NovelToon NovelToon

Changing Life With Online Shop Skill

Episode 1

"Hmm, where is this place?"

As I looked around, I realized I was in the middle of a forest—a dark one filled with towering pine trees. Thankfully, the absence of dense underbrush made it easier to survey my surroundings.

"Wasn't I camping on the mountain?"

While gazing at my tent, I tried to make sense of the current situation. Unable to understand it, I decided to first check the contents of my tent. Inside, I confirmed that all my camping gear was still intact. Then, I picked up my compass, survival knife, and tracking pole with the intention of scouting the area.

Confusion washed over me as I took in my environment. The vegetation here included some I didn't recognize. Strengthening my resolve, I continued to walk through the forest, uncertain if I was heading deeper into it or towards the edge. For reference, I chose to follow an easterly direction from my starting point. After nearly an hour of exploring, I stumbled upon something crucial—two people, girls, both injured.

One appeared to be between fifteen to nineteen years old, with short, disheveled black hair. The other was a small girl, about five, also with short hair. They seemed to be siblings given their similar features.

"Hey, are you both okay?"

"Pl-Please help us...."

The older girl spoke with what little voice she had left.

Seeing their condition, I made the decision to transport them to my tent. Of course, I had to carry them one at a time, considering I was no weightlifter.

It took a strenuous three hours, but I managed to get both of them to safety.

With almost noon upon us, it was time to prepare food. Luckily, I had brought a three-day food supply. Considering the current situation, I decided to cook everything since there were now two extra mouths to feed.

Right after I finished cooking, both individuals regained consciousness. Thankfully, they were okay, though as I had noted earlier, injured.

"Are you both feeling alright?"

I asked the older one; it wasn't possible to inquire about their welfare from the youngest.

"Ye-yes, we're fine now, thank you for saving us!!!"

She seemed a bit nervous, which was understandable. After all, I was a stranger to her.

"Don't be too nervous, come on, join me for a meal, I'm sure you're hungry too."

The youngest looked like she was just observing the food, quite adorable in my opinion.

"Th-Thank you, mister, is it alright for you to share your food with us?"

"Of course, don't worry about it, let's eat together."

They hesitantly accepted my invitation.

"Ah, I forgot to ask earlier, may I know your names? My name is Martin, I'm from xxx."

"I-I'm Riese, from Molly Village, and this is my sister Alice."

"Ha-Hello, Mister, Alice is Alice."

"Hello Alice, do you like the food?"

"Yes, mister, it's very tasty, Alice hasn't had anything like it before."

"Eh, haven't you had noodles like this before, Alice?"

"No, it's Alice's first time"

Alice said, a slight blush on her cheeks.

"Sorry to trouble you, Mister, it's our first time having it too, it's really good!"

"Eh, really? Aren't these common at regular diners?"

Riese's face held confusion. From her expression, I could tell she had several questions in mind.

"Wait a minute, Molly Village? Where exactly is that?" I suddenly thought of a fundamental question. Why was I only now realizing, isn't this odd? Their features didn't resemble mine, they looked more European. Oh right, my features are Asian, I'm from country X.

"Molly Village is in the Mazica Kingdom, in Baron Vine territory. Mister, I hadn't heard of xxx before, is that a nearby village? It's my first time hearing of it."

"No, i-it's quite far from here."

I replied, a little shocked.

"So how did the two of you end up in this forest? Oh, sorry, I shouldn't have asked so suddenly."

"It-It's fine, Mister. Our village was attacked by monsters. I live with my sister Alice, and when the monsters attacked, I took her and ran to the forest as dawn broke. We fell from exhaustion, but luckily, we found you, mister."

Could there really be monsters here? I started to entertain some possibilities.

"Riese, could there be magic in this world?"

"Yes, Mister, I can use water magic. Can't you use magic too?"

Eh~, what is this? Is magic normal in this world? I'm almost certain this is another world. I feel a spark of excitement. Ah, Martin, calm down, remember, you're an adult.

"I-I just learned about it from Riese. How did you find out you could use magic?"

"Oh, is that so? If you want to know your own abilities, mister, you just have to say 'Status open.'"

I began to check Riese's status.


Name: Riese

Age: 15

HP: 80% (+20%)

MP: 50% (+20%)

Unique Skills: - Soul Calmer

General Skills: - Water Magic lv2

- Cooking lv4


"By the way about the status, Mister. You can see mine because I haven't restricted it. If you don't want others to, they normally wouldn't be able to see yours."

Indeed, this was another world. As I kept my excitement at bay, I checked my own status.

