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Flaming Desire


"Knock... knock...", Ashley knocked on the door of the Headmistress office while biting down on her lower lip to ease her nervousness. She had come to get registered and get settled in her dorm. She held her hand up ready to knock once again but she received a slight audible voice from the inside saying.

" Come in please ", said Headmistress with an irritated voice.o

Ashley moved her hands towards the door nob and turned it, opening the door. She strolled in with her head lower as her dark red hair was tied up in a messy bun which left her face clear with not a single strand of hair blocking her perfect features. Ashley was very nervous as she was here alone and also this was the first time she was attending school. Demon school, to be more accurate. She had been home schooled since she was little, and that made her very nervous. Nervous about the knew people she was about to meet. She mastered up the courage and raised her gaze up from the floor she had been looking at as she came to a halt.

The large office room was adored with flowers in beautiful decorated floral vase in each of the four corners of the room. There was a large brown floor to ceiling french window with a lively view of trees and flowers sitting outside it. Beside the glass window were two maroon flags hanging on each side of the window with a flame symbol in the middle. Book filled large cardboards were against the walls with a gorgeous woman sitting busily at her desk while frowning at the document she held in hand. Ashley's eyes found themselves been glued the perfectly outstanding woman before her. The Headmistress face had a hint of anger written on it. Apart from the irritated expression on the Headmistress. Ashley noticed she was very young looking and as well as beautiful.

Ashley was not only speechless but also surprised enough though she knew she shouldn't be, because it was known that demons could age up to or over a thousand years and still look young and her still be strong, in fact stronger and more powerful. And it was also know the demons could only die if their heart was ripped out or they were stabbed in the spin. The woman had fine thin lips which were coated red, slightly point nose, thin brows with complicated her bright black eyes with had anger in them. She wore a dark blue suit with her jet black hair laid down as it fell down her shoulders, while Ashley's hair was tied up.

" Useless. Totally, useless ", the Headmistress said with her voice carrying an angry tone. " I will not do such a thing ", she said as she tossed the paper to the side.

" Umm. Good morning Ma'am. "

Ashley said in a soft tone as she slowly took a step forward.

Sounding apologetic she remarked.

" Oh. l didn't see you there. I'm really sorry I had been so much engrossed in my reading I didn't realize you had come in. " She gestured towards the one of the seats in front of her. " Have a seat, dear. "

" Thank you Ma'am", Ashley sank into the left seat. " But, no need to apologise Ma'am l just got in. It hasn't been a while. " She lied.

" Okay then, well I'm glad you didn't wait long. Sometimes I can get really a

engrossed in my work. l'll go on and introduce myself. I'm Miss Isolde Sears. The Headmistress of Green Valley Falls. You are? ",

" Ashley, Ma'am. Ashley Lace ",

" Are you here to get registered in? Or this is there something else you come to for ",

The Headmistress questioned because of the document in Ashley's hand.

Ashley replied in her sweet innocent voice." Yes Ma'am, I came to get registered in. "

" Can see the document? I need to verify and also check the house you are to be assigned to. " with Miss Isolde's had stretched out, Ashley met her halfway through, handing out the printed document.

She stared at the paper then seemed to remember something, then looked up.

" Please, come me Miss Isolde. Ma'am makes me feel older than my sixty years. " She smiled showing her peal white teeth.

" What the f...

" No. Curse words please " , Miss Isolde said in a calm yet firm tone. " Here, in Green Valley Falls we have no cursing policy. Curse words have been proofed to promote and caused aggression. Anyone who uses curse words will be subjected to serving detention or worse. "

" Y...yes Ma'am. I mean, y...yes Miss Isolde ", Ashley gulped hard as her eyes were locked in Miss lsolde's tension filled gaze.

" I have checked your paper and everything is confirmed." She said with a slight pause then slowly.

" I'll just get your house number. Along with some other paper and you will be fine to go.

Miss Isolde began to search for the document which contained the available dorm in the school but school just couldn't find it anywhere on her desk. She checked in her desk drawers and in the last drawer she found and document she was looking for.

" House nine, room three in section D is available. I'm sure the Dove section is where you belong. ", Miss Isolde said referring to Ashley's calmness and gentleness.

" Don't let what you see fool you. I might be a trap know ", came a voice full with mockery.

