NovelToon NovelToon



This must be my future to never get what I want nor how good I am
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
Dad, please tell me you're joking. He doesn't like me..
Noelle's Father
I'm sorry dear, but we need to save our company in order to also save your mother. I'm sorry
Her mother is near to death, and she doesn't want to see her suffering nor her dad. She loves them more than anything. But marrying a man that doesn't like her? It pains her so much.. But in order to keep her parents alive she decides to do it.
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
Dad. I'll do it. If anything to save mom, we should do it.
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
*faintly smiles*
Noelle's Father
I know you don't want nor like this.. I'm really sorry.. I feel like I'm selling you. It also pains me you didn't react that much.. I'm really sorry.. Let me make it up to you once we recover your mom.
Noelle's Father
*Tapped her daughters head*
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
Don't worry dad. Mom will get better. We should be strong together.
Noelle's Father
You're right. I'm glad i have you as a daughter you're just like your mother.
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
Her father went to their company to continue working the problem that will cause them bankruptcy. While Noelle is also working in her online things.
It's been hard for Noelle to keep working since she have a fever to this day and being on her laptop all day is giving her problems.
Her goals are not good for her to begin with because she sets her body up only to work and work in order to save the familys main company
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
I need water at least.
*Noelle's phone rings*
Noelle puts down her laptop and answered the phone
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
It's been so long! Why didn't you even bother to call me today?! I was worried!
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
You're calling me every day as if I'm your girlfriend.. but why? Is there something you need to tell me?
It's so frustrating.. our bakery is so damn boosting I'm working all day!
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
Haha well we're not students anymore we should really work hard.
Ahh!! You're so passionate about writing, huh? But how's your work to this day?
Mica is a very good girl for Noelle and a caring person. She lied about not taking care of her health.
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
Well same as always.. you know. Working to gain more money. I need it afterall..
Mica sensed there's something wrong with her.
Hey.. are you okay?! I feel something is off.. You're lying aren't you?
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
You're strict as always.. *haah* I hope I can stay with you too.
Of course! I'm 1 year older from you..
Hey but please do take care of yourself okay? Don't ruin your body with work all day.
If I can help you I'll help you but.. we're really apart from each other..
You're in Xasa while I'm in Guada..
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
Yeah.. one day I'll come visit you when life will get better
Well I'll also try! Oh bye! My boss's calling me! Take care okay?!
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
Likewise.. please you too
Bye! I'll now hang up!
Noelle stared at the phone seemingly don't want the call to end. She's so comfortable to begin with Mica afterall. She's the friend everyone's need.
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
Still cheerful as ever..
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
I should continue working..
Noelle started working around 1pm and ended around past 11am.. She knows this is a unhealthy habit.. but she's still doing it.
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
*huff*.. this is bad.. I feel like throwing up already..
She can feel her head becoming a bomb. It feels like it'll explode any minute.
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
Hurts.. *haa* bathroom...
She's trying so faintly to reach the bathroom while her head is so sick.
Until she have reached it and began throwing up.
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
I should really change my schedules.. I'm not a student anymore to be like this again..
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
No.. wait mom and dad is suffering.. I should too.
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
No. This is bad *blechh*
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
I.. should be strong.. I can't be like this..


Marcus's Mother
This is your girl? *puts down the picture*
Noelle's Father
Yes is there a problem?
Marcus's Mother
Hmm.. Are you even feeding her well? She looks unhealthy.
Noelle's father expression changed. He can't stand her daughter being talked like this.
Noelle's Father
Ma'am I think it's okay I won't let my daughter marry your son either. Goodbye.
Noelle's father turned the chair and was just about to get up and leave, but Marcus's mother stand up and spoke about her wife.
Marcus's Mother
Wait. Is Martha even doing okay? I really feel bad I just want to help, but my husband says your family should also pay a price... *sighs*
Noelle's father was shocked and turned back helplessly to look at Mrs. Sarah.
Noelle's Father
I.. I'm sorry.. But please do not talk about my daughter like that.
Marcus's Mother
Yeah. I won't do it again, so please stay. Let's talk about their marriage.
Mr. Miller sat back helplessly and sighed because of frustration.
Marcus's Mother
I would like the marriage to be simple at all and no other audiences than the participant's family will come.
