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My Mafioso Father-in-Law Wants Me!

Episode 1

“I think now you're a woman, Fiorella,” he said angrily, pulling up his pants.

“I'm going to tell my father that you forced me,” I said in the heat of the moment, although it was a lie, I wanted it as much as he did.

Argo went to the closet, opened a box, and pointed the gun in my direction.

“Repeat what you said!” Poor guy, he thought that a gun pointed at my head would intimidate me, so I repeated. “I said I will tell…” He unlocked the gun, making me startle.



Argo Romanov, the boss of the Mafia, and the patriarch of the Romanov family. I have been married to Loretha Romanov for 20 years, and I'm the father of Jared. After the death of my father-in-law, I took over his business and strictly control the illegal market.

To consolidate and strengthen our relationships outside the country, I made an agreement with Adalberto Ferraz, a marriage contract between his daughter and my son. If this marriage is forced, I don't care, things have to be done my way, I know what's best for our family and the business. I have been running illegal organized crime businesses for years and I am successful in everything I do.

I don't accept interference, I am strict as a father and husband. I got married young and since then, I have never been involved with any other woman. I am in love with my wife and I only have eyes for her.

I hear a knock on the door and ask for entry. It's Giasone, my right-hand man, the man I trust to carry out all the dirty work. I return my cigar to the ashtray and ask him to speak.

“Boss, we've been informed by our soldiers that the Ferraz family boarded a plane a few hours ago.”

“Don't worry, my dear, my son's marriage and the little girl are near. They are coming to reaffirm our agreement and have the engagement party. I want all the soldiers prepared, I don't trust that man, his son, or the girl.”

He nods and leaves the room, opening the door for my wife Loretha to enter. She walks like a queen and comes to me.

“You here, Loretha?” She sits on my lap and compliments me.

“Your idea of marrying Jared to the Ferraz girl was excellent, just like everything you do, darling.”

“Thank you, Loretha.”

My wife takes a photo printed on an A4 paper and puts it on my desk, I look at her confused and unfold the paper. It seems to be a photo of a girl taken from a distance, probably by one of our spies.

“Who is she?” I asked, not taking my eyes off the photo printed on the paper.

“She is Fiorella Ferraz, the one promised to our son.”

I look closely at the black and white photo. The little girl is young, I know she just turned 18, I received this news by email from her father himself. The agreement was for them to get engaged and married when she came of age. Even though she is 18 but looks 16, I can't help but notice her, she is a very beautiful young woman.

“Argo!” Loretha grabs my face with her hand, making our eyes meet. “She is beautiful, Jared will like her.”

“Even if he doesn't, Loretha. He has no choice,” I state, frowning. “Our son is 20 years old, I have already gone easy on him, he either gets married or I will disinherit him.


I heard that the old man, my father, has already arranged a girl for me, I never agreed with this nonsense. My motto has always been to fuck and move on to the next one kneeling at my feet. I am a Romanov, I will take care of all of this, and modesty aside, I am not someone to be wasted.

My father is such a pain in the ass, he thinks he owns the world. My mother, on the other hand, is completely different, she is sweet despite being married to a bitter man. But she never argues with Argo. He commands, she accepts. Loretha is the submissive wife he loves so much.

Although I don't want to marry such a young and inexperienced girl, the idea of fucking a virgin pussy excites me.

I enter my father's office without knocking, he looks at me as if I have done the worst thing in the world.

“If there's a door, it's for knocking, kid!”

"Are you watching porn?!" I scoff. "Why were you startled when I came in?" My father takes a deep breath and decides not to argue. I approach the table and see an open A4 paper.

"Who is this girl?"

"Your fiancée."

"You're mistaken if you think I'm going to marry a virgin girl."

"You don't have a choice, Jared. This is for the good of the empire you will one day inherit."

"Find someone else, father, anyone but a virgin."

"SHUT UP!" he punches the table. "Enough of your promiscuous lifestyle. They will arrive in a few hours, I want you here."

"But why her, just tell me that?"

"She's Ferraz's only daughter, Jared, he's the deputy chief of the German Mafia, and I need allies over there."

"I knew it, it's all for you guys."

