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Project: Consciousness

Humandroid Theory

Dr. Yanagi, is a 45 years old scientist that is specialized to robotic and artificial intelligence technology. He is a very hardworking and passionate to his qualifications. He is working for almost 20 years to prove that human's destiny is to become androids and after years they will try to bring back their flesh bodies. Likewise, he named his survey, the circle of the humanoids.

Dr. Yanagi wanted to prove his theory but examine the atoms of a human cell, with the hope that it will be constructed but nanobots or something connected to robotics. His theory started to light up when he had the idea to create a highly accurate microscope that can see through the cells of a human. Dr. Yanagi, was working and testing multiple ideas and solutions to his main problem. How he will see the structure of the atoms, since they are the starting point of every living or non entity.

He was staying late nights trying to figure out how he is going to achieve such a sensitive microscope to break through the construction of the cells. He spent a lifetime studying robotics and AI technology, and he couldn't believe he would stick in such an easy task. Based on his words building a microscope is easy as building a software for a video game. However, the hard part is the sensitivity and the accuracy of it. Suddenly as he was ready to fall asleep to his laboratory a bright idea came to his mind. It would be easier for him to build an extra brain to help him than burn his brain over a stupid microscope that has been the main obstacle of his theory.

For that reason, Dr. Yanagi, being a robotic scientist, cancelled his plans for a while to create an artificial intelligence android to help him with his research. Yanagi, quickly prepared a coffee and brought tons of energy drinks to keep him awake. The first step is the planing of his project. He needed to write down the categories and the parts of the robot and mark the ones that he owns to make it less difficult for him. So, he categorized the parts to body/frame, control system, manipulators and lastly the drive frame.

In addition, he proceeded to write the components for the robot to actually function and he created the following list:


a. Power Supply

As robots are powered by batteries, solar power, hydraulic.

b. Actuators

We use this to convert energy into movement.

c. Electric motors (AC/DC)

We need this for the rotational movement.

d. Pneumatic Air Muscles

As we can say that they contract almost 40% when the air is sucked in them.

e. Muscle Wires

Although, we have noticed that it contract by 5% when an electric current is passed through them.

f. Piezo Motors and Ultrasonic Motors

Basically, we use it for industrial robots.

g. Sensors

Generally, we use it in the task environment as it provides information of real-time knowledge.


That list would be a savor for him, since he can relax his brain from his current messy state. Then, he wrote down the programs and the work he needs to do with the AI function and he concluded to his final list:


...AI Programs...

Usually, we used to operate them in computer-simulated worlds.

Generally, an input is given in the form of symbols and rules.

Basically, to operate this we need general purpose computers.

Artificial Intelligence Robotics

Generally, we use robots to operate in the real physical world.

Basically, inputs are given in the form of the analogue signal in the form of the speech waveform.

Also, to operate this, special hardware with sensors and effectors are needed.


Yanagi finished the small but comprehensive list and also proceed to do the check-up. Yanagi since he is a software developer for AI he owns the drives and AI programs. However, he is lacking of the body/frame components, since his job is only programming related.

Everything for the survey

Dr. Yanagi, had to find a way to fulfill his destiny, as he called it. He needed to find a way to claim the parts for his masterpiece. However, his lack of the body construction would be a big burden to his project. There is only one way to achieve such a thing. And this is stealing from another colleague of his. This act is against his ethics, however the person that owns most of the components is his colleague and opponent Dr. Asahi.

Yanagi tried multiple times to convince Asahi to support his work, but he always had in his mind that it's a trap and a way the Yanagi wanted to eliminate his work. Yanagi was that desperate that he report to his employer about his new plan. Bad news spoke by the employer's mouth, saying that he needed the acquiescence of both parties. Yanagi's brain was dried out and could figure out a plan to continue legally.

Then, the idea to steal the parts from Asahi hit his mind. The dilemma was trouble for his thoughts, it was the only way to achieve his dream. The only way. Nothing else could help him. He didn't have the knowledge to create the parts. Also, even if he had the knowledge, he didn't have the machines and the tools to create them. That's why he ended up, to this ultimate solution.

