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Blood And Royalty!


Cold hearted, powerful, empty and emotionless but actually a monster,vampire? no one knows about it at all!NO ONE knows his identity, his true colours,his bloody thirst….being the most powerful person on planet but still weak and cursed! The biggest shareholder of the best uni in the country he once saw a beautiful girl alas he fell in love with the most beautiful, elegant princess. The princess of the city of DEMACIA! She was skillful, brave and fearless, but one thing that always disturbed her was the presence of the Emerald castle, a beautiful and dark palace in the middle of the blood moon forest !? She always wanted to visit there because of her curiosity that why no one want to go there?!! What is in there?
Who knew that she can lift his curse forever!?
What curse?
How can a person in 21st century be cursed?
Does anyone know about his curse?
Who exactly is he!
Till my final summer, till the world ends My fate is cursed This soul has no home, this soul has no tone Candles of a black dawn are burning, my nightmares My nightmares, my nightmares My nightmares, my nightmare….
My nightmares….my life is cursed I can’t die until this worlds end ,I can’t be happy in my lifetime who would like a life like mine?
No happiness,No love , No peace!
I lost the love of my life in all my past 3 lives
Yes, I’m a vampire, a monster, a devil!
I might be 250 yrs old this yr
Waiting for death
Because i can never have my love….
Yes that’s my love
While i was a devil a monster a vampire
She was an angel my queen!
But I can’t see her anymore she died in all past lives
She won’t come back this time…..
I died on the same day when she left me forever…
To be continued!


There was a beautiful black castle in the middle of the forest
There was a lake besides the castle
The Emerald Castle
It looked really beautiful at the day time but as much as it looked pretty it was more horrifying at night
It was said that a journalist once visited this place at evening thought there was strictly warning that no one should visit after 5.00 p.m
It was said that the journalist never came back ever after that day she was never seen after that day!
Let’s start with the story of the most beautiful princess and the love thirst or you can say blood thirsty devil…
Thunder roared like lions and started a shower of heavy rainfall from the sky.
The drops of the rain looked like tiny crystals
Today is the day when Vanessa de Angelo will be declared as the queen of the kingdom
Atticus de angelo (fl dad)
Atticus de angelo (fl dad)
Today I announce that my beloved daughter Vanessa De Angelo today onwards will be declared as the queen of the kingdom!
Vanessa de angelo (fl)
Vanessa de angelo (fl)
Your highness ( bows )
Issabella de angelo (fl mom)
Issabella de angelo (fl mom)
My lovely child (emotional)
Servant- your majesty here is the crown for the queen (bends down)
Atticus de angelo (fl dad)
Atticus de angelo (fl dad)
Issabella please
Issabella de angelo (fl mom)
Issabella de angelo (fl mom)
(wipes her tears)
Issabella de angelo (fl mom)
Issabella de angelo (fl mom)
*took the crown and placed it on Vanessa hairs*
Vanessa de angelo (fl)
Vanessa de angelo (fl)
*stands up elegantly*
Vanessa de angelo (fl)
Vanessa de angelo (fl)
*walks towards the throne and sat her throne*
The moment she was on her throne the color of her eyes changed
Issabella de angelo (fl mom)
Issabella de angelo (fl mom)
Atticus de angelo (fl dad)
Atticus de angelo (fl dad)
Issabella de angelo (fl mom)
Issabella de angelo (fl mom)
Issabella de angelo (fl mom)
Issabella de angelo (fl mom)
Atticus she is the royal queen !
Vanessa de angelo (fl)
Vanessa de angelo (fl)
Uh…what do you mean mom
Issabella de angelo (fl mom)
Issabella de angelo (fl mom)
Yes darling it is said that whoever sits on the throne with the traditional crown on them and changes the color of their eyes ,….
Issabella de angelo (fl mom)
Issabella de angelo (fl mom)
Than she is the one who god have choosen for the kingdom
Vanessa de angelo (fl)
Vanessa de angelo (fl)
Atticus and issabella bows in the name of respect in front of Vanessa
Everyone present in the royal palace bowed in front of vanessa
Vanessa de angelo (fl)
Vanessa de angelo (fl)
Mom dad
Vanessa de angelo (fl)
Vanessa de angelo (fl)
Please get up
Vanessa de angelo (fl)
Vanessa de angelo (fl)
*hugged her parents*
Vanessa de angelo (fl)
Vanessa de angelo (fl)
Come on I’m your daughter right don’t be so formal
Vanessa de angelo (fl)
Vanessa de angelo (fl)
Otherwise I won’t talk to you guys!
Atticus de angelo (fl dad)
Atticus de angelo (fl dad)
Oh my daughter has already grown up soo much
Vanessa de angelo (fl)
Vanessa de angelo (fl)
Hehe (playful)
Issabella de angelo (fl mom)
Issabella de angelo (fl mom)
Hm mind your manners royal highness!
Vanessa de angelo (fl)
Vanessa de angelo (fl)
Ummm (pout)
Issabella de angelo (fl mom)
Issabella de angelo (fl mom)
Like this the ceremony was completed and Vanessa was declared as the royal Queen of the kingdom from now
Months passed by
And the queen was taking up her responsibilities and protecting her kingdom from any harm
Everything was going just fine
But as it is said that if days are fine gloomy days are not far….
To be continued…