"For us, boy. And become a man, I want you well-presented, they're arriving."

I smile ironically and leave the room, I will ruin this stupid contract. I will embarrass myself, and my "father-in-law" will immediately give up on giving his daughter to me.



I am Fiorella Ferraz and I hate being born into this family of mobsters. My father is the deputy chief of a mafia and to save his empire, he signed a marriage contract with Argo Romanov. I have been promised to his stuck-up playboy son, Jared Romanov, for two years now, and now that I'm 18, I'm being dragged to Australia to celebrate the engagement party.

I am a virgin and have never been touched by another man. I guess I should thank my father for keeping me secluded in the "castle" where we live. Throughout all these years of my life, I have never felt the desire or need for something to satisfy me, but my body has been changing, and yesterday when I accidentally saw a sex scene in a movie, I felt the need to touch myself. My body reacted immediately and that was unprecedented for me. I loved it.

And to know that I am only getting married, only being sold because I am pure, makes me want to surrender to anyone just to end this ridiculous contract. However, that is not my dream, it is not to marry someone I have never met, it is not to marry without love, and especially not a boy who is the son of a mobster.

I wanted to meet someone sensitive, romantic, a handsome man whom I can trust and whose presence does not put my life in danger.

We are on my daddy's private jet heading straight into the lions' den. We have been flying for hours. I am going to meet my future husband and his parents. I am also planning a surprise for my dear daddy. I am going to refuse this marriage in front of these damn mobsters, I doubt they will want me as their daughter-in-law after the surprise I will give them.

"Cheer up, Fiorella, we're not going to a funeral."

"For you, we're saving your money, right, father? But for me, it's my funeral."

"You still have luck, Fiorella," my brother speaks, causing me to roll my eyes in disdain. "You're marrying Jared, nothing more, nothing less than a Romanov heir."

"This girl is ungrateful, Jonah."

Jonah Ferraz is my brother, he is 25 years old, and he licks the ground where daddy steps. He is lucky, he has always been free, has everything he wants, and never lived locked up like me. Women in my family are slaves to contractual marriages.

Jonah already controls a good part of our family's business. He is a good brother, never did anything to strain our relationship, but it annoys me how he defends everything our father does and says.

I am super restless on this plane, thank goodness we are going back tomorrow, today would just be a meeting for me to meet the Romanovs and an engagement party.

We land, not at a normal airport where normal people disembark from a trip, but we land on a runway outside the city. I approach the window and see black-clad men up ahead.

"Who are they, father?"

"The people from your future father-in-law," Jonah answers, trying to annoy me.

They wear black suits and have automatic weapons in their hands. I didn't want to be part of this world, why did mommy leave me alone with these two?

We entered a car with tinted windows, me, my father, my brother, and the armed guys. In the car, they were discussing horrible things, illegal stuff, agreements with militias, everything I abhor.

"You can settle in here, my boss is finishing up a meeting."

We sat in a large room and waited for my dear future father-in-law. I hugged my father around the waist, feeling a dreadful sensation. His security guards looked menacing. As we entered the premises, I observed everything. They are disgustingly rich, this "castle" must have around 10 bedrooms. An exaggeration for a man, a wife, and a son. It must be more inhabited by armed criminals than by themselves. I feel disgusted by these people.

"Dad, let's go, there's still time, I have a terrible feeling."

"My love, it's too late for that. You have been prepared for this moment since you were 16, didn't you have time to get used to it?" he said, stroking my arm wrapped around his waist. Jonah is standing, evaluating the drinks on the shelf in the room. "But, Dad..."

"I don't want to hear empty talk, Fiorella, you won't say a word, I don't want to hear your voice when Argo is here."

I remove my arm from his waist and stand up to confront him.

"I won't agree to this, Dad. You're selling me to..." I stop speaking when I hear a noise, the three of us look towards the opening door. My father immediately stands up.


I had to leave an important business meeting when I found out that Adalberto Ferraz and his children had arrived. I called my wife and instructed her to bring Jared to meet his future wife.

As I approached the door, I could hear a soft yet irritating voice. A girl, defying her father and his orders. I opened the door and entered. I ignored the rebellious girl and greeted Adalberto Ferraz.

