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My Sweet Physician Wife Calls The Shot


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Original Author: (ORIGIN)

I'm going to share this novel for you to enjoy and I'm begging you that please do not report this story if YOU ARE NOT THE REAL AUTHOR. If you are the real author, please feel free to contact me. I never claimed other's people story to be mine. Let's enjoy reading together!


Hello everyone!!

I once read this story here at Mangatoon and sadly, the previous uploader didn't finish it and it's has been a while since I read it that I forgot the title. And coincidentally I stumble upon it from other novel platform. So here I am, decided to upload it here to share this beautiful story for you to enjoy.

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“Zhong Nuannuan, your charges have been withdrawn. The courts have declared you innocent and pronounced you not guilty for murder. You can leave prison now. Your family is waiting for you in the waiting room outside.” Zhong Nuannuan was startled. She pushed the female prison guard to the side and ran toward the waiting room. She did not even bother to put on her shoes. If not for the icy feeling she felt at every step of the way reminding her that this was not a dream, Zhong Nuannuan would not have believed that she had resurrected.

As she burst through the doors and saw him again, she knew in her heart, that this time she would get it right. This time she would cherish him properly and hopefully, just hopefully, turn her own fate around.

Chapter 1: Resurrection

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Zhong Nuannuan was startled by a shrill, annoying noise mixed with the sound of rusted metal being opened and closed.

Her eyesight was fuzzy from the sudden explosion, making her squint. The view in front of her slowly became clearer.

She was facing a thick, rough wall built out of mixed dirt and lime soil. The wall had a big, red slogan written on it.

Confess to your crimes, Resistance is futile!

The metal gate of the room was opened from the outside. A female police officer with a grim look on her face walked in. Two words were printed on the emblem on her chest – Justice!

“Zhong Nuannuan,  your charges have been withdrawn1. The courts have declared you innocent and pronounced you not guilty for murder. You can leave prison now. Your family is waiting for you in the waiting room outside.”


Zhong Nuannuan was startled. She pushed the female prison guard to the side and ran toward the waiting room. She did not even bother to put on her shoes.

If not for the icy feeling she felt at every step of the way reminding her that this was not a dream, Zhong Nuannuan would not have believed that she had resurrected.

Zhong Nuannuan ran to the waiting room in a single breath. She looked up to see a tall silhouette and her heart scrunched up in a tight squeeze.

He was very tall, very cold. He had the imposing persona of a military man that warned off people from getting close to him.

The late autumn’s sunlight shone through the glass windows, shining across his perfectly chiseled face, a light shadow formed from his sharp nose at its alae. It gave his flawless face an added mystery and charm.

At that moment, he was on the phone while standing in front of the window. He spotted her running in and gave her not more than a side glance. He quickly moved his gaze towards the outside of the window and continued his serious conversation on the phone.

He acted as if picking her up from prison was nothing more than a matter of convenience.

Zhong Nuannuan finally felt relief in her heart when she once again saw this man, who was as tall as a pine tree and as noble as the gods.

There was a sudden pain in her heart that flooded into her eyes. If she had not done all she could to keep them under control, her tears would have fallen again.

“Nuannuan, how are you doing? You’ve been in prison for a month. Did anyone bully you? Are you hurt anywhere? Tell mum and I’ll make sure to settle everything for you!”

“Nuannuan is my daughter. There is no way that the daughter of Zhong Kuijun would be so weak. Just look at Nuannuan’s healthy face, she is in the pink of health. One look at her and anyone can see how well she is doing! Hahahaha… My girl, the Zhou family has withdrawn their suit against you. You have been pronounced not guilty for murder. Your dad is here to take you out of prison. Are you feeling happy?”

Zhong Nuannuan’s sight was suddenly blocked as her father, Zhong Kuijun and mother, Jiang Shuwan, stood in front of her. One of them took her left hand and the other held her right. They were concerned over her as they kept asking about her wellbeing.

In the middle of the room, her older sister, Zhong Qianqian, whom they shared the same father but had different mothers, stood not far from where Chi Yang was. Her body was a little slighted and from where Zhong Nuannuan was standing, it looked as if they were standing side by side.

