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Seeking Happiness



On the wedding night , when the bride hung herself, the hansome husband was sickly, the concubine eas glaring like a tiger to see what her best next move would be.

Shu Huan who time travelled to the ancient times encountered such a mess.

"Men and Women can't touch each other. You doing this is not right, right? "

"Humph, You are already married to me. you still care about that? "

"Eh Eh, second young master , You haven't healed yet. I'm thinking for your own good. "

"Doesn't matter, this young master isn't interested in your bean sprouts like body. "

while sleeping , they put a barrier of pillows between them.

woman : "Eh..... Eh.... "

man : "Eh... What are you doing? "

woman : "Don't cross the line."

man : "uh..... "

woman : " If... if I accidentally crods the line...... you don't... "

"Humph... if you continue to talk, I'll tear your clothes and seal your mouth. "

"You check so carefully because you are afraid that I'll harm you? "

"That isn't it. Humph, I only want to know why someone will commit suicide by hanging on the wedding night. "


"You hate me so much? You prefer to die instead of spending the wedding night with me ? "




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On a hot summer night , the door and window of Plum Flower pavilion where two red words ' happiness ' were pasted - were tightly closed .

Inside , the bright red wedding candles gave the whole room a warm red feeling .

However , Shu Huan who was wearing a red wedding dress and leaning against a sandalwood mirror still had a pale face in this overwhelming redness .

The sweat that was like rain cleared the heavy make - up on her face . While breathing heavily , her heart still felt oppressed that it almost exploded .

However , it wasn't because she felt warm . It was panic . It was fear . Her hands and feet were cold like they held snow in the winter . There wasn't the slightest warmth on them . That person on the bed ... that person ... Although , the temperature fromhis palm were higher than hers , but his face was pale and he wasn't breathing ! This was the person she married .

The person who she wedded because of an arranged marriage with the hope that the event of great joy ' would drive away his bad luck and hasten his recovery ; how could he die on the day of marriage inside the wedding room ?!

Shu Huan once again bravely stepped forward and reached out to see if Gu Xiran was breathing . She really couldn't feel even the slightest breath ...

Her white teeth bit her red lips very hard and left a mark and it bled .

However , she still didn't dare to cry and she was afraid to shout .

On the night of the marriage , the bridegroom died of illness . Could she still continue to live on ?

The repressed resentment rushed to the heart ...

When father and mother forced her to marry , they said it very beautifully , " The illness wasn't so serious . It doesn't matter . After you marry , carefully serve him for a few days . He would naturally be grateful . Besides , even if the man's illness was dragged for a while , you are the official wife and had been married with eight carriers carrying your palanquin honorably into Gu family's house . Would there be anyone in that Gu family who would dare to gossip and look down on you ? They would just rush over to flatter you ! naturally , by then , you would have a use of them . Why would you bother to stay at this poor home and eat food that are hard to swallow ?

She was so stupid to believe these words used to coax people .

She was so stupid to nod and agree to marry !

She didn't wish for riches and glory . She only hoped to get a bit further and further away from that home that tormented her every day . As long as her ears could stay peaceful , she was willing to be a cow and horse inside Gu household !

However , she had never thought that second young master Gu was so seriously ill ; so ill that he couldn't pass the wedding night and made her a widow ? It seemed that she really was a star of disaster . Father and mother didn't scold wrongly at all ...

The resentment only stayed in the heart for a moment . It couldn't be helped .

Ever since young , she had a weak personality like this . When she was in trouble , she could only cry . Perhaps that was why father got fed up with her and arranged a marriage for her ?

Shu Huan also wanted to cry now , but she didn't know why her eyes were dry . Not even a drop of tear came out . Her heart was also like this dry tear ; every hope turned to dust .

The first thing she cause after marriage was bring bad luck , cause the death of the man and widowed herself . The rumors and scoldings that were about to come were enough to annihilate all her hopes .

Not to mention , the back - biting and disgraceful hard days and the inexhaustible suffering that was about to come ....

Living was really hard . It was better to die !

Once that thought came into mind , it couldn't go away and lingered in her mind .

A person like her had nothing which she cherished in this life anymore . Death was naturally also not begrudging .

Instead , she saved many people from troubling themselves and also saved herself from many things ...

The spotless moon was clear and brilliant .

A scream smashed this quiet night and swayed to far away .

The servant who kept watch at night who was snatching a moment of leisure and dozed off , was awakened by the shake from someone . The person rushed , " Quickly ! Quickly go invite a doctor ! Quickly ! "

The footsteps sounded all the way ...