"Ferraz, my friend, good to see you again," I said, shaking his hand.

"Argo, it's an honor to be here and reaffirm our agreement."

"I see that you're a man of your word, I admire that."

"These are my children, Jonah Ferraz," I shake Jonah's hand. "This boy is talented at what he does, he makes me proud."

"I wish my son could bring me joy as well."

"And this is Fiorella Ferraz, my little girl," as he introduced his daughter, unfortunately, I had to shake her hand as well. I took a couple of steps towards her and extended my hand. I had to wait an eternity for her to respond and shake my hand back. The girl seemed furious with the situation, but no more than I. This girl's attitude is getting on my nerves. When her small hand touched mine, I felt her tremble. I pulled my arm back and walked to my desk.

"Please, have a seat, the three of you," I ordered them to sit in a harsh tone, I called the kitchen and asked them to bring something for them to eat.

Adalberto and his son sat down, the girl remained standing.

"You may sit, miss...?"

"Fiorella," she replied. "I'm fine standing."

Her words sent a jolt to my chest, I hate being challenged, and this is a challenge. She's defying a direct order of mine.

"I told you to sit, Fiorella," I raised my voice and ordered once again. She struggled to sit next to her father.

This girl clearly hasn't received any slaps in her childhood. She's insolent and defiant. If she thinks she can disregard my orders, she's mistaken. This Barbie is about to taste her own medicine. And I already know exactly what I'm going to do.

Episode 2


The door opens, revealing an incredibly intimidating man, a furious lion, big and cold. Light brown eyes and tanned skin. He approached my father and greeted him with a handshake.

"Ferraz, my friend, good to see you again."

"Argo, it is an honor to be here and reaffirm our agreement."

So he is the father of my future fiancé. Another tyrant who only thinks about money. I folded my arms in front of my body as my father introduces Jonah to the mafia boss. He didn't even look at me, didn't know me, and seemed to be angry with me. Funny because I felt the same way, I didn't even know my future father-in-law and already hated him.

"And this is Fiorella Ferraz, my daughter," my father pointed at me, and the big man looked into my eyes for the first time. He approached and extended his large hand. It took me ages to react, he frowned in anger, waiting for my reciprocation. I held his hand lightly, afraid to touch him, but when I did, he squeezed it, making me shiver. My arm trembled without knowing why.

The contact was extremely brief, he seemed to have an allergy or aversion to me. His voice deepened as he asked us to sit without even looking at us. My father and brother sat down, I remained in the same spot, I don't know why I did that, perhaps I was scared by the magnitude of my future father-in-law's arrogance. I hope his son is sweet, unlike his father, only then can he make me change my mind.

"You may sit, Miss...?"

"Fiorella," I said, "I'm fine standing."

He seemed to explode with anger at my response and exclaimed, "I told you to sit, Fiorella." I couldn't help it, my name sounded like music on those angry lips.

Take me away, daddy, I can't be part of this family. He looks like a monster from a horror movie. I looked at my father, he glared at me, to avoid irritating him, I sat down.

"Mr. Argo."

"Just Argo, Ferraz."

My father held my hand and squeezed it.

"Argo, I raised Fiorella and Jonah practically on my own. I want to say that... this is more than an agreement to me. I am giving up my stronghold because I know that she will be taken care of by your son."

Liar, my father wants to give a good speech, but he is first thinking about what he can gain in the future. The son of an arrogant man like Argo will never be able to take care of any woman.

"You can be sure that, as far as I am concerned, your daughter will be well taken care of," Argo's deep voice echoed through the room, and he looked at me for a moment.

I am already preparing my script to say in front of everyone, I don't want to get married and I won't get married.

"I noticed that you, Adalberto, are very fluent in English, just like your sons."

"We lived in Germany, but we have always been passionate about the English language. My children are very fluent."

"Argo," a woman's voice called the mafioso, then the door opened slowly. A woman and a boy entered, probably this boy is my arranged fiancé. She stood next to Argo and stroked his back.

"Adalberto, this is my wife, Loretha."

