NovelToon NovelToon

Under The Moon

Chapter 1:- Simple Minded Jimin

Hello Lovelies ....I'm back with yet another novel ...this was Request of Yoonmin ...I hope you enjoy it ...this story has a family vibe so there will be no sexual things in here ...

Jimin had saved many animals in his life. For him, he had all the pleasures to save the animals and send them to the vet.

A bird with a broken leg, check.

A cat with a broken tail, check.

A dog drowning in a drain, check.

A rabbit almost flattened by a car, check.

Lately, animals have been replaced by humans. He saved a baby in a moving stroller, he saved a blind man from getting hit by a motorcyclist.

Now, he was in the process of saving a man dying beside the sandbox in a playground near his apartment. The man had a hole in his abdomen and his pulse was weakening.

Not thinking much, he brought the man to his home.

With no knowledge of treating a bullet hole, Jimin decided to stop the bleeding by covering the abdomen with plastic wrap and prayed for the man to be alive tomorrow so he can send him to the nearest clinic.

The man had nothing on him. No guns, no wallet, no phone.

Looking at the man lying on his bed, he distanced himself and stood near the door. There, his knees became jelly after realizing that there was a high possibility that the man bleeding in his bed was the man in the news.

Well Jimin, you are hundred percent accurate. Why would you bring a man with a bullet hole to your home? Do you want to die badly? Jimin sighed heavily, falling to his knees and still staring at the man.

To call the police or not? He was sure the man was the infamous gang leader who was labeled as ruthless and a genius, considering he was only 23 when he had created his own gang which consisted of a huge neighborhood.

He felt helpless, praying in his heart that this man would value his help when he woke up later. If he didn’t, then Jimin would be a missing person tomorrow, with no family to claim his body in the morgue.

For now, he was tired to the bones. His shift in the convenience store and its meager pay would kill him later in his life. He was always starving and ate once a day in order to save up. He had no friends to look after him and his family was dead in his heart. Jimin smiled cynically in his heart, thinking that if he was dead, he would not be starving and tired anymore.

Waking up to his home full of chatter was an odd experience. He did not realize it at first because the neighbor liked to have an argument every morning. They were his alarm.

However, what he was listening to right now was not a loud argument but a loud chatter. He whined in his position on the sofa, curling further into himself, and covered his head with his yellow blanket.

The chatter stopped.

“He’s awake”

The gruff voice made him remember that he had a bleeding guest yesterday. He shot up and out of his blanket, sleepy yet alert eyes looking at the men sitting at the sofa or on the ground opposite him. He blinked repeatedly, watching the four men closely.

They had guns. He blinked. Sitting straighter, he turned to them.

“Are you here to get your friend?”, he asked, voice hoarse from sleeping.

The four men snickered, mumbled something among them. Jimin heard “he’s cute” but he was not sure.

Then the door to his room opened, showing two men leaving his room in a black t-shirt and black pants. One of them was the man he brought home.

Before his brain could register anything, his phone rang with a tone specifically for his manager. He looked at the time and automatically groaned, standing up in a rush and entered his room, changing his clothes into his uniform.

At the door, while wearing his shoes, he almost forgot about his six guests. From the doorway, he said “Hey, hello nice to meet the six of you but I’m late for work. Please lock the door on your way out. Make yourself at home!”

Then he ran.

The six men: …

V: He is a simple guy, no?

SUGA: What a strange kid. He treated us like air.

J-Hope: That’s a good kid. Leader-nim how’s your wound?

Jin: You knew better to ask me, Hobi coz your damn leader has no idea about his wound.

RM: Hyung, I passed out! How can I know I was dying!

Jin: That doesn’t mean forgetting to activate the GPS in your earring is okay!!

RM pouted. “I’m fine now, am I not.”

Jin: Luckily a good man existed. If not, you would be drowning in your blood.

The others snickered, watching the two bickering.

SUGA: That’s that. Let’s go home. JK, drive.

JK: Kay. But what are we going to do to that guy?

“He’s clean. A good person who left his abusive home and had a high tolerance to help people he met.” V said, looking up from his smart-smartphone.

RM sighed. “People like him need to be appreciated”

V: He’s cute tho. Did you see his tiny feet?

JK: And his kitty voice?

J-Hope: I just wanna kidnap him and spoil him to death

SUGA and Jin shrugged, finding no problem with it. RM pondered. “We do need to thank him”, he said. “But that is for later. I’m starving.”

In the kitchen, Jin exclaimed “What did this guy even eat? There’s nothing in his fridge!”

JK stood up, “Well now we know how to appreciate him. Let’s get home first, kids!” He ran out, laughing crazily at their curses of disrespect.

Their gang was called BTS, Beyond the Scene in their act, ideas and ruthlessness. However, what they were showcasing was vastly different from their image. In between the six of them, they were just a bunch of giggly children who valued their brotherhood.

Chapter 2 :- The Arrival of Taetae

Notes:- Also this is a ot7 fanfic ....I wanted to do Nammin/Minjoon but i couldnt think of any plot points ...I mean if i really thought hard I could but I'm lay ;)

One month went by. Jimin was thankful every day for his luck. Since he saved that criminal, his pantry was always fully stocked. Other than that, he kept on receiving expensive gifts on his doorstep.