The voice startled Ashley as she hadn't expected to hear this familiar voice so soon. She heart seen to drop in sadness. She felt a slight tension in her body.

"Ajax...", she whispered to herself. Her breathing seizing before it continued.

" Ah. Meet one of our very well known star delinquent of Green Valley Falls. ", commented Miss Isolde with sarcasm dancing in her voice as she showed her bright slime.

" What brings you to my office. You have the here there times this week excluding today's visit. "

She sighed highly out of stress. Shook her head and placed her hand on her forehead as to stop the arising headache. Ajax was very troublesome, but she knew Killian was worse. What was she to expect from them, especially Killian. It was obvious the day she set eyes on the boy, that he was just like his father but Isolde thought with Okelane begin mother of the boy. He would be different. But it looks like the saying ' Like father, like son " is true after all.

" What brings you here. And who did you fight with this time around. ", Miss Isolde questioned but realized it was stupid.

" Why? I missed you, that's why. Can't I visit my favorite person ", he was with sarcasm evident in his tone.

" You know what? Forget it, I just don't know why I asked. Where's Killian. His must be here by now. "

She said.

Ajax was standing with a bruised cheek as he had a smirk on his face. But his expression darkened. His green eyes turning red in rage upon hearing his enemy's name, Killian Donovan. He had just gotten out of a fight with Killian and it wasn't even his fought. Ajax was strolling through the school hallway when he was pushed. Ajax turned to look for who had pushed him but before he could even make a complete turn a hard punch came fly a him right at his left cheek. Blood spilled in to his mouth, some sipping out to the corner of his lips. Ajax felt a wave a rage in his heart and decided to return the gesture. But with stronger force. Soon the hallway turned into a wrestling ground. Mr. Winters walked in on them and asked them to visit the Headmistress's office. And that was how was he got the red bruise and why he was here now. But he lied to Miss Isolde saying that he was here to visit and because he'd miss her.

" Have a seat I'll deal with you later. ", she stood up and teleported away, after giving Ajax a warning gaze.

Ajax slowly walked towards the empty seat and sat down. He hesitated for a moment, trying to gather this thought before he spoke.

" Hello. ", he said in a mocking tone.

"It's been a while. I mean since I last saw you. "

" Jax. Could you please not do this? ", Ashley begged with her head now turned to face Ajax.

" But you look so good when you suffer. It brings out your eyes. ", Ajax said with the corner of his lips curled up while he held her chin looking intensely into her sliver eyes.

Ashley tried moving her face away but he's hold was tight and getting tighter with every move she made. She held his hand and with a pian filled voice said.

" Please stop your hurting me. "

Ajax ignored her complain and used his other hand to grab her hair, while freeing her chin. Ashley thought he saw about to pull her hair. So she did the one thing that came flying into her mind at the moment. She gave him a loud bewildering slap, which was caught by Mr. Winters who just teleported into the office. Ashley was was as shocked and surprised as Ajax even though she had planned to do it.

Ajax had his face turned to the other side because of the force making it impossible for Mr. Winters or Ashley to see his pained expression.

Ajax deeply hurt by Ashley's actions. He only intended to let down her hair, as to cascade down her shoulder. That was his only intention. To cover her neck.

She gasped trying to find the right words before she spoke. " Huh...I so sorry I didn't...

" Hmm", said Mr. Winters, making his presence known. " Another delinquent. "

" What's going on ", Miss Isolde reappeared into the room.

" Nothing ", Ajax said returned to his carefree behaviour.

Mr. Winters got angry, " I'll tell you. We have a new delinquent, Miss Isolde. "

Miss Isolde looked in shock. She sat down and said. " Miss Lace, I'll ask you to go to the Ravens Section. House twenty. Room five. You roommates have the room's key. You may take your leave. "

Ashley opened her mouth but was cut off by Mr. Winters. Ashley stood up and left the room. Feeling not only disappointed by worried about what Uncle Dimitri and Aunt Agatha would think. She walked through the empty hallway trying hard to forget the incident that took place between Ajax and her.


Ashley found herself walking amongst several tall trees. She was lost. She slowed down in her pace.

" Where am I? ", she questioned herself with confusion written all over her face.

" I can just...oh no. l forgot the map. " in hesitation she stopped for a moment.

" Guess I'll have to go back then ", sighing she turned and started strolling in the path she come from.

