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The Perfect Villain (Taekook)

Chapter 1

Author VK...Kashyap
Author VK...Kashyap
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Author VK...Kashyap
Author VK...Kashyap
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present 2023
International Supreme court
Media Reporter
Media Reporter
Good Morning Seoul, July 9 the date you all are eagerly waiting for, The biggest case of the decade The Omega Equality and freedom
Media Reporter
Media Reporter
This case was filed by 20 years old omega Jeon Junghyun on June 13, 2003, Yes it's been 20 years this case is going on, Till now nobody has seen the omega Jeon Junghyun
Media Reporter
Media Reporter
But yesterday leaving his facial identity, every information about the omega went Viral, He is 40 years old and unmarried, orphan and the most shocking part that he is the Owner of Jeon corporation, The biggest and most powerful company' in the world
Media Reporter
Media Reporter
Many conservative Alphas and Omegas are against him for invading the decisions of God, on the other hand there are many people who are supporting the omega
Suddenly a group of luxurious cars stopped in front of the building, The crowd went crazy, But because of the many bodyguards the main character of the event got hidden, The beta bodyguards surrounded him and safely dropped him in the building
Media Reporter
Media Reporter
Let's see what the supreme court is going to decide on behalf of this case, who will be going to win, The representative of Alpha community or the Omega Jeon Junghyun
Inside the court room
When the omega Jeon Junghyun entered the court room, His fans and supporters stood up in his respect and cheered for him, Junghyun was wearing a mask but still his big smile was seen by everyone, he bowed to them and sat on his seat
Soon the Supreme court's judge came and every one stood up in his respect
Take your seats
opposition Lawyer
opposition Lawyer
My lord today is the day of the judgement about an unnecessary case, that was present by an omega
He said in his full alpha ego, some of the egoistic alphas clapped and praised him, while the omegas and some intelligent alphas snorted on his this comment
Jeon Junghyun
Jeon Junghyun
Keep it together Mr Lee,
opposition Lawyer
opposition Lawyer
Scoffed* i am already ashamed that I have to stand near a disgusting omega,
opposition Lawyer
opposition Lawyer
You should apologise to the almighty God for your irrelevant deeds
Junghyun smiled at him and that burns the already burning alphas ego
Jeon Junghyun
Jeon Junghyun
am not apologizing for who I am, Mr Lee
Jeon Junghyun
Jeon Junghyun
You are spitting on the sky mr Lee, don't forget the one who gave birth to you was an omega,
opposition Lawyer
opposition Lawyer
How dare you, to insult my mother 😡
Jeon Junghyun
Jeon Junghyun
uh-huh it was you mr Lee, you are calling omega nasty and disgusting so that means ~ 😏
opposition Lawyer
opposition Lawyer
Mr Lee marched towards junghyun and slapped him hard, The slap was nothing for him it's felt like air was touching him, He smirked internally and fell on the ground
While jungkook supporters were about to kill Mr Lee but they stopped when Junghyun looked towards them with a mischievous smile, they smirked and went back to their seats
Order order, You can't raise your hand on a respected figure mr Lee, This act of your shows that why Mr Jeon filed a case for Omega's right and freedom
opposition Lawyer
opposition Lawyer
My lord this is a trick of this disgraceful omega
The judge looked at Junghyun who made a pitiful face, He sighed and looked towards Mr Lee with sharp eyes
On the behalf of proofs and live witnesses of this case, The supreme court passes the law for Omega's right and freedom
These include the right to live free from violence and discrimination; to enjoy the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health; to be educated; to own property; to vote; and to earn an equal wage.
If anyone breaks these laws, they will be punished brutally by the law
The case is closed
The judge stood up from his seat and smiled towards Junghyun, who bowed in his respect, The Junghyun's supporters started to chant his name and smiled towards them, but his smile turned into a smirk when he looked towards mr lee
opposition Lawyer
opposition Lawyer
You *****, you intentionally provoked me right
Jeon Junghyun
Jeon Junghyun
ouch~ so rude mr Lee, and it was you who was claiming that Omega's are dumb and illiterate
Jeon Junghyun
Jeon Junghyun
Take this mr Lee you need help
He said while giving him a card and walked out of the court room
opposition Lawyer
opposition Lawyer
Mr Lee riun behind Junghyun while shouting Junghyun turned around and passed a mischievous smile to mr Lee with a middle finger
Jeon Junghyun
Jeon Junghyun
Bye bye Mr Lee, please visit the doctor soon
The Omega fixed his coat and wore his mask and soon he got attacked by the thousands of questions from media Reporters, He told them to come into his conference that was going to be held tomorrow, he will answer their all questions
Name:- Jeon Junghyun Age:- 40 Occupation:- Ceo of the Jeon corporation Family:- he is an orphan love:- Not interested A very cunning and manipulative person, he can make you believe in his pure white lies, not a typical omega, very kind and generous for good people but a literal meaning of a devil for the bad people,
Author VK...Kashyap
Author VK...Kashyap
Hello buns, this is my 3rd chat story
Author VK...Kashyap
Author VK...Kashyap
hope you all enjoy it

