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“Im pregnant. Divorce Joshua"

Today was Anaya and Joshua's wedding anniversary

Anaya waited for Joshua to come home, but he didn't show up. Instead, the woman he truly loved was here.

And she was here together with the news that she was pregnant.

How ironic.

‘Anaya and Joshua were married for three years, and he never laid a hand on her, yet he had a child with another woman.

If it were previous Anaya, she would have thrown the table upside down thrown Lexie Dunbar out, being the dutiful hostess who kicked the mistress.

But right now, Anaya didn't have the strength or the confidence to argue with Lexie

Anaya only took a glance at the pregnancy report before returning it to Lexie.

“OK" Anaya said with a smile.

Looking at the skinny woman in front of her, Lexie was stunned for a few seconds. Did Anaya agree just ike that?

Anaya nodded.

“Lets go find Joshua now” Lexie was overjoyed.

She had tried so many times before, yet Anaya never agreed to divorce Joshua.

If she had known that a fake pregnancy report would work, she would have done so a long time ago.

Luckily, it was not too late.

Getting in the car Anaya looked at the passing scenery outside the window, ith a pale complexion.

"Do you know where Joshua is?"

Lexie replied without hesitation, “Sunrise Hotel"

Anaya muttered, "Is that so.... So, he's there..."

Joshua had not been home for a month,

No one would, or dared to tell her where he was.

She didn't even have his number.

Thus, she had no chance to tell him about his illness.

Last month, she was diagnosed with advanced stomach cancer.

The doctor said tha the success rate would be around 40 percent with surgery.

But she couldn't make it long even if she had surgery. Therefore, she refuse the doctors proposal.

‘Anyway, she was alone and had no relatives. She had nothing to hold onto.

Compared with lingering on with the help of medicine, she'd end her Iife.

She had long wanted to leave.

She was happy to go alone to see the sights since he was not willing to see with her.

However, she hadn’t been able to see Joshua, and she couldn’t be reconciled.

She wanted to end their relationship officially, so she waited.

She just wanted to see him one last time.

But she could even not find him.

Thinking of this, she smiled bitterly.

She got to see him one last time, yet she was led by the woman he loved.

At the crossroads where there was no signal light, she suddenly saw a truck speeding from the right.

Anaya was jolted and her pupils shrank. She wanted to remind Lexie to brake

However, it was too late.

There was a loud noise of screams mixed with heavy objects colliding. The crossroads became chaotic.

As Anaya’s consciousness faded, she heard a faint voice.

“Mr. Maltz, there is another person in the car other than Ms. Dunbar!”

“Save Lexie first!”

Then Anaya saw the car door being pried open and someone carrying Lexie out of the driver’s seat.

There was a wedding ring on that hand, which was identical to hers.

A prestigious family like the Maltz family cared about their reputation the most.

Therefore, even though Joshua did not get along well with Anaya, he had been pretending to be a considerate husband.

All these years, he wore his wedding ring every day.

Anaya closed her eyes.

Sure enough, he cared about Lexie the most.

Anaya gradually lost consciousness, and in the end, her heart stopped beating.

She did not see the crazy look on the man’s face when he knew that she was also in the car.


In the bright living room, the air conditioner was working.

A glass of cold water was poured down from top of Anaya’s head.

She shivered.

The man standing next to her slammed the empty glass down on the table and said unpleasant words in a pleasant voice.

“Awake? Go outside and soak yourself in the pool if not!”

Anaya looked up in daze.

The man she had loved for half her life was looking at her with a face full of anger.

Didn’t she die in the car accident?

Why was she still here?

She looked around.

She saw broken vases and scattered scattered fruits all over the ground.

The pillows on the sofa were thrown on the ground, soaked in water.

Obviously, someone made a scene here just now.

The scene coincided with a certain fragment in her memory.

It was two years ago.

She broke Joshua’s watch. It was worth at least 160 thousand dollars since it was a luxury one.

The money was nothing to Maltz family and the Dutt family, but Joshua was angry at Anaya. He slammed the door and left. He stayed out all night.

After asking around, Anaya found out that the watch was a birthday present from Lexie.

Anaya was mad. How could he treat another woman‘s gift as a treasure and brush her off.

At that time, Anaya was young and spoiled. She always acted at will.

She rushed home to ask him for an explanation, and the two had a fallout. In a fit of anger, she smashed a lot of things.

And what Joshua did and said back then was same as right now.

Anaya soon realised that she was reborn.