Ashley didn't know where she was going but she stayed positive. Refusing to accept that she was lost. She kept walking in a straight path. Ashley had been walking when she came to a stop once again. Not because she had found her way, but because there was a large deep pit in front of her, which she almost tripped into. She stood at the very edge. She couldn't believe it.

" Who digges a pit in the middle of the way and leaves it uncovered. ", she quickly took a step back. Then slowly walked forward towards the pit after picking up a stone. The pit had pitch black darkness even with the sun shining brightly in the clear sky. She then dropped the stone she had earlier picked up into the pit.

" One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight... " she stared into the pit, curiousity flooding her expression for a moment, then continued to count. " Nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen. Forget it, I have better things to do than checking how deep this pit is. ", she turned in the opposite direction and left in a slow pace. Five minutes later the stone she had dropped into the pit came falling from the sky.

After an hour of walking, Ashley felt extremely tried and sat down on a surfed up, root curled into a bench. She was irritated, tried and most importantly very hungry. She checked in her mini backpack and took out water bottle. Except the bottle was'nt filled with only water. It water alright but, mixed with silverwater. A substance that was poisonous for the system of demons. Even ancient once. But not to Ashley. She was different and of course that she knew. Aunt Salma had told her since she was little. Silverwater was poisonous to other demons while blood was poisonous to Ashley. She uncovered it and took in a mouth full then gulped it down.

" I head you were planning on double crossing me. You know I have no other choice but to punished you now. So others don't follow in your foot steps. It won't look good for my reputation at all. ",

Ashley picked up a voice, far from where she sat. Her senses heightened in alert.

' What's going on. ', she questioned inwardly.

She traced where the voice was coming from. It was coming from behind a large rock.

" Please forgive me. I didn't plan anything. They're just rumors. Trust me. You know l would never try to report you to Miss Isolde. ", Ashley could sense the scared voice of the girl. Even though she couldn't see the girl's face, Ashley knew she was scared. And she felt the need to find out what was going on. She quickly walked to the rock and hid behind it. Making her presence unknown to them. Her heart was beating slightly fast as she gasped at the scene before her.

There, a boy laid on ground holding his stomach. Parts of his face and his shirt that seemed to be white was covered in blood but he was still breathing. Two boys stood over him with a wide wicked grin on the face. One hold a large broken branch stained at the edge with blood while his black eyes turned red before they turned normal. The other green eyed boy had his face and hands stained with blood.

Her gaze swept form the boys and to the two people caught by corner of her eyes.

She saw a blue eyed, black haired girl. The girl was exceptionally beautiful. A black beauty at that. Her curly hair was left to fall over her shoulders, while complimenting her skin.

"Do I trust you? ", he questioned and made a dramatic pause." Well. No I don't. I trust my sources and, they said you informed Isolde anonymously about my plans to steal silverwater from the silverwater store in the infrimary. "

He wanted to steal the sliverwater.

Her body shivering furiously. She lowered her head and began to beg.

" Spare you? "

Ashley's eyes now moved to the boy who she hadn't paid attention to or noticed earlier as she was mesmerized by the girl's beauty. The boy had his hands at the sides of the girl's head, caging her to preventing her form run. Which he knew she would.

" Hadassah. Don't beg that monster. He's not worth your pleading. ",

" Tsk, tsk, tsk. Aren't we all monsters ", he slowly turned around and that was when Ashley finally had a proper look at his expression.

" It looks like you weren't hit hard enough. "

As soon as the boy's words ended, one amongst two boys kicked the injured boy in the stomach.

The girl, Hadassah, run to the injured boy trying to protect him from the green eyed boy, but she failed as she was weak. Ashley had a burning desire of pain and anguish as she gazed at the scene unfolding before her eyes.

' Slap '

A loud slap sounded through the quiet woods. Not only did Ashley gasp but she also felt her heart skip a beat. She felt the urge to help but she remembered her aunt's work about minding her own business and staying away and out of trouble.

Hadassah now had her body to the ground because of the hard slap she had been given. Her head was bleeding but she didn't care about it. Her only concern was to make sure Waldo was alright.

" Leave him alone. You'll kill him. Malcolm stop hurting him. Cyrus please tell him to stop. Please leave him alone. ", she cried out in pain. She used the bit of strength that was available there in her body and tried to plead for Waldo. He had lost a fine quantity of blood and it was evidently obvious by the way his fair skin turned pale. She could see the life in his eyes fading gradually. Waldo coughed out blood with his body shiver uncontrollably.

