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When I Saw The Returns, I Invested In My Future Wife First

episode 1:- Love On The Sick Bed, Goddess Sending Warmth?

“Mr. Luo, your tumor has already spread. We discussed at length and are in consensus that only a craniotomy can save your life!”

The doctor in the white coat had a cold expression on his face, his voice was as flat as a low-quality robot. It was as if the item in his hand was a lousy menu instead of an X-ray with bad news.

Luo Feng, who was sitting opposite the doctor, laughed bitterly. “What is the success rate of a craniotomy?”

The doctor adjusted his glasses and extended four fingers.

“40%?” Luo Feng asked.

Nearly 50% success rate?

Luo Feng was a little happy. This seemingly bad news was the best news he had heard recently.

“Four percent.” The doctor replied coldly.


Luo Feng felt like he had fallen into an ice cave the moment he heard that.

What was the difference between four percent and a direct declaration of death! Was there a need for a meeting to discuss this?

The doctor didn’t seem to notice Luo Feng’s expression of despair. “You still have slightly less than half a month if we treat it conservatively.”

Luo Feng could hear the urging in his words. He wouldn’t be of any help to the hospital’s financial gains as someone who was sent here by a caring person.

Moreover, to put it bluntly, treating him would be a waste of medical resources given his condition.

“I’ll do the surgery. If it doesn’t work out, you guys can take the organs that are still useful.” Luo Feng said as he propped himself up with the table and left the treatment room.

The tumor in his brain had almost drained all of his strength. His body was like a broken lantern made of paper. The slender bamboo strips would deform and break with just a tiny external force.

Luo Feng held onto the anti-fall handrail and slowly walked back to his ward.

He lay back on the bed and spat out the air in his lungs in pain.

He knew that he should contact his family to see them one last time and eat whatever he wanted according to the protocol, even though the doctor did not remind him just now.

Unfortunately, he had no family.

His parents had passed away early. Two relatives who wanted to inherit all his money since he had no offspring did come. However, they hid far away as if they were avoiding a plague when they heard that he was sick with nothing left.

Xing Miaomiao was the first name listed in his communication record.

She was Luo Feng’s ex-girlfriend. The two of them started dating in high school and got into the same university together. They have never separated even after their internship, so they were an enviable couple.

Xing Miaomiao was promoted from his girlfriend to his fiancée when they got engaged one year ago.

However, the irony was that Xing Miaomiao had never appeared again ever since Luo Feng discovered the brain tumor. She even canceled the wedding ceremony that was already on the agenda and drew a clear line with Luo Feng.

Luo Feng’s classmates were the ones who told him the news. However, it was very difficult for him to question Xing Miaomiao face to face with his weak body. He had to let it go even though he was unwilling.

Luo Feng thought about it and realized that there was no one he wanted to see.

He stared blankly at a certain stain on the ceiling. The silent room was terrifyingly quiet. The sound of the horn outside the window was like countless sharp arrows, hitting Luo Feng’s ear, the bull’s eye, revolving repeatedly in his brain after piercing through it.

“Urgh!” Luo Feng covered his mouth and felt his stomach churning. There was nothing in his stomach for him to throw up, only the sour stench rushing into his throat, burning his tongue.

Luo Feng hurriedly tried to grab the cup on the bedside table. However, he was unable to reach it.

Suddenly, Luo Feng felt the cup hit the back of his hand. He grabbed it and gulped the water in it down. He started coughing again before he could even relax.

“Cough cough cough!” Luo Feng curled up into a ball in pain.

Right at this moment, a hand covered Luo Feng’s back, gently helping him breathe.

Luo Feng raised his head in surprise and saw a beautiful woman in an apricot-colored suit standing in front of him. The woman was elegant and magnanimous. She looked like she just walked out of a high-end show when looking at her up close.

“Thank you.” Luo Feng used his hand to cover his sorry state.

The beautiful woman was like the sun in the sky. Anyone would avoid her light and feel ashamed of their inferiority.

Luo Feng lowered his head to avoid the beauty’s gaze. He had a feeling that this person would leave very soon. Perhaps she was here visiting a family member and came over to help him out because he was pitiful.

To his surprise, the beauty did not leave. She, instead, sat down by his bed.