Loretha seems nice, just judging by her appearance. I believe that her son didn't take after her at all, as he seems irritated. My father stood up and greeted the woman.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Romanov."

"These are your children, Jonah Ferraz, and the young lady...?"

Argo must be kidding me. I stood up and greeted the woman myself.

"I am Fiorella Ferraz, pleased to meet you, Mrs. Loretha Romanov," I said and looked at Argo. He wrinkled his face at me, I didn't understand where so much anger came from.

"You are beautiful, Fiorella. Congratulations on your children, Mr. Adalberto," Loretha complimented, then she snapped her fingers to call her son. "Jared, come here." The guy got up from the couch, which had sunk when he arrived, and for the first time, he looked in my direction and approached.

"Holy... you are beautiful, miss."

I gave him a half smile while he held my hand and brought it to his lips. His eyes seemed to sparkle.

My future fiancé moved away, my father and Argo start discussing the engagement party that will be tonight.

"You all seem tired, I'll ask them to show you the room so you can relax before the party," Loretha says and everyone stands up.

"I wanted to say something," my father looked at me immediately, trying to intimidate me. "You didn't ask me what I think of this marriage."

Loretha smiles and asks, "Forgive our rudeness, what do you think, Fiorella? Is the party to your liking?" With this question, I realize that Loretha is talking about the buffet and the decoration we were just looking at. But she's mistaken, that's not what I'm going to talk about.

"The decoration looks perfect, Loretha, I want to say something else."

"Excuse me," Adalberto grabs my arm and starts dragging me out.

"No, dad, let me speak," I pull my arm. "How can you force me to marry someone they don't even know?" Jonah, my brother, covers his mouth in shock, Loretha looks lost, Argo and Adalberto furious. After analyzing each one, I feel more confident to speak. "I don't want this marriage."

"Sorry about my daughter, Mr. Romanov, she's confused. Give me a minute." My father holds my arm tightly and pulls me out of the room. "I'll tell you something, you ungrateful girl, if Argo gives up this marriage because of you, I'll marry you with Victor tomorrow."

"Victor? No, dad."

Victor is an influential old pervert in Germany and a friend of my father's. The old man has shown interest in me, I just didn't know that my father was considering marrying me to him, it makes my stomach churn.

"You're going to go in and apologize, say you want to marry his son, I don't know. Invent something convincing, or you'll marry Victor tomorrow."

Worse than marrying Jared Romanov is marrying Victor. Even so, I won't back down, I won't apologize, damn it.

The door opens and Jonah runs towards us.

"Father, Argo wants to talk to you."

"Do you see what you did, girl?" my father growls and enters the room, leaving me alone with Jonah.

"Do you know what you're? Screwed. Argo is furious in there."

"I don't care, Jonah, I'll only marry on the day of my death."

"Do you know what our father will do? He will marry you to Victor."

"I'll run away, Jonah." Jonah seems sad for me, but still, he thinks it's best for me to marry Jared. "If it were you, Jonah, would you marry?"

"Right away, if Jared were a woman, of course. You'll be in charge of all this in a few years, Fiorella."

"I never wanted this, Jonah. You know me better than anyone, I've always hated being born into a mafia family."

"Fiorella!" Adalberto opens the door smiling. It scares me, I expected him to be furious for ruining the agreement with the two.


Everything was going well, Jared seemed a bit irritated at first, but when he laid eyes on the insolent Barbie, he seemed enchanted by the girl. I liked seeing him amazed, it was one less problem for me to worry about. However, the little miss seemed upset, I could see on her face that she didn't want to marry my son. I ignored that damn doll-like face the whole time. I was tired of talking about the engagement when finally Loretha was going to end our meeting, the blondie decided to revolt.

"I wanted to say something. You didn't ask me what I think of this marriage."

Loretha asks about the wedding decorations. However, I already knew she was against it, I knew she would do something to avoid getting married. This girl has no idea what she's getting into. After her speech, her father pulls her out of the room.

"What was that, Argo?"

"The girl doesn't want to get married, Loretha, isn't it obvious?"

Jared approaches. "See, dad, even the girl doesn't want to get married. Forget about this marriage."

