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AMS: Adventures In A Mystery School

Chapter 1: The Hostel Escape

...Eswar, Karthik, and Honey were orphans living in a school hostel. Tired of their mundane lives, they longed for excitement and adventure. One sunny Sunday morning, they decided it was time to escape from the confines of the hostel and embark on a thrilling and joy ....

...A Mischievous Mistake...

...Karthik, with his expertise in chemistry, concocted a smoke bomb for their escape plan. However, in his eagerness, he accidentally added an extra liquid to the mix. Unaware of the consequences, the trio prepared themselves for the adventure....

...Unleashing Chaos...

...As Karthik ignited the smoke bomb, thick smoke billowed out, spreading throughout the entire school. Realizing their mistake, Eswar, Karthik, and Honey quickly donned masks and glasses to protect themselves. But before they could escape, they heard a bone-chilling sound behind them....

... The Zombie Sir...

...To their horror, they turned to see their school teacher, Sir Mathews, transformed into a ravenous zombie. Driven by a hunger for their flesh, he chased after them with relentless determination. Despite the danger, Eswar and Honey couldn't help but crack jokes during their heart-pounding escape....

...A Hilarious Chase...

...With the zombie teacher hot on their heels, Eswar, Karthik, and Honey raced through the corridors of the school, their hearts pounding in their chests. The trio's quick thinking and agility allowed them to outwit the undead educator, buying them precious time to find a safe haven....

...The Eerie Silence...

...After successfully evading their pursuer, the trio cautiously returned to the school, only to find it strangely deserted. They searched every room, calling out for their classmates and teachers, but no one responded. Fear and curiosity mingled within them as they continued their exploration....

...The Principal's Secret...

Their search led them to the principal's office. Inside, they discovered a mysterious device with a digital lock system. Perplexed, they tried various combinations of random names, but to no avail. Frustration set in until Karthik had an idea. He suggested typing "AMS" into the lock, representing their school's name.

...The Hidden Underground...

...Miraculously, the lock clicked open, revealing a secret compartment beneath the office. Eswar, Karthik, and Honey cautiously descended into the underground chamber, their hearts pounding with anticipation. To their amazement, they found themselves surrounded by an arsenal of weapons, waiting to be wielded....

...Choosing Their Weapons...

...Eswar's eyes sparkled with excitement as he picked up a gleaming silver sword. Honey, with his passion for physical fitness, chose several iron chains, wrapping them around his hands like makeshift gloves. Karthik, true to his scientific inclinations, armed himself with a self-defense gun....

...The Peculiar Painting...

...As they ventured further into the underground chamber, they stumbled upon a peculiar painting hanging on the wall. Eswar's eyes widened in recognition—it was the same image he had seen while reading the book about the demon's quest for immortality. Something foreboding was about to unfold...

wait for other it will be continued.....

to be continued plz subscribe and share this to your friends.

Chapter 2:The Principal's Demonic Form

Thank u for my viewers and thanks for supporting me Then next episode will be released today on morning 10:00am so keep watching mangatoon and share and subscribe my novel.I hope next episode is an interesting part let us start our show...... Viewers my request is to support.....

Chapter 2:The Principal's Demonic Form

...Suddenly, the painting transformed, revealing the principal in a monstrous demon form. His voice echoed through the chamber as he explained his diabolical plan. He sought the blood of five specific individuals, including Eswar and his friends, to attain immortality. Determined to save their loved ones, the trio prepared for an epic battle....

...The Glowing Sword ...

...As the battle commenced, Eswar's silver sword began to emit a radiant glow. It seemed to be a weapon of immense power, granting him an advantage against the demon principal. With newfound courage, he fought alongside Karthik and Honey, their combined strength standing against the forces of darkness. ...

...Sword of Death...

...As Eswar's sword continued to glow, the demon principal recognized it as the legendary Sword of Death. He knew that when the sword was touched by its rightful owner, it would unleash immense power. With a sinister smile, he lunged at Eswar, his flaming sword poised for a deadly strike....

...A Hero's Sacrifice...

...In a tragic turn of events, the demon principal's flaming sword pierced through Eswar's defense, striking him with a fatal blow. The air filled with a mix of shock and despair as Eswar fell to the ground, his life force fading away. Karthik and Honey fought on, their hearts heavy with grief and determination....

...Honey's Furious Blow...

...Consumed by anger and grief, Honey unleashed a fury of punches upon the demon principal. With each blow, the strength of his muscles amplified, smashing the demon's body into pieces. The room trembled as the force of Honey's rage shattered the principal's physical form....

Karthik's Lightning Strike

...Meanwhile, Karthik, fueled by a newfound resolve, tapped into his scientific knowledge. He devised a plan to use an immense electric shock to boost Eswar's failing heart. With deft precision, he delivered a surge of electricity to his friend's chest, desperately hoping for a miracle....

...A Reawakening...

...As the electricity surged through his body, Eswar's eyes flickered open, and a surge of life coursed through him. The wound inflicted by the demon principal began to heal, and strength returned to his limbs. The trio's bond, forged through friendship and shared hardship, had pulled Eswar back from the brink of death....

Regrouping and Resilience

...With their friend alive once more, Eswar, Karthik, and Honey regrouped, their determination stronger than ever. They knew they had to find a way to permanently defeat the demon principal and put an end to his quest for immortality. Together, they planned their next move....

Seeking Guidance

...Recognizing the magnitude of their enemy, Eswar turned to his expertise in mythology, delving deeper into the texts and ancient legends. He discovered a clue about a mystical artifact that could help them in their battle against the demon principal—a powerful relic known as the Heartstone....

The Quest for the Heartstone

...Armed with newfound knowledge, the trio embarked on a perilous quest to locate the Heartstone. Legends whispered that it lay hidden deep within a treacherous mountain range, guarded by fearsome creatures and ancient traps. They braved the dangers ahead, their determination unwavering....

The first adventure complete and second adventure starts....thanks for following AMS Novel plz subscribe like and share my novel to your friends...

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