The folds of the suit skirt followed her curves, her long legs elegantly gathered together, and her small leather bag covered the edge of the skirt. Luo Feng felt like the beauty was observing him!

“Wow! That person seems to be the youngest female CEO of Goldman Sachs Investment Corporation. I’ve seen her on television!”

“She’s so beautiful. She looks even better in person than on TV!”

“God is so unfair. How can someone be so good-looking and capable at the same time!”

At some point, a few nurses had gathered at the door of the ward. Their whispers answered some of Luo Feng’s doubts.

Wasn’t Goldman Sachs the most popular investment company in the news? It had only been listed for four years and had a market value of more than 10 billion yuan. Its scope spanned finance, real estate, tourism, film and television, and many other industries.

If Tencent was the paraquat in the industry, then Goldman Sachs would be the industry’s blood transfusion pack. It would do whatever it wanted and prosper.

Why would the CEO of such a great company come to such a place?

Luo Feng looked at the beauty’s face and found it familiar.

The beauty pursed her red lips and said. “Luo Feng, how are you feeling? I heard from the doctor that you’ve decided to undergo surgery?”

Luo Feng nodded. “Yes, but who are you?”

The beauty was stunned for a moment. “I’m Ai Tingya. Don’t you remember?”

Ai Tingya?

This name sounds familiar, but Luo Feng’s limited brain capacity did not allow him to search through his past memories.

“High school, boiled eggs. Do you remember now?” Ai Tingya smiled and reminded him.

It was Luo Feng’s turn to be surprised.

When he was in high school, his mother would cook him a boiled egg every day to complete his nutritional intake. He did not like to eat it, so he gave it to a yellow-faced and muscular girl in his class.

He did not have a deep impression of this girl. He only remembered that her hair was dry like straw. She was always in her school uniform even though the other girls in his class dressed up. She was dry and thin, like a baguette in a pocket.

Her inconspicuous appearance led no one but her teacher to remember her for her excellent results.

Luo Feng then looked at the voluptuous beauty in front of him and thought to himself. “Is this because of the nutritions in a boiled egg, or is it because of a second puberty? She has turned into such a beauty!”

“What are you doing here?” Luo Feng asked anxiously.

What goes around comes around. He was the one who was like the baguette in a hospital gown. There was nothing sadder than seeing an old classmate with a successful career again while he was lingering on his sick bed.

Luo Feng shrank back into himself to avoid giving Ai Tingya his illness thinking about this.

Ai Tingya sensed his resistance and stopped leaning closer to him. She pretended to be calm and replied. “Of course I’m here to see you. The period when we were deskmates might have been ordinary to you but it is unforgettable to me!”

Episode 2:-Cinematic Record Before Death, Am I Dreaming?

Unforgettable? Is she going to confess to me?

Ai Tingya’s choice of words was very ambiguous so Luo Feng couldn’t help but let his imagination run wild. However, the tumor squeezed out all the unnecessary thoughts from his mind in no time.

If the world was a game, then the Heavens would be a completely wicked player who joked around with Luo Feng.

So what if his deskmate confessed to him in his current physical condition? He could only wish her well indifferently and continue waiting to be pushed into the operating theater.

Ai Ting Ya couldn’t hear Luo Feng’s thoughts as she continued sincerely. “I was very sad to hear that you were sick. I’ve always wanted to see you, but I didn’t know if you wanted to see me”

Luo Feng’s pale lips curled into a relaxed smile: “Why do you think I don’t want to? With a classmate that is the CEO of Goldman Sachs, I will be able to brag for a long time. Do any other classmates know your identity?”

Ai Ting Ya immediately smiled when she heard Luo Feng taking the initiative to bring up a relaxing topic. “You’re the only one”

Luo Feng said proudly, “So that’s how it is. I’ll be able to brag the next time I see them.”


He was still in contact with a few people in high school. After graduating from university, he started a small company with his two best friends which did quite well with their family’s connections.

Luo Feng would have become the envy of others if his parents hadn’t died and he hadn’t been plagued by illness.

He did not want to drag his best friends down with him after he was diagnosed with a tumor in his brain. He therefore took some money and left, waiting for his life to end on his deathbed.