Demacia kingdom was attacked by the rivals
There was only blood and tears in whole demacia kingdom
Vanessa decided to join the battle field herself she was not scared at all
No one ever saw her fighting
Vanessa was a DEVIL in battle field her eyes color changed again but this time
They were red as blood!
Every one was scared of her by now the enemies tried to back off but..
Vanessa decided to finish them of forever!
Her cruelty was visible to everyone
It was as if she was thirsty of blood showers
One by one bodies were lying around and blood covered the green grass
Yo…you’re a monster!
Vanessa de angelo (fl)
Vanessa de angelo (fl)
Vanessa de angelo (fl)
Vanessa de angelo (fl)
You realized it a bit late
Vanessa de angelo (fl)
Vanessa de angelo (fl)
*death stare*
* frightens*
The locket around her neck shines
*noticed the locket*
You…you are the angel !?
Vanessa de angelo (fl)
Vanessa de angelo (fl)
*creased her forehead*
Vanessa de angelo (fl)
Vanessa de angelo (fl)
What do you mean?
Vanessa de angelo (fl)
Vanessa de angelo (fl)
Say it clearly
Yo….you are the one
It..its you
*fell on his butts*
Vanessa de angelo (fl)
Vanessa de angelo (fl)
Speck !
Vanessa de angelo (fl)
Vanessa de angelo (fl)
What do you mean by that
Vanessa de angelo (fl)
Vanessa de angelo (fl)
Who am i!!??
Vanessa de angelo (fl)
Vanessa de angelo (fl)
*pinned the enemy on the ground*
Yo…you’re the an..angel…..
While he was about to talk about something
A unknown shadow appeared behind Vanessa
A strong man, was just behind her
Sharp nose , piercing bloody eyes, sharp jaws , soft fair skin with black long hairs flying little high from ground
* frightened seeing the man*
He…..he is …the va…..
Vanessa de angelo (fl)
Vanessa de angelo (fl)
Hey wake up!! Who is there!??
Vanessa de angelo (fl)
Vanessa de angelo (fl)
*looks back*
No one was there not even a single bird
Vanessa de angelo (fl)
Vanessa de angelo (fl)
No one is here was he just…
Vanessa de angelo (fl)
Vanessa de angelo (fl)
Bluffing ?
Vanessa de angelo (fl)
Vanessa de angelo (fl)
Let’s go back!
She thought no one was there but she didn’t had any idea that one man was staring at her from a distance
You are mine! *licks his lips*
To be continued…..

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