" Torture me instead. "

" Stop. I think he's had enough ", Cyrus said in authority. He squatted beside Waldo and said in his evil tone.

" The next time you try to disobey my command, this will serve as a memory to you. "

Cyrus forcefully pushed his finger into Waldo's wound. This made Waldo scream and graon in pain.

Hadassah pushed herself up to help Waldo but was held back by, Oliver, the black eyed boy. Hadassah screamed and wailed, but it was still deaf to Cyrus's ear.

Ashley felt her heart tear from the pain of not helping and finally gave in to her heart's pleading to help. Ashley step out from behind the rock and shouted.

" Stop what you're doing. "

Cyrus turned to look her. He wasn't border at Ashley's words. He only said in an unbordered tone, " Deal with it, Oliver. "

" It will be my pleasure to. ", Oliver remarked in evil excitement.

" Hello there are you lost? I can help you in finding you way back. "

Oliver stepped towards Ashley and tried to place his hand on her shoulder. But Ashley took a step back, not because she was scared, but because she didn't want to be touched.

" Don't be scared. I won't cause you harm. I don't bite, trust me. " Oliver had a sinful expression in his black eye as he drew closer towards Ashley.

But then again she took another step back. She was scared but tried not to make it evident in her expression.

" Why don't both of show me my way back. I have heavy load. And I don't think only you control it. ", she said in seductive tone and winked at the boy named Oliver.

" Beside it very heavy, trust me. I didn't lie. ", she traced her hand on her cherry lips down to her neck, and to her collar bone before she stopped. Ashley noticed how Oliver reacted to her seductive ways.

' I feel like I'm gonna puke. How disgusting. This was not what I had in mind. At all. ", She thought to herself while feel disgusted not only by Oliver's gaze but also the way her own words sounded like in her ears.

Her plans was to fight them of and help the victims. But now that she stood before them she couldn't control the wave of fear taking over her body or the unpleasant thoughts on what shameless dog would do to her if, he laid hands on her.

She heard a loud sound of something hitting the ground. This broke her train of thoughts. She stared at Hadassah for while and that was all it took to get her for distracted. Oliver saw an opportunity and didn't hesitate in grabbing hold of Ashley arm. Oliver ****** her towards him with their bodies against each other.

' What is he doing? ', she questioned while staring at him with a gaze of confusion.

Malcolm who now stood by them said, " She looks odd. " referring to Ashley's pale skin like that of a dying demon.

" But, we can make it work. "

" What ", now the fear in her became evident and she questioned in confusion.

' This is getting out of hand. ', she thought inwardly. She pushed Oliver away from her, separating her body from his.

" Not too fast boys. ", she swayed her

dark red hair to the side reveling her long swan like neck as she placed her hands on her slender little waist. Oliver disappeared and reappeared behind Ashley, he grabbed her by the hair.

" Quite playing hard to get. ", Oliver grabbed her waist as Malcolm brushed the stands of hair of her face while he stared at her in pure wolfish evil.

Ashley snapped, her silver eyes turning red in anger as the sky darkened as a cold breeze blew. This was all done subconsciously. Kicking Malcolm in the nuts she twisted Oliver's arm which led to her hair been set free.

But before see take a step forward. Oliver kicked her to the ground.

" Aha! ", she gasped because of the unexpected fall. Suddenly her leg was yanked, pulling her across the ground. She gasped.

" You freak. You see what I'll do to you now. "

She turn and kicked him in the face, breaking his nose. He fell to the ground. Ashley stood up really to run, but she noticed a fire ball coming at her and immediately dodged it, moving to the side.

She returned the gesture, but even stronger. Oliver soon joined the heated fight. Which left Ashley two powerful and skilled demons at the same time. After a few minutes of fighting Ashley had them to the ground. Not dead but unconscious. Their skins were cut by her sharp nails and had several red bruises caused by her flame. Her nails, clothes and parts of her face were coated with blood. Her eyes turned back to normal and that was when she realized was what she had done.

She made her way back, as she had moved far away because of the fight. She wanted to check on Hadassah. Getting there she noticed that Hadassah and Waldo were gone. But the one thing that surprised her was that. Cyrus was fighting with an unknown boy. More properly, Cyrus was getting his *** kicked by unknown boy.

