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Let me hold your hand and take you to heaven....."said her prince charming

"Always be with me" Priya exclaimed.

Suddenly a splash of water fell upon her....hurriedly she woke up at once to see how and who did not let the happy ending of her love story of which she was dreaming of to end peacefully....frowningly she shot her brown sleepy eyes open not really open but half open cause of the long lasting effect of her deep peaceful sleep only to see her angry mother who was fed up of calling her several times to get up from her sleep..

"See the time girl! It's 8:30 and you got your school from 9:00!!!!"

Her mother shouted at her to her top most voice....

"Yeah it's only 8:30- Wait- WHATTTT!!"jumping off from her bed she shouted...

" If you are late again in the school then I am gonna beat you up today for sure after you come home!" Her mother said hastily and went downstairs..

Without wasting a single second she hurriedly went to do her morning routine...


Stuffing a bread with jam she went out for her school....Well she also knows that if today she is late she have to face the consequences..

She ran all the way to her school as school is not way far from her house so she could easily walk .... but only today well not only today from the past three days and this is the fourth day she is running late for her school....

Panting heavily she entered the class....but for her surprise today, their teacher is sick so the first class will not held....

She gave a deep sigh in relief..

"Finally I am saved today....huh!..thanks God!" She winked upwards...

The second class went well...and obviously why would it be not?'s her favourite subject biology and she is sitting right beside her best friend Mia..

"I am hungry let's go and grab something quick!" Priya said caressing her empty stomach..

"Aish this are always hungry" Mia laughed..

"Don't lie are hungry too. Your stomach is growling and I can hear that..hahahaha!"

"Yeah yeah whatever let's just go" Mia playfully rolled her eyes, interlinked her hand with Priya's and dragged her to the canteen...

They both were just about to enter when they heard a chaos....

"Guess what..he started again."both the besties rolled their eyes and said...

Well you must be thinking who is 'he' here right? Well he is none other than one of the dangerous Mafias of the town.. 'KIM TAEHYUNG'.....a feeling of fear as well as shiver appears down through everyone's spine only just hearing his name....


"Maybe he is beating up someone who is innocent...poor him." "Well we should not waste our time here...let's just go." Mia said and held Priya's hand...

    But instead she loosened her grip and went to the crowd...

        What's in her mind now?

The new boy is getting beaten up badly by taehyung....why?...just because the was passing by and accidentally he bumped on taehyung and the coffee fell upon him....

      "DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT YOU HAD DONE HUH?! THIS SHIRT WAS ******* EXPENSIVE AND YOU RUINED IT! NOW PAY FOR IT." Anger was clearly visible in his brown eyes....Tae growled in anger while the whole people present there stood like statue as they couldn't help but only see.

        "Please forgive me...I-I didn't mean t-to do-" a tight punch fell upon him before he could complete his sentence...

      "Don't dare to argue back orelse you will end up in hospital!"

       But to everyone's surprise Taehyung felt a sharp sting on his left cheek which caused him to turn his head to right....

              Everyone gasped.....

Yes it's Priya who slapped taehyung...


         No one even imagined of talking back to Taehyung but Priya went beyond one said a single word....a tension in the atmosphere was been clearly felt....

             Realisation hits Priya....

"Oh no- what..had I done......" She thought of herself...her heart throbbing in fear...she could easily feel that those brown eyes is now piercing through her innermost soul making her gulp.....

         Taehyung came closer and bend in front of her ears making her breath hitch.....a little yet devil smirk appeared in his face....unknowingly shiver ran down through her spine

         "You don't know with whom you messed up baby. Now wait and watch.  How I make your life like hell" ..saying he left from there without uttering a single word....



                  To be continued.....


After the whole chaos Mia finally manages to drag Priya to the canteen....

"Bruh that's insane!! What u did! Are you out of your mind or what?" Mia exclaimed as she is now worried about her best friend....

"Didn't you see how that rude Taehyung was beating the new boy? I- I don't know I felt bad and I-l-slap-ped him....." Priya said in a low voice enough for Mia to hear....

"Hah...okay come on let's eat something and get back to class or else we will be left starved" Mia said…

Priya hummed in response....though she was feeling afraid...and she should of course cause of it was a simple matter then it must have been okay, but She unknowingly slapped Taehyung, and he will not take any kind of revenge is obviously not possible....

So lemme tell you guys something....Priya belongs to a middle class family and she is the one and only daughter of Ms. and Mr. Lee. As I said earlier that Priya is a charming girl..she is sweet to everyone even if anyone hurts her she talks with that person nicely.... She is an introvert type and doesn't like to come in any relationships so far...She loves people not by their perfections but by their imperfections... She is polite and courageous too...she loves every kind of professions and she usually don't judge people...But she fears that one profession... MAFIA.. Yes she has a tragic past about an incident which made her look down to those rude,heartless Mafias... ***


***So basically it was winter night and she was returning home from the grocery stores....there were not much people outside because of the cold temperature in the town... she was walking silently in the alley....When she suddenly heard painful cries of a woman? At first she shrugged off the matter thinking maybe she is tired and again started walking...but again she stopped on her way***...***but why***?***She suddenly heard a fire of a gun***.....

"What was that?It's's a fire of a Gun!!"

Priya said to herself and quickly ran towards the direction from where she heard the firing sound... While running, she spotted something a bit far away....What's that? Two people? In the corner of a street? What are they doing here?and it also seems like they are fighting! Several questions were running in her mind...

"No mom always tells that if I see some uncanny situation I must check out and should have a presence of mind...and what if a girl is being harassed there?if I go then I can protect her too...who knows?" Priya immediately made her mind and went forward...