He got expensive clothes, make-up, and jewelry. All the gifts were all to his taste and he could not help but think that they may or may not stalk him or investigate him because all the things they gifted were all the things he liked so much.

You see, Jimin had a habit of window shopping. Saturday and Sunday were his days off and he always spent his day strolling in two places, which were the nature park and the nearest mall. By now, he knew by heart the nooks and crannies of the mall.

For the clothes he liked, he tried them on and took pictures of them in the mirror, then put them back. He did the same thing to pieces of jewelry. For the make-ups, he would sneakily use the same tester over and over again until the worker caught him.

But now, with all the gifts, he didn’t need to go to the mall at all. Instead of feeling happy, he felt burdened and heavy. They gave him too much but he had no use for them. Fashion was a fleeting moment so there’s no use to spend money on them.

He was grateful for the food but he wished they stopped with the gifts. He wished to tell them but he had no idea how to contact them. He sighed into his dinner, shoulders dropping.

Then his phone chimed.

y so sad

It’s from someone named Taetae. Jimin frowned.

who’s this?

one of the men who visited you last month.

your name is Taetae?

pfft thats a nickname. Like yours, jiminnie.

Jimin stopped frowning. He blinked repeatedly, realising that ‘Taetae’ should be one of the criminals that entered his home last month. Additionally, there’s a high possibility that they were monitoring him, in his own home because how else was Tae able to know his mood?

He found no fault in it, though. Even if there's cameras all over his home, he had no problem with it. It made him less lonely, even if it's incredulous.

thank you for the gifts and the food

u r welcome but y u sad

Jimin pouted.

i feel bad. i feel like u are overcompensating me.

yeah but we like to spoil you


There’s a long pause.

u deserve it after all the things u went thru

His heart stuttered in his chest, eyes becoming wet with tears. His heart burned with ache, and he could not stop his tears. Just from Taetae's text, he concluded that man knew about his dark past. The dark past that he wished nobody knew about. The dark past that he could not run, even in his dreams.

He ran to his room, grabbing his biggest teddy bear from his closet, one of the few things he saved up for, hugged and wailed on it like a baby in his bed.

The BTS stared at the wailing boy through the small cam in the room light bulb. His hunched body, his anguish cries and his dependency on the teddy bear broke their heart to pieces.

JK: Is it normal for people to cry like that?

SUGA: Every person has their own coping method and I guess his is that.

J-Hope: I wanna hug him to sleep.

Jin: Joon-ah I think he is a Little.

RM: I think so too.

V: What’s a Little?

Jin and RM looked at each other. Jin started by explaining that “Little is a condition where a person finds comfort by imagining themselves as a child.”

“If I’m not mistaken, there are many types of Little and I don’t quite understand them yet. From my understanding, a person becomes a Little by regressing their age. That way, their mindset changes according to the age set by their brain.”

“However, there is a trigger for them to switch their age and in Jimin’s case, maybe mentioning his past is a trigger”, Jin guessed.

Tae went agape, feeling utterly guilty. “Oh man, I feel so bad now,” he frowned. Hobi hugged and patted his back, saying it was his fault.

“At least, now we know he needs someone to care for him when he regresses, right Jin hyung”, Yoongi said.

Jin nodded, brain already gearing up to care for the Little, who is still crying on the bed. Namjoon knowingly looked at him, shaking his head at his family’s attentiveness. Well, there’s no harm in adding another family member. Furthermore, Jimin looked like a harmless little kitten that needed protection from the world.

“If we take him in, then I am not the maknae anymore!”, Jungkook claimed, pumping his fist in the air. “I get to spoil him too!”

The rest rolled their eyes at him, silently feeling giddy to add the Little to their team.

Chimmy woke up, exhausted from his crying. He rubbed his face in his teddy, whining and sobbing into it. He sat up, hugging Pinky close to his chest and looked out to the brightening sky. He stared at the pink bluish sky, subconsciously rubbing his cheek at Pinky’s head.

BTS’ heart melted to goo, strongly wanting to shelter the nineteen-year-old boy. He seemed so fragile on his bed, looking at the rising sky like it’s a new beginning.

JK: Let’s take him away.

V: He needs a lot of clothes. I’m gonna design it.

Hobi: I’m decorating his room!

Yoongs: I’ll help.

Jin: I need to look up a healthy recipe. He looks scrawny and weak.

Namjoon sighed adoringly. “Then we take him in. After all, I owe my life to him”

They agreed wholeheartedly, already moving to help each other in preparing for Jimin’s arrival.

JK pouted. He wanted to take Jimin right away. Namjoon patted his shoulder, saying “You can take him after all the prep is done. Give or take, one month. Then, we will take him”. JK nodded in agreement, following Hobi and Yoongs to the Decor Store.

At the same time, Chimmy did breathing exercises to correct his mindset, forcing himself to get his mind out of Little space. It always made him deeply sad afterward but he was used to it.

After a few minutes, he put away his pillow-sized teddy in the closet and showered, then prepared to go to work.

