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PHEONIX : My WereWolf Villain

CH 1

Let's begin ~~
'~Grab the horses, boys , We have a KING to ABDUCT~ '
I roared at my mates, my friends, and my underlings . After all, it is the day I have been waiting for , all my life.
Today, I will show that greedy bast.ard what it takes to be a king ... what it takes to ruin a kingdom.
Even if I die today, I will take that bas.tard down with me to hell.... this is an oath to myself and to all my kith and kins.
Matilda Roseannie
Matilda Roseannie
Matilda Roseannie
Matilda Roseannie
Today is the day we take our REVENGE !!!
Matilda Roseannie
Matilda Roseannie
Matilda Roseannie
Matilda Roseannie
All Bandits???
All Bandits???
Matilda Roseannie
Matilda Roseannie
Very well, let's show the greedy bastards of capital who we are
I deliberately spoke in a high-pitched and loud voice . Today, I wanted all my fellows to support me since today we will launch our final blow.
This assassination attempt was far from ordinary, and nobody knows better than me how important it is for the better future.
Since a long time ago, we have constantly created problems for Riverdale Empire .... the most fertile forest in Riverdale is under our capture.
though being called Evil Omen by capitalist bastards we fight for weaker rungs of society and, more importantly, for ourselves... Well, it's true we are evil omen, but we like to call ourselves RAVEN
Matilda Roseannie
Matilda Roseannie
Francois, is everything ready?
Francois ludwig
Francois ludwig
heck yeah , Matilda. 3 years of planning won't go to waste , will it?
Matilda Roseannie
Matilda Roseannie
I hope not..<cold>
Francois ludwig
Francois ludwig
Ughhh ... how many times have I told you stop being cold for devil's sake <shivers>
Matilda Roseannie
Matilda Roseannie
Devil's Sake?<arching left eyebrow>
I asked francois, raising my eyebrows .. Obviously being amused
trust me when I say this, but francois says things that don't make sense at the spot, but later, you find yourself thinking bout' it .
And right now, I don't want to experience this whole thing-bout'-it-later phenomena.
Francois ludwig
Francois ludwig
Well, not God's sake .. Because he had abandoned us long ago, and honestly, now the action is mutual ... tsk..tsk <bit angry>
Matilda Roseannie
Matilda Roseannie
now, no need to get angry ... what if he has abandoned us? we all have 24 more backs to rely on.
Francois ludwig
Francois ludwig
you are our strenght Matilda.... I know it's important, but please try not to get stabbed.
Matilda Roseannie
Matilda Roseannie
why .. why ..hmm? is my francois worried bout' my well being? <playfully>
I asked francois pretty playfully . But I was nervous too and maybe a little scared to lose more shoulders .
Internally, I knew today it was going to be killed or killed situation and I will definitely survive, not for myself but for my gang.
Francois looked pretty embarrassed, and his ears were red... he was blushing... and I know that.
Sorry, francois, but I will never reciprocate your feelings.. This love can never be mutual.
blame me or blame it on our destiny..
Matilda Roseannie
Matilda Roseannie
haaah <exhale> Francois gather the men it's almost time
Matilda Roseannie
Matilda Roseannie
soon we will depart
Matilda Roseannie
Matilda Roseannie
red rose valley will witness today massacre
Matilda Roseannie
Matilda Roseannie
I said regaining my Stoic and seriousness
Francois ludwig
Francois ludwig
Yes leader !!! Your wish is my command
Matilda Roseannie
Matilda Roseannie
hmm <pleased>
Traveling through the lush green dark forest, we reached the designated place .
more like hiding ourselves and waiting for our nemesis to march into our trap and on their deathbed.
the only road to cross this part of the valley was extremely narrow such that even carriages could not pass through it.
RAVENS growing up in this place knew it all to well .. the weak parts of cliff .. the strong part ... parts which could crumble anytime soon and the animals which will eat the corpses at daybreak
very soon, we spotted the bloody soldiers of RIVERDALE, but they were unusually less
Matilda Roseannie
Matilda Roseannie
<signal the ravens> *get ready for the attack they are here*
and soon, the fight broke out
~~CLANG .... CLASH~~
~~SLASH.... FWIP~~
both side were fighting with all their might, but RAVENS were clearly had an advantage
After all, they used guerilla warfare technique developed by them exclusively
and soon enough, most soldiers of capital were thrown off the cliff
Jasper Knight
Jasper Knight
ahhhahahaha ..... bastard is in our hand...
Jasper Knight
Jasper Knight
time to party wahoo....
Jasper Knight
Jasper Knight
tonight the drinks are on me
Jasper exclaimed.. hah, how many times have I told him to be a little quite
Matilda Roseannie
Matilda Roseannie
Alright, Jasper, today we will enjoy our heart content, but before that, tie up the hostage and leave this place
Matilda Roseannie
Matilda Roseannie
Soon it's going to collapse
All Bandits???
All Bandits???
but leader what bout' you
Matilda Roseannie
Matilda Roseannie
of course I am coming right behind you
Matilda Roseannie
Matilda Roseannie
now just leave
Francois ludwig
Francois ludwig
Leader what about hostage?
Matilda Roseannie
Matilda Roseannie
He will be with me. I have some personal work with this mut.t
Though my Ravens were not ready to leave without me, I reassured them.
Though making Francois understand was little tough .. It did work out in the end.
Matilda Roseannie
Matilda Roseannie
<glance at hostage> <whisper> You are not him..
I spoke softly, looking at the unconscious Man lying on my horse.
And made myself understand ... if not king himself, I can use the prince to blackmail the king.
Matilda Roseannie
Matilda Roseannie
You need to be Claudious del Veron <frown and whisper>
thank you for reading