"You seemed enchanted with the girl, Jared."

"She's hot, dad, but she's a virgin."

I ignore Jared's comment and brush my fingers on Loretha's face.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of this." I lift my eyes and notice Jonah Ferraz is still in the room. "Jonah, can you call your father?"

"Of course."

Next, Adalberto Ferraz enters the room. His face is red, I'm sure he scolded his daughter and is terrified that I will terminate our agreement.

"Adalberto, I understand that you're worried. Jared doesn't agree with this marriage either."

"I want to apologize on behalf of Fiorella, Argo. I really didn't..."

"No need to apologize, my friend," I interrupt. "In fact, I believe it would be better if your daughter stayed with us until the wedding."

"What?" Loretha, Jared, and Adalberto are startled.

"That's right. The girl needs to get used to our family since the wedding is in three months. It would be good for her to familiarize herself with us first."

Fiorella thinks she can say whatever she wants and still come out on top. She will quickly realize that nobody messes with me. That wild beast needs to be tamed since her own father didn't have the guts to do it.

Episode 3

I am devastated, lost, destroyed. I just wanted to have control over my own life. I thought it would work, to express what I feel, but I was wrong. I only made things worse. Now I am a prisoner of the Romanovs.

I find myself alone in Australia, far away from home. My father and brother are leaving tomorrow and leaving me here, until the day of my wedding to Jared. I have been locked in this room at the Romanovs' house for hours. I could go back there and talk to them, but talking wouldn't do any good. They are wicked, and wicked people do this. They enjoy seeing people suffer. They should taste their own medicine.

They want me here, so they will have to deal with me, especially Don Argo Romanov. That man hates me, so I will give him more reasons to hate me even more. They will either kick me out of here willingly or forcefully. Damn life!

"Fiorella, my daughter, how are you?" my father shouts outside the door.

"Bad, dad," I reply.

"Open up."

I stand up, open the door, and throw myself on the bed.

"Fiorella, it will be good for you to get to know your in-laws and your future husband," he sits next to me on the bed.

"You are leaving me here alone, dad."

"You know we can't stay with you, right? Argo wanted the best for you. Didn't you always say you don't want to marry someone you don't know? Now you will have time to get to know him."

"Wait a minute," I sit up on the bed. "It was Argo's idea to leave me here?" my father nods.

He wants to destroy me. I don't know what I did to make him hate me so much. His furious pitbull face isn't enough, and now this.

"You haven't even dressed yourself yet, daughter. Your brother is already ready."

"It's just a dress, dad. I can dress quickly."

"It's not just a dress, there is makeup, hair, I want you to look perfect for your engagement party. Have you eaten anything?"

"I'm not hungry."

"Don't faint at the party, they will think you're sick."

"I won't faint, dad."

"You're lucky. If they had broken the agreement, I swear I would marry"

"But they didn't, right?" I interrupt. "Relax, dad."

"I'll be back in thirty minutes, be ready."

Adalberto grabs a bag and puts it on the bed, then leaves the room. I take a deep breath and try to accept this life. I open the package and see that it's a long, white dress. I take a shower to put it on. It's the most beautiful outfit I have ever seen. It fits my body perfectly. It accentuates my rounded butt and exposes one leg almost entirely. There is also a pair of heels in the bag.

I spend a good amount of time admiring my body in the mirror. I have never felt so beautiful and sexy before. The low neckline makes me even sexier. Wearing such clothes was forbidden by my father. He was afraid I would attract men. I tie my hair in a high bun, and when I'm about to finish applying makeup, someone knocks on the door, startling me.

"Fiorella, it's Loretha. Can I come in?"

Loretha seems different from Argo. I could be wrong, but something tells me she might be able to help me change his mind. I go to the door and open it.

"Hi, Loretha."

She looks me up and down.

"You look stunning, Fiorella," she takes my hand and makes me twirl. "You have a perfect body." I give a half-hearted smile and thank her. "What's wrong? You're not happy, are you?"

"Come in," I gesture and she enters, closing the door while I look at myself in front of the mirror.

"Look, I promise you will be treated well here."

