Next day when they were walking to the school, Chin-hae again felt that someone is following him . So he told to Kwan
Kwan I think that someone is following us
...kwan saw that Chin-hae is getting nervous so he told to Chin-hae...
^^^Come on, none is following us, relax bro !!!!!^^^
If you say so !!!
...Then Chin-hae felt a little bit relaxed after hearing what Kwan has said...
On the other hand kwan saw a shadow of someone behind a wall then he went there to check but he didn't found anything
hey , what happened . What are you doing there ??
^^^No.... Nothing !!^^^
...kwan thought it was just his illusion , so he didn't thought about it to much...
Then they went to the school peacefully
When they both enter the school they saw that 2 senior boys were bullying 2 junior girls. That 2 senior boys were really bad boys in the whole school and noone has ever tried to talk back to them . Their name were eoduun and hyun which means dark . they were really bad and they had evil souls . That 2 junior girls were new in the school so they didn't had any idea of eoduun and hyun . That junior girls name were seo yoon which means powerful and victorious girl and hwa young which means beautiful flower . They both were friends since their frist day of elementary school . They both had pure souls and they both were so beautiful .
...From starting...
Hey, what's up Hyun ????
^^^i am fine , what about you , why are you looking sad today what happened ???^^^
Nothing , I am not feeling well because it's been 2 days that we haven't bullied any juniors
^^^let's do it , then !!!!!😏😏^^^
😏😏😏 you just know everything about me , buddy
^^^That's why we are best friends^^^
so , let's find someone !!
^^^look at those 2 girls , i have never seen them before^^^
yeah , nethier i ....
^^^Then what are you thinking, let's go and start bulling our frist target of today !!!!!^^^
let's goooooooo!!!!
...They went close to seo yoon and Hwa young ....
Kwan And chin-hae enter the school and wait for the first bell .
They both were standing next to the seo yoon and hwa young .
Heyyy .... Girls , are you both new in the school because i have never seen you 2 before in this school
nitheir i ....
^^^seo yoon^^^
^^^Yes , we are new in this school... I am seo yoon^^^
^^^Hwa young^^^
i am Hwa young
Well, can you show us around the school because we are kinda lost in this school we can't find our class
Do we look like school guide ??
yeah……… Do we ????
^^^Hwa young^^^
^^^sorry i was just asking for your help^^^
apologise , right now !!!!!
^^^seo yoon^^^
^^^Excuse me , i didn't heard what you said can you repeat it ??^^^
i said apologise right now !!!!
...After that Seo yoon punched eoduun on the face and he fall on the floor , Hyun tried to slap seo yoon but kwan stopped him and then eoduun gets up tried to punch hwa young but chin-hae punced him...
...To be continued ...........
Then A head teacher come to see what happened But noone told to the head teacher what was going on there ........ '''''' The head teacher was really strict and everyone was scared from him ''''''''''
Eoduun and Hyun were bleeding , Eoduun was bleeding from his head and Hyun was bleeding from his nose ....( Because of punches )
Good morning teacher !!!!!!!!!
^^^Head Teacher^^^
^^^Good morning everyone, what is going on here.^^^
^^^Why are you two bleeding ?? Huh ....................^^^
Eoduun and hyun were scared of telling the truth , so they were thinking what they should tell the head teacher !!!!!!
^^^(In cold voice)^^^
Nothing sir ..... Well, We fall from the stairs, and got injured .
Yes sir .... We were talking about some school projects , we didn't notices and we both fell from the stairs.
^^^Head teacher^^^
^^^Is that true ??^^^
Eoduun and hyun
Yes sir ............. We are telling the truth !!!!!!
^^^Head teacher^^^
^^^Kwan are they telling the truth ??^^^
(in mind) what does this oldie wants now. 😒😒
(in mind) why does this fattie trust kwan so much.😑😑
...Kwan and Chin-hae are the favorite students of Head teacher, so he trusts them so much .......
Yes , sir they are telling the truth
Head teacher
Ok ......Eoduun and hyun , you both go to the washroom and wash your faces.
...Then Head teacher left...
Why didn't you told anything to the Head teacher?
Because, we are not like you 2.
...Eoduun and Hyun went to the washroom for washing there face ....
Seo yoon
hey , thank you for saving us !!😄😄
what are your names ?
Hwa young
yeah , thank you for saving us !!! 😄😄
^^^Your welcome, well.... I am kwan^^^
^^^your welcome , i am Chin-hae^^^
Seo yoon
i am Seo yoon
Hwa young
i am hwa young
^^^Well , we heard that you both wanna look around the school !!!^^^
^^^We can show you the whole school !!^^^
seo yoon
Perfect …
Hwa young
let's go then and we still have 15 minutes !!!