She was about to leave when, Cyrus aimed a punch at her but the boy save her. Or so she thought. Ashley was frozen in place. For a moment there she was about to get hit. She disappeared from the area, running as fast as she could. Why? She just felt it was the right thing to do. She picked up her bag run as fast as her could carry her. She didn't realize she was running in circles because the woods became foggy and it began to rain. She, bumped into to something and walked back.

" What was that? ", she rubs her forehead.

She looks up to see a pair of bright red eyes before her, it startled her for a moment.

" I sorry I didn't see you there. I'm lost and I'm trying to find my way to house twenty , room five. "

" Follow me ", he turned around and led her there. Through out their journey in the slightly falling rain, they were quite with not a single word falling out of their lips. After minutes of walking, Ashley saw light and she had a feeling they had entered the Raven Section.

" There ", was the only word he said. Ashley without a second thought, dashed to the door of the house and entered immediately without knocking.


Dilara was preparing dinner in the kitchen, when she heard a bang at the door. She walked out of the kitchen into the hallway and towards the door, while saying.

" Finally, someone else decided to come home. Where were all of you by the way. Do you have any idea how long I had to sit and listen to Saaru talk continuously about ancient times. My ears were literally on fire. "

Taking a right turn she expected to see

one of the girl but instead saw girl who was unknown her.

" Hello ", Ashley said in pure nervousness. Dilara had a confused expression as she stared at Ashley.

" Yeah. Hi, you're not who I was expecting. " , Dilara tilted her had to the side.

" Excuse me, but who are you? ", as she said this she slowly slipped her right hand behind her, picking up a dagger form the drawer. It was kept there because, in this section, fight happened like a natural event. Her and the girls always fought with some other demons. Especially female demons. Not because they liked it, but because they needed to make others know that they are superior and not to be messed all. Well she couldn't solemnly say that all of them didn't like. There was still Halina. Her hold loosen around the dagger as she gazed into Ashley's silver eyes. Innocence, pure innocence. Was what she saw in those bright silver eyes.

' Silver eyes? How beautiful. Is she an ancient demon? These are very rare. That's, if I'm not mistaken ', Dilara thought inwardly. Her green eyes filled with curiousity.

" I'm Ashley Lace. You new housemate. Miss Isolde asked me here.", Ashley tried to pour happiness into each and every word but failed instead. She wasn't good at lying. She waved her hand and showed a forced smile.

Dilara was so lost in her own thought that she raised her right hand and waved, returning the gesture.

" Huh ", Ashley gasped, still staring at the dagger in Dilara's hand. She didn't know when she had picked up the dagger. Ashley could have sworn that she didn't see it in her hand minutes ago. It took a second for Dilara to notice her own actions.

" Oh! I'm sorry. It's just for emergency. ", She tried to get the information through to her and, make sure she wasn't mistaken.

" Okay. But what kind of emergency? ", Ashley asked in curiousity.

Dilara decided not to answer Ashley's question and instead said.

" Come. Follow me." Dilara excorted her ito the living room and brought a towel for her to dry herself. Ashley had her upper body wet with her lower body slightly drench.

" Aren't you going to put that away. I'm not dangerous at all. ", said sincerely.

' Step. Step. '

Someone came down stairs. As soon as the person set her eyes on Ashley she paused for what seemed like a moment, before resuming.

" Who's this? I heard voices down here and decided to came and check. ", The girl had blue eyes just like Hadassah but lighter, straight golden blonde hair cascading down the shoulders, with not a single strand out of place. She wore a long knee length white night gown.

" We have a new housemate. Her name is...

" What's your name again? ", Dilara asked with a questioning gaze as she turned to Ashley.

" It's Ashley. Ashley Lace ", She reintroduced herself once again the time more nervous.

" Well, hi there. I'm Saaru. ", She noticed the dagger held by Dilara and commented.

" Come on Didi. Put that away. She's harmless. ", she walks towards Dilara and took the seat next to hers.

" You smell like blood. How and why? ", Dilara's question was shot straight at Ashley. Leaving her speechless. Ashley herself hadn't noticed the smell until now.