"Status Open"


Name: Martin

Age: 25

HP: 100%

MP: 100%

Unique Skills: - Online Shop

- Item Box

- Appraisal

General Skills: - Cooking lv10 (Max)

- Unarmed Combat lv9

- Fire Magic lv5

- Water Magic lv5

- Wind Magic lv5

- Earth Magic lv5

- Trading lv10 (max)


I also showed Riese my skills.

"Eh, Mister, you have three unique skills?"

"Is that remarkable?"

"Of course, Mister!! It's already amazing to have just one."

"Then you're also great, aren't you, Riese?"

"I-It's just that mine aren't as useful," Riese replied, a bit embarrassed.

"How do you use them, Riese?"

"Simply think of which skill you want to use, Mister, and it'll activate automatically."

"Alright," I pondered over the online shop.

Within a moment, an online shopping panel appeared before me.

Eh\, isn't this like S***pee? I was surprised by the panel. Seeing the balance\, I was in shock. Isn't that all my savings?

"Mister, what's this?"

"Ah, this is my unique skill; basically, I can buy things from here."

"Eeh~, Isn't that amazing?"

"Let's try," I said to Riese.

I checked what I could buy. It would be wise to purchase clothes for them first. I estimated their sizes and pressed "okay," and a cardboard box appeared before us.

"Wow, Mister, what kind of magic is this?" asked Alice, her eyes sparkling.

"This is Mister's unique magic, impressive, isn't it?"

"Yes, Alice wants to use magic too."

"Hahaha, Alice needs to be seven years old first before your status can be opened," Riese informed her.

"Alice wants to grow up quickly," said Alice with enthusiasm.

"Hahaha, I can't wait to see that," I responded.

Afterward, I started to unbox the cardboard and took out the clothes.

"Riese, Alice, these are for you. Your current clothes are torn, try these on."

"Eh, is that really okay, Mister?"

"Yes, of course, go ahead and change."

"Thank you, Mister," Riese and Alice said gratefully.

"Ah, before that, let's finish our meal."


Episode 2

"Martin, have you finished your report?"

"Yes, I've just wrapped it up, sir."

"Thank goodness. In that case, could you please also take care of last month's Sales Report? My nephew hasn't finished it since he just got married."

"But sir, isn't Ria supposed to be responsible for her report?"

"Hey, what are you implying! I already told you, she just got married. Can't you lend a hand?"

"Alright, Mr. Manager."

"Hahaha, that's the Martin I know!"

Suddenly, memories of my past life flooded back to me. I was an office worker in the marketing department of a cosmetics and skincare company. I was often taken advantage of by my superiors because I wasn't the type to protest much or take a firm stand. In the end, it was this very nature of mine that led to my exploitation.

Tired of it all, I decided to use my annual leave to go on a vacation to Mount X in region X. Mountaineering was a hobby of mine, as I was part of a nature lovers group during my college days. I wanted to take a brief respite and ponder over what I should do moving forward.

(Can I really keep enduring life this way?)

Well, let's think about that once I reach the mountain peak.

Prepared my camping gear and set off to Mount X's tourist spot.

"Ah, what exhaustion,"

I've made it to the peak of Mount X at last. The view after a hike is truly worth enjoying. It feels like going through pain first to enjoy pleasure later.

"Alright, let's set up the tent first."

Despite the fatigue, it's crucial to pitch the tent first. I begin to erect the Cabin type tent, which is quite large and affordable. I prefer the spaciousness of this kind of tent as it's comfortable for me, though it might seem strange for someone camping alone to set up such a large tent.

Like most city dwellers, I tend to look after myself. For about five years, I've worked as a cosmetic and skincare salesperson. To many, I appear proficient in sales, which has allowed me to save over 150 million. How did I manage to save that much?

I've lived frugally with the primary goal of buying a modest home for my future abode.

Once everything is sorted, I start to relax and savor the view from Mount X. A red twilight sky accompanied by a cup of herbal tea is perfect for unwinding.

(Maybe I should just quit my job?)

With my savings, I think about starting a small eatery. Cooking is something I excel at. Not to brag, but that's my specialty, being someone who, at 25, is still unmarried.

As I read a web novel on my smartphone, I ponder. Isn't the protagonist's life somewhat similar to mine?

"Ah, I wish I could be transported to another world, I'm tired of living like this."


(Ah, is this a consequence of my own wish to switch worlds? Has it been granted?)

Moments later, I wake up from my dream.

"It seems I had a dream....."

Thinking about it again fills me with excitement. Have I finally escaped all my earthly troubles? Alright, let's plan out my new life. First thing I contemplate is my online shopping skill. Sure enough, my account shows a balance of 150,500,789.