"It's not that, Mrs. Loretha," she holds my chin and turns my face.

"Then what is it?" she asks, grabs a lipstick and applies it to my lips. "You have a beautiful mouth, Fiorella, this lipstick will enhance your lips better."

I wanted to tell her that I don't accept what they are doing, but I don't know if I can trust Loretha yet.

"It's just that I wish I could choose my own husband."

"Look, my marriage to Argo was the same way. I was forced to marry and didn't want to accept it, but now I am the happiest woman in the world by his side."

How can a woman be happy by the side of a man like him? An animal in human form. Loretha keeps trying to make me understand.

"Just give time to time, my son is a good person. They just need more time to talk and get to know each other."

"Thank you, Loretha. You seem like a good person, unlike Argo Romanov." I spoke and regretted it, said without thinking and froze in the same second I saw her staring at me.

"Argo is bossy, I know. It's just the way he is, you'll get along. I promise I'll do everything to make him be patient with you."

I want to stay away from that man, that's for sure.


I heard from my men that the girl stayed locked in her room for hours. She must be devastated, poor thing. I wonder if maybe I exaggerated in asking her to stay here without her father and brother. No! Reflecting on it, I am right. It was her fault, she said whatever she wanted, took what she didn't expect. After today she will behave and learn to respect our family.

"My love." Loretha approaches and runs her nails on my bare chest. "Fiorella is upset.

"If she stays, it's the consequence of her actions, dear. I hope she learns to respect us, she denied the marriage in front of our son."

"I didn't ask, my love, I stated. I was with Fiorella just now."

"And how is she?"

"Sad. You need to go easy on her, the girl just turned 18, she'll be away from her father and brother."

"I'll try, Loretha. That girl annoys me."

"Why does she annoy you? What did the girl do?"

I don't know what she did, I can't explain why she annoys me so much. Maybe it's the doll-like appearance and the audacity that her face conveys. She's so insolent.

"She annoys me because she said in front of us that she didn't want to get married." I try to end this topic by asking about Jared. "Where is that fool?"

"I haven't seen him for hours."

I leave wearing my shirt, but Loretha holds onto my arm.

"Where are you going in such a hurry?"

"After your son, Loretha." I try to walk, she pulls me back.

"Calm down, Argo. He wouldn't be crazy enough to disappear, especially today. Now come here." Loretha holds my neck for a kiss and then closes the door behind me. "No, Loretha, I don't trust that boy. "I leave the room and go in search of Jared."


What the hell did that girl do? She said she didn't want to marry me right in front of me? I loved that arrogance. I thought she was the sweet and naive type, she is very bold and courageous. I didn't have time to talk to her, but today at our engagement party, the girl will see who the real Jared is.

I was ready to intervene too, I was going to say we're too young to get married, but my fiancee beat me to it. The old man got furious with her. In fact, I've never seen my father so serious and angry.

"Is this dick not getting hard, Jared?"

"Sorry, babe, you have to make an effort, you're hitting your teeth, open your mouth wider, come on babe. That's it just like that."

"JARED, OPEN THE DOOR! "startled, I hold the girl's hair and move her away from my dick. "OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!

"Hold on, old man." I grab the girl and put her in a closet with clothes, put on some underwear and run to open the door. Argo comes in furious.

"What are you doing down here?"

"Nothing, dad. Just resting."

The old man walks all over the place, looks under the bed, I open the closet, luckily it was the wrong one. If he sees this girl, I'm a dead youth.

"Were you with a whore here? Tell me the truth, Jared."

"What whore, dad, are you crazy?"

"Look at this!" he points his finger at me. "Today is your engagement, you should be getting ready, not fucking around with sluts." he grabs the collar of my shirt. "Got it?"

"Got it. Don't worry, I'll take good care of my little fiancée." when I speak, he pushes me onto the bed. "What's this?" I get scared.

"Listen well to what I'm going to tell you. I want respect for Adalberto Ferraz's daughter, she's not one of your whores."

"What do you mean, dad? No groping, no kissing, nothing?"

"If I find out that you tried anything with the girl before the wedding, you'll suffer the consequences, Jared. I've never been more serious in my life."

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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