The good and bad was fighting inside him. The breaking in the laboratory of Asahi was the only solution. On the other hand, he could be punished hardly by the employer about his act. Not only that, but he would never recover from his self after committing such a crime. He is not only violates the law but also the work ethics of his colleague. No-one would trust him after that. Will he take the risk, or he will let his masterpiece die by the course of time?

Yanagi was in a deadlock. Everything, that could think ends in the same direction. Everything is unsuitable for his situation. The only way is to violate the work ethic but also his. He knew that if he does commit his plan, it would have him targeted by everyone. In addition, all his colleague would assume that he can steal from them, as well and all his enemies will exploit the situation for their own good.

This situation turned to be a life or death decision. Indeed, if he does it, he will lose his dignity and pride for his work and he will regret that he acted this way, but if he doesn't do it he will see his project die and also himself with it. The regression is in both side, the only question is which one will hurt him the most. Act and receive the consequences or stay away from it and regret it.

Yanagi stress and anxiety hit the fan. He is even avoiding speaking or be in the same room with Asahi, because he is feeling guilty about the thoughts he made for his colleague work. He can't tolerate his thoughts and feelings anymore and end up having a small panic attack that will put his mind into the line.

During his panic attack, the only thing that he was thinking was the sled proud that will receive after finishing his project. He didn't even think about the consequences only his self-satisfaction. Some could easily describe it as selfishness but others as ambition.

By the time he woke up from his panic attack, he completely ignored his tiredness and finally decided how he will move from so on. Well, he didn't decide, he already knew. He overcame his hesitation and finally concluded. He will do it and nobody will stop him. Furthermore, he knew the consequences and he is now willing to risk everything to create the first human thinking robot. The perfect sample that will change the whole history of humanity. The perfect human being.

The perfect plan

Yanagi was ready finally to commit the crime. He still gets chills by the feeling of guilty, but his ambition cover this feeling like a blanket in a cold night. However, he needs to create the perfect plan, to at least avoid getting caught immediately. He needs to study and learn the timetable of every colleague that works nearby Asahi but also the ones that their laboratory is near his. He needs to find a hole that can sneak in without anyone notice.

On the other hand, the people eyes are not the only problem. Also, the cameras of the Trojan Corporation, the place that he works, is also a major problem. He needs to find a way to deactivate them. However, it would be slightly impossible to do it without getting noticed. The technology world is a mess. That was the exact words that came from his mouth. Suddenly, an idea came to his mind. This idea was the saviour of his perfect plan. What if he didn't deactivate the cameras but create a software virus to force the Corporation do it themselves.

Logically speaking is the best solution and nobody will track him, at least before they check the source of the problem. They can see the hack path of his computer and finally blame him for that. So, he needs to create the virus outside the laboratory, or else his home. Yanagi, found really convenient the excuse for a fever he got to take some home time. So, the problem of the cameras is solved now it's the people that left behind.

Yanagi checked the time schedule and found out that there is not an empty hour that can sneak and take the components. So the only solution is to stay overtime. He thought that an error to his software would be convincing and he had to fix it before getting worse. Indeed, is a very convincing excuse. The only thing he needed was to create an error to his code and it's done.

However, his overthinking brain could still find gaps in his plan. Question like, what if they took my overnight shift suspiciously or what if the ask me what kind of illness I got? He needs proof for his problems. He needed something that can connect his excuses, without having to lie more and stumble to his thoughts and destroy everything.

Well it didn't take him long to realize that he can lie about his illness and asy that it happened because of his over shift. It was a simple solution, but his brain couldn't function due to his real disease, which is insomnia. At least, he could take this chance to relax a bit and also work to his virus.

Well you may assume that it was not that hard to think such a plan, but the Trojan Corporation is the conqueror of the robotics market. Their security is in its highest form and the sanctions are even higher. So, the stress of Yanagi is on the peak and everything has to be done on detail.

In conclusion, Yanagi needs to create a sort form of an error to his code and take advantage of the thread that might occur to his project and stay overnight. Secondly, he will use the overnight as an excuse to stay home for a couple of days and create a satisfying virus for the system of Trojan.

And lastly, create the perfect chance to sneak into Asahi's laboratory and steal the components he needs. So, Yanagi's plan is finally on the line and ready to be executed. The only thing that left is the perfect time to act.

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