When Chi Yang had come to pick her up in her last life, she had also felt a little bristled by the scene.

The sight of her fiancé being busy on the phone with no time of day to even bother about her made her feel frustrated. It did not help that Zhong Qianqian was acting intimate with him while showing off that she was standing right by his side.

She had used so much time and paid such a huge price to return to her home and reunite with her parents. All she wanted was to spend quality time with her family and enjoy the happiness and warmth of her loved ones. She did not come back just to be in a jealous fight with her older half-sister.

Chapter 1: Resurrection

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Zhong Nuannuan was startled by a shrill, annoying noise mixed with the sound of rusted metal being opened and closed.

Her eyesight was fuzzy from the sudden explosion, making her squint. The view in front of her slowly became clearer.

She was facing a thick, rough wall built out of mixed dirt and lime soil. The wall had a big, red slogan written on it.

Confess to your crimes, Resistance is futile!

The metal gate of the room was opened from the outside. A female police officer with a grim look on her face walked in. Two words were printed on the emblem on her chest – Justice!

“Zhong Nuannuan,  your charges have been withdrawn1. The courts have declared you innocent and pronounced you not guilty for murder. You can leave prison now. Your family is waiting for you in the waiting room outside.”


Zhong Nuannuan was startled. She pushed the female prison guard to the side and ran toward the waiting room. She did not even bother to put on her shoes.

If not for the icy feeling she felt at every step of the way reminding her that this was not a dream, Zhong Nuannuan would not have believed that she had resurrected.

Zhong Nuannuan ran to the waiting room in a single breath. She looked up to see a tall silhouette and her heart scrunched up in a tight squeeze.

He was very tall, very cold. He had the imposing persona of a military man that warned off people from getting close to him.

The late autumn’s sunlight shone through the glass windows, shining across his perfectly chiseled face, a light shadow formed from his sharp nose at its alae. It gave his flawless face an added mystery and charm.

At that moment, he was on the phone while standing in front of the window. He spotted her running in and gave her not more than a side glance. He quickly moved his gaze towards the outside of the window and continued his serious conversation on the phone.

He acted as if picking her up from prison was nothing more than a matter of convenience.

Zhong Nuannuan finally felt relief in her heart when she once again saw this man, who was as tall as a pine tree and as noble as the gods.

There was a sudden pain in her heart that flooded into her eyes. If she had not done all she could to keep them under control, her tears would have fallen again.

“Nuannuan, how are you doing? You’ve been in prison for a month. Did anyone bully you? Are you hurt anywhere? Tell mum and I’ll make sure to settle everything for you!”

“Nuannuan is my daughter. There is no way that the daughter of Zhong Kuijun would be so weak. Just look at Nuannuan’s healthy face, she is in the pink of health. One look at her and anyone can see how well she is doing! Hahahaha… My girl, the Zhou family has withdrawn their suit against you. You have been pronounced not guilty for murder. Your dad is here to take you out of prison. Are you feeling happy?”

Zhong Nuannuan’s sight was suddenly blocked as her father, Zhong Kuijun and mother, Jiang Shuwan, stood in front of her. One of them took her left hand and the other held her right. They were concerned over her as they kept asking about her wellbeing.

In the middle of the room, her older sister, Zhong Qianqian, whom they shared the same father but had different mothers, stood not far from where Chi Yang was. Her body was a little slighted and from where Zhong Nuannuan was standing, it looked as if they were standing side by side.

When Chi Yang had come to pick her up in her last life, she had also felt a little bristled by the scene.

The sight of her fiancé being busy on the phone with no time of day to even bother about her made her feel frustrated. It did not help that Zhong Qianqian was acting intimate with him while showing off that she was standing right by his side.

She had used so much time and paid such a huge price to return to her home and reunite with her parents. All she wanted was to spend quality time with her family and enjoy the happiness and warmth of her loved ones. She did not come back just to be in a jealous fight with her older half-sister.

Chapter 2: Tensed Up

It was because she had witnessed Zhong Qianqian’s possessiveness over Chi Yang, coupled with the sisterly love that she had and her mum’s incessant persuasion in the last life, Zhong Nuannuan considered to divorce Chi Yang.

