NovelToon NovelToon


ep 1

at hoon residents in yi kingdom
the view starts with a heavenly beautiful kid practicing swordsmanship with his father
around 10 year old hyuk- jae was fighting with the most powerful general in yi dynasty
JI HOON(ml dad)
JI HOON(ml dad)
hya!! *rise his sword and attack on hyuk- jae*
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
*block the sword with his sword upon his head*
JI HOON(ml dad)
JI HOON(ml dad)
*withdraw and swing it and attack his leg*
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
*without any delay swing his sword and bring it down *block the sword and rise it with his all power*
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
hya!!*push ji hoon 's sword with his and make him stumble*
JI HOON(ml dad)
JI HOON(ml dad)
*step back*
JI HOON(ml dad)
JI HOON(ml dad)
verry good u r getting better in swordmanship huh?* smirk*
JI HOON(ml dad)
JI HOON(ml dad)
but u gotta practice more my kid~ *smirk *
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
*ready with his sword and look at him*
JI HOON(ml dad)
JI HOON(ml dad)
but too bad... u still r so weak... *swing his sword hitting hyuk- jae's sword making it fall
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
huh?? *look at the fallen sword*
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
*blink and look at his father again*
JI HOON(ml dad)
JI HOON(ml dad)
*standing with his sword pointing at lil boy*
JI HOON(ml dad)
JI HOON(ml dad)
u lost again* grin*
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
hmm... *looking at the person standing behind his father innocently*
u never learned right........
JI HOON(ml dad)
JI HOON(ml dad)
*shiver run down the spine*
JI HOON(ml dad)
JI HOON(ml dad)
*turn and found a sword pointing at his neck*
RUTH(ml mom)
RUTH(ml mom)
it's fun to win from a kid huh?* staring at him*
JI HOON(ml dad)
JI HOON(ml dad)
wife.... 🥲* drop sword and put his hand up*
JI HOON(ml dad)
JI HOON(ml dad)
I'm just training him-
RUTH(ml mom)
RUTH(ml mom)
*rise one eyebrow*really?... or u just wanna see him loosing huh?
JI HOON(ml dad)
JI HOON(ml dad)
but i- *sweating*can you put it down... u dont want ur husband to die so young right?? 🥲
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
*looking at them*
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
RUTH(ml mom)
RUTH(ml mom)
*snap out and look at him*
RUTH(ml mom)
RUTH(ml mom)
yes my son... *smile and get on her knees in front of him*
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
*look at his father*
JI HOON(ml dad)
JI HOON(ml dad)
*relieved*put hand on his chest and breaking deeply*🥲
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
*look back at his mother*im feeling hungry....
RUTH(ml mom)
RUTH(ml mom)
why u didn't said before huh?
RUTH(ml mom)
RUTH(ml mom)
lemme ask maids to cook for u ok? *pat it head gently*
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
ok... *smile at her*
JI HOON(ml dad)
JI HOON(ml dad)
*looking at them with poker face*im hungry tooo
JI HOON(ml dad)
JI HOON(ml dad)
RUTH(ml mom)
RUTH(ml mom)
no food for you...* took hyuk- jae's hand and walk inside*
JI HOON(ml dad)
JI HOON(ml dad)
wait- what-
JI HOON(ml dad)
JI HOON(ml dad)
heyyy i wanna eat tooo *walk behind them*
RUTH(ml mom)
RUTH(ml mom)
JI HOON(ml dad)
JI HOON(ml dad)
but what I did!?!?
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
*looking at his father in disbelief*
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
(he is the most dangerous man in whole nation.... I wanna laugh)
RUTH(ml mom)
RUTH(ml mom)
no just go away!!!* run into with her son*
JI HOON(ml dad)
JI HOON(ml dad)
waittt I'm coming toooo!!