" Dilara. Come one, don't be rude. ", Saaru was shocked by Dilara's behaviour and it was evident with the shocked expression on her face. " I'm sorry for her behaviour. Em... you said you're our new housemate right? "

" Yeah. I am. "

" That why I found some luggage in the living room earlier. I kept it in your room...but I wasn't sure when you would return so I didn't tidy up the place. But you can use my bathroom if you want to freshen up as I clean you room. ", She suggested with a bright smile plastered across her face.

" Okay. I really need a shower. ", Ashley said as she nodded her head in agreement.

" Go up then. Room four opposite your. I'll get your luggage to your room. ",

" Thanks Saaru ", Ashley appreciated it a lot. Ashley stood up and left, but before leaving her eyes was met with Dilara's narrowed gaze. She quickly headed up took take a shower.

" Do you trust her? If you do. I just want you to know I don't.", Dilara said it what an anger filled voice.

" Why? ", Saaru asked and when Dilara didn't answer immediately she continued. " Don't tell me it's because you think you father sent her as a spy. "

" Exactly. " she replied. Her anger increasing but, not rapidly.

" I know you don't trust your father but you shouldn't take it out on Ash. ", She stood up and sat beside her giving her a side hug.

" Okay but you will help me keep an eye on her. ", She said while with pouted lips.

" Didi! ", Saaru stretch her name.

" What? You do know I don't trust easily. ", Dilara rolled her gorgeous green eyes.

' Says the person who did hesitated to eat the cupcake I offered, when we first met. ", inwardly she thought.

" Hmm, okay. Are you happy now? ", Saaru questioned and slowly pulled away.

" Yeah. ", Dilara replied in a clam tone. Curiousity clouded over her face as a thought crossed her mind.

" Saaru. Don't you think she looks too innocent to be in Raven. I wonder what she did "

" Me too. Maybe we have another Halina in the house. " Saaru giggled while awaiting Dilara's expression.

" Please, don't even joke about it. You know how annoying Halina can be. She's the exact opposite of Nereida. ", Dilara commented.

" True. " Saaru agreed, her mocking giggle coming to an end.

" Well I'll go continue preparing dinning ", she stood up and walked to keep the dagger in it's former place.

" Didi, why don't I watch the food and you go get Ashley's bags from her room to mine. ", She waited for Dilara to walk into the living room. " It will give you a chance to apologise. "

" You're right my behaviour wasn't that good ", Dilara turned and walked away heading up the stairs. Saaaru had her eyes fixed on her back until she was out of sight. She slowly stood up, heading to the kitchen she.


Ashley was standing in the middle of Saaru's room, when she heard a light knocking sound from the door. She got a bit startled.

" May l come in? It's me, Dilara.", said Dilara in a loud tone.

" Yes, you may. ", Ashley moved away from the bed to the middle of the room.

Dilara slowly opened the door as she allowed herself in, pulling a set of black bags into the room.

" I thought Saaru was bringing them. But thanks anyways.", Ashley smiled.

" You're welcome", She nodded.

"Yeah, she asked me to bring them as she said she would be taking over making dinner. ", Dilara said coming to a halt with the bags and leaving then before Ashley.

" Oh.",she gave a short replied.

They stood there staring at each other as the atmosphere caught nervousness once again.

" Umm... Ash. ", Dilara called out carefully. Her hands fell into her pocket as her shoulders lifted. " I wanted to apologise for my behaviour earlier. I should have judged you just like that was very unreasonable of me.

Dilara had her gaze down then lifted then at the end of her sentence. Ashley could hear the sincerity of Dilara's voice.

" No need to apologise...

" Oh, but I have to. Well not because I'm being forced or anything. ", she hesitated and move to sit at the edge of the bed.

" I thought you were a spy. The thing is my father doesn't trust me since he found out I have been kinda keeping secrets. And he said he'd be keeping an eye on me. And I asked myself since her can't keep an eye on me, way over here. So...I thought he sent you. As a spy. "

" I'm not a spy. I don't even know the first thing about being a spy. It's impossible. ", Ashley giggled.

" I don't even know how that pop into my head. Maybe overthinking. ", Dilara giggled back. " So are we friends? "

" Of course we are. ", Ashley answered a smile forming across her face.

" Well, I'll leave you alone to have your shower ", Dilara made her way to the door, letting herself out when she paused recalling something.

" Ash. ", She called out. " Welcome to Raven. "

Ashley lifted her head.

" Thanks. I'll see you downstairs. "

" Okay. ", Didi slowly closed the door and left.


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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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