CH 2

let's begin
Grabbing the rein of Maddy, I began pulling him in order to make him move, but trust me, he wouldn't budge from his spot no matter how hard I tried.
he is as hot-headed as francois my aide after all francois was the one who took care of Maddy in his initial years.
and since then, the little white gentle clot of mine has disappeared.
Matilda Roseannie
Matilda Roseannie
Darling ... Maddy, please move, buddy. Otherwise, we will all be buried 6 feet under.
Matilda Roseannie
Matilda Roseannie
Soon, the valley is going to collapse. <tensed>
Matilda Roseannie
Matilda Roseannie
If we don't get out of here Francois will kill me... Hmmm? ...buddy please
Matilda Roseannie
Matilda Roseannie
Maddy I am begging you?
But Maddy being Maddy wouldn't budge from there ... he is definitely in his rebellious phase.
And it's not like I don't know the reason for his stubbornness .
He hates to carry luggage and sadly everybody except me and Francois is luggage for him.
Jerking his head away he sat on the ground while I stood there helpless.
Matilda Roseannie
Matilda Roseannie
Seems like I have to hunt for some apples or perhaps some sweet roots will do
Did I ever tell you that Maddy is sweet toothed?
And that I am going to find some fruits to persuade him?
well, there is abundant fruits here, so it won't be a problem.
Matilda Roseannie
Matilda Roseannie
haah, Maddy, you are going to land us in some serious trouble someday if you keep up with this attitude. <sigh>
Roaming around in a lustrous thick forest, I soon found a bunch of bananas, and as I was walking back to my horse I suddenly heard some noise.
Matilda Roseannie
Matilda Roseannie
<alert> I hope you are not someone I need to kill
Matilda Roseannie
Matilda Roseannie
I don't wanna harm the forest animals
I thought to myself
Drawing my dragger secured on the hips I walked toward the source of sound
Matilda Roseannie
Matilda Roseannie
I have to be quick
Matilda Roseannie
Matilda Roseannie
I hope Maddy doesn't throw that bast.ard on ground.
And I saw something I couldn't believe...
Thank you for reading

CH 3

Let's start
I couldn't believe what I saw....
Matilda Roseannie
Matilda Roseannie
Oh my devil... am I hallucinating?<surprised>
But soon, that surprised expression was replaced by disgust and anger and sadness.
in front of me laid a woman, maybe in her late 30s .... DEAD
and the worst part was not her death .... well, death can never be disgusting since it is a part of life.
what truly angered me was her *****.ness and her little newborn
A literal newborn baby was present there... ALIVE AND BREATHING.... crying, holding the mammary glands of her dead mother.
The stench emitting from the woman's body was very foul, indicating that she died quite a while ago.
and the sight of newborn near the nearly composing body was heartwrenching..
Matilda Roseannie
Matilda Roseannie
No no Matilda you can not take it back
Matilda Roseannie
Matilda Roseannie
it will die either way
Matilda Roseannie
Matilda Roseannie
Matilda Roseannie
Matilda Roseannie God's sake.. he will die either way
My good and evil were fighting.
I believe I have become ignorant of suffering ... but no . I still have not..
And this child is the living breathing example of it.
Consider it my flaw or quality. I can never leave weak alone... especially not a newborn .
Without further ado, I separated the child from its mother, grabbed my bananas, and went my way .. To my Maddy
Matilda Roseannie
Matilda Roseannie
Aaish, now I have to take care of this brat. <softly looking>
Matilda Roseannie
Matilda Roseannie
Maddy, I brought your fruits now, eat, and let's leave this place.. .please..?
Matilda Roseannie
Matilda Roseannie
And thankfully, Maddy got bribed.
Matilda Roseannie
Matilda Roseannie
haah lucky me <sigh>
throwing the gentle man on standing Maddy I grabbed his rein and began leading him the way
Matilda Roseannie
Matilda Roseannie
<sigh> Mister, you better thank me, laster, for this superior service
Matilda Roseannie
Matilda Roseannie
my Maddy is expensive and my troubles are great
I uttered a few workd to unconscious gentleman while tucking the little brat in my bloody cape.
Matilda Roseannie
Matilda Roseannie
hope you don't mind the blood brat!
But he didn't make any noise afterall he was barely alive, and I bet he is hungry as hell.
Thank you for reading

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