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His Weakness


Chase Ricardio was one to cause trouble everywhere he went. He also was not one to speak much, thus he never got messed with nor spoken against. At least, not until Mimi went against him in front of the whole campus.
Mimi Silva
Mimi Silva
Stop acting like you're a GOD of some sort, you are not worthier than anyone here. Go dump your problems else where and stop being a coward that preys on the weak.
Chuckling, Chase turned and walked away. Leaving everyone in the premises baffled and awestruck.
Chase's house :
Chase Ricardio
Chase Ricardio
I can't believe she actually spoke to me like that!
He threw a glass against the wall in front of him.
Chase Ricardio
Chase Ricardio
For f*ck sake! How could that little thing have so much guts to go against me! A whole f*cking ME!
He chuckled, after punching the table -- to the point where his hands bled.
Chase Ricardio
Chase Ricardio
I have to admit though, she was quiet cute. F*ck! What am I saying?!
He paced, pinching the bridge of his nose as he tried to calm himself down.
Michael Ricardio
Michael Ricardio
Do not break any of my valuables in there!
Chase's pacing was interrupted as he heard his father's voice.
Chase Ricardio
Chase Ricardio
Whatever you say old man!
He shouted, his anger making him feel as though he was going to burst.
Rosalie Ricardio
Rosalie Ricardio
You cannot speak to your father like that, Chase!
Chase Ricardio
Chase Ricardio
Who died and made you the judge?!
He shouted before the shattering of glasses could be heard on the other side of the white door.


Walking alone in the middle of the night with a bag of groceries in both her hands, she groaned.
Mimi Silva
Mimi Silva
I cannot believe that old woman. She is making me and my little sister go through hell just because she is bitter about something that happened years ago. I am lucky there's a 24/7 open store here...
She rolled her eyes and groaned once more.
Mimi Silva
Mimi Silva
I'd better get a move on, Lilly is probably hungry.
Along the way, she heard the pitter patter of feet from behind her.
Gulping, she picked up her pace.
Mimi Silva
Mimi Silva
(Just pass by please, I have nothing to give other than these few food stuffs that my little sister and I need for up keep.)
She imagined her little sister's cute face, as she awaited her food with a pout...
Unfortunately for Mimi, the person caught up with her as she was about to exit the dark alley...
She was about to sprint, when the man caught her by the hoody she had on.
Come on Princess, I won't hurt you... only if you're obedient.
Mimi gulped, her body trembling as she slowly nodded and put the groceries on the dirty floor.
Mimi Silva
Mimi Silva
Good girl. Now turn slowly... and don't try anything stupid.
She did as she was told.
Ah Good girl. Now strip, Princess...
Shaking, Mimi gulped and tucked on the waist band of her sweat pants as slowly as she possibly could.
Stupidly, the man loosened his hold and tried to forcefully take of her pants.
Mimi Silva
Mimi Silva
(Stupid man.)
Mimi thought as she kicked him where the sun don't shine. The man crouched down, groaning...
I am going to kill you!
He tried to get up, but the pain in his lower region disagreed with his movements.
Mimi Silva
Mimi Silva
Aww... you thought you could take advantage of me that easily? Well sorry to burst your bubble, Pervert.
After kicking his face, and picking up the groceries... She sped off, her heart beating fast.
Mimi Silva
Mimi Silva
Piece of poo! He thought he could mess with me? Hell naw! I raised a baby by my own self, nothing can faze me EVER!
She was breathing heavily as she entered the shack she and her little sister were forced to live in.
Mimi Silva
Mimi Silva
Lilly? Come out cupcake, Mommy's here.
Lilly Silva
Lilly Silva
Mowwy? Mowwy... Wiwwy... Hunwy...
The little girl rubbed her tummy, looking up at her "mommy".
Mimi Silva
Mimi Silva
Mimi took out a paper bag with a few nuggets inside.
Mimi Silva
Mimi Silva
Let me warm this for you, and whilst you eat... I'll make us dinner, okay cupcake?
The little girl nodded, her thumb in her mouth, sucking on it.


A few weeks after the incident...
The news : A man was found dead in an alleyway on Poseidon street. It was found that, he had sustained multiple injuries on the head and a lot of broken bones.
Mimi Silva
Mimi Silva
What the heck?! I didn't even kick him that hard...
She paced... her stress levels rising.
Mimi Silva
Mimi Silva
Did I really kill him? Nah... it definitely was not me, right?
A chuckle could be heard from the window... making Mimi turn at an inhumane speed.
Chase Ricardio
Chase Ricardio
You really are something...
Mimi Silva
Mimi Silva
What the... how did you... What are you doing here?!
Chase chuckled and let himself in.
Chase Ricardio
Chase Ricardio
Let's just say, I know who killed the man but I'm not telling...
He winked at her, after opening the fridge and taking out a piece of fried chicken... then taking a bite.
Chase Ricardio
Chase Ricardio
Mmm, delicious.
He licked his fingers, whilst Mimi glared at him.
Mimi Silva
Mimi Silva
Aren't you supposed to be somewhere, sulking?
Chase Ricardio
Chase Ricardio
Well, I couldn't miss this chicken for anything. You out did yourself Silva...
After he had finished the piece, he wiped his hands and walked towards the fuming girl.
Chase Ricardio
Chase Ricardio
Aren't you going to ask who the killer is? Huh tiny?
Mimi Silva
Mimi Silva
It seems like you have memory loss, didn't you say you ain't telling? And secondly... I am NOT short nor tiny. I am five foot seven, which is beyond the average height for a tall girl.
With her hands on either side of her waist, she glared at Chase.
Chase Ricardio
Chase Ricardio
Sassy. I love it.
He walked towards her...
Chase Ricardio
Chase Ricardio
He whispered in her ear, making her push him away.
Chase Ricardio
Chase Ricardio
By the way... I killed the guy.
Chase walked towards the window, one of his legs hanging outside...
Chase Ricardio
Chase Ricardio
Stay out of trouble Silva. Or I might have to go around killing "people" on your behalf.
He mumbled the last part before jumping out the window, leaving a baffled Mimi behind.

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