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Finally, I Felt Loved!

Chapter 1

Birth of the cute lil girl:

In early 20’s, A family in a small village finally became complete by the cheerful and joyful smiles and a little infant’s cries. Yes, the couple had two daughters. The couple and the elder sister started to shower the love and care to the baby girl who just born.

Soon the infant started to turn to a baby girl, and started to stare at the relatives with slight annoyed and confused looks as they have been squishing this cute baby’s cheeks and planting lots of kisses on her. She started to get irritated and started her cute gibberish talks with a frown on her face thinking that the baby can make everyone fear of her but it turns out to looks quite adorable and everyone started to cooed at her instead of getting fear of her. The baby felt helpless and remained same in her crib.

The event started, and the couple started to do the rituals — oh! my… you may be confused why the relatives come after few months of her birth and baby’s parents arranged the event, right? Actually, as our infant came to world and few months passed away, the parents want to name the baby and pray for God to bless their child.

And finally, the couple announced “From today our cute lil princess will be called as ‘Mia Williams’ and I wish you all to bless our princess for her bright future and happiness” said Mr. Williams who is Mia’s father and all the relatives bless her and her parents, started to have dinner and give Mia loads of gifts. Soon the event came to end, and everyone started to leave and the Williams family were exhausted by the event today, but soon their face was splashed with smile by their cute princess gibberish talks and actions, which telling them “Fighting (keep going on) papa and mama” started to kiss her and hugs her.

The couple have been watching their princess who went to her dreamland with cute lil pout on her face, loving and sweet look. Mr. Williams and Mrs. Williams got freshen up and scrolling through their mobile, seeing the photos and videos of their princess and smiling ear to ear watching Mia’s annoyed face and gibberish talks time to time whenever relatives came to her. Mr. Williams and Mrs. Williams wished that their princess to get a happy life and live to her heart content, make them proud, and blessed her to always be happy, and cute as she is now and be the princess to her future man.

~ (Mia name means — bright, friendly, loved by others).

Note: the content inside “hello…” tells the person is talking and the content inside ‘hello…’ tells the person’s mind voice.

Will our Mia can live her life has her parents wished? Will our Mia can lead her life has her name defines…? Let’s see our Mia’s growth in our further chapters…

Chapter 2

Way to start the school:

As days passed by, Our Mia started to grow and now she turned into 4 years old child. The day had finally come, where all the children cry loads and beg their parents not to leave them alone… I think you got me, right? Yes, our Mia is now going to start to enter into the world, like a baby bird comes out from their parents’ console to learn how to live and fly. Unlike other kids Mia isn’t crying to start the schooling, instead she is watching everyone and everything with her big eyes which holds full of curiosity and excitement. Mia got admitted in the school where her elder sister is been studying. She and her parents returned back to their house after admitting in her school.

The very next day, our lil Mia got dressed up looking pretty cute like doll in her new uniform swinging her leg sitting in chair waiting for her breakfast “Mama, fast fast I’ll be late for my chukol(school)”. Hearing her exciting and whining voice to go to school early, Mr. Williams laughed while drinking his coffee and Mrs. Williams chuckled in the kitchen.

Aurora Williams came to Mia and took her seat next to her, all ready to go to school with her sister, as like her little sister she waiting for her breakfast to be served, and started to talk with her sister “Mia baby, are you that much excited to go to school?” questioned Aurora. “Yesh… sister I want to become big and make many friends and play with them” replied to her sister with big eyes. Our Aurora got little shocked by her reply as she knows that school will not be as she dreamed off, but didn’t want to kill the joy and excitement the younger is feeling right now.

Mrs. William soon came and served the breakfast to Mr. Williams and two toddlers and everyone ate while listening to the little excited kid, telling her mama and papa about how she gonna make new friends and learn new things. As it’s our Mia’s first day in school, Mr. Williams dropped them to school and Mia waved happily to her papa and rushed into the school, seeing her running Aurora followed her.

The class is about to get started, the classroom is filled with children’s laughs and shouts looking like a mess, but soon it became quiet as their class teacher came inside, followed by our Mia. “Good morning, Mam” the kids sang like a song wishing their teacher. “Good morning, everyone… We have a new kid joining in her class…” glancing at Mia asked her to introduce to everyone in the class. With lots of excitement, she started to introduce herself, “Hello everyone, my name is Mia Williams hope we all be friends…” with big smile on her face.

The teacher asked her to get settled. Mia smiled at teacher and sat at last bench which is only seat available as for now.

Will our Mia can make the new friends as she wished? Let’s know more about our Mia’s school life and her friends.

Chapter 3

First Encounter

The classes soon got started, as they were small kids the intense of teaching and listening to lessons were not that tough. Soon the break time is given, Mia as an excited kid who wants to make friends went to few kids who ever laughing among themselves. “Hello… I’m Mia, can we make friends?” asked with hope and curiosity of making them as her first friends. “Huh! Who were you talking with? Us?” a girl asked Mia. As Mia who is always protected by her parents and sister never encountered such conversation and other persons never talked to her rude till now, was now taken aback by sudden rude reply, but still hoping to make friends answered little bit low than before, “Yesh… will you be Mia’s friend?” asked to the girl.

But soon got shocked by the sudden push that she stumbled back and fallen down. She remained still on the spot where she fallen down, but soon came to senses when everyone started to laugh at her and that girl came to Mia and said, “I don’t want to and talk to ugly girl and make them my friends” shouts on her face. The tears started to brim in her eyes, and started to fall down, as the break time is over, one girl helped Mia to stand up, slowly Mia went and sat on her chair.

She was completely got shocked by what had happened, various thoughts started to run through her mind, ‘Doesn’t papa told everyone can be friends? Then why doesn’t she want to be my friend? Am I ugly? But mama and papa said that Mia is cute and pretty… Does pretty and beautiful are different, as she is beautiful and me pretty, she doesn’t want to make friends? Only beautiful girls become friends, does beautiful and pretty girls cannot be friends?’ as her mind is running like train full of thoughts… the school timings were completed by the last class.

Aurora is eagerly waiting for her little sister, soon Mia came with little sad face, as no one talked to her, after what had happened in break, instead laughing at her, showing to their other friends and telling them about how she fallen down and laughing.

Aurora saw her sad face which was not as same as she left home in the morning, and asked her, “How is the first day in school my pretty Mia baby? Did you made new friends as you said… Did you enjoy?”. Seeing her sister faced excited, Mia hesitated to tell her what had happened. “Yesh… sissy, I had gleat(great) day, Mia also made new friends” replied to her sister with smile. “I know my sister will do great as like me, isn’t kiddo” said happy to Mia, who is smiling at her sister.

Both the sisters went to home by walk and had great talk on their way. But Mia was still feel so low and sad for the scene that happened before, that been lingering in her head.

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