SEO yoon
In which class are you 2 ??
^^^We are in 2nd year......^^^
^^^And what about you ??^^^
Hwa young
well even we are in 2nd year !!!
that's great then
SEO yoon
it can be possible that we all are in same class !!!
Hwa young
Yeah, if we are ... Then that's great !!!!
^^^In which section are you 2 ???^^^
seo yoon
we are in section A !!!
^^^That's great then , even we in section A !!!!^^^
...Like this they all become friends !!!...
...After 15 minutes...
Well, we have show you all the school !!!
Now , it's time for our class
Let's count down then !!
^^^Hwa young^^^
^^^What do you mean ??^^^
^^^Seo yoon^^^
^^^Yeah, Even i didn't understand .^^^
...Kwan and Chin-hae started counting down !!...
...( Bell rings )...
SEO yoon
ohhh………now i understand what you meant by count down 😆😆
Hwa young
Yeahhhh ……………… It was fantastic !!!!!!!!!!😍😍
...Too Be continued …………………...
...Then they all went to the class...
...They sit on the chairs, Then teacher entered...
Whole class
Good morning, sir !!!!
^^^Teacher Jackson^^^
^^^Good morning, class !!!^^^
^^^Today we are having two new students ......... Girls give us your presentations !!^^^
...Then Seo yoon and Hwa young start giving there presentations.......
Seo yoon
Hi, everyone .... I am Seo yoon
I am 18 years old
My favorite color is Red ❤
I am new in this city
Hwa young
Hi, Everyone ... I am Hwa young
I am 18 years old
My favorite color is pink 💓
Even I am new in this city
^^^Teacher Jackson^^^
^^^Are you guys friends ?^^^
Hwa young
Yes, sir … We best friends !!!
Seo yoon
We know each other from elementary school.
^^^Teacher Jackson^^^
^^^Class, Any questions for them ??^^^
One student
Well, what are you hobbies ??
Seo yoon
Well, I really love Boxing !!!!
Hwa young
And I really like reading !!!!!
Another student
Do you guys do any sports ??
Seo yoon
I used to do Boxing But I left it from 2 months.
Hwa young
No, I don't But I am looking for a sport.
Seo yoon
Even i.
^^^Why don't you guys try swimming club ....?^^^
^^^I and Chin-hae are swimming club president.^^^
Seo yoon
Wow………what do you think bestie ??
Hwa young
Well bestie ………… Even I was about to ask you the same thing ..... If you are ready then I don't have any problem.
Seo yoon
Yeah… I am ready to join it. How many people are in the group.
^^^You guys don't have to worry about anything. There are only 6 people 3 girls and 3 boys.^^^
^^^At the end of the school I will give you the whole information about the club.^^^
Seo yoon
Thank you.
Hwa young
Thank you.
^^^Ok, where would you guys like to seat??^^^
Seo yoon
Hwa, How about Near Kwan and Chin-hae ?
Hwa young
Yeah, that's perfect ....
Seo yoon
Sir ... Can we sit near Kwan and Chin-hae ?
^^^yeah, sure ....^^^
Seo yoon
Thank you, Sir
Hwa young
Thank you, sir
...Then they both sit near Kwan and Chin-hae....
...In the break time...
Finally, Now it's break time, and I am really Hungary ... Let's go to the canteen.
^^^Hwa young^^^
^^^Yeah, let's go !!!^^^
...Then they all went to the...
...Canteen and sit on a table....
Guys, What would you all like to eat ??
^^^Seo yoon^^^
^^^Wow..... Today Kwan is going to^^^
^^^pay for our meals!!🎉🎉🎉🎉^^^
Huh .......what ??😧😧
...(Seo yoon winked to hwa and Chin-hae)...
yeahhhhhhhhhh !!!! 🎉🎉🎉
Thank you kwan !!!😄
^^^Hwa young^^^
^^^thank you kwan !!😀🎉🎉^^^
Hey, hey .......... What a minute ... I am not going to pay for all of us because I don't have that much money with me right now ...
^^^Seo yoon^^^
^^^Why don't you keep money with you ?? 😨^^^
Cause, I didn't know that my friends want me to pay for there meal.😶
^^^Seo yoon^^^
^^^Hwa young^^^
what ??😨
^^^Seo yoon^^^
^^^come on, we were just teasing you !! 😜^^^
you.......... 😓 😂😂
...To Be continued ..............
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