Chapter 2

Author VK...Kashyap
Author VK...Kashyap
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Author VK...Kashyap
Author VK...Kashyap
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Back to the story
Jeon's residence
A luxurious car stopped in front of a lavish mansion, This mansion belongs to the Jeon Junghyun who stepped out of his car and went inside his House, yes House Because leaving the Omega no one live inside these four walls,
Junghyun went inside his room and took a long relaxing bath, he wore some comfortable clothes and went downstairs, Today he achieved everything that he desires but why his heart didn't feel happiness of his great success
He started to make delicious food not for himself but for someone else, Someone who was very close to his heart
He packed the food and left his kitchen, He came inside his backyard and opened the beautiful gateway that was covered in different kinds of flowers and vines
As he stepped inside the beautiful garden, his all tiredness flew away, The cold soothing breeze calmed his raging thoughts, A small smile dangled on his lips while he inhaled the fresh aroma of flowers
While enjoying the beauty of nature he crossed a small river, that was surrounded by the Red maple trees
After crossing the bridge, he reached his destination, His Home,
Here lives his dear parents, His everything
But as a memory, A beautiful memory
Junghyun sat in front of his parents grave and kissed them lovingly, his eyes were teary and heart was clenching in pain, He harshly wiped his tears and smiled while looking at his parents
Jeon Junghyun
Jeon Junghyun
Happy Wedding anniversary Mumma Dada 😁
Jeon Junghyun
Jeon Junghyun
Look what I brought for you this time as a gift, You two going to love it
He said while pulling out the official document from the supreme court that passes the law of the Omega's rights and freedom, As he put those papers on the ground heavy winds started to blow
Junghyun happily giggled and bowed down
Jeon Junghyun
Jeon Junghyun
Thank you for accepting the gift Mr and Mrs Jeon* he said playfully
Jeon Junghyun
Jeon Junghyun
Victory ✌️
He tried to smile, but his heart was hurting badly, He wanted his parents to celebrate their anniversary in front of him like they used to in the past, He wants his parents to embrace him after a tiring day inside his office
He wanted to make his parents proud of his success, He wanted them alive and safe in front of his eyes, but they snatched them from him, They made him an orphan
He gulped the painful lump inside his throat and unpacked the food that he made for his parent's anniversary
A beautiful memory comes across his mind as he remembered those beautiful days
Junghyun wake up you lazy brat
Baby why are you shouting at my little kiddo in the early morning let him sleep Na
Jeon Jin (past)
Jeon Jin (past)
Little kiddo???? For god’s sake, joonie your little kiddo is 20 years old
Jeon Jin (past)
Jeon Jin (past)
It's you who spoils him so muc-
He was cut by the sleepy Junghyun, Who snuggled in his neck while hugging him
Junghyun (past)
Junghyun (past)
morning mumma 😴
Joon smiled because he knows that his bunny can easily calm his angry bird mumma calm, He also joined them in the hug, Junghyun turned around and hugged Joonie