I can also purchase anything from this online shop. Isn't that amazing? I can live in this world reminiscent of medieval Europe with a modern lifestyle.

(And what's this 'Item Box' skill? Is it like the one in games?)

Thinking about the item box, a panel with several squares as in games appears. It doesn't say how much it can hold, so I dismiss it.

Ah, indeed it is an item box like in games. How do you use it? Without thinking, I notice my watch. Before this, I had also verified that the time in this world is identical to Earth, which is 24 hours.

"Do you want to store it? (yes/no)"

When I choose yes, my watch vanishes from my wrist and its image appears in one of the item box's squares.

"Woah, this is amazing!" This really excites me.

Alright, let's try my last unique skill 'Appraisal'.

As I focus on the skill, I scan my surroundings.

"Good morning, Uncle Martin."

"Good morning, Riese," I greet her in return.

For now, we're staying together in the tent. Yesterday, I bought Riese and Alice each a sleeping bag, and they seem to like them.


Name: Riese

Condition: Just Woke Up


Ah, the panel that 'Appraisal' displays seems different from the 'Status' one, but it looks very useful.

"Uncle, uh... thank you for saving me and Alice..."

Riese still appears very grateful for the rescue.

"Don't dwell on it, I feel fortunate to have you two here."

Thanks to them, I don't feel alienated from this world.

"Good morning, Riese, Uncle Martin."

"Good morning, Alice," Riese and I greet her together.

"Brother, I want to go to that toilet again."

"Sure, I'll take you there."

Alice seems to fancy using the portable toilet. From what I've heard from them, the general populace uses rivers for bathing and sanitary needs.

(Hold on, doesn't Riese know how to use magic? Then why go through the hassle of the river?)

Thinking this, I approach Riese outside the tent waiting for Alice.

"Riese, don't you know magic? Why bother with the river?"

"Oh, it's about Mana efficiency, uncle. Generally, water magic users can only produce a wooden bucketful; overdo it, and the user might faint. It's better used for drinking than anything else."

"Is that so?" I think my portable toilet's water is magically sourced, and I could provide drinking water without feeling tired or fainting.

"Well, I suppose it's because you're special, uncle. Nobles are called nobles because they can wield large-scale magic, even in warfare, Uncle."

"Then I guess I should be more mindful when using magic."

"It would be wise, Uncle, your three unique skills are also quite special."

"Got it."

After that, I head back and start preparing breakfast for the three of us.

Let's have sandwiches; they seem perfect for breakfast today – light on the stomach.

I buy a pack of 6-piece sandwiches.

"Riese, Alice, let's have breakfast together."

""Okay, Uncle!""

"Uncle, this sandwich is delicious, the meat is tender, and the bread soft," Riese comments.

"Are the bread and meat here usually different?"

"That's right, Uncle. Bread and meat here tend to be tough."

Is that so?

I can tell from Alice's eager consumption.

"Riese, what are your plans going forward? Do you want to return to your village?"

Upon asking, I notice Riese's face cloud over with gloom. Thankfully, Alice doesn't understand the gravity of the situation.

"I don't know, Uncle. Our village may be destroyed. I'm not sure if there are any survivors, and I don't know the way back. I just fled into this forest of death..."

After hearing this, I make a decision. After all, I can relate to their situation since I've experienced it myself.

"Hey, Riese, Alice, how would you like to stay with me going forward?"

Riese looks at me, astounded, while Alice simply gazes at Riese.

"Wouldn't we just be a burden to you, Uncle?"

"What are you thinking? You're the first people I met here, and I already consider you family."

Touched by my words, Riese sheds tears and smiles at me gratefully.

"Thank you, Uncle, thank you..."

"Yaaayyy, we'll stay together."

Alice seems genuinely happy to be with me. Is this the feeling of family that I've long missed?

As I contemplate this, we continue our breakfast before eventually setting out on our journey.

Episode 3

POV Riese

My name is Riese, a 15-year-old. I live in Molly Village within the domain of Baron Vine. You could say I'm diligent and hardworking. I began living alone with my younger sibling when I was 11, after our parents died in an accident while on their way to sell their hunt in the city. It seems they were attacked by a group of bandits mid-journey. My sibling was not yet a year old at the time, so they probably don't remember it.

To provide for the two of us, I often took risks to gather vegetables or even forage for mushrooms to eat. The state provides some support, but it's never enough. Despite this, we've managed to survive so far. I usually venture into the woods with my peer Anna. She's a beautiful girl with long, wavy hair. The village leader's daughter, she's humble and willing to help me. Due to my shy nature, I don't have many friends in the village, but Anna is a close one.