However, it was her continuous act of giving in to her sister and hurting Chi Yang that had ended up with her earning a wave of madness to destroy her rather than her family’s love and understanding.

Not only did they destroy her, but they had also destroyed Chi Yang.

That was why in this life, her family was nothing to her but a passing cloud.

Zhong Nuannuan kept her gaze steadily at Chi Yang. Chi Yang’s gaze fell onto Zhong Nuannuan’s bare feet now and then. His conversational tone turned cold at the same time.

Zhong Qianqian walked up purposefully toward Zhong Nuannuan with the mannerism of a concerned older sister. She blocked Zhong Nuannuan’s view of Chi Yang and suddenly broke into a smile as she said, “Nuannuan, I’ve been so worried about you since you got arrested. I’ve even gone looking for Big Brother Chi Yang so many times to help you get released from prison earlier.”

She gave a side glance at Chi Yang, who was still on the phone. She made sure that he was not paying attention to Zhong Nuannuan before saying in a quiet voice, “The words you said to Big Brother Chi Yang previously had been especially hurtful. He decided to let go of everything about you but could not reject my continuous requests, which was why he finally agreed to get you out of prison.”

Zhong Qianqian did not notice that the moment she was done with her whispering, Chi Yang had subtly frowned. He had heard Zhong Qianqian’s words.

After her whisper, Zhong Qianqian suddenly declared aloud, “Big Brother Chi Yang is a good person. You really must remember to thank him. Without him, Zhou Jinhui’s mother would not have withdrawn the lawsuit and you wouldn’t be able to get out of prison so quickly.”

What Zhou Qianqian meant to say was that it was to her credit that Zhou Nuannuan was able to get out of prison.

Chi Yang had given Zhou Qianqian face upon her request to help out this fiancé of his.

Zhou Qianqian had also wanted to let Zhou Nuannuan know that during her month-long imprisonment, the relationship between her and Chi Yang had gotten closer. Zhong Nuannuan was just his fiancé by name for now.

For the old Zhou Nuannuan, these words from Zhou Qianqian would have annoyed her enough to feel resentful toward Chi Yang.

But now…

Zhong Nuannuan gave Zhong Qianqian a sweet smile. “I thought that it was mum and dad who had bailed me out. I had not expected it to be Chi Yang. Sis, you are right. Chi Yang is a good man. I really should thank him.”

Zhong Nuannuan pulled her hands away from Zhong Kuijun and Jiang Shuwan, and pushed Zhong Qianqian away who was in front of her. She ran straight toward Chi Yang.

He had been busy pretending to be on the phone, but in fact, Chi Yang had been giving Zhong Nuannuan his full attention all this while. He suddenly felt a slight sway and a fuzzy ball of softness rammed into his arms.

Even though his expression looked cold and elegantly distant, as if undisturbed by what happened, but his fair-looking right hand that was holding the phone, as well as his tensed up chest that had hurt Zhong Nuannuan’s ears when she ran into him, had completely betrayed his currently nervous emotions.

“Big boss, I really have no idea how to say this! You haven’t seen your beloved for a month, so why don’t you take the time to have a good chat with her?! What good is there for you to keep pulling me into conversation over the phone? How about this, why don’t I hang up right now? …”

Zhong Nuannuan could hear the voice clearly from the other end of the phone.

Zhong Nuannuan buried her face into Chi Yang’s chest. Her lips could not help but curve up into a smile.

He obviously cared a lot about her. Even though she had never really treated him nice for a full six years, he would still be the first one to appear before her whenever she was in trouble or in danger. He would stop the sky from falling onto her.

Even when facing death, he used his body as a human shield, protecting her fully within his arms.

This man had a love for her that was just like the deep ocean. It may look still and peaceful, but it was deep and vast.

Even though… He had not seen her for a whole month and just gave her some casual glances when she appeared, even pretending to be on the phone all these while.

He wanted to hide that awkwardness in his heart. He was worried that she would find his presence repulsive, so he attempted to keep as low a profile as possible around her.

Zhong Nuannuan felt a slight sadness for him at that moment.

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