However, there would always be a day when his wealth would be emptied. Luo Feng didn’t have any income and had to pay an expensive treatment fee. He was running out of money in no time.

Coincidentally, he met a kind-hearted person in society who helped him pay for his medical expenses every month. Otherwise, he might have died long ago. He was considered lucky to be able to hear the doctor’s treatment plan this morning.

Luo Feng faintly felt that things were a little too coincidental after seeing Ai Tingya.

He pretended not to know anything. “Then I’m honored. I’ll have to tell Yan Jun about it when he comes. Do you remember Yan Jun? He was the life committee member of our class. He’s put on weight and has to turn his body sideways when he enters through the door.”

Ai Tingya’s lips twitched. She wanted to laugh, but she didn’t. She paused for a moment and interrupted Luo Feng’s laughter in a low voice. “Is that so? Yan Jun has always been very fat. Speaking of which… I heard that you’re engaged to Xing Miaomiao. Why isn’t she here?”

Ai Tingya would definitely be first if there was a competition to rub someone’s nose in it.

The corner of Luo Feng’s mouth that was barely curled up fell off: “We’ve broken up. How can I hold her up now that I’m ill?”

He was not Auntie Xianglin who would pour out his grievances to anyone he met even though he hated Xing Miaomiao’s heartlessness.

Ai Tingya’s eyes were filled with heartache hearing Luo Feng’s answer. She, who was originally sitting like a statue, leaned forward and closed the distance between her and Luo Feng while gently holding his hand.

“It’s okay. I’ll always be with you.”

Her fragrance and the gentle voice were like the endless spring rain. Luo Feng’s dry heart felt a trace of warmth.Her fragrance and the gentle voice were like the endless spring rain. Luo Feng’s dry heart felt a trace of warmth.

He smiled and retracted his hand without hesitation. “Thank you. And thank you for paying my medical fees.”

Ai Tingya’s smile gradually became embarrassed. “So you knew. I knew I couldn’t hide it from you.”

There were many caring people in society, but Luo Feng didn’t think he would be able to meet them so coincidentally. He must have accumulated good karma if the Heavens did not help him.

Who would have thought that the boiled egg that he despised in high school could help him exchange for a chance to extend his life?

Ai Tingya took a deep breath and continued seeing that Luo Feng didn’t reply. “I’ve been paying attention to you since graduation. I was very anxious when I found out that you didn’t have enough money to stay in the hospital. I originally wanted to transfer you to a better hospital, but I was afraid that you wouldn’t be willing, so I used this method to help you.”

She was mentally prepared before she came. She was worried that she would agitate Luo Feng when she heard about his condition from the doctor.

Ai Tingya knew that it would be too late if she did not tell him the things she wanted to tell him!

She gathered her courage and held Luo Feng’s hand again, speaking seriously. “Don’t reject me, alright? I know you’ve experienced a lot of pain, but there’s still someone in this world who loves you wholeheartedly, so you have to live well even if it’s for me!”

Ai Tingya could clearly hear her heart beating as she spoke, exactly like how it fluttered everytime she took the boiled egg in the past.

Perhaps Luo Feng didn’t know that back then. Ai Tingya, who was an orphan, felt inferior and timid. She felt like a snail and wished she could hide in her shell forever. She had nothing for her other than studying. Luo Feng’s boiled egg was like a savior to her. She strengthened her belief in moving forward every time she ate one…

Until she made a name for herself and became the CEO.

Her identity and mentality had changed. The only thing that remained unchanged was her longing for Luo Feng.

In the past, it was inconvenient for her to appear due to Luo Feng’s girlfriend, so she appeared too late.

Ai Tingya looked at Luo Feng with a heart full of hope, hoping that he wouldn’t pull his hand back and reject her.

“Thank you, Ai Tingya.”

This was the third time Luo Feng thanked Ai Tingya today. He didn’t move his hand.

Luo Feng looked back at Ai Tingya’s gentle gaze and thought. “She really likes me? But I’m about to die so I can’t respond to her feelings… But if doing this makes her happy, then so be it”

Luo Feng’s first reaction wasn’t happiness, but regret, regret that he made the wrong choice…

Ai Tingya smiled, seeing that Luo Feng didn’t reject her.