The lanterns illuminated one after another . Rushing people were seen everywhere in Gu residence . But the most chaotic place was still Plum Flower pavilion . There was an endless stream of people coming in and out . The red candles in the room burned for the whole night . The wax of the candles were everywhere on the candlesticks .

chapter 1 - Detention

Chapter 1 - Detention

In the morning at Plum Flower Pavilion .

After tossing about in bed for a whole night and just having entered the land of dreams , Shu Huan was awakened by the push of someone .

Confusedly , she opened her eyes and saw maid Qiaoyun standing in front of the bed .

Maid Qiaoyun said to her , " Second young mistress , forgive my offense ! "

Before she could react , two servants came forward . With one at the right and one at the left , she was taken out of the room . She couldn't help but panic , " What are you doing ? "

Qiaoyun led the way in the front . She didn't turn , " Old mistress said to change a more suitable place for second young mistress , lest to avoid you committing suicide every other day . "

The so - called suitable place was a small room inside Plum Flower Pavilion .

There were only four walls . There wasn't even one piece of furniture inside the room . It was so empty that there wasn't even a bed .

There was only a pile of dry straws on the ground .

It seemed like a place where people used to sit on . How was this a place where people reside ? It was obviously detention .

Shu Huan was pushed to the pile of straws . Before she could get up , she heard the door being slammed . Not only was the door closed , but she could hear the sound of it being locked .

It seemed that they were bent on to lock her up .

Then , it wouldn't be of any use to scream and beat the door .

Then , she would not waste energy . She sat while hugging her knees and put her chin on her knees .

Suddenly , she felt her eyes stung and wanted to cry .

She was already unhappy that she inexplicably time - travelled .

And , the original owner of this body had to commit suicide by hanging herself , making the moment she time - travelled to here , she had to stay in bed for two days and was forced to drink very bitter medicine .

She didn't even have the time to think about what to do next , when she had fallen to the point where she was detained .

It seemed that this mess left by the original owner was more troublesome than she thought .

An abnormal experience , the physical pain and mental torture ...

Under such heavy pressure , Shu Huan wasn't able to take it anymore and fell asleep again .

Even in her sleep , her heart was still tangled . So , she woke up again and then slept again . She didn't know how many times she slept and woke up .

She also didn't know how much time had passed . When she truly woke up , she had completely figured it out and she had calmed down .

Cherish life and stay safe .

Anyway , a scorpion isn't afraid of being bitten . If one was already so unlucky , one would be unruffled .

She stood up and sorted out the pile of straws , so that she could sit and sleep more comfortably .

Suddenly , she heard the door being unlocked .

She turned and saw maid Huiyun came in while holding a red tray .

Behind her was the sunset . It was nearly night .

No wonder the room was so dark .

When Huiyun squatted down and put the red tray on the ground , she saw the food that was sent in the morning and at noon . They weren't touched .

She couldn't help but frown from worry , "Second young mistress , no matter how much grievances and sadness you are feeling , you should eat "

" Eat ! Of course , I will eat ! "

Before , the room was too dark . Shu Huan didn't see those meals .

Now , she was already very hungry .

She reached out and grabbed a Chinese steamed twisted bread roll from the tray , put it in her mouth and began to chew .

After Huiyun saw that she was willing to eat , she felt relieved .

She comforted her ( SH ) , " Second young mistress , first succumb to these grievances for a few days . Old madam said that after second young master gets well , she will let you out "

One mouthful of Chinese steamed twisted bread roll stuck in her throat and couldn't go down .

Shu Huan took over the tea Huiyun quickly poured .

After a few gulps , she showed a bitter smile .

While she was in bed for two days , although she was so in pain as to not want to live anymore and didn't have the mind to pay attention to other things , but she heard some rumors .

She vaguely knew that the original owner of this body was a girl from a poor family who married with the hope that the ' event of great joy ' would drive away his bad luck and hasten his recovery .

In the end , she committed suicide by hanging on the wedding night and caused the already very ill second young master Gu to faint .

Four or five doctors were invited and took turns to take care of him .

The event didn't bring great joy , but instead it brought bad luck .

In all fairness , that Gu family detained her here was pardonable . She was gloomy but wasn't angry .

She was thinking that after their anger was subdued , they would let her out .

She didn't expect that Huiyun would give her a thunder from the clear sky .