She was reborn back when she and Joshua were just married for a year.

By now, the Dutt family still existed, and she had not been forced into a corner.

Joshua sat down opposite her. It was obvious that he was furious, but he was trying his best to endure.

Joshua had a bad temper, but he had just married Anaya for a year, and he had not become that man who would get physical with Anaya later on.

Today, though she was being unreasonable, all he did was pour her a glass of water.

“I will move out from tomorrow on. Keep the place to yourself and do whatever you want!”

“Joshua, you are my husband, but you have always been entangled with Lexie. Shouldn‘t I make a fuss?” Anaya stared at him.

“If you hadn‘t forced me, how could I have married you?” Joshua frowned.

She smiled bitterly, “You‘re right... If it weren‘t for that 800 million dollars, how could you have married me? The woman you love is never me...”

A year ago, the business of Joshua‘s family went bad.

Joshua went to all his relatives and friends, and he was still short of 800 million dollars in the end.

Anaya grabbed the chance. She forced Joshua to marry her with 800 million dollars as her leverage.

She was so stupid and stubborn. She thought that as long as she stayed by his side, he would see the good in her and fall for her one day.

It was only when she drove herself into a corner that she realized that Joshua never loved her.

She had already despaired once. In this life, she would not make the same mistake.

She closed her eyes, her voice calm.

“You don’t have to move out. Haven’t you always wanted to divorce me? I agree.”

After Joshua left, Anaya packed her luggage and prepared to leave.

She called the driver at home beforehand and asked him to wait at the entrance of the Maltz’s home.

She carried her luggage out of the room. The housekeeper came over and helped her with her luggage.

“Thank you,” she said faintly.

“It’s my pleasure. Mrs. Maltz, where are you going?” the housekeeper asked as he accompanied her downstairs.


Worried that the housekeeper wouldn’t understand, she added, “I’m going back to the Dutt’s home.”

“Does Mr. Maltz know?”

“I told him about it.”

When they talked about the divorce in the morning, she mentioned that she would move back to the Dutt’s home in the afternoon.

Joshua did not respond. She didn’t know if he heard her.

Today, everyone in the manor was saying that Anaya and Joshua were going to divorce.

The housekeeper didn’t buy it back then, but now he hesitated.

He watched the two grow up and hoped that they could live happily together. He couldn’t help but advise, “Mrs. Maltz, it’s normal for couples to have conflicts. My wife and I often quarrel, but we both know that we can’t lose each other. Since you have feelings for Mr. Maltz, you shouldn’t be impulsive…”

Anaya calmly stated the truth, “But he has no feelings for me.”

And now, she no longer had feelings for him.

The two walked down the spiral staircase, and she took back her luggage. “I’m good. I’ll go out myself. Thanks.”

She took the luggage and walked out without turning her head back.

The housekeeper stared at her back for a long time and had a feeling.

He thought, it seems that Mrs. Maltz will never come back.

In the end, Mr. Maltz loses the woman who has loved him for ten years after all.

He loses her, and he can never get her back.


Anaya was quick. The next day, she hired a lawyer to draft a divorce agreement and sent it directly to the Maltz Group.

The divorce agreement that Anaya prepared only had a few pages.

She didn‘t want any money from the Maltz family, so there were no documents of property division.

Joshua glanced at the divorce agreement briefly before sneering.

He knew Anaya very well.

Yesterday, she claimed resolutely that she would step aside and let him and Lexie get their way. How could she agree to a divorce so easily?

She made it so serious this time. It was probably because of the watch or because he poured her a glass of water, Did she want to use the divorce to force him to apologize to her?

She could forget about it!

“Did she say anything?” Joshua asked, throwing the agreement back onto the desk.

The man who came to deliver the agreement said respectfully, “Mrs. Maltz asked me to tell you that she will be waiting for you at City Hall at nine o‘clock tomorrow morning. She hopes you will be punctual.”

“I see. You can leave now.”

Joshua put the divorce agreement into the file shredder and went back to work, completely not taking it seriously.

Anaya divorcing him?

What a joke.

He would rather believe that the Maltz Group would go bankrupt tomorrow than believe that Anaya could leave him.


Anaya waited at City Hall for the whole morning, but Joshua was nowhere to be seen.

She didn‘t have Joshua‘s number, so she went directly to the Maltz Group.

She passed the security check on the first floor, but Samar Byron stopped her from entering the CEO‘s office.

"Mrs. Maltz, Mr. Maltz is busy with work. Please don‘t disturb him.”