Junghyun (past)
Junghyun (past)
Good morning dada 😁
Jeon Hae-Joon (past)
Jeon Hae-Joon (past)
Morning my little King
Jeon Jin (past)
Jeon Jin (past)
Hyun baby how many times I told you to wake up early and learn something about house chores huh
Jeon Jin (past)
Jeon Jin (past)
In some years you will get married, what I am going to say to your in laws that my little pig only knows eating, sleeping and reading his books whole day
Junghyun (past)
Junghyun (past)
Dada~ mumma again started his lectures * he whined and hid behind his father
Junghyun (past)
Junghyun (past)
And for the 693874674 times I am again telling you, Jeon Junghyun is never going to marry an alpha, until he is Jeon Hae-Joon 😎
Jeon Jin (past)
Jeon Jin (past)
Gasped* You shameless brat
Jeon Jin (past)
Jeon Jin (past)
At least learn something for yourself, your dad and I are not going to stay with you forever, what if one day I will die-
Junghyun (past)
Junghyun (past)
Jeon Hae-Joon (past)
Jeon Hae-Joon (past)
The father son duo hugged him very tightly
Jeon Hae-Joon (past)
Jeon Hae-Joon (past)
You are not going anywhere
Junghyun (past)
Junghyun (past)
I will live with you two forever, I don't need any Alpha for myself 🥺
Jin just sighed and hugged them back,
Jeon Jin (past)
Jeon Jin (past)
Ok do whatever you want, I am not stopping you 😘
Junghyun (past)
Junghyun (past)
That's like my beautiful moon 🌝🌝
Jeon Jin (past)
Jeon Jin (past)
😂😂😂😂 brat
Jeon Hae-Joon (past)
Jeon Hae-Joon (past)
😂😂😂😂 Our Brat
Tears rolled down from Junghyun's eyes and he laid on the grass, He looked at the sky and mumbled before drifting into the slumber
Jeon Junghyun
Jeon Junghyun
Count Your days, Dear Alphas
Jeon Junghyun
Jeon Junghyun
Your de$th is coming
Someone softly caressed the sleeping Junghyun's head
Jeon Jin (Spirit)
Jeon Jin (Spirit)
We are always here for you my little brat
Jeon Hae-Joon (Spirit)
Jeon Hae-Joon (Spirit)
Dada is proud of you my little King*pecked his son's forehead
Junghyun smiled in his sleep and snuggled in the warmth of his parents, Who smiled at him
Yes they still didn't get the afterlife, How can they leave their only baby alone in this cruel world, They begged the angels for staying at the human world for their child
Jeon Jin (Spirit)
Jeon Jin (Spirit)
Giggle* I still can't believe that my lazy brat learns cooking
Jeon Jin (Spirit)
Jeon Jin (Spirit)
It's so delicious 😋
Jeon Hae-Joon (Spirit)
Jeon Hae-Joon (Spirit)
Jeon Hae-Joon (Spirit)
Jeon Hae-Joon (Spirit)
Look Jinnie, he even brought your favorite snacks and my books
After the Jeon couple's death, Junghyun built a beautiful home for his parents that they always wanted to spend their remaining life with him, A beautiful traditional house with a modern touch, Surrounded by nature and far away from the humans
Even though they died, but still Junghyun fulfilled their every wish, his maybe don't know, but his beloved is always there for him, blessing him for his success and healthy life
Author VK...Kashyap
Author VK...Kashyap
The real story will start after the next chapter, stay tuned 💕
Author VK...Kashyap
Author VK...Kashyap
Hope you enjoyed it
Author VK...Kashyap
Author VK...Kashyap