JI HOON(ml dad)
JI HOON(ml dad)
*run behind them*
JI HOON(ml dad)
JI HOON(ml dad)
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trouble maker

evening pov
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
*walking in street alone*
hyuk- jae!!!
he heard someone calling his name from tree
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
huh??? *startled*
*about to jump*
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
hey!! wait!!
the young girl around her 6 jumped on him without giving him chance to say no
her long black hair stared to fly as she jumped down from the tree
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
*try to catch her*
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
*stumble on rock and fall with her upon him*
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
ah!* close his eyes*
*laying on him*
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
*open eyes slowly and look at her*
hwa young (kid)
hwa young (kid)
hyuk- jae!!!!* smile brightly*
her chubby cheeks made her eyes shut as she smile and
her long hairs were all spread on her face and was falling on hyuk- jae's face
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
*look at her with disbelief*
hwa young (kid)
hwa young (kid)
look I picked a lot of berry from the treee!!! *point at the little bag full of berries*
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
just get up!!! *stand up pushing her a lil*
hwa young (kid)
hwa young (kid)
eh? what happened? *siting on ground and looking at him*
hwa young (kid)
hwa young (kid)
don't u want eat them?? 🥺🥺🥺🥺
hwa young (kid)
hwa young (kid)
I picked them for ya with lot of efforts😤😤😤I will tell ruth aunt if u dont eat them😤
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
r u crazy or something??
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
who jump on a man like that
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
u r girl don't uk how to behave like one??
hwa young (kid)
hwa young (kid)
but what I did? *tilt pointing finger on herself*
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
you r unbelievable!!
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
*walk away*
hwa young (kid)
hwa young (kid)
why he is so mad-
hwa young (kid)
hwa young (kid)
heyy!!! wait!! I'm coming tooo!!!
hwa young (kid)
hwa young (kid)
*run behind him*
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
*walking fast without looking at her*
hwa young (kid)
hwa young (kid)
where r u going??
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
non of ur business!
hwa young (kid)
hwa young (kid)
but I wanna knowww *pout*
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
I don't wanna tell!! *walking*
hwa young (kid)
hwa young (kid)
u r sooo mean!!!! 😤😤😤😤
hwa young (kid)
hwa young (kid)
hwa young (kid)
hwa young (kid)
at this rate u wont get a wife *hump*
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
why u care about it so much??? *annoyed*
hwa young (kid)
hwa young (kid)
i-... huh??* hear loud noise of crying*
she saw a kid sitting on ground while crying as 3 kids were bullying him
they were kicking him and badmouthing him
hwa young (kid)
hwa young (kid)
hwa young (kid)
hwa young (kid)
what r u doing!!
hwa young (kid)
hwa young (kid)
*throw her slipper on them*
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
what r u doing?!? *shocked*
hwa young (kid)
hwa young (kid)
can't u see I'm saving that boy😤
boy 1- u! how dare to u hit me!
hwa young (kid)
hwa young (kid)
like this* throw another slipper on him*
boy 1-hey!! leave that boy we got something else with whom we can play *smirk *
those 3 boys stepped forward and was about to hit her
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
wait dont-
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
i-..... -_-
after few moments later
those 3 boys were crying out and calling their parents
hwa young (kid)
hwa young (kid)
haha u dare to bully others again huh??
hwa young (kid)
hwa young (kid)
*crack knuckles*
"mom!!!!" those boy cried out loud
hearing their children crying there parents came running there
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
*saw their parents and run towards hWA-YOUNG*
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
gets go!!
hwa young (kid)
hwa young (kid)
eh?? what happened!?!* looking around **panicking*
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
*hold her hand and run from there in full sleed*
hwa young (kid)
hwa young (kid)
yeaaa!! what are you doing!!? *running*look back at those boys and saw their parents*
hwa young (kid)
hwa young (kid)
*gasp*mommyyy!!!!* run faster and drag hyuk- jae*
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
ahh!! yeaaa slow down!!
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
*came far after running for 10 mins*
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
*look at her*
hwa young (kid)
hwa young (kid)
*breathing heavily*
hwa young (kid)
hwa young (kid)
we r saved! finally!
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
hwa young (kid)
hwa young (kid)
what? *look at him*
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
just stay away from me!!
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
*walk away*trouble maker!
hwa young (kid)
hwa young (kid)
but what I did wrong-
hwa young (kid)
hwa young (kid)
*look at him going*
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
*went away*
hwa young (kid)
hwa young (kid)
after that they both went to their respective home
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after some time hyuk jae reached home
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
*enter the main hall*
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
mother..... *looking at the unfamiliar faces sitting on chair in hall*
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
*look at his mom*
RUTH(ml mom)
RUTH(ml mom)
yonnah (concubine lotus)
yonnah (concubine lotus)
so it's ur son hm?* looking at hyuk jae*
yonnah (concubine lotus)
yonnah (concubine lotus)
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
*look at her and bow*hyuk jae son of general hoon pay respect
yonnah (concubine lotus)
yonnah (concubine lotus)
what a Royal aura he got.... *grin*don't u think so* look at ruth*but he doesn't resemble u and general at all...