Samar was Joshua’s  assistant and he had been by Joshua‘s side for quite some time, so he knew about Joshua and Anaya well.

Ever since and Joshua got married, Anaya would come to the company every few days to look for Joshua. Every time she came, it was because of trivial matter.

Although Anaya was the daughter of the Dutt family, Samar loathed her.

Anaya was born in the purple and graduated from one of the top universities in the country. She had a lot of resources that she could use, but she did not strive to be better. She married Joshua hastily as soon as she graduated. Also she was so tacky, since she was talking about gossip all the time.

Anaya knew nothing except washing clothes and cooking. The only difference between her and Samar’s wife was that Anaya was pretty.

A woman like Anaya didn’t deserve Joshua at all.

Anaya curled her lips. She wore a pair of red high heels and was as Samar. She provoked, “What if I insist on disturbing him?”

In the past, she could see no one but Joshua, and she never paid attention to others, so she never noticed Samar’s attitude.

Now that she had two more years of experience in her previous life, she could see through people. Naturally, she sensed the contempt in Samar’s tone.

She didn’t blamed Samar for looking down at her. After all, even she looked down on her previous self.

“Mrs. Maltz, if you continue to be unreasonable, I’m afraid I’ll ask someone to invite you out,” Samar said with a frown.

Samar knew that Joshua did not like Anaya.

The previous times Anaya came to the company, Samar had asked the security guards to “invite” her out.

Joshua didn’t blame Samar after he knew. In other words, Joshua acquiesced to Samar’s decision.

“Mr. Bryon, you are so domineering,” Anaya smiled strangely and approached Samar. Her voice was low and soft, giving people goosebumps. She said, “If Joshua knew that you slept with his secretary, do you think he would still keep you in the Maltz group?”

“How… how did you know?” said Samar, his face pale.

When his wife was pregnant, he could not hold back his desire. He got involved with a female secretary from the Secretary Department.

Office romance was forbidden in the company. Also, he was cheating on his wife. Therefore, the two had been careful.

For the past few years, no one sensed a thing about their relationship.

How did the brainless Anaya know?

Anaya took a few steps back, and a bright smile appeared on her face. She said, “So it’s true.”

She bumped into the scene where Samar and a female secretary left the company in the car. Also Samar always complained about his wife to others. Hence Anaya’s speculation.

Well, it seemed that she was right.

Joshua was a shrewd judge of character. Even the assistant he picked was the same as him!

“What….” Samar was stunned. Then he quickly responded, “You tricked me!”

“So,” Anaya said while putting her smile away. Her eyes turned cold. “Can I go inside now? Or do you want everyone in the company to know that you are scr*w*ng a secretary?”

Samar suppressed his anger and unwillingness and and let Anaya in.

Before entering the office Anaya “kindly” reminded Samar, “By the way, remember to confess to your wife. Otherwise, i will tell her personally.”

Whether Samar’s wife chose to leave or stay, she should at least have the right to know.

Samar gritted his teeth. He squeezed every word out, “I see.”

Anaya stopped talking to him and pushed open the door of the CEO’s office to enter

The office was well soundproofed. Joshua did not know what happened outside and thought that it was Samar coming in.

He raised his head, yet he saw Anaya’s face.

His face went gloomy. “How did you get in here?”

“Through the door.”

Anaya walked to the sofa and sat down. Her slender and fair legs were crossed, and she leaned lazily against the armrest of the sofa.

Perhaps because her body was two years younger, her temper also returned to when she was younger, and she dared to express her dissatisfaction to Joshua.

“I waited for you at City Hall for the whole morning. Why didn’t you show up? Mr. Maltz, your time is precious, and I’m not idle either.”

Hearing this, Joshua looked at Anaya with a strange look in his eyes, as if he wanted to see through her and confirm whether what she said was true or not.

He didn’t believe that she really went to City Hall.

The divorce was just a trick she used to attract his attention.

It was the same clumsy trick she used before.

However, he had to admit that her acting skills had improved a lot.

It looked like she was serious about divorcing him.

An inexplicable sense of irritation welled up in his heart. He thought that he was pissed off by her, and he did not care.

Joshua spoke, his voice cold and distant, “Not idle? What are you busy with? Planning for another fuss?”

Anaya sneered, “A fuss? Are you saying that I’m unreasonable? You’re the one who fails to be a proper husband. You can’t stop thinking about another woman and make me endure your soul infidelity. And now you’re accusing me. Mr. Maltz, you’re so good at distorting facts.”

