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My Paranoid Love!

A normal day

It's 6:30 am

The alarm rings. Fiona turns the alarm off and gets with a yawn.

fiona: huff! Such a boring day. I don't wanna go to school. But what to do I'm helpless.

she takes her soft toy teddy in her hands and gives a warm kiss on his head

fiona: good morning ted! I'm gonna go get ready for the school .I'll miss u there. But don't worry I'll be back soon till then , keep waiting for me.

She gets off her bed, goes to the washroom, gets fresh and finally gets ready for her school.But she suddenly gets a call.

fiona: oh shit! why is my landlord calling? not now! plz god ! I'm not in mood for this now. I think should put my phone on aeroplane mode At least I'll live in peace fir some time.

But that peace doesn't stayed for long in her life.

she gets out of her house and locks the door and turns around, and screams out of being scared.

And guess what? It was her land lord!

landlord: what? why were u so scared? Did u just see a ghost ?

fiona: (murmurs) u are the ghost.

landlord: did u just say anything?

fiona: no no no ! I mean I just got surprised when I saw u . Mr. Lee ur lookin so damn handsome today. U made my day. (buttering)

landlord:( blushing )oh girl! thank u so much!ur so cute ! btw , when are u paying the rent?

fiona : ahh ! the rent!

(acting, sobbing) ohh Mr. Lee . I'm not the kind of girl who lives in debt , but what do I do I'm running out of money . I'm so sorry , I'll clear all my dues by the end of this month.

landlord: (foolishly believed in what she said , in a sorrow) oh dear , don't cry ! U don't have to give me the rent! I understand ur situation. don't worry I'll not ask for it for now .

fiona: (acting , sobbing) Thank u Mr. Lee I have one more problem, but i don't know how to tell u about that. I'm so bad.

landlord: oh dear don't cry. tell me what happened? I'll help u no matter what. After all we're a family!

fiona : ( acting , sobbing) u know what! I don't even have money to pay for my school fees . What do I do ? I barely even have money for my food. I don't even have anyone who can lend me some money!(sobbing)

landlord : wait wait , don't cry don't cry! U have me by ur side why do u worry about that ? I'll lend u some money!

fiona: Thank u but is it appropriate for me to take money from u? Mrs. Lee will definitely not be happy with this. (sobbing)

landlord : U don't have to worry about that I'll take care of her! I'll just transfer 5k in ur account. Will it be fine?

fiona:(acting , sobbing) yeah , thank you so much , I'll definitely try to return it to u by the month end .

* * *

she left from there and took the public bus. She felt like someone was looking at her but when she looked around she found no one. she found it strange but didn't took it seriously and just ignored it.

While sitting in the bus she thought, *although it was quite fun playing around with my old aged landlord it's not appropriate to use my skills in situations like this . This makes me feel like a guilty person . But what do I do? I am really running outta money . I also have to pay for the electricity bill and my school fee but I still don't have enough money. I think I should do more part time jobs* ....she sighs

\* \* \*

At school

At school

She was walking in the corridor with her headphones on and was dancing so carelessly as if no one saw her . Then she suddenly bumped into someone and got stunned .It was actually her class teacher!!

teacher: fiona !! what were you doing? don't u know classes are going on? do u think ur at home? why are u making a mess in the school?! (angry)

fiona : ( scared) I'm really sorry sir . I didn't mean to disturb any of u . This is the last time I did this stupidity. I'll never do this again. plz let go of me this time. plz sir.

teacher : Fine then , this is ur last warning , if u do this again then you'll have to clean the whole classroom alone! now go to ur class! (angry)

fiona:Sorry sir , thank u sir. I'll take my leave!

teacher: ( smirked) this foolish child. what to do with her.

In class

Fiona didn't take any oh her teacher's words seriously. She was still in chill mood. she happily went to her class and sat on her desk. Then some girls came and stood beside her desk.

Tate ( the bully) : look who's here ? the biggest attention seeker of our class

Erica (classmate) : no no ur wrong, she's the biggest attention seeker of our school

Jilly( classmate) : bruh , she can literally do anything to seek attention from the boys

Erica: she's too much

Tate:( with an evil smile) of course she's too much. After all she thinks so highly about herself. Daydreaming that she could be a celeb . Have u even seen ur face

Jane(classmate): what's there to see . she looks like a *****!