From then on, Ai Tingya would visit Luo Feng in the ward whenever she was free.

There was still a week before the official surgery. Ai Tingya used her connections to invite the best doctor to Luo Feng’s hospital and bought the most advanced equipment at a high price at the doctor’s request.

The work outside was in full swing, as if everything was developing in a good direction.

Only Luo Feng knew that he wouldn’t be able to last until the day of surgery.

He lay on the bed and heard Ai Tingya discussing the details of the surgery with the doctor in the corridor. His consciousness gradually faded.

Luo Feng knew that time was up. The sounds from the outside world seemed to have been blown away by the wind.


An ethereal voice sounded in his mind. “What would you wish for if you could live your life again?”

“I hope I have a pair of discerning eyes and make the right choice!” Luo Feng blurted out.

The questioner was like a God, who came and left as fast as the wind.

Luo Feng’s heavy eyelids were torn open by the light. He followed the light and was swallowed by it.

Luo Feng sucked in a breath of cold air when he opened his eyes again. His leg knocked against the table and kicked the student in front of him.

A young face turned around and complained. “Luo Feng, do you want to die? F*cking hell!”

Luo Feng hugged his numb knees. His sensitive sense of smell picked up the smell of ink, paper, chalk dust, and spicy sticks in the air… The familiar smell enveloped him like a flood.

Luo Feng realized that he was sitting in the classroom with a young girl beside him!

Episode:-3 Getting Close to You, You Want Me to Focus on Learning?

“Luo Feng, do you want to die!?” Cursed the student in front of him.

Luo Feng was still in shock. He hugged his knees and stared at the boy in the front row with his eyes wide open. This person’s appearance was too unique. The top of his head was like a cruel competitive circle, and every strand of hair had its own territory. They didn’t disturb each other, and when they gathered together, it was the most fashionable afro style in that era.

Luo Feng always relied on this person’s hair to sneak a nap when he was in school.

“Lei Jin, you’re not bald yet?” Luo Feng was overjoyed. This lush head would turn into “adult-mode” in a few years’ time after all.

Lei Jin, the afro boy, rolled his eyes at Luo Feng and said angrily, “Have you gone silly from sleeping? What nonsense are you talking about!”

Luo Feng wanted to reply, but he heard an impatient roar from the podium.

“Why are the students at the back arguing? I can hear your voices from the podium! Why don’t you come up and talk?” The form teacher, Yu Pingrong, waved her pointer, the bamboo stick, which made a whooshing sound in the air.

She was short, but her voice was loud. She was very strict with her students usually. The students went silent with the deterrence of the pointer.


Lei Jin rolled his eyes at Luo Feng and turned around.

Just as everyone thought that class was about to continue, Teacher Yu added. “Lei Jin, why haven’t you cut your hair? Get your mother here tomorrow!”

The audience immediately burst into suppressed laughter. Lei Jin buried his head and cursed Luo Feng 10,000 times in his heart.

Luo Feng laughed as well. He raised his head and looked around at the familiar environment.

The dark green curtains, the familiar blue school uniform, and the crew cuts and ponytails were both novel and nostalgic.

Luo Feng’s aching knee kept reminding him that everything was real!

He was reborn!

He was reborn in his high school days!

His deskmate did not laugh along with the rest of the class. She was staring at the blackboard with a pen in her hand.

Ai Tingya was in a very difficult situation when she was a student. Her washed-out school uniform was an inheritance from her previous senior. Her head was curled up at the back of her neck in a daze. She had always shrank into herself due to her inferiority complex.

Her entire body was screaming the word ‘unremarkable’. It was really unimaginable that she would be an elite in the business world in the future.

What was even more unbelievable to Luo Feng was that the person who would accompany him to the end of his life would be Ai Tingya. He could only blame himself for having poor judgment when he was young and mistook the scumbag girl for a treasure. He had to seize this opportunity after being reborn!

He supported his chin with his hand and sized up Ai Tingya brazenly.

Right at this moment, Luo Feng felt his vision blur.

He raised his hand to rub his eyes and realized that there was a floating golden symbol above Ai Tingya’s head.