Joshua’s face darkened.

The secretary, who was holding a document on the side, silently wiped her sweat.

She thought, it has just been a few days. When did Mrs. Maltz become so eloquent?

She is the only one who can make Mr. Maltz speechless.

Who else has the guts?

Joshua, who had always been arrogant, was speechless. Seeing him like that, Anaya was not happy at all.

Her words hurt both him and her.

Even though she had already made up her mind to distance herself from Joshua, she still couldn’t casually speak of her devastating past without feeling the slightest bit of pain.

Anaya took a deep breath and did not want to waste any more time. “City Hall starts at two o'clock. Let’s go. If we arrive there late, it will be crowded.”


Joshua did not move. His face darkened. “I have no time to waste.”

In the past, if Joshua showed such an expression, Anaya would not dare to make a fuss anymore.

Anaya was afraid that if she provoked Joshua, he would abandon her.

So every time they quarreled, Anaya would quit.

Every time, Anaya gave up her pride and dignity to beg for forgiveness from Joshua.

Anaya was a member of the Dutt family. She was born with a silver spoon.

After she and Joshua got married, Joshua destroyed all her dignity and pride.

Anaya used to be afraid of divorce.

Now that she was determined to leave Joshua, what was there to be afraid of?

“Mr. Maltz, have you thought it through? Waste a few hours now, and you‘ll save your time for the rest of your life.”

Anaya‘s words made Joshua uncomfortable.

Joshua sized her up for a long time, but he realized she was not lying or joking.

Anaya really wanted to divorce him.

The frustration in his heart grew.

Joshua remained silent for a long time. Anaya lost her patience and provoked him, “Mr. Maltz, say something. Why aren‘t you divorcing me? Are you in love with me?”

Joshua was proud. He thought it was a shame to fall in love with a foolish and unreasonable woman like Anaya.

Just as Anaya finished speaking, Joshua‘s face darkened.

“Anaya, stop dreaming.”

Did he like her?

Unless he was crazy!

“So, let‘s get a divorce.” Anaya changed to a comfortable position on the sofa.

Joshua tried his best to calm himself down. He did not want to argue with Anaya. “I‘m busy with work these days.”

“Let‘s go through the formalities this Friday. You have to sign the contract with the Dutt family that day. Let‘s talk about it on the way to get the divorce.”

Joshua clenched the pen in his hand tightly. “Alright, since you want a divorce so badly, you‘ll get what you want!”

“Thank you very much, Mr. Maltz. By the way, I heard that you got Lexie out of the customs blacklist?” Anaya smiled brightly.

If Anaya remembered correctly, in her previous life, Lexie returned to America at this time.

It was the start of Anaya‘s nightmare.

This time, Anaya had to leave before Joshua and Lexie tortured her.

“Why? Are you trying to frame her again?” Joshua frowned.

"Just a casual question.”

Joshua didn’t deny it. So, that was true.

Joshua and Anaya got married, but he had been secretly helping Lexie get back to the country.


What a perfect husband.

“I wish you and Lexie a happy life together,” Anaya stood up and said.

Then she turned and left without any hesitation.

Joshua continued to work. But he couldn’t focus on the documents in front him anymore.

After leaving the Maltz Group, Anaya received a call from the hospital.

“Ms. Dutt, Mr. Dutt has a medical checkup in the afternoon. If you are available, please come over to keep him company.”

“Alright, I’ll leave now.”

After hanging up, Anaya drove to the hospital.

She did not go to see her grandpa Adams Dutt yesterday because she was busy contacting the lawyer to deal with the lawyer to deal with the divorce. Also, she did not dare to face Adams.

A year ago, when the Maltz family encountered difficulty, she begged Adams to lend two–thirds of the company’s liquidity to help them to overcome this crises.

The 800 million dollars saved the Maltz family, but it destroyed Adams and the Dutt family.

Not long after Adams transferred that money to the Maltz family, a project of the Dutt family encountered a problem and was in urgent need of funds.

Because the Dutt family had too many debts, the bank was no longer willing to provide loans. The Maltz family could not repay the money for the time being. Anaya could only watch the Dutt family decline from prosperity.

When the Maltz family returned the money, the Dutt family declined a lot. They used the money to pay off their debts and fill in the capital loopholes of their projects.

Adams was hospitalised because of a heavy workload, so he temporarily handed over his company to Anaya’s uncle, Frank Dutt.

In Anaya’s previous life, after Adams was hospitalised, he did not come out again.

The day Adams died, she was not by his side.

Lexie lost her job that day and had a bad mood. To comfort Lexie, Joshua didn’t come home that night.

Anaya was supposed to visit Adams, but turned back halfway and went to the bar to drown her sorrows.

When Anaya woke up the next day, she was told that Adams had passed away.

According to the doctor, Adams accidentally fell off the bed when he got up to get some water. Then he suffered from a heart attack.

Because of such a fall, he was gone.

Anaya often wondered if Adams would die without that fall.

She couldn’t find the answer.

In the year after that, Anaya lived in regret.

Fortunately, she had a chance to start over again.

Anaya decided to make up for the mistakes she had committed and help the Dutt family regain its prosperity!

Anaya paid the fee and stood at the door of the ward. She took a deep breath and prepared herself before pushing the door open.

Adams sat on the bed, staring outside the window in daze.

When Adams saw Anaya come in, the faint melancholy between his eyebrows dissipated, and he put on a kind smile.

“Anaya, you are here.”

Her deceased grandfather appeared in front of Anaya again. It was so vivid and unreal. Anaya felt a lump in her throat.

She grunted and sat down beside the bed.

“Why are you unhappy? Did Joshua bully you again?”

Anaya had liked Joshua for ten years, and Adams knew somethings about them.

Joshua did not love his precious granddaughter at all. After Anaya got married, Adams had been worried that Joshua would bully her.

Anaya forced a smile and served Adams a bowl of chicken soup. “No, we’re good.”

Adams had been sick for a long time. Before he got better, Anaya did not intend to tell him about her divorce.

“You always say you are good, but you are much thinner than before….”

“I tried to lose weight. Young people nowadays like to be thin. The thinner, the better.”

Adams looked at Anaya deeply and did not speak again.

Anaya watched him eat. After Adams finished eating, she cleaned up the tableware and said, “Grandpa, I want to go back to work.”

“Joshua wants you to work in his company?”

“No, I want to return to Riven Group.”

“You don’t want to take over the family business, do you?” Adams was stunned.

Anaya had been smart since she was young. Adams invested a lot to educate Anaya into excellent successor.

Anaya was indeed capable. She managed to get into one of the top schools in the country.

But she went to that school for Joshua.

In her four years in university, Anaya had not learned much, but she had learned about Joshua’s preferences.

During her senior year internship, Adams wanted Anaya to join his company. He tried to familiarize her with the business in advance. However, Anaya secretly went to work for the Maltz Group.

Anaya wanted to see Joshua every day.

She put her heart and soul into Joshua.

Adams had always doted on Anaya, so he allowed her to do as she pleased.

Even during the half year he was sick, Adams did not force Anaya to take over the company. Instead, he handed over the management rights of the company to Frank for the time being. Adams was only responsible for supervising and making decisions for major projects.

Anaya tidied up the tableware and sat down again. “I have thought it through recently. I have to shoulder my responsibility.”

Adams was silent for a long time. “I‘ll arrange for someone to teach you. If you have any questions, ask Mark”

After a pause, Adams added, “If you feel tired, don‘t force yourself. Although Riven Group is not as good as before, you can still enjoy life without working hard.”

Anaya felt touched. “Thank you.”

Adams shielded her from the wind and rain for her entire life, but when Adams died, she was not by his side.

In this life, it was her turn to be his safe haven.

Joshua went home from work and habitually walked to the small restaurant.

After a few steps, he stopped.

There was no smell of food.

Joshua sneered.

Anaya must be very angry this time. She didn‘t prepare dinner.


Joshua called his butler Jack Tomson.

“Mr. Maltz, what can I do for you?” Jack asked.

“Where is she?”

Jack knew Joshua was referring to Anaya.

“Mrs. Maltz left yesterday afternoon. She said that she told you about it, so I did not disturb you.”

Only then did Joshua remember that when Anaya proposed a divorce yesterday, she said that she would move out immediately.

Joshua did not go home last night, so he did not know that Anaya had left.

At that time, Joshua only treated her words as a joke. He thought she wanted a divorce in an angry rush.

What he didn‘t expect was that Anaya really meant it.

Anaya left. She truly wanted a divorce.

In the past year, every day, Anaya would cook dinner and wait for him at home, even though he did not go home half the time.

No one was waiting for him today.

Perhaps there would be no more waiting in the future.

Joshua frowned with an unfamiliar emotion lingering in his heart.

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