Everybody in the class along started laughing and making fun of fiona. She really felt like hitting all those girls but was not able to ....tears were rolling down of her eyes. But then she spoke to herself.

fiona: * U should be strong fiona, there's nothing u can't face and u can handle everything! Ohh Tate baby . Laugh asmich as u want cuz ur gonna cry soon*

she stood up and looked at Tate with warm eyes .

fiona: ( acting) Tate what wrong did I do with u. I've never even looked at ur boyfriend cuz he's not my type at all. But he keeps hitting on me even when I've rejected him . Ur boyfriend finds me more attractive than u , what's my fault then?

Fiona knowingly used those lines to trigger her anger and to take revenge on her insult in front of the class. Tate burst out of anger.

Tate:( angry) you *****!! who do u think u are? I'll kill u today!

And she slapped her so hard on her cheek. Fiona fell on the desk and smirked but no one saw her .At the next moment the teacher entered the class and saw Tate slapping Fiona. Fiona made a sad crying face again and started crying.

All the students of the class told the teacher that Tate was targeting on fiona and fiona was the victim. Everyone in the class including the teacher believed that Tate was at fault. Tate was give the punishment to clean the whole classroom alone for one week.

After the class

After class Tate was feeling like smashing Fiona's head but she knew that by this she would only bring trouble for herself. So after the classes got over she called fiona for a talk and she agreed.

At terrace

Tate : I knew that u did this to frame me up!

fiona: ur kinda smart tho . U guessed it right !

Tate: why did u do this?

fiona : what do u mean? do u think that I'm the same as the other girls whom u bully all the time out of no reason. U told me that I'm the attention seeker. well , yeah of course I am . So what will u do? At least I do not hurt anyone to gain attention like u. If it was just for me I would have let u go. But I'm not the only one whom you bully. You bully so many girls just for ur satisfaction. Do u think u did right ?

tate: (speechless )

fiona : what? are u short of answers? Well then, don't u dare bully anyone again or I'll not let live peacefully. I'm done with u.

Then fiona leaves Tate alone and goes to pack her school bag.And from the school she goes for her part time job . She again starts feeling that someone is keeping an eye at her . She turns around and just slaps someone. But wait, whom did she actually slapped?

Chris: ouch ! my nose! (about to cry put in pain)

Fiona: chris, is it u? why were u following me like this from the morning? do u have a death wish?(surprised)

Chris:(confused) Yes I did follow u now but I didn't follow u in the morning. I was stucked with some work at home so I was not able to catch the bus. Did someone stalk u in the morning?

Fiona: no no, leave it . may be it was just my imagination. Anyway, don't ever dare to follow me like this again!

Chris: (unsatisfied) I'm ur best friend from around 4 yrs. Why don't u still recognise me?

Fiona: (speechless)

chris: (changes the topic) but u were so cool when u framed Tate up.

Fiona: Of course I am cool . I knew her weak point so I thought of deceiving her. After all she has bullied so many girls at school. So i just taught her a lesson.

Chris: woah.! u are so cruel.

fiona: shut up.

Fiona worked on the cash counter in a store so they both were walking to the supermarket when she suddenly noticed a really handsome and hot man on the big tv screen which was stucked at the top of a huge building.

fiona: ( surprised, exited) oh my god! who is he? he's so hot!

chris: (not speaking anything out of getting jealous)

fiona: what do u think about him?

... ...

fiona: what? say something?

chris: this is the first time u look impressed by anyone's looks.(in a serious way)

fiona: ( exited) yeah look, he looks like a damn hot playboy!

chris: how do I look like?

fiona: well u look like a toyboy hehhehe.( laughs)

chris : that was not funny anyway. (still serious)

they were just walking on the street and talking and suddenly the hunk of their school Eden appeared in front of them with two more boys.

Eden: hey fiona! I broke up with my girlfriend. I'm single now. Wanna be my girl.

fiona: not intrested!( doesn't gives attention to him)

Eden : ( tries to control his anger) say that again. do you think u can get someone better than me .

fiona: I really have high standards. Besides yes I can really get someone who's much better than u . Actually what about dating ur dad. At least he is self dependent and doesn't enjoys on the money of his parents , right?

chris: ( bursts outta anger, wants to use his fist badly)

Chris goes to hit fiona but she twists his hand badly and pushes him back. He again tries to hit her but the other two boys stops him and goes away from there.

On her way back home

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