He then turned towards the other students. There was actually a string of percentage numbers above their heads. From one to dozens, they looked like random numbers.

Luo Feng looked at these numbers in confusion, not understanding what they meant. Was it referring to luck or lifespan?

When he looked at Ai Tingya again, there was no number above her head, but an endless symbol!

If the numbers represent lifespan, would it mean that Ai Tingya would live until the end of time? Luo Feng shook his head and rejected this idea.

He recalled the last moments of his previous life. He was asked what he would wish for if he could live another life. Luo Feng said he wanted a pair of discerning eyes, therefore this string of numbers he saw must have some special meaning, so he had to slowly explore it.

“Why do you keep looking at me?”

Ai Tingya asked timidly just at that moment.

She tilted her head slightly, not daring to look directly at Luo Feng. She took a quick glance before retracting her gaze like a little rabbit. Her entire body felt uncomfortable sensing his gaze. It was as if there were burrs on her butt, as if she could shake off Luo Feng’s gaze just by moving.

She looked very pitiful when she cowered.

Luo Feng noticed the pen in her hand.

He remembered that he had accidentally kicked the cap of this pen away. The reason why it left such a deep impression on him was because he saw Ai Tingya squatting in the aisle and searching for it below the seats after school.

Ai Tingya was born in an orphanage. She had no parents, so she felt that even buying a pen was a burden to the orphanage. Luo Feng, who had a happy family, might not be able to understand the feeling of grieving overnight for a pen cap.

More importantly, Luo Feng felt that Ai Tingya was making a mountain out of a molehill, so he didn’t think much of it and went home at that point in time.

Luo Feng’s heart ached thinking of this. He took out a new pen from the drawer and pushed it to Ai Tingya: “Sorry I lost your pen cap, this is for you.”

Ai Tingya looked at him in surprise and then at the pen on the table. She onlysaid. “Pay attention to the class.” Then, she buried her head in her notebook.

Luo Feng knew that she wasn’t a greedy person. Ai Tingya wouldn’t accept a pen for a pen cap, so he simply took Ai Tingya’s pen and threw the new pen to her.

“The ink of your pen looks like it can run more smoothly, let’s exchange pens.” He said forcefully.

Ai Tingya didn’t dare to snatch it back since she was in class. She stole a glance at Luo Feng, pursed her lips, and unscrewed the cap of her pen. She continued to pretend that she didn’t care and take notes, but her tightly pursed lips betrayed the nervousness in her heart.

How could Luo Feng not understand Ai Tingya’s personality after being deskmates for two years? She would definitely change them back after class given her strong self-esteem.

Luo Feng wanted to be nice to her, but he was afraid of scaring her. He rolled his eyes and suddenly had an idea.

“Ai Tingya, the semester exams are nearly here. Can you tutor me?” Luo Feng leaned nearer to Ai Tingya and whispered to her.

Ai Tingya subconsciously dodged. She covered her ears that were hot from the whisper and repeated. “Focus on the class!”

What a model student.

Luo Feng sighed in his heart. He might be the first guy to be so close to Ai Tingya. Her face was as red as the red clouds in the sky, but she could still force herself to focus on the blackboard.

No wonder her future was promising. This might be the difference between a top student and a bad student.

Actually, Luo Feng himself wasn’t a bad student.

His grades were above average even though they weren’t top notch. His form teacher’s evaluation of him was: “Smart, but he doesn’t put in the effort.” Moreover, he was considered a mischievous type who could easily lead other students astray because he was unrestrained and loved freedom.

Hence, he took the last few rows with a group of bad students and became neighbors with the trash can.

Ai Tingya was in the last few rows because she requested it. She felt that she would feel the gaze of others if she sat in the front row, so she sat at the back.

Luo Feng knew that he couldn’t strike up a conversation during class, so he could only wait for the bell to ring.

Luo Feng made up his mind. He must be responsible for Ai Tingya and not let her suffer anymore because of how she cared for him in his previous life, as well as her deep-rooted feelings for him!

Moreover, even though he didn’t know what the string of mysterious numbers visible to him represented for the time being, they definitely had some special guidance. Luo Feng would definitely seize this opportunity! He would pull Ai Tingya along to the peak of her life!

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