*Pause* No... Oli will always alone because I work late....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
He will be lonely and sad on his own....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
I will keep it a secret from Ella...
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
Anyway she will not be home.... and Oli can be back before she back from her study room....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
Ok then.... *Nods and come to the next door*
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
*Take a deep breath and knocks at the door*
Ario knocked for few times.... But no one come out....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
Hmm I think no one at home....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
I will be late if I waste my time here....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
*Walk away*
After he left some big figure open the door and look towards Ario....
He have beer can in one hand and cigarette in one hand...
Who the fúçk....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
😄Morning sister....
Lena {Owner of cafe}
Lena {Owner of cafe}
Morning Ario....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
Where is Miles..??
Lena {Owner of cafe}
Lena {Owner of cafe}
*Sigh* That guy... I don't know....
Lena {Owner of cafe}
Lena {Owner of cafe}
Maybe he went for drink all night AGAIN....
Lena {Owner of cafe}
Lena {Owner of cafe}
I want to fire him....
Lena {Owner of cafe}
Lena {Owner of cafe}
But what do I do..? He is my cousin....
Lena {Owner of cafe}
Lena {Owner of cafe}
If I fire him... my mom will fire me....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
Lena {Owner of cafe}
Lena {Owner of cafe}
By the way mr Ario....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
Y...yes..?? 💭 She said Mr... that means....
Lena {Owner of cafe}
Lena {Owner of cafe}
Do you know how many cups you broke yesterday..??
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
Ahhh😧.... *Bows*
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
Lena {Owner of cafe}
Lena {Owner of cafe}
Waaa you scared me....
Lena {Owner of cafe}
Lena {Owner of cafe}
I am not scolding you... But I have to cut your pay for the broken glasses....
Lena {Owner of cafe}
Lena {Owner of cafe}
If it's go on... You will not get paid anything and you will have to work for me free...
Lena {Owner of cafe}
Lena {Owner of cafe}
So be careful and don't make any mistake....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
🥺 Okay....
Lena {Owner of cafe}
Lena {Owner of cafe}
😣Aish that face.... I can't even get mad....
|| ÷ be continued....
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Chapter 3~

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~Chapter 3~
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Miles {2nd MC}
Miles {2nd MC}
Hey Ario...
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
*Wave* You are late again....
Miles {2nd MC}
Miles {2nd MC}
Who cares..??
Miles {2nd MC}
Miles {2nd MC}
This is my cafe....
Lena {Owner of cafe}
Lena {Owner of cafe}
Lena {Owner of cafe}
Lena {Owner of cafe}
Your cafe..??
Lena {Owner of cafe}
Lena {Owner of cafe}
*Pinch his ear* 💢Are you out of your mind..??
Lena {Owner of cafe}
Lena {Owner of cafe}
You come late again....
Miles {2nd MC}
Miles {2nd MC}
Ouch... ouch... It hurts sis....
Lena {Owner of cafe}
Lena {Owner of cafe}
Your mom told me to make you work so you can learn something....
Lena {Owner of cafe}
Lena {Owner of cafe}
💢But you always go out and party all night....
Lena {Owner of cafe}
Lena {Owner of cafe}
💢 If you go on like this... I will tell your mom....
Miles {2nd MC}
Miles {2nd MC}
Go ahead and tell her....
Miles {2nd MC}
Miles {2nd MC}
I am going to tell YOUR mom that you always bully me....
Lena {Owner of cafe}
Lena {Owner of cafe}
💢 What..?? You....
Excuse me....
Miles {2nd MC}
Miles {2nd MC}
Oh customer is here...
Miles {2nd MC}
Miles {2nd MC}
Welcome sir....
Miles {2nd MC}
Miles {2nd MC}
*Go to customer*
Lena {Owner of cafe}
Lena {Owner of cafe}
💢 This guy... I really want to smack him....
Lena {Owner of cafe}
Lena {Owner of cafe}
💢🙄 AAAAA....RI....OOOOO......
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
😭 Sorry....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
*Walking on sidewalk*
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
😣 I broke 4 more glasses today....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
Good that she didn't fire me....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
But I did my best to not broke more cups like previous....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
🥺But I am really not going to get paid if this goes on....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
🥲 Ella will kill me if I don't get paid....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
😞Why am I so stupid and clumsy..??
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
*Bump into someone* Oh.... Sor....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
*Trembles* S... sorry.... *Bows and run from there*
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
What was that..??
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
What is wrong with him..???
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
Why did he stare at me like that..??
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
I got chills.... *Body shivers*
Ario go to the convenience store
*Smiles* Good evening....
Convenience store guy
Convenience store guy
Oh Ario.... Good evening....
Convenience store guy
Convenience store guy
I am sorry for calling you early today....
Convenience store guy
Convenience store guy
You know I need to go home because of my parents anniversary....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
It's ok.... You can go....
Convenience store guy
Convenience store guy
But what about your job at bar..??
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
You don't have to worry... They told me that they will cover my work today....
Convenience store guy
Convenience store guy
Sorry and thank you so much....
Convenience store guy
Convenience store guy
I will transfer the money for extra hours.... and I will double it ok....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
*Happily nods and bows* Ok... Thank you....
Convenience store guy
Convenience store guy
*Left patting his back
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
Ario you did great....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
Now you can save the money for Ella tution....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
Oh Oli birthday also coming near...
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
I need to take another job....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
But what job is there that I am good at..??🤔
Ario sit on counter chair and start to think about his next job....
In that time one customer come inside and grab cigarettes from the rack....
Bill it for me....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
Yes.... *Look up*
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
*Pause and gasp*
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
H... handsome....
Ario {MC}
Ario {MC}
No... S.. so hot....
🤨What did you say..???
|| ÷ be continued....
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