"Riese, why are you taking so long?"

"Wait a moment, Anna."

Anna was calling out, lightly chiding me.

"What are you up to?"

"Oh, sorry. I overslept and was late preparing food for Alice. Shall we go then?"

"Alright, let's."

Anna and I went into the forest until it was nearly evening. As usual, we foraged for vegetables and mushrooms. The Death Forest is legendary for its danger.

"I think we should head back soon; it's getting dark," said Anna.

"Yes, we've found quite a bounty of mushrooms and vegetables today."

On the way back, we saw plumes of black smoke rising from the direction of our village. Anna and I hurried back home.

"Anna! Riese! Thank God you're both okay!"

"Mother, what's happened to our village?" Anna asked, panicked.

"The village is under attack by a horde of goblins. The men are fighting them off, Riese, and I've made sure Alice is safe indoors."

Goblins are short, child-sized creatures with elongated faces, fierce expressions, and green skin.

"Thank you so much, Auntie," I said, relieved to hear Alice is safe.


It was Anna's father, the village leader, shouting.

"What should we do?" Anna's mother asked in a panic.

"We must scatter. Each villager should find their own way. We can't stay together, or we'll be easy targets for the kobolds."

Kobolds are like werewolves but with dog heads and sharp teeth. They prefer to attack in groups, so dispersing seemed like the best defense as they'd likely go after the goblin horde first. After a brief deliberation, the men agreed the women should scatter first, and the men would follow after holding the goblins at bay.

"Riese, let's stick together. My mother and I are going to Baron Vine, where her family lives."

"That's right, Riese! Come with us!"

"No, Anna, Auntie. We must split up, or the men's efforts will be in vain. I'll take Alice to the Death Forest—it's dangerous, which might make it the safest place now. I've been there often."

I'm sorry, Anna, Auntie. I don't want to endanger you. It's the best choice. With tears in my eyes, I took Alice into the forest. I saw Anna crying as well, but still, we were best friends.


"Are we safe now?"

I scouted the Death Forest. Packed with monsters and wild animals, safety seemed likely at its edges.

Suddenly, we spotted two goblins not far from us, perhaps about 200 meters. Maybe I was unlucky, but they turned and saw Alice and me.

"Alice, get on my back."

Alice, though scared, managed to climb up.

I ran deeper into the forest. This was not the time to worry about its peril. The priority was saving Alice.

After running as hard as I could, I fell with Alice in tow. Thankfully, goblins aren't swift runners, so we were lucky. I used water magic to quench Alice's and my thirst. Having run heedlessly, I lost my bearings. I decided to continue deeper into the forest until, exhausted and disoriented, Alice, who is only 5, fainted.

I carried her until I collapsed from fatigue and at the height of despair…


"Hey, are you alright?"

"Please... help us..."

That voice was like an oasis in the desert. Without hesitation, I sought help and then fainted.

POV Alice

Hi, Alice is Alice. Alice's age is 5 years now. Alice is cheerful and loved in the village. Maybe it's the villagers' doing, so Alice hardly misses Mom and Dad. Alice knows they went to a faraway place, hard to visit. Alice hopes to meet them someday and make them happy.

Awakening, Alice found herself in a not-so-big cloth house. Although small, it seemed nicer than ours.

When Alice woke up, big sister was already awake, and we met the man who sister said saved us. An adult male with an ordinary face but very neat. Though a stranger, he appeared very friendly to us.

Alice liked him because he was so kind to her and sister.

The man also shared food we'd never tasted before – he called it noodles. They looked like worms but tasted delicious; Alice wanted more but was too shy to ask.

At this man's place, we didn't need to go far to relieve ourselves because of the portable toilet he provided. It was comfortable; Alice never liked the dark.

For breakfast, the man gave us the most delicious food. Alice didn't feel the usual hardness of bread and meat from the village. Is this man an angel sent by God?

It seemed odd that this man didn't know much yet possessed things others didn't. But despite this, Alice liked him a lot.

After a discussion between big sister and the man, it seems we were allowed to keep staying here?

"Yaaayyy to stay together!"

Alice was very happy. The man was so nice. Is this what it feels like to have a Dad? Alice was overjoyed.

Alice hoped to stay together forever.

With this man's presence, Alice felt safe and happy. Thank you, God, Alice relished this life. Big sister seemed happy too.

POV Riese

The man treated us kindly. I pondered what I could do in return.

I must not be a burden to him. I must strive to be independent.

(Come on, Riese! You can do this!)

That's how I cheered myself up inside.

But wait, I should also ask what he plans to do next. We should probably leave the forest and find the nearest town.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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