yonnah (concubine lotus)
yonnah (concubine lotus)
why is that? I'm just curious* sipping tea and look glancing at ruth*
RUTH(ml mom)
RUTH(ml mom)
idk what your royal highness saying....
yonnah (concubine lotus)
yonnah (concubine lotus)
don't u think he resemble the late queen a lot....
yonnah (concubine lotus)
yonnah (concubine lotus)
specially his eyes..
yonnah (concubine lotus)
yonnah (concubine lotus)
it reminds me of that night *grin*
RUTH(ml mom)
RUTH(ml mom)
yonnah (concubine lotus)
yonnah (concubine lotus)
that night I was so close to kill her but i failed she got away with her son... tsk tsk tsk
RUTH(ml mom)
RUTH(ml mom)
*looking at her expressionlessly*
yonnah (concubine lotus)
yonnah (concubine lotus)
uk too why I'm telling you this don't you.....
RUTH(ml mom)
RUTH(ml mom)
RUTH(ml mom)
RUTH(ml mom)
u will pay for ur deeds one day..
yonnah (concubine lotus)
yonnah (concubine lotus)
I will be waiting but rn u must die...*smirk*
RUTH(ml mom)
RUTH(ml mom)
I knew it would end like this....
RUTH(ml mom)
RUTH(ml mom)
*rise her sword and attack on her*
yonnah (concubine lotus)
yonnah (concubine lotus)
uk u can't kill me..
yonnah (concubine lotus)
yonnah (concubine lotus)
*sipping tea*
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
mother! *panicked*
yonnah's bodyguard started to defend her and fight ruth
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
mother!! *take out his sword and fight with bodyguard*
yonnah (concubine lotus)
yonnah (concubine lotus)
kill them both....
RUTH(ml mom)
RUTH(ml mom)
u can't when I'm here!!!* kill one of the bodyguard and look at hyuk jae*
RUTH(ml mom)
RUTH(ml mom)
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
no I won't!! I can fight with u!!
RUTH(ml mom)
RUTH(ml mom)
I said run!! *block the sword that was about to hit hyuk jae"
RUTH(ml mom)
RUTH(ml mom)
if u dont then don't call me mother ever again....
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
but mom u can't fight them alone!!
yonnah (concubine lotus)
yonnah (concubine lotus)
tsk do it fast....
*more bodyguard run inside*
RUTH(ml mom)
RUTH(ml mom)
*panick after watching them*
RUTH(ml mom)
RUTH(ml mom)
*take hyuk jae in arms and jump from window*
yonnah (concubine lotus)
yonnah (concubine lotus)
what the hell r u doing!!
yonnah (concubine lotus)
yonnah (concubine lotus)
*throw tea glass on ground making it break*
yonnah (concubine lotus)
yonnah (concubine lotus)
*stand up*chase them!!!
RUTH(ml mom)
RUTH(ml mom)
*sit on hourse and ride in deep forest*
in deep forest
RUTH(ml mom)
RUTH(ml mom)
*get down from hourse with hyuk jae*
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
what is happening why she wanna kill us?!?
RUTH(ml mom)
RUTH(ml mom)
keep quite and listen it's not safe in here give a letter in his hand read it after u reach somewhere safe and dont come back ever again!
RUTH(ml mom)
RUTH(ml mom)
just go....
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
what do u mean?!? what do u mean from leaving?!!
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
mother... we can make it right.... plz..
RUTH(ml mom)
RUTH(ml mom)
don't call me mother!!! I'm not ur mother!!!* fall on ground on her knees and scream*plz....
RUTH(ml mom)
RUTH(ml mom)
just leave....
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
w-what *mind in mess*
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
what do u mean by u r not my mom... mother plz tell me!!
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
*shaking her*
RUTH(ml mom)
RUTH(ml mom)
just leave!!! *get up and climb on hourse*
RUTH(ml mom)
RUTH(ml mom)
plz.... don't come back ever again... if u do then u will only see my dead body.....
RUTH(ml mom)
RUTH(ml mom)
*ride away*
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
plz wait!!
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
*sobbing hard*
RUTH(ml mom)
RUTH(ml mom)
remember..... never come back... I beg u.....
RUTH(ml mom)
RUTH(ml mom)
*said while stopping and looking back at him*
RUTH(ml mom)
RUTH(ml mom)
*ride away again*
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
*looking at her going far away*
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
....the end....

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