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°•Guardian Of Light•°


I was born as a human a filthy race amongst the Elves and Angels ,treated as slaves ,for we had sinned in Golden past we haved been deemed immoral and useless.

Well good for me l was met by Ashwyn Divinity of light who gifted upon me the ability to change and use light .

Elves And Angels see pure light .

Darkness ran at the call Of Light Nybo.


Killed by my mistress rescued by God my life starts once more on the island of beast kin , kelna. As a journey along with Alson and Elan then my trusty sword light Walker I conquer the evils of the world and make it once more pure .This adventure filled journey confronted by beasts of darkness I shall break free into light , monks shall call me the light monk , buddhists shall call me Celestial light ,. Darkness shall call me it's bane , Yet light well know me as it's Guardian.


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Ashwyn , Beginning and Death?

"The mistress is coming,stand in line "My father stood firm ,waiting for our lady ,Enslong .

"Dal'ol lik'soth sah'el no" She spoke in elvish looking down at us with a devilish smile.

"Dal'ol lik'soth sah'el no"I knew her plot, we as humans cannot speak the glorious language of elves so if we couldn't reply we would be punished.

."Al'non shin'el nok" she turned her head and two of her guards redrew from the main squad holding spiked whips .

"Pu'el sin sah "Their whips extended and blackened my vision .

"Ahh" I held my my head or so l thought.I was nothing but a ball of light.

"Lady Ashwyn the darkness has spread far to deep into the hearts of elves ."I managed to see an angel of radiant gold light knelling in the presence of a figure I knew to well,her statues and paintings were plastered all around my mistresses Manor .

"Divinity Ashwyn ."I managed to say ,She a divine of the divine planes is in my presence"Am I dreaming or what"I pinched my cheek.

"What is your presence here"I heard The Golden Angel say ,I felt her abnormal as most angels emitted either blue or red light.

"Showerer of light

Most bright

Most bright

of the holiest"I knelt or maybe that's what I thought.

"A human.

It is funny to see you a human managing to get here..."The Divinity paused and looked at me ,amused

"You are a descendant of Alyn, are you not"She said Golden light flickering in her eyes.

"I am of nybo blood."My head still lowered .

"O then you are.

Would you like to be my knight"She said after the golden flicker died out ,'like of course 'I thought a Divinity was offering to be my Matron God of course I would accept.That abnormal person slipped my mind.

"Lady Ashwyn,he bears no prayer to you or any other Divinity"The golden light brightened.

"A pure one he is .

Filled with primordial energy of pure origin ."She walked closer to me.


"IMPOSSIBLE."The angel's wings fluttered .

"By the dawn of creation

by the beginning of light

I deem thee knight of light."A white sword was placed on my shoulders.

"Return."Was the last I heard as a pain worse than any I experienced in my life struck me .




In the kelna forest...

"Alson I'm tired we haven't caught prey since"Two tiger men walked through the forest with one complaining .

"Then turn around if you want ."Alson continued walking.

"And get teased by the tigresses."Elan scratched his head .

" Then stop whining like a girl ."Alson jumped up a small cliff,his muscles bulging.

"What is this ."He halted his step and looked at the human in his way .

."It's a human"Elan responded mockingly.

"I know idiot,what is a human doing in kelna .The last human appeared 400 years ago."Alson slapped the back of Elan's head.


"That hurt"He massaged his nape .


The human started moving .

"Ahhhh"A moan escaped the humans mouth.




"Ahhhh."I moaned in pain, slowly fluttering open , to almost get a heart attack as two Spears were pointed at me .

"How the hell did you get here."A strange being spoke,looking the combination of cat and human.

"I ask again."Suddenly I felt danger from the man .

"Help."I managed to think and like the heavens heard my plea a white sword appeared in my hand .

"Oh how can a human use light ."With the danger vanquished the strange being asked.

"Leave me be ."I managed to say looking at the orange eyes of the person in front of me .

"Lets start over.

I am Alson Ma long

This is Elan Von Lia

and we are from the tiger tribe.

who are you."

The Tiger Tribe

"I bare no name, but after recent encounters, Light will do just fine." I softened up and replied. After all, what could go wrong.

"Okay, Light where do you come from?" He asked looking straight into my eyes, and I suddenly felt compelled to speak the truth.

"I am from the Kestramore region, White Coast in the Manor of Lady Enslong." I replied, quickly averting my gaze. What if he reports me? I am a runaway slave after all, and I heard they kill such slaves. I was just given new life for it to be taken away!

" You're a slave?" After staring for what seemed like a millennia to me, Alson spoke.

"_" Eshwyn help me! Will he report me? Argh! I am out of words, I thought I would live here away from the constraints of the chains!

"Don't worry! I hate slavery. I kill slave traders when I have the chance." I could hear the reassurance and fury in his voice. I, I just somehow trusted him.

"I am a hunter by the way. I wonder... Nevermind" He spoke but quickly shrugged it off.

"Do you have a place to stay?" This should be rhetorical right?, haha, you see a runaway slave in the forest, and you ask if he has a place to stay.

"Are you inviting me?" I blurted out after a moment of thought.

"Are you accepting?" I could basically feel the eagerness in his voice.

"I would have to die if I said no!" I smiled, and nodded. Maybe, just maybe, not everyone is as evil as the slave traders and Lady Enslong.

'You are too gullible! You met this stranger and you're following him home.' I almost turned, and looked around. Where did that voice come from?

'I am Light-Walker, the sword unjustfully gifted to a naive human child.' The voice sounded irritated, and it seemed that only I could hear it. I glanced at the sword in my hands. Light-Walker erhh?

' This is where your journey begins.' The sword glowed a little.





The Tiger Tribe was a very beautiful place, with many mountains and cottages I'd like to own. The were 5 mountains, but it seemed that not many tigers live there. The Tiger Tribe was like a commercial site with many tigers doing business or bringing their spoils from a hunt to sell. I guess I am like Mr. Alson and Elan's spoil.

"Wow! So cute." I felt the gazes of many tigresses scan through my body.

"How many do you think he can make? One,two?" I heard another ask.

"Maybe 3." Another raised 3 fingers with squinted eyes, as if a scholar examining a great mystery.

"Mr. Alson, why are there so few tigresses?" After sweeping through the females examining me as if a unique specimen, I noticed,they are so few. Are they the specimen? –_–

"Please do not call me mister—"

Pfft. Mister Elan burst into vigorous laughter, I didn't understand what was funny, but owell,maybe, that was a tradition.

"—cough, I'm barely 25. Our tribes have rare amounts of females. Females are the jewels if our eyes." After what I think was a fake cough, Mr.- I mean Alson continued.his explanation.

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