Same old routine every weekday but with a dash of happiness from the food and gifts he received every day. Deep down, he felt less lonely and happy to have people cared for him.

Chapter 3:- Inner Struggles

Since then, Jimin kept receiving texts from Taetae and surprisingly, they quickly became friends. They had a lot of common interest in anime and manga and Jimin felt excitement filled his whole being whenever they texted each other.

However, his happiness did not last long. You see, it had been three months since Jimin started working at the convenience store near his home. He had met people from all walks of life.

Drunk people, check.

Judgemental people, check.

Nosy ahjummas, check.

Flirty people, check.

Molester, check for every single day. They came every day since he started working. And over time, they became braver to touch his hands, his arms, and lately, they were brave to touch his bottom.

So what did Jimin do? He unleashed his Taekwondo and kicked them out to the curb. But then, his manager slapped him in the face.

“Useless piece of sh*t what the f**k are you doing! You chased away the customers!”

“But manager-nim, they molested me!”

“So f***ing what you’re a useless b**ch who wh*** around in the street. You think I don’t know that you lived in a sh*thole serving everyone who paid you!”

Jimin’s comeback stuck in his throat. Then a great flame erupted in him. He knew the other coworkers hated him but he did not know they hated him to the extent of spreading lies to the upper management. His manager used to be nice to him. He understood that Jimin ran away from home due to abuse and helped him get the job. But now, his manager hated him. His manager did not trust him anymore.

“Well then I f***ing quit!” He threw away his uniform and his cap\, stepping on it before running out of the store. His manager ran after him and stopped at the door\, shouting curses and threats to him.

Jimin was extremely angry. Bad people existed everywhere around him. No good people were present in his life.

Chimmy sniffed, angry tears running down his cheeks. A deep frown etched on his forehead, making him look intimidating.

His manager was just the same as his mother. That woman ran off her mouth like a b***h\, not taking Chimmy as her son at all. She was a liar\, a cheater and a manipulator\, just like manager-nim.

All his life, she treated Chimmy like a moving bank. He worked all his life, only to get nagged or pushed around at him, being cursed and spit at by her. Chimmy sobbed, growling at his bad luck all his life. He had a father but he was a drunkard, who loved to beat Chimmy up for liking stuffies.

Chimmy slammed his door close, growling and cursing at anything and everything, his body hot from extreme anger.

Standing at the center of his home, he looked around, taking everything in while panting in anger. Then, he broke down, lying on the floor and sobbing his heart out.

Chimmy was tired. His life was tiring. He had no friends, no friendly neighbours and no work. All the people who entered his life liked to leave after knowing his economic problem. He could not help it, okay. All his hard-earned money went to his greedy mother, and he only had a little saving before he ran out of his home and never looked back.  Now he was trying very hard to be independent and start his life from scratch.

He had no time to socialise, no time to eat and no time for education. He needed to relearn social cues, managing his finances and arranging his time. But all of this was a huge burden to his mind and body. What was the use of living then?

Chimmy started spiraling into darkness, getting hysterical. He pitied himself so badly now. He smacked the floor repeatedly, the pain not helping his rationality.

JK was just checking in on Jimin when he saw the boy’s condition.

“Joon hyung! Jiminie had a breakdown!”, JK yelled and all of them became alert.

“Sh*t okay forget the plan, let’s go get him” Namjoon replied.

“Huh his manager really wants to die huh” Yoongi claimed, hearing agreements from the rest of them.

“Jimin first. We look after Jimin first”, Hoseok stated, heart pumping fast in worry.

Taehyung tried calling Jimin but he did not answer. Jimin was too deep in his spiral. Taehyung sniffed, eyes watering at the thought of finding Jimin crying hysterically on the floor of his small apartment. Jimin deserved a better life. He deserved a better environment.

He knew from the profile he dug up that Jimin had an incomplete childhood. He was starved since birth\, he worked since he was able to walk\, and he was forced out of his school just because his mother\, that b**** did not want Jimin to use any money in the household. His childhood was full of misery and Taehyung thought\, maybe that’s why Jimin had another side of him that is a Little.

He swore to himself that his family, the BTS was going to be the best people in Jimin’s life. Despite their violent life, Jimin would be their beloved vanilla baby, sweetening their life with his cuteness and clean heart.

Suddenly, his phone rang. It’s Jimin.

“Hello Jimin-ah!”

The others turned to him, anticipating the reason for the call.

“sniff- Taetae come here please Chimmy want huggies-sniff”

Jimin or Chimmy’s voice was hoarse and they understood why. All those screaming and crying would make overwork his throat.

Taehyung nodded, “Okay okay we’ll be there in a minute”

“Uhn chimmy wait”, he replied with a hiccup. He whined in annoyance and the six men cooed.

“Chimmy I want you to take a deep breath, okay,” Jin persuaded, and they all heard the Little breathed in, out and hiccups. Then he giggled.

“Chimmy not stop hiccup” he giggled again and hiccups again.

Namjoon and the rest of them groaned at the coy act, becoming impatient to see him. They were very fond of him.

Then Jungkook announced, “We’re here!”

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