How was this comfort ? This was worse than comfort ! Shu Huan was afraid that she understood wrongly and asked , " I can go out after his illness got well ? "

Huiyun nodded a bit awkwardly , "Old madam said so ... "

Really want to smash the table !

Shu Huan lost appetite and put the Chinese steamed twisted bread roll on the tray , "When do you feel his illness will get well ? "

Huiyun hesitated and didn't answer .

It was the same as she had guessed !

He was already so ill that he needed a marriage so that the event of great joy would drive away his bad luck and hasten his recovery .

Presumably , it was some chronic disease that couldn't be cured .

It is a terminal illness ! Wait till second young master Gu get well , then doesn't she have to wait until the end of time ?

Shu Huan said resentful , " If his illness doesn't get well and if he .... "

Huiyun panicked , " Second young mistress , don't say this . Second young master is a good person . Heaven will help those worthy . He will get well"

Who was she deceiving ?!

Shu Huan picked up a straw and keep tying it in knots , " I didn't mean to curse him . I only wanted to understand the matter well . How long had he been ill ? "

Huiyun also knew those words were a lie . She lowered her head , " Ever since young , second young master's body hasn't been well . This illness had been lingering since he was four or five years old . Last year , he got seriously ill . Later , he got slightly better and was able to eat , but he wasn't able to get out of bed . Old madam had been looking forward to seeing him get better , but she didn't expect that the spring of this year , his illness got worse again ... "

After hearing this , Shu Huan couldn't sit still any longer .

She stood up and said , " I want to bother you to bring me to the old madam . "

In any case , she had to find a way of survival for herself . Whether it was possible or not , it was better than to sit and do nothing .

She didn't expect that Huiyun hurriedly stopped her , " Old madam was in a bad mood these past two days . People wanted to hide from her , why would second young mistress want to bump into her ? It was better to stay here for a few days and then see what to do after . "

" I can't stay any longer ! " Shu Huan raised her eyes , swept over the room and smiled bitterly , " Are you afraid that I would commit suicide ? You didn't even give me a bed ! I don't mind sleeping on the ground but letting me sit and lie for a whole long day , it really can let people go crazy from boredom ! Your old madam should be a reasonable person . I only want to tell her that I won't commit suicide . She didn't have to guard against me like this . Instead of locking me up like this and waste your food , it's better to let me out and serve second young master to atone for my crimes by meritorious acts "

The words were reasonable , but how could it be so simple ?! Locking her in here , aside from fearing that she would commit suicide , the old madam thinks that she was unlucky .

She just married and almost caused the death of second young master .

This was why old madam ordered her to be isolated .

It was just , although Huiyun understood this in her heart , but because of her status , she couldn't say it openly .

When she saw Shu Huan's persistence , she said , " Second young mistress , this slave can't decide on this . If you truly want to see old madam , you have to ask concubine Yun "

" Concubine Yun ? " Shu Huan was surprised .

" Mm " Huiyun didn't dare to look at her reaction .

She said with lowered head , " Concubine Yun was taken in by second young master last year . It was also because he was seriously ill that old madam wanted him to take a wife to let the event of great joy drive away his bad luck and hasten his recovery . It was just , at that time eldest young master hadn't taken a wife yet . It was not good to take one before him , so she was made a concubine instead of a wife . When concubine Yun married over , she didn't sleep for three days and nights and served second young master without resting . Second young master got slightly better and she fainted from tiredness . Because of this old madam often praised her and said that this affection was rare . She also praised her in everything . Now , second young mistress , you ... "

She paused and didn't continue , but Shu Huan understood .

" Now , I am detained . She is in charge of everything in this courtyard . "

Huiyun nodded and didn't say anything .

Shu Huan smiled bitterly .

Don't worry about not knowing the goods but worry about comparing them : a person's true value could only be determined through comparison .

Compared to the original owner , the actions of concubine Yun was like high the sky and her ( SH ) actions low like the ground !

The moment the other party married , her whole heart was on the patient . The moment the original owner married , she rushed to commit suicide by hanging .

No wonder even if she took up the identity of wife , she was still not accepted !

It was just , she didn't know whether there was a hidden secret inside of these .

Besides , everyone has their own aspirations .

She also couldn't say who was wrong or right . She only knew that the mess she had to clean up because of the original owner was big ! But no matter what , she first had to think of a way to get out .

This was the most important thing at the moment .

After thinking it through , Shu Huan insisted , "I bother you to please bring concubine Yun for me . "

Huiyun hesitated for a moment and the nodded .

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