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The Rejected Luna


willow nightingale(tylers gf)
willow nightingale(tylers gf)
baby your birthday is tomorrow and you get to find your mate i cant wait til you tell me im your mate i just know you are my mine
tyler thompson(next alpha)
tyler thompson(next alpha)
me to i know you are my mate i have since the first moment we met
every werewolf on their 18th birthday they will find their mate and if their mate is not 18 they will still know some will tell the other or wait until they turn 18 but they wont completely abandon the mate that is younger they will find a way to be next to them without giving away they are mates and for the next alpha it is more so a big deal so they make a huge party and when the luna is found they immediately start her luna training and she will also immediately move in to a house with the alpha either a brand new house since he is moving out or in his own house he had before this coming of age ceremony and its one of the biggest ceremonies in the packs the others are the cornation,the birth of the new alpha,the packs founding day (in short it is a celebration for all the years the pack has been around ),birthdays for all the alpha children
the alpha normally doesnt date before he finds his luna but this is also for the other people to because they dont want to be yelled at by their mate so most people are single and a v.i.r.g.i.n until they find their mates but you do have some who think they found their mate without a mate bond and so they date them and take each others virginity and in some cases this is true but in most cases its not but the higher ups dont say anything because if they were actually mates then they are in trouble for having to stop the mating happen so they just let it happen and hope the kids are right and if they are wrong then they either get rejected or yelled at depends on the mate
so that brings us to today in the bedroom of the alpha and his girlfriend
willow nightingale(tylers gf)
willow nightingale(tylers gf)
i know i am a year younger but dont hide it from me ok when you learn i am your mate you better mark me right then and there in front of everyone i will be your luna
tyler thompson(next alpha)
tyler thompson(next alpha)
i will baby
tyler thompson(next alpha)
tyler thompson(next alpha)
i want you next to me when it is time for me to smell you so i dont have to go far to claim you
willow nightingale(tylers gf)
willow nightingale(tylers gf)
yes baby

lunas backstory

******warning suicide mentioned at bottom of the page if you dont want to read that then stop reading when you get to the text that says "alone in the world" or "my last hope"*********
thank you for your understanding
the day of the luna finding ceremony
while everyone was getting ready alpha was still in his room with his gf since the party isnt until 3pm since that was when he was borrn so 3pm on the dot is when he will turn 18 and find his luna so he isnt worried about anything and isnt even bothered to help set up
today is the alphas luna ceremony or how i want to call it alphas mating ceremony because he will definitely will be mating his luna tonight because we all know he is mated to willow they have been together for 3 years and they are the definition of mates even the ones who find mates before their 18th birthday arent like them it will be a huge shocker if they arent
and what makes it worse is for some god aweful reason i have the biggest crush on the alpha and i know he will never be mine but for some reason i cant get over him and i dont even understand why i have a damn crush i never spoke to the guy before he doesnt even know i exist but i am here heartbroken he will be mated to another and its not like i have a reason to be heartbroken
damn i am pathetic
lets just add this to my long list of problem i already have
well lets see my long list shall we
i am born in a normal family and i have a father,mother,twin sister,and older brother and for some reason im unwanted i am the extra i was the youngest out of the twins and i am an omega and my twin is a beta idk how that happened since we look identical or if we dont we at least look like we came from the same batch but i know i am the ugly one
you might think if i am ugly then my twin is ugly but thats the thing she is beyond gorgeous she can have any man she wanted mated or not even tho mated males never cheat so thats a useless statement i jsut said but you get the idea right she is pretty and well there me a person who has no friends and family hates them and not only have i been told i am ugly i have eyes i can see im not as pretty as my twin
all my life i have been second to my twin and i dont mean your normal im my siblings shadow story i mean my twin gets everything my familys love,random or birthday gifts,new clothes,a protective older brother (he is so over protective that if you breathe anyway near my twin you have to deal with him) well yoiu get the point i hope anything and everything you can think of to have and get and be apart of my twin has it and me if i get anything at all is the leftovers and that does not include over protective brother all i get is a glance my direction and thats all my brother gives me and my family only care when it is necessary to show me some or show others they know i exist other than that i am alone in this world
my last hope for happiness is my mate and i know the alpha isnt my mate since he is with willow but still i want my mate and as long as he doesnt reject me which is a possibitly because look at me im ugly but if he can get over that fact then he will love me like all mates do and i finally will have love and a home i know i live with my family but thats not my home thats just a place i stay i want a home a place i can walk around do what i want when i want in my home and have my mate next to me and be lovey dovey while i cook dinner but if my mate rejects me then i guess i was actually an extra and a mistake and the moon goddess made a mistake making me
and i will just die because i am unwanted by anyone whats the point in me being alive no one will miss me or hell notice i am gone i know i am unwanted and nothing will change that if my mate also says i am unwanted


i have to come to this stupid thing because its mandatory
it hurts me to see him happy on that stage holding his gfs hand and joking around with her waiting for it to hit 3 pm so he can offically call her his
i know i wont have him as my mate and i know i should find a way to get rid of my feelings so i guess i will walk away
*turns around and walks away*
behind me i hear everyone shout (three,two,one)
but i dont care i am walking away when i all of a sudden get yanked backwards and what i see shocks me
dexter (tylers wolf)
dexter (tylers wolf)
violet nightingale(fl/twin to willow)
violet nightingale(fl/twin to willow)
are you sure because willow is on the stage i am not willow
dexter (tylers wolf)
dexter (tylers wolf)
mine you are my mate and i want my mate
violet nightingale(fl/twin to willow)
violet nightingale(fl/twin to willow)
dexter (tylers wolf)
dexter (tylers wolf)
*growls and immediatly marks violet* mine
dexter (tylers wolf)
dexter (tylers wolf)
*holds her close to make she she wont run *
violet nightingale(fl/twin to willow)
violet nightingale(fl/twin to willow)
are you sure
dexter (tylers wolf)
dexter (tylers wolf)
violet nightingale(fl/twin to willow)
violet nightingale(fl/twin to willow)
ok i will be yours
tyler thompson(next alpha/mate)
tyler thompson(next alpha/mate)
*comes back to his senses*
tyler thompson(next alpha/mate)
tyler thompson(next alpha/mate)
*pushes violet away* my wolf was teh one who marked you not me my mark is for willow i wont reject you because that could kill you because you are a omega and i also dont want to listen to people say i killed a pack member or im a bad mate or shit like that so you will move in my home by morning but just understand i dont want you it was my wolf who marked you *turns and leaves*
violet nightingale(fl/twin to willow)
violet nightingale(fl/twin to willow)
willow ,willow,willow its always willow and now my mate wants willow and im again second can i have one thing just one that is just mine and i dont have to compete with her for it i just want one damn thing is that hard to ask for why moon goddess did you do this do you hate me as well is this why i am being rejected by everyone *goes in the woods for a run*

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