Noelle's Father
I agree after all this is a forced marriage to begin with, with our own kids.
Marcus's Mother
I agree. It's all about survival after all. My husband took a look at your company. It's quite strong, he suggested cooperating with you but with one exception, to marry have your daughter be with our son. Marcus is not obeying us so setting him up with your daughter to be taken care off will be good.
Noelle's Father
I.., is your son.. is he a good person?
Marcus's Mother
Of course even if he's not that good to us, he still listens and no reports of him are coming on us.
Noelle's Father
Oh.. Uh-
Marcus's Mother
Enough. I've talked about it at all so no need to worry. I'll also remind him how to treat your daughter well since you can't stop worrying about it.
Noelle's Father
Thank you. I hope he'll be good.
Marcus's Mother
I better go. Thank you for coming.
Mrs. Sarah is searching for her wallet in her bag and Mr. Miller noticed.
Noelle's Father
Oh please let me pay.
Marcus's Mother
No it's okay this is a expensive restaurant.
Noelle's Father
I can pay.
There's some tension forming but a boy interrupted.
Marcus Javira
Marcus Javira
Mom. What's taking you so long?
The boy is wearing fancy clothes that matches his aura.
He looks at the man smiled.
Marcus Javira
Marcus Javira
Hi I'm Marcus Mr. Miller. You must be my father in law.
Mr. Miller was shocked and didn't imagine this boy could be kind.
Noelle's Father
Yes you're correct. *smiles*
Marcus lend his hand for a shake hands and Mr. Miller gave it. It seems this two have good impressions with each other already.
Marcus Javira
Marcus Javira
Where's your daughter sir?
Noelle's Father
She's not feeling well.. I hope she'll regain consciousness today.
Marcus Javira
Marcus Javira
Oh did something happen?
Noelle's Father
Yes. She pulled an all nighter and her body gave up.. *sighs* she really is a good girl. She'll do anything for her mother.
Marcus Javira
Marcus Javira
That's sad mr. Miller I should visit her tomorrow if it's okay?
Noelle's Father
That's.. I'll try asking her if shes available. I'll contact you too.
Marcus Javira
Marcus Javira
Thank you sir! I'll really look forward into it.
Her mother looked disgusted at Marcus because of how he's acting. She's never saw him being like this at all.
Noelle's Father
I should go now too. See you. *smiles*
Mr. Miller went out.
Marcus's Mother
Are you serious? I hope you'll be good to your new wife. Their family is just good to be with us.
Marcus Javira
Marcus Javira
But we're more powerful though. *shrugged shoulders*
Marcus's Mother
That's not what I meant.. they're too kind to be manipulated like this. You and your dad are just so evil for setting them up.
Marcus Javira
Marcus Javira
Mom. It's not like we're your family. What you wanna switch sides instead?
Marcus's Mother
This boy. Go back inside the car I'll follow you later.
Marcus Javira
Marcus Javira
Yeah yeah.. okay..
Marcus headed in their car and waited for her mother.
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
Dad. I'm sorry. I'll take care fully of my body to this day so don't worry. *smiles*
Noelle is lying in her bed with some wet towels and one doctor to check on her.
Noelle's Father
*Sighs* I'm sorry it's my fault. Don't blame this for yourself let me take care of it. Also I've met Marcus the boy he's kind and caring he says to meet you tomorrow.
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
Oh.. I hope so but that's great.
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe

3 You're Marcus?!

Days have passed and the day Noelle have waiting is now here. Hoping the boy is really kind.
Noelle's Father
Marcus says you two should talk in private. Take care too okay?
Mr. Miller can't help but worry about her daughter after all she just recovered from her sick day.
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
Of course dad. Don't worry.
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle got out of the car and sighed deeply.
Noelle's Father
Relax ok. Call me if something happens. I'm just in the company. *smiles*
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
Yes dad. Bye.
"Mr. Wanoe we should go, the company needs you right now" his driver said and Mr. Miller nodded.
The driver started the engine while Noelle watched the car ran away.
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
Dad's seriously still thinks I'm a baby. *haah* I should go.. that guy must be waiting..
Noelle went inside the restaurant and wondering why there's no one person is in until a waitress interrupted her.
