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Devils Game (The Black Phone Fanfic)

"New girl"

Your pov

I was tapping my book along to the rhythm of a song I could hear my little sister listening to, I tapped her shoulder, she looked up taking her headphones off. "Yes, bambi?" She asked, I chuckled that was her old nickname for me which I didn't mind. "What's your daily quote or word, petal?" I asked curiously, she grinned up at me. "Kalopsia." She said proudly, I laughed. "What's the meaning of that word, petal?" I asked curiously, she smiled. "The definition of Kalopsia is the delusion of something appearing more beautiful than it actually is, it's also a noun." She explained happy that I always took interest in her word/quote of the day. I ruffled her hair softly and kissed her head. "Good job, petal. You're getting even smarter." I grinned, she looked away in embarrassment as I laughed.

"Shut up would ya!" Our father yelled from the drivers seat of the car, I watched as Sadie immediately shut up her eyes glistening with fear as I sighed. I went back to reading my book as Sadie put her headphones on and we both pretend as if nothing had happened, about three hours later we arrived at our destination. A small blue colored two bedroom house, me and Sadie would be sharing a room which we didn't mind and our father got his own room. I looked at Sadie with a look of fear as I saw father grab a bottle of beer, I quickly jumped out of the car pulling Sadie inside as we walked to the smaller room and sat in the floor, I saw the fear in Sadies eyes as I hid her in the closet and put a finger to my mouth. I got up and walked outside grabbing mine and Sadies boxes and bringing them inside, once everyone one of myself and Sadies belongings were in the room I locked the door.

I started to slowly unpack two a mattress that was in a box, I laid it down on the ground and pushed it to the correct position once it had settled I grabbed a sheet and started to make the bed once I was done I finished unpacking everything else and slowly walked over to the closet. "Petal..." I whispered, Sadie looked up at me still obviously scared, I gave a reassuring smile and guided the eight year old to the bed where she laid down to rest. I kissed her forehead and held her close starting to her the glass breaking and stuff being tossed around in the kitchen. He was drunk again. I shook my head in disappointment as I covered Sadies ears. "It's alright, petal... He can't hurt us right now." I whispered in her ear as her eyes started to water, I ran a gentle hand through her hair as we both laid down falling asleep.

When I awoke I saw Sadie awake reading in a corner, I got up and sat behind her grabbing a brush from off of the dresser, gently brushing through her beautiful blonde hair tugging at the small knots that that were in her hair, once I was done I braided her hair and gave her some clothes, a plain white shirt and a pink skirt that wasn't particularly too short but wasn't too long either, once she was done getting ready I clipped a necklace with a rose petal on her neck and gave her, her backpack. "Alrighty petal, Ready for your first day of school?" I asked her as I got dressed into a hoodie and jeans before tying my (h/c) hair in a messy ponytail and clipping a matching necklace to Sadies around my neck, she nodded as I slipped my backpack over my shoulders,  I grabbed Sadies hand and unlocked the door to see shattered glass everywhere, I sighed and quietly helped Sadie avoid the glass as we left the house and headed towards her school. "Word/quote of the day?" I asked her curiously, she gave a small timid smile before responding. "Real girls are never perfect and perfect girls are never real." She answered, I smiled as we arrived at her school gates, I kissed her forehead. "That's a good quote petal, you remember that when you need it now go have a good day." I said as she smiled and ran into her new school.

Wether I was allowed to or not I was skipping today, I just couldn't handle school today. I had a few spare bucks in my pocket and I decided just to go to the grab n' go, once I arrived I saw a group of six boys almost guarding the entrance, not purposely but a blonde haired one and a black haired one with a bandana were arguing while the remaining boys were laughing at their bickering and one brown curly-ish haired boy was nagging at the group about being late for school, I put my hood on attempting to be unseen as I walked up and looked down. "Excuse me..." I muttered quietly, I looked up enough to see they had moved. I walked into the store and looked for (f/s) and (f/c) once I got them I paid and walked out of the store. I looked at the group of boys who's eyes were glued to me, I looked away and sighed.

"****," I cursed under my breath as I realized that I forgot to make Sadie lunch, I heard a voice behind me and I turned around. "Y/n!" Sadie grinned as she hugged me, I realized that she had followed me and chuckled. "You're not too up for school today either huh, petal?" I asked as I handed her the candy bar I bought earlier, she shook her head. "Not really..." She looked at the group of boys that were staring. "Hey! Stop staring weirdos!" She shouted at them, I laughed and ruffled her hair. "Don't worry about me, petal. They weren't trying to be mean." I explained as she glared, I turned back and gave an apologetic gaze. "Alrighty, petal what should we do today?" I asked as I crouched down to her height. "What about... The library?" She asked happily and I nodded. "Sure, let's go find the library." I grabbed her hand and waved to the group of boys getting a response of a wave from most but one with a dog grinned at me. "See ya around new girl!"

Tea and blood

Your pov

I woke up the next morning and took a shower before getting dressed and sloppily tying my hair up, I clipped my necklace around my neck and woke Sadie up, getting her ready.

We walked to her school just enjoying the peace and quiet, once we got to her school gates I looked at her and straighten her hair before kissing her forehead. "Word/quote of the day?" I asked with a tired smile, she grinned. "Believe only half of what you hear and nothing you see." She smiles and hugs me, I hug her back before waving and walking towards school.

I was supposed to be there yesterday but I wasn't so maybe they'll just think I was unpacking or something. Hopefully. As I arrived at my school I heard a bunch of chanting, I followed the noise and saw a fight. One of the boys from yesterday, the one with the bandana was fighting a random kid... And he was winning. I sighed uninterested in fighting and walked away, I felt eyes on me and I turned around seeing another one of the boys from yesterday, he had dark brown hair and was watching the fight with what seemed to be his little sister. I waved before walking inside school and trying to find the office.

Once I finally found the office I got my schedule and list of classmates that were in most of my classes? Huh? Do they usually give students a list of classmates that are quote 'in most of your classes'? Whatever I guess. I looked at the list and read the names.















Okay then...  That's fourteen people I'm going to choose not to talk to, because I don't want to. I walked to my first period which was math, I hate math. Once I entered the classroom the teacher looked over to the class. "Everyone this young lady is new, so I expect you all to treat her with respect and kindness." She smiled and looked at me. "Could you introduce yourself, dear?"

I gulped. I hate this already. "My name is Y/n..." I said quietly but loud enough. My teacher Mrs. Flores smiled at me and pointed to a seat in the class, I walked over and sat down.

We were having a pop quiz apparently and I was given one but the teacher said this wouldn't count towards my grade because I most likely hadn't learned any of this, I surprisingly knew most of it and finished it in due time, I turned it in and did some other work before packing up and leaving for my next period, English with Mr. Reamer.

Once I got in class I had to introduce myself again, I saw some of the boys from yesterday scattered across the class and I was sat next to a window, yay. We were doing an essay on wether or not we believed in rumors. That's unusual for an essay but the teacher explained that the grade had a bullying problem. ******* great.

Once that was over I was close to lunch but half of gym was first. I entered the gym and walked to the locker rooms, getting my assigned clothes from the lady in there, I got dressed and walked out of the locker room sitting down on the floor as everyone had a bit of free time. I just sat there peacefully in my own silence. Once it was time for dodgeball. I got up and watched my team throw the  red basketball looking balls and throw them at the other side, Jesus this class was competitive. I grabbed a few of the balls and threw them with little effort.

I saw one of the boys from yesterday and approached him, I sat down next to him and looked at the book he was reading. "What's your name?" I asked curiously but quietly, he looked puzzled that I was talking to him but smiled softly. "Griffin." He answered quietly, I smiled and realized he was one of the names on the list earlier. "Y/n. Nice to meet you griffin." I smiled at him and waved  as I got up and ran towards the locker room to get dressed in normal clothes and headed to lunch, I didn't want to sit at a random table so I ate outside on the grass, I loved the feeling of the wind in my face and the silence was peaceful. Not for long.