But to her horror she saw a sight which she never expected of...... A man holding a gun straight to the head of a pregnant woman.... The woman was sobbing and asking for mercy.... That sudden horrific moment Unknowingly made the grocery bag to fall from her trembling hands making a sound enough for the people there to hear it clearly..... The man who was holding the gun quickly turned towards her......What will she do now? Where she will go? Should she protect the pregnant lady? or should she just ran away from there? Priya herself was unable to answer her own questions which were running in her fearful mind...

"Who the hell are you huh!? What are you doing here!" The man growled in anger visible in his merciless eyes.

Finding no perfect answer Priya looked at the pathetic woman who now struggling to at least escape from there at any cost...she just wants to save the unborn little flower who still didn't see the nature's beauty....the pitying eyes of the crying woman says it all.... Priya just looked at her blankly...But then not getting any response from her the man pushed Priya making her fall on the harsh ground which is now wet due to the fews drops of rainfall....

"Arghhh" She hissed in pain....

Somehow she managed to gather all her strength and courage and spoke...

"Please..please leave the lady....let her go... The thing you are doing is the worst ....don't...don't be this cruel..."

The man laughed..." You think I will listen to you? You foolish girl, huh?"

"YOU BIT-BITCH…DON'T YOU HAVE ANY MERCY?!!!HOW CAN YOU do this to anyone......" Priya bursted out into tears...she was unable to hold her words, so she said it out loud...

"You did a big mistake foolish girl...So you want to save this lady right? okay then come to her place and save her....come!" The man said in a devilish tone...

Will she do it? If she does then what will be the condition of her parents? Her friends? These are the chief questions now....On the other hand what about the mother and her unborn baby? What about all the impending dreams the lady has with her baby? How cruel the world is? How shameless heartless person is the man who can do everything even...even can kill a little life without thinking once?

"So did you find any solutions regarding this hmm?" the man roam around the two girl who are now in the world of captivity....Priya was feeling helpless and hopeless...

But suddenly she heard a gun fire again... "BANG".... That's when the world turned out....The almost dead body of the pregnant woman lay helplessly on the ground which was now cover with red fluid....Priya could sense the eerie atmosphere... The man left from there without turning back.... Priya's body stopped functioning....Tears were not coming out from her crystal eyes which are now out of words....

*** Suddenly the black night showed it's teeth in the flash of lightning... The Storm was growling from the corner of the sky***....

"I can't do nothing....I...I can't save the tiny life inside the impending mother...."

Watching the bleeding body of the miserable woman she exclaimed in a pleading yet soft tone while touching the tummy of her...

"I am sorry my dear....I....couldn't save you from that inhuman murderous animal...I am sorry.."

The woman left her last breathe....The cold wind blew away all the happiness in just a second....Priya didn't say a single word after returning home....she was traumatized....but her best friend somehow made her condition normal...she used to have nightmares....nightmares about that incident....Again today the matter with Taehyung made her remember that....

To be continued....




The school corridors echoed with hushed whispers as Priya, a bold and outspoken girl, crossed paths with Taehyung, the reputed deadliest mafia figure with a secret life hidden beneath his charismatic facade. A confrontation ensued, fueled by a clash of personalities.

In the crowded hallway, Priya's frustration boiled over, and without a second thought, she slapped Taehyung across the face. The students around them gasped, creating a temporary bubble of silence. Taehyung, known for his calculated demeanor, froze for a moment, his dark eyes locking onto Priya's fiery gaze.

The slap reverberated like a warning, and the tension between them thickened. Priya, undeterred by the dangerous aura surrounding Taehyung, spoke defiantly, "You can't intimidate everyone with your reputation. Some of us won't bow down to bullies like you."

Taehyung, his cheek stinging from the impact, studied Priya with a mixture of surprise and curiosity. Instead of retaliating, he chuckled, a low, menacing sound that sent shivers down the spines of onlookers. "Feisty, aren't you?" he remarked, wiping away a hint of blood from the corner of his mouth.


As the day unfolded, rumors spread like wildfire, weaving a tale of the unexpected clash between Priya and Taehyung. Unbeknownst to Priya, her act of defiance marked the beginning of an intricate dance between two worlds—one governed by the rules of high school, and the other by the shadows of the criminal underworld.

In the following days, Priya found herself under an unusual kind of scrutiny. Whispers followed her wherever she went, and she noticed mysterious figures observing her from a distance. Unsettled, she began to piece together the puzzle, realizing that her confrontation with Taehyung had far-reaching consequences.

One afternoon, as Priya navigated the labyrinthine corridors of the school, she was summoned to the rooftop. There, against the backdrop of the city skyline, she encountered Taehyung once again. This time, his demeanor was different—a subtle blend of amusement and something she couldn't quite decipher.

"Interesting choice, slapping the deadliest mafia in school," Taehyung mused, leaning against the railing. "You've caught my attention, Priya."

He revealed a side of himself she hadn't anticipated—a complex figure with layers beyond the feared criminal persona. Against her instincts, Priya felt a strange allure, a pull toward the enigmatic world Taehyung inhabited.

As days turned into weeks, Priya and Taehyung found themselves entangled in a web of intrigue. He became an unlikely protector, a silent guardian watching over her from the shadows. Priya, torn between fear and fascination, began to see beyond the stereotypes, uncovering the humanity buried beneath Taehyung's dangerous exterior.

Their lives collided in unexpected ways, blurring the lines between the ordinary and the extraordinary. The school became a battleground for hidden conflicts, and Priya, once a mere bystander, found herself at the center of a clandestine struggle.

It was a sudden tie between them... Which no one ever knew would take place... Their bond was hidden from everyone even Mia didn't know it.... Will their relationship turn out to be a good one? What will be their ultimate fate?

To be continued......

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