Hello good morning ma'am. You must be ms. Noelle soon to be mr. Marcus spouse.
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
What.. I..
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
Ma'am please follow me. Mr. Marcus instructed me to guide you fully in the VIP room.
Noelle nodded and followed the waitress.
You must be special to him. He reserved the whole restaurant just to meet you here.
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
What?! How many did this cost?
Ugh.. damn he said not to tell you this.. I'm sorry ma'am but I just slipped my tongue there.
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
No. It's okay, I just don't understand why he'd do this.
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
*puts hand in her forehead to calm it*
Ma'am we're here. Please enjoy.
The waitress left and Noelle just stared at the door.
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
"Come in" A voice that sounded familiar gave chill's in Noelle's body. She continued to open the door and was shocked.
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
Wait.. You're Marcus?
Marcus Javira
Marcus Javira
What? And.. you're Noelle?
Marcus Javira
Marcus Javira
Marcus Javira
Marcus Javira
I didn't knew you were the Noelle they're talking about. Damn it.
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
Like who would even marry you. Right? Marcus Javira.
Marcus Javira
Marcus Javira
Right. Miss Noelle Wanoe who had a crush on me the time around high school until college?
Marcus Javira
Marcus Javira
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
You're still annoying as ever. I can't believe I have to marry a gigolo.
Marcus Javira
Marcus Javira
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
You were hired as escorts that time right? Begged someone in our class to date her and gave money just to show off.
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
'I can't believe I'm being like this.. Just be humble then.' say's in her mind.
Marcus Javira
Marcus Javira
*Haa* Spouting lies huh.
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
What can't deny it?
Marcus Javira
Marcus Javira
You're really in my nerves. Having you to be my spouse? No way. Just look at yourself. What? Have you been working all day? Just look at your eye bags. I can't have a wife looking like that.
Noelle was shocked and hurts her with his use of words.
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
Right you were never considerate. Always bullied me just because I liked you. *haa* you're still childish after these years.
Marcus Javira
Marcus Javira
I can't believe you can talk like this now, back then you can't stop crying.
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
Hey you talk just like a kid you know that? I'm just happy I'm more matured now.
Marcus Javira
Marcus Javira
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
I should now leave. I'm just wasting time just tell me when is the wedding.
Marcus Javira
Marcus Javira
Aa! Wait let's talk a bit more. I'm just gonna remind you for something.
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
Quick tell me.
Marcus Javira
Marcus Javira
I have a girlfriend soon to be my wife but because dad wants me to marry you. I can't do it. So keep this a secret.
This shocked Noelle as if she likes him till now, but she just ignored it because he'll going to act childish later on.
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
Look at you. Being a two timer. So you're telling me I'll marry a man with another woman?
Marcus Javira
Marcus Javira
Well yeah. It's a forced marriage after all.
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
'I can't believe I'll be a mistress.' says in her mind
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
Really? Can I do that too then?
Marcus Javira
Marcus Javira
Haa it ups to you. Whatever it is. I'll also buy a house for us to stay just pick where do you want.
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
No. I won't live with you. Jerk.
Marcus Javira
Marcus Javira
Hey! I'm being patient with you, but this is how you act!
Noelle was afraid after Marcus shouted at her. She stepped back a bit and glared at him.
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
Is this how you're gonna act in front of our future child?
Marcus Javira
Marcus Javira
What the heck are you talking about? We're not going to build an entire family though.
Marcus Javira
Marcus Javira
Marcus Javira
Marcus Javira
What? Do you want to get pregnant after the wedding?
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
No! I-
Marcus Javira
Marcus Javira
Go get yourself a man. I wonder if someone can even look at your thin body.
Noelle can't deny it but Marcus choice of words are so bad it hurts her so much.
A little tear was dropping down to her cheeks as Marcus felt guilty.
Marcus Javira
Marcus Javira
I'm so-
Noelle Wanoe
Noelle Wanoe
You think I'll accept your disgusting apology? No way. You're a beast. Where no one could even forgive you.
Noelle slammed the door and left while crying.
Marcus Javira
Marcus Javira
It was never my intention to talk like this.. Damn it!
Marcus Javira
Marcus Javira
*kicks the table*
Noelle heads out straight in her condominium to cool her head off and slept.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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