Chapter 3

Author VK...Kashyap
Author VK...Kashyap
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Author VK...Kashyap
Author VK...Kashyap
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Back to the story
Three luxurious cars stopped in front of a magnificent villa, The car doors opened by the drives and three well-dressed alphas cladded in branded suits stepped out, The Kim's
When the three alphas entered their house, it felt so odd and silent, Till now all the workers of their house would be present in the living room to welcome them with their heads hung low, but today no one comes to greet them
Kim Ji-ho (grandfather)
Kim Ji-ho (grandfather)
The elder alpha's stern voice echoed in the deserted house, but to his disappointment not even a single person came out, His elder son laughed mockingly
Kim Yi-Joon (1st uncle)
Kim Yi-Joon (1st uncle)
Fuc*ing slu*s got some guts to disobey their Gods huh~
Kim Hyun-woo ( 2nd uncle)
Kim Hyun-woo ( 2nd uncle)
But suddenly, all the lights got off only the moonlight was shining inside the hall, Three of them groaned annoyed by the things happening to them
Kim Ji-ho (grandfather)
Kim Ji-ho (grandfather)
Good!!!! Very good
But suddenly they heard the metal scratching on the wall from the staircase and someone was coming closer to them with slow steps, Their eyes widened when they saw a person fully clothed in black and holding a knife, The man's face was covered with a mask
Kim Yi-Joon (1st uncle)
Kim Yi-Joon (1st uncle)
Kim Hyun-woo ( 2nd uncle)
Kim Hyun-woo ( 2nd uncle)
How dare you, to come inside our house!!!!!
Death has come to your disgusting house bas*erds,
Kim Ji-ho (grandfather)
Kim Ji-ho (grandfather)
Laughed loudly* Oh so now the Kim's have to face a little worm huh~
Tsk tsk tsk~never underestimate your enemy old hag
The unknown man threw a smoke bomb towards them, the whole room was filled with smoke, The three alphas started to cough badly, they started to lose their consciousness
They tried to run away from the room but to their loss they got trapped inside a heavy metal net,
Kim Ji-ho (grandfather)
Kim Ji-ho (grandfather)
Let us g-go you- yo bit*h
La La La La~
Before fainting they saw that unknown person a little
Then everything turned black
Introduction Time
Name:- Kim Ji-ho (Alpha) The head alpha of the Kim family Egoistic bas*erd Father of Kim Yi-Joon, Kim Hyun woo and Kim Hae-Joon Hate Omega's and disobedience Killed his wife after she gave birth to his 4th child because the baby was an omega,
Kim Yi-Joon Eldest son of Kim Ji-ho Same as his father Never got married but have countless affairs with many Omegas
Kim Hyun-woo 2nd son of Kim Ji-ho same as his father Married with three omegas, his second wife died while giving birth to his twin alpha kids, have many extra marital affairs before his 3rd marriage, Loves his 3rd wife blindly
Kim Mi Kyong (omega) 1st wife of Kim Hyun woo Belongs to a very rich family Sweet and kind omega Have one Alpha son
Kim Soo-yun (alpha) 3rd wife of Kim Hyun woo belongs to a very rich family Madly in love with her husband
Kim Hae-Joon (alpha) Youngest son of Kim Ji-ho left his family at the age of 18 and got married to his beautiful omega Jeon Jin Father of Jeon Junghyun Took his Omega's surname as he was ashamed to be a part of Kim's
Jeon Jin (omega) only child of the royal family, Was forced to get married to a middle-aged alpha so at the age of 17 he ran away from home and got married to his alpha Kim Hae Joon Mother/father of Jeon Junghyun Loved his family so much
Author VK...Kashyap
Author VK...Kashyap
Hello Buns hope you enjoyed this
Author VK...Kashyap
Author VK...Kashyap
One more thing
Author VK...Kashyap
Author VK...Kashyap
I updated the story (Hello Mr Vampire) but many of you didn't get the notification I guess, so please check out the story chapter number 18 is updated

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