Three boys approached me, I had no idea who they were but they started making fun of me, using the way I tied my hair or the way I dressed. I was warned about the bullying problem but this was just pissing me off. I got up and walked away as they followed and continued making fun of me. "Your clothing choice is so poor! Didn't your mother ever teach you how ladies dress?" One of them commented, I gritted my teeth and continued to ignore it. "Maybe your mother dresses just like you! Your mothers probably looked down upon... Or maybe... You don't have a mother. She's probably dead." Another commented. I

felt rage boil inside of me as I turned around and punched him in the face, I watched as blood ran down his face. I punched him once in his stomach making him collapse on the floor, I climbed on top of him and just kept punching him, unaware of the the circle of people that were now watching me, when I was snapped back into reality I looked around and saw people who seemed scared of me, and I looked down at the boy... I had completely broken his nose and his eye was closed, I busted his lip too... I just watched as my knuckles bled... I quickly jumped up and walked away from the scene, all eyes on me as left the school grounds.

Kind stranger

Your pov

Shit. Shit. Shit! I was panicking as I tried to figure out where to go, if I went home my dad would've already gotten the call and I knew what would happen. I felt tears glisten my eyes as I sat down on the grass, the yard I was sitting on was unknown to me. I started to cry softly. I didn't know what what to do, I just broke a kids nose and my dad will be furious! I was a bit shocked as I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Hey... Are you alright..?" The kid asked, I looked up and saw it was the boy who was watching the fight earlier. I smiled as I wiped my tears away. "Yeah, I'm fine." I answered as I got up. He looked at me unsure as he nodded. "What's your name?" He asked trying to start conversation. I smiled. "Y/n." I answered and put my hand out, he returned the smile and shook my hand. "That's a pretty name. Mines Finney." I nodded. "Thanks Finney..." I checked the time on my watch. "Shit! I have to pick up Sadie!" I muttered as I smiled and waved to Finney before running away.

Once I got to Sadies school I felt relieved seeing that I wasn't too late, she walked up to me and grabbed my hand. "Heya Bambi!" She grinned, I laughed and ruffled her hair with my free hand. "Hey petal, ready to go?" I asked as she grinned up at me. "Yep!" She started walking with me home. "Did you make any friends?" I asked her curiously, she smiled at me. "Yeah! Her name is Amy!" She grinned, I smiled. "Glad to hear it, petal." As we got closer to home I looked at her and sighed. "Sadie... When we get home I need you to go to our room and lock the door. Stay in there no matter what you hear." I said firmly, I saw the fear glisten in her eyes as she silently nodded.

Sadies pov

Once we got home I ran to mine and Y/n's room closing and locking the door behind me, I started to cry... I started to hear screaming and stuff being thrown around... But the worst thing I heard was the sound of someone being hit over and over. I sobbed as I covered my mouth. After a while I heard faint knocking on the door, I didn't answer. "It's me petal..." I heard Y/n's faint voice ring in my ears. I hurriedly got up and opened the door for her. Oh my god... I sobbed as I hugged her.

Your pov

I locked the door as I got in the room, Sadies cries ringing in my ears as I hugged her back. After an hour I was able to get her to sleep, her tear stained eyes hurting my heart. I got up and grabbed bandages, I bandaged my bruised and cut arms, my dad was really pissed this time. He ended up throwing a glass bottle at me this time, thankfully it only hit my arm. I pulled a few big and small pieces of glass out of my arms and bandaged it, after that I moved onto the bruises around my eyes and on my stomach, I covered them with makeup and then I was done. I went to sleep after that.

I woke up the next morning and took a shower before getting ready. I brushed my (h/c) hair letting it cascade down my back, I recovered my face with makeup then putting on a light blue sweatshirt so it covers my arms, I put on some sweatpants and tied my hair in a surprisingly organized ponytail, I them put my necklace on. I turned around to see that Sadie was nowhere to be found... I panicked as I left the room and saw my dad yelling at Sadie for waking him up. I dragged saide back into the room then searching her for any bruises or cuts. I found one cut on her hand. I bandaged it and helped her get ready, I did her pigtails then gave her, her favorite red overalls with a white shirt, once she was ready I clipped her necklace on then we started our walk to school.

I ruffled Sadies hair and wiped her forming tears. "Petal, I'm okay. Don't worry." She nodded and hugged me, I hugged back tightly. "Word/quote of the day?" I asked her as I chuckled. She laughed and smiled happily answering my question. "Alexithymia, a noun which means: Inability to express emotions verbally." I laughed and kissed her head. "Alright petal, go play with your friends." I pushed her towards her school gates and she ran towards her school happily. I was happy to know that Sadie was enjoying her new school, it brought me a lot of relief.

As I approached school a saw a bunch of kids back away from me. Jeez... Rumors already? Everyone in the hallway was weary of me, they all seemed to think the minute I bat an eye at them they'd get beat up. I rolled my eyes and sat down and a girl tapped my shoulder. "Hey... Uhm.. are you okay?" She asked, I looked at her confused. "I heard what those boys said to you yesterday... And it makes sense why you beat them up..." She explained with a smile, I sighed and smiled back. "Yeah I'm fine, thanks for asking." I smiled at her and she smiled back.

"Alright class today we're going to assign partners for our science project!" I heard my teacher, Miss Anderson say. I groaned as she started pairing everyone. "Y/n you're going to be with Eve." I looked around until the girl next to me grinned. "Looks like we're partners." I smiled knowing that I had a partner that doesn't believe the rumors. "I'm Y/n l/n!" I introduced myself as we gathered our books and headed to English. She grinned happily. "Eve showalter!" She introduced herself back as we continued walking to class we got to talking and we had a lot in common. We decided we'd study at her house later, the best part about it is that we were gonna have a sleepover! It'd been so long since I had a night away.

After school I went and picked up Sadie. "Hey Bambi... Could I spend tonight at Amy's house?" She asked excitedly. That was perfect now she had somewhere to be tonight as well. "Sure petal." I kissed her head as she waved to me and walked home with Amy. I checked the piece of paper that Eve have to me and walked to her house, I know knocked on the door and a boy answered. He was one of the boys from a few days ago! The one with the dog. He looked at me confused. "Hi, wh-" he was in the middle of asking me something when Eve pushed him away from the door and hugged me, I laughed and hugged her back. We've barely known each other yet we were already best friends. "Y/nnnn!" She squealed excitedly as she dragged me into the house. I saw the whole group of boys from a few days ago there, they all looked at me surprised. "Where's your sister?" Eve asked, I originally planned on her coming with me but since she was staying at Amy's I didn't need to. "Oh! Sadie's staying over at her friend Amy's house." I smiled, Eve nodded and looked over to the boys.

"Oh yeah! Guys this is my best friend Y/n!" Eve introduced me, I waved. Eve looked at me for a second before looking a bit shocked. "Y/n..." She started... I panicked. Was my makeup fading?! Could she see the bandages under my sleeves?! "That's not good for your hair!" She sighed and sat me down on a chair, untying my (h/c) hair and brushing it. "There we go! Now its all pretty! Don't tie your hair up like that it'll damage it." She smiled at me, I was relieved as I laughed and let my hair stay down. "Hey you're that kid who broke that asshole Max's nose!" I heard one of the boys yell at me, I flinched. "I- uhm.." I started, Eve looked at him. "Vance shut your mouth!" Eve yelled at him, I chuckled. "No it's alright Eve." I smiled at them. "Yeah I got a angry at something he said and my emotions got the best of me." I explained as Eve flipped off Vance and dragged me into her room.

"Alright what should we do for the beautiful but miserable science project?" She asked as she started plotting down ideas in her notebook, I thought for a minute. "What about an infinity mirror?" I asked. She looked at me puzzled. "You are a genius Y/n!" She grins and we started to plan our infinity mirror, overall the sleepover went well... We did movies and popcorn, stayed up late, did a lot of planning for our project. It